Rainbow Six Siege (Ela Bosak...

By aegis1st

113K 1.7K 712

The White Masks...it didn't start as a terrorist organization, you created it to help people...you could say... More

The White Masks
A Boring Life
Exclusive Tour
Settling In
It's been a while
Making Friends
The Heist
The Party
Bomb Threat
Shifting Tides
An Old Friend
Cerberus Vs White Masks
First Date Ever
The Black Dragon
The Program
Void Edge
No Rest
The Information Dealer
Next Step
Shocking News
Time For A Change
Museum Siege
First Encounter
Wolves in Japan
Enemy Ace
Rescue Mission
New Work Environment
Business Meeting
Behind The Mask
The Reunion
The End of a Threat
Biological Affair
The Start of a New Life
VIP Mission: Captain's Wife
Author Note: Legacy
Legacy: Big Bad Wolf
Legacy: Assassination Attempt
Legacy: The Strongest
Update: Remake?

A Bold Request

1.1K 29 4
By aegis1st

Wednesday, January 06, 2021
Wolves HQ
(Y,N) PoV

"So you are going to The Nerdtherland" Riley said and I chuckled

"The Netherlands and Yes," I said 

I was preparing everything for the mission and Riley was helping me. Every time I have to go supervise I take her with me. Riley can get upset sometimes because she is in a wheelchair that's why I take her with me, she enjoys talking to people and the wolves sure love to see her around, and watching her smiling is what makes all of this worth it. 

"I was thinking yesterday before going to sleep that maybe if you can, of course, bring me some souvenirs. You guys are traveling around the world and I wish I could go," She said 

"Sure, I'll try to bring you something nice," I said as soon as we reached the hangar

"What is the kid doing here?" Kal said 

"You are the only kid here," Riley said and Kal's eyes widened in surprise then he got angry and got closer to Riley

"You think you are tough?" Kal said then Riley punched him in the stomach and Kal feel to the ground 

"I am tough!" Riley proudly said while Kal was groaning in pain 

"Ok tough girl, remember you have homework to do," Ryleigh appeared and took Riley with her then Kal stood up 

"I thought she really hurt you for a second there," I said and Kal chuckled 

"Not really, she is still a kid and I don't expect her to hurt me badly but one thing is for certain, she is a fighter. While we were complaining about how difficult things were without arms she has been living without being able to walk ever since she was five years old," Kal said and I nodded

"You guys are a bunch of pussies, even an eight years old kid can defeat you," Raven said out of nowhere. We were just staring at her then Yun bumped into me and she said something but I couldn't understand her because she said it while yawing.

"What?" I said 

"I said sorry!" She said then she continued walking towards the ship

"Dude, are you seriously planning on letting her go like that?" Iana said out of nowhere 

"Hey Yun," I said and she turned around to face me 

"Where do you think you are going?" I asked her 

"We have a mission to do!" She said 

"Yeah WE have a mission to do, that doesn't include you," I said and her eyes widened in surprise

"We'll take Grace with us so while we are out I want you to rest," I said  

"What!? You can't just-" Yun was saying but I interrupted her by grabbing her head with my metal arm 

"Rest or I'll kill you," I said 

"Fine, Fine. I'll rest!" Yun said and then I dropped her. I was heading to the ship but I noticed Grace wasn't around, I sighed 

"Victor, Are you there?" I asked 

V: "For you Sir, Always!" 

Victor was the artificial intelligence controlling the drones we made, well he was around long before we created them but now is in charge to control them. I asked him to contact Dokkaebi and tell her that we were waiting for her. After a while, she arrived in a hurry, she was panting. 

(This is what Dokkaebi is wearing)

"Sorry guys! I was expecting Yun to go with you," She said 

"Well Yun can barely keep her eyes open so you are coming instead of her," I said then we looked at Yun, her head was going to the sides as she tried to keep it straight...that's what happens when you don't get a good sleep. 

"I'm glad you stopped her," Grace said and I rolled my eyes then stood aside and waited for her to go inside.

Friday, January 08, 2021
April PoV 

Two days ago all of a sudden The Netherlands closed all of their airports, no one could get in or out without permission. The world was confused by that but I knew what was really happening, I knew the wolves were behind all of this so I went to investigate, lucky for me I have friends in The Netherlands so I got the permission I needed to get inside the country. I prepared everything and I was ready to go when Ela appeared next to my helicopter.

"What are you doing here Bosak?" I asked

"I heard you are going to The Netherlands, I want to tag along," She said

"Why should I let you come with me?" I asked

"The masked man I saw that day... I want to know who is he," She said

"I thought you had a date with your multimillionaire boyfriend," I said and she blushed 

"He can wait, I told him why and he agreed to move the date," Ela said and I sighed 

Time Skip
The Netherlands

We arrived at the airport we were told to land, and there we went through all of the security protocols, we were checked up by girls, lucky for us. Ela wasn't happy that a couple of strangers were checking her, I didn't care much because I mean...these guys locked down the entire country, I wouldn't like to complain to that kind of force. We were escorted to the prime minister's house where we found old faces. Iana and dokkaebi.

(This what Iana is wearing)

"Ok, you are here. What do you want?" Iana said. I remember she wasn't very talkative but know she looks different, like being a wolf can change you...

"Looks like you don't want to catch up so I'll go directly to the point," I said and I could tell by their faces that's what they wanted 

"The last few days ever since you appeared, it only took you days to take over. The white masks seem to be scared and I've been thinking... 'Rainbow won't be capable of dealing with them anymore' at least not the way Harry is handling things," I said. It pains me to go against my husband but it's the truth...Harry is just too good to be the leader of a team who is supposed to do the job fast. 

"I think I know where this is going, he saw it coming. Look you must talk about this with the captain, not with us," Dokkaebi said 

"Oh you mean (y,n)?" I said with a smirk on my face but after five seconds they laughed  

"April, (y,n) died in Poland," Iana said 

"WHAT? How come that's funny?" Ela was the one who spoke 

"It's not but the fact that you thought (y,n) was leading this is," Dokkaebi said 

Ela PoV 

(y,n) is dead? I felt sad for some reason, I left the room to get some air. Once inside I looked at the sky and tried my best not to cry, I don't even know why I feel this way, that is what he deserves! For killing my dad. I took a sit on the stairs then the guy with the metal arms appeared. 

"Hey goth girl, have you seen a man with a mask around here?" He asked me but I didn't answer suddenly he sat down next to me 

"You look like you lost someone," He said 

"I just found out my ex-boyfriend died," I gave a long sigh 

"That's so sad," He placed his hand on my shoulder then I looked at him 

"Well, It sucks to be you!" He smiled, stood up, and left without saying another word, I just watched him leave when another voice caught my attention 

"Elzbieta? I almost didn't recognize you with that black hair," She said 

"I came from my mission, and now apparently we are just waiting for the captain. What's wrong with you?" She said 

"Were you happen to be there when (y,n) died? I want to know how he died," I asked her and she took a seat next to me 

"It's not a good story Bosak," She said 

"Just tell me," I said 

(Y,N) PoV 

I was walling towards the building Dokkabi told me to go, the white masks were hiding in here, they had no hostage, right now they were just running for their lives, the problem for them is that I came to kill them, not to negotiate. Jut before I reached the door two white masks appeared from the bushed, I smiled because I love how they think they'll survive. 

3rd Person Pov

The two white masks who dared to attack (y,n) didn't even see it coming, the next thing that happened was that (y,n) kept walking and the white masks were dead. (y,n) entered the building, he knew they had a plan but the only thing that plan is going to do is to slow the inevitable. (y,n) took his pistol out and his katana saber and went hunting the white masks that were hiding.

"I only brought one mag for this so let's make this quick," (y,n) said 

On the first floor, he found two hostiles, they shot but the katana saber blocked the bullets and now it was (y,n) turn to shoot. He left the first floor and went to the second floor, he saw one hostile hid in a room so when (y,n) went there and tried to open the door, this one was heavy.

"Say goodnight..." (y,n) said but just before he pulled the trigger 

"I surrender!" The hostile said and (y,n) didn't pull the trigger 

"Good choice, now wait here or things are going to get ugly for you if I find out you escaped" (y,n) said and the hostile nodded 

The rest of the white masks weren't as smart as the one who gave up, everyone died except for one, (y,n) grabbed that one and took him to the HQ, back to Iana and the rest. When he reached the HQ he saw Ela and Raven outside.

"Who let her in?" (y,n) ask 

"Iana did, you put her in charge of the operation," Raven answered 

"Did I?" (y,n) shrugged and continued walking ignoring Ela 

"I think your captain hates me," Ela said and Raven shrugged but we all knew why.

(Y,N) PoV  

I opened the door of the office and saw April there, she looked at me then I looked at Iana.

"Cap, April wanted to talk to you about something," Iana said then I looked at her again

"Speak then," I said 

"Let's join-" April was saying but I stopped her 

"The answer is no, you can leave now," I said, I went to the door and open it for them but instead Ela came in 

"Thank you," She said and I sighed 

"It wasn't for you," I said 

"We have to work together on this one! I don't want you to be part of Rainbow... I want you to support us" April said and my eyes widened in surprise 

"You know what, I'll think about it... As a favor to (y,n)" I said then I was the one who left mostly because of Ela 

I asked all of them if we ever encounter rainbow and they ask about me, the answer they must give is that I died. I won't allow anyone to join just because they want... I know what they want... they want our equipment, I'm sorry for her but I've changed while I was being tortured April was doing just fine, so I'll refuse her request and if she doesn't like it I don't care, I would have thought it through though but she brought Ela and I love her but when I have her in front of me I don't know what to feel. 

I shook my head, I have to get rid of these thoughts, The Netherlands is safe from the terrorists, and as I promised I let Iana went to see her mother. My next target is Poland, I have a commander to kill, and this time they can blame me for that one. 

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