angel extras.

By vanillasoy

41.9K 1K 1.3K

continuations and blurbs for angel!! More

angel rewritten.
the cat.
valentines day.

moving in.

7.4K 206 142
By vanillasoy

"Move in with me."

I knew I was still sleepy, considering neither of us had gotten out of bed yet, but I didn't think I was this stupid.


"Move in with me."

Harry repeated making me look up at him, a crack coming from my neck as I tried to move from my position, Harry's hands tightening on me and keeping me in place wrapped up in his limbs.

"I already live here." I said quietly, I wasn't sure what he was saying?

"Yeh', but move in with me properly."

I blinked at Harry before I licked my lips, Harry's eyes never drifting from my face.

"With all your stuff and get yeh' post sent here." Harry explained and I looked away from him as my skin heated despite the fact I was naked except from one of his jumpers.


"What is so difficult about this?" Harry asked and I flinched at his tone before he exhaled loudly, "Sorry Sunshine."

"Are you sure?" I asked instead of answering his question, I didn't really know what was so difficult about this, but deep down I knew.

"Why wouldn't I be sure?"

"What if," I paused to lick my lips and glanced up at Harry, "What if you change your mind?"

"That ain't fuckin' happening."

Harry laughed but it wasn't his usual happy laugh, this was a short snap and I sucked my lip under my teeth.

"Sunshine," Harry gripped my chin tilting my head to look up at him and my eyes met his briefly before I focused on his eyebrows instead. "M'never gunna change my mind. I love you. Have you forgotten what we talked about last night?"

I shook my head the best I could in his hold, how could I forget?

It was only last night that we'd been sat in the bath together, Harry wrapped around me, much like he was now.

"Love of my life, Sunshine."

My lips lifted at the words and I pressed my lips to his chest.

"I just get worried." I mumbled, feeling embarrassed.

In my brain, all my fears and worries seemed realistic and valid but then whenever I voiced them to Harry, he hushed all my fears with simple words. I just knew that people change their minds, sure Harry loved me now but what about in three weeks time?

Six months?

A year from now?

Who knew what Harry would feel towards me then, he might find me utterly annoying and ugly and want nothing to do with me. What would I do then? Move back at with my Mum at twenty two?

Pretend like Harry and I had never happened?

"I know yeh' do, but yeh' don't need too." Harry sighed, his fingers running through the curls in my hair. "You and me forever, yeh'?"

I pushed my head against his chest as I tried not to get embarrassed. Why was I such a mess?

"C'mon, m'hungry." Harry said, the topic forgotten easily as he pushed himself up and jostled me in the process.

"Do you want me to cook?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes.

I should probably brush my teeth.

"Always, Sunshine."


"Thanks mate."

I watched from the stair I was sitting on as Harry paid the handyman in cash, Mum hovering behind Harry in the hallway.

"You really didn't have to pay for it Harry." Mum fussed and I chewed the inside of my cheek, she was right.

I should have really paid for it considering it was my fault someone had broken into our home. But considering I didn't have a job yet, it probably would have taken a big chunk of my savings.

But Harry really shouldn't pay for everything.

"S'alright Janice." Harry smiled and I saw Mum cave into him and I laughed quietly to myself.

It was funny seeing Harry's effect on other people, now I knew how easy I was for him to get his way.

"Would you two like lunch?" Mum asked making Harry glance at me and I shrugged.

"Can I take us out?" Harry asked instead, his eyes flicking to me and I frowned at him.

"Harry you really don't have to do that." Mum shook her head, her own eyes glancing at me and I smiled at her.

"S'alright, gotta take care of the two important women in my life." Harry shrugged as he threw my jacket, or rather his jacket at me and pulled on his own as Mum fussed about but I saw how red her face was.

"H?" I asked quietly as Mum wandered off to get her handbag and I stood and came to stop in front of him.


"Don't wot me," I clicked my tongue making him smirk, "What are you up to?"

"Nothin'." Harry shrugged innocently before he bent his head to press our lips together just as Mum reappeared and Harry pulled away with a grin directed at her.

I chewed my lip as Harry's hand heated my thigh through my jeans, I was very aware that my Mother was sitting in the backseat with a clear view but Harry didn't seem to care. He'd just been annoyingly smug as Mum was starry-eyed over his car.

The black Audi wasn't anything special, just a four door sedan kind of car but I knew it was expensive, I'd looked it up a few weeks ago, sue me.

I still missed his Range Rover, but I wasn't about to voice that.

I didn't need to give Harry a reason to spend a ridiculous amount of money considering he was very free with his card anyway.

"Oh, I've never been here before." Mum hummed as Harry pulled into a parking space, his hand going for the centre console as he fished about for some change.

"They're Australian, do really good coffee." Harry told her as I just hovered by his side as he put some coins in the parking metre.

"Who knew." Mum hummed making me smile at her, Harry picking my hand up as he started to walk in the direction of the front door of the cafe.

"Table for three." Harry advised the waitress who admittedly looked run off her feet even though it was getting on for one o'clock. "M'just going to the toilet, can yeh' order me a full English n'a double espresso."

I nodded at Harry before he pressed his lips to my head before he disappeared down the back of the cafe and I took notice of Mum looking at me and my cheeks heated.

"What?" I asked, slightly embarrassed.

"He's just a nice lad." Mum shrugged and I hummed, "Why am I here?"

"I have no idea." I admitted, my eyes drifting over the menu as I tried to figure out what would have the least calories.

"Suspicious." Mum said before she reached out to touch my face and I jerked back slightly, "Sorry love, just wanted to check that scab."

"I put makeup on."

"I know," Mum clicked her tongue making me roll my eyes at her. "You're clumsy, I hope you know that."

I forced a smile at the lie, "Trust me I know."

"Hi, are you guys ready to order? I can come back if you want." A young girl bounced over to our table and I smiled and gestured for Mum to order.

"Pot of Earl Grey tea please and a Giovani toasted sandwich please."

I licked my lips as the waitress looked at me. "Um, a double espresso no milk and can we have one full English breakfast please,"

"How would you like the eggs? And would you like the toast fried?"

"Fried eggs and normal toast please."

"Sure thing and what would you like?" She smiled at me and I bit my lip.

"A pot of peppermint tea please and the halloumi and vegetable salad please?"

"Sure, I'll be right back with your drinks and your food won't be too long!"

Harry reappeared just as the girl left our table and took his seat next to me, he'd offered it to Mum but she'd taken the proper chair instead of the soft seat.

"Alrigh'?" He drawled and I nodded, taking a sip of the complimentary water.

"So Harry," Mum started just as our drinks arrived and I blinked at her, "Is there a particular reason you're buttering me up?"

I closed my eyes at her question, Harry laughing a bit beside me before I gave her a pointed look.

"What? May your boyfriend obviously wants something." Mum snapped at me and I sucked my teeth.

"She's good," Harry hummed nudging me and making me click my tongue. "I'd like it if Su-May would move in with me."


I saw Mum glance at me at the slip of his tongue and I bit my lip, I always forgot that Harry referred to me as Sunshine so much he forgot to switch back when talking to others.

"What's that got to do with me?" Mum asked just as our food arrived and I felt my stomach rumble in anticipation. This was going to be the first thing I ate today and I was hungry.

"Well yeh' see, May's worried."

"What has this got to do with my Mother?" I butted in, my eyes somewhat narrowed at Harry as he simply looked at me blankly.

"Because Janice is the reason you don't want to move in with me. Because you worry about her." Harry stated and I pursed my lips and went back to my salad.

"May worries about everything." Mum waved her hand making me glare at her. "What? You do, and clearly Harry knows it as well as I do sweetheart. If you want to move in with him, please by all means do. I'll be fine."

I opened my mouth to say something only to be cut off by Mum again.

"And if things get hard, which they probably won't considering you weren't paying rent beforehand and we were okay, I can always lease your old room. And I mean May, you're twenty, you gotta leave at some point."

I scoffed quietly at Mum's statement but I did have to admit it put my mind at ease a little bit, but still, that was my Mum. I didn't really know how to not live with her.

Harry simply smiled at me before he squeezed my leg under the table and the three of us continued to eat our food with a few conversations here and there that were mostly Harry and Mum fuelling them.

I bid goodbye to Mum before getting back into the car, both Harry and I watching as she unlocked the brand new front door and gave us a wave before she closed it behind her and Harry pulled away from the curb easily.

"You're used to getting your own way aren't you?"

"Of course, s'me Sunshine."


"Are you sure yeh' don't wanna bring the bed?"

I glanced over my shoulder at Harry who was in the middle of putting tape across the opening of one box and I glanced at my bed.

"We don't need it." I said evenly, sure I'd miss my bed because it was mine but Harry's bed was comfy. "Besides you already have a bed in the spare room."

"Jus' makin' sure."

I smiled at Harry as he went back to sealing up boxes whilst I continued packing things into boxes. He'd not really been much help, Mum had been before she went to work but even then she was easily distracted.

Not as badly as Harry was all things considering, all he had to do was find one photograph from my teenage years and he was lost.

Eventually, I gave up trying to get him to help and instead just assigned him to sealing the boxes up, my handwriting scribbled across the sticky notes I'd stuck to each box so I knew what was where.

Even with this task, Harry got distracted.

It was like he was a five year old.

"I'm done." I said quietly as Harry taped a box before coming over to me, the contents of my life packed up into fifteen boxes and two suitcases.

We'd borrowed Louis' car and Louis but I didn't know exactly where he was in my house right now, but he'd been very charming with Mum and she'd liked him.

But that was possibly because she and Louis had ganged up on Harry for a while.

"Oh, you guys are finished without me."

I looked at the doorway at the sound of the northern boy and I laughed quietly as I spotted a mug in his hands. So that's what he'd been up to.

"Ye', ya fuckin' prick, thanks for helping." Harry snapped and I nudged him before he taped my last box up. "Help me carry this lot down."

I bent down to pick the last box I'd packed up as Louis groaned only to be stopped by Harry's hands gripping my shoulders.

"We've got it."

I looked at Harry curiously as Louis whined making Harry throw him a sharp look before he looked back at me and nudged my chin with his knuckles.

"I can help." I said quietly, after all, it was my stuff.

"Don't need it, Sunshine." Harry smiled before he picked up a box I'd admittedly found heavy rather easily and followed Louis out the door.

I shook my head at his words before I picked up the two suitcases Harry had lent me and instead carried those down the stairs and out the front door, earning a grumpy look from Harry before he kissed me.

Making Louis whine again.

I stayed out the way for the rest of the boxes at Harry's insistence and instead just sat in the passenger seat watching as they made multiple trips back and forth before Louis reappeared and Harry pulled the front door shut behind him and I climbed out the car.

I slid into the back seat as Harry took the passenger seat and I leant against one of my suitcases. I was pretty lucky I'd gotten rid of my most of my clothes back at the beginning of the year otherwise they'd probably have been twice the amount of cases.

"You can do it from here right?"

"No, ya prick." Harry smacked Louis once he'd parked on the curb outside Harry's building and I bit my lip as the two then started trying to slap each other.

I watched the two children for a couple of minutes before shaking my head and climbing out of the car.

"Sunshine go up and open the door, yeh'?" Harry said as he held out his keys and I nodded, pulling out one of my suitcases to take up with me. Harry put the second one in with me too before blowing me a kiss as the doors shut.

I chewed my lip as I stood in the doorway of Harry's spare bedroom, Louis had left a while ago once everything was upstairs, he'd complained about not being able to leave it in all in the lounge.

"Doesn't have to be done right now." Harry said as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled my back into his chest.

"I know," I chewed my lip, "I just feel bad about cluttering the room up."


I shrugged, "You might have a guest over."

"Sunshine the only people who ever stay in this room are either Louis when he fucks off Eleanor or Niall and I'd really like to not have to deal with them anytime soon."

"I just feel bad! It's your home." I mumbled and I just knew Harry was rolling his eyes behind me.

I was proved right as he turned me around to face him catching just the tail end of the roll and I exhaled lightly in amusement.

"Your home too," Harry said seriously making me look up at him.

"Our flat."

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