Quiet On Set (GirlxGirl)

By cold_french_fry

5.5M 225K 288K

"Dumbass" "Blind bitch" "Shut up and kiss me" More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapters 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Final Chapter 107

Chapter 50

54.6K 2K 2.1K
By cold_french_fry

Narrator's pov


Stars shone like small white pebbles over a black marble sky, glistening in from a bright light. The night sky was such a welcome sight, appearing like magic at each sunset, promising to return as she faded in dawn's first light. But for Kate, it just increased her nerves even more

"Ma'am, we're here" The driver announced as he made his way around to open the girl's door

"Thank you" she smiled sweetly as the girl placed her feet onto the restaurant entrance

But the second the girl stepped foot out of the car, she was immediately bombarded with bright flashes of cameras. Photographers ran up to her and continued to flash before realizing it was the wrong person. Kate furrowed her brows before using her hands to shield her eyes from the blinding lights she wasn't prepared for

"Hey! You're not Autumn" one said

"No, I'm not" Kate muttered as she lowered her hands since the flashes stopped

"I thought you said this was the car she's always spotted in!" someone hissed at another

"It is! Look it's the same license plate from the last time!" the person yelled back

"Ugh whateve- WAIT! THERE SHE IS" someone yelled

Everyone's necks snapped towards the vehicle approaching the driveway to the door of the restaurant, a stretched out white limo pulled into view

The flashes started once again but this time it was towards the opening door of the new approaching car. But it was still bright enough to blind anyone that was near, Kate hissed as she blocked her eyes with her hands and looked away from the cameras

"Ms Hester! Over here!"

"Ms Hester is it true that you're appearing in a new film soon!?"

"Ms Hester do you regret yelling at that talk show host!?"

"Ms Heste-"

But the screams and calls from the desperate men and women that craved just one word to be spoken to them from the actress was drowned out by Kate when she felt a warm hand over her own

Kate's eyes widened when they landed on a perky smiling girl in front of her, Autumn's black hair flower over her chest in waves while a white dress hugged her body completely, it was enough to make Kate's breath hitch in her throat. The actress never failed to impress her with even just a smile

When Kate met her gaze, she felt drawn into her eyes again.

The icy blueness generated a feeling like she was being pulled into a lake of Autumn's emotions, making her heart skip a beat in her chest

"Hi" Autumn whispered

"Hi" Kate giggled

"Are they bothering you?" The raven hair girl questioned 

"No no, the flashes are ju-"

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE" Autumn hissed at the photographers

It was like all the myriad shades of blue swirled together to form a whirlpool of apprehension. Kate could tell by her body language that she did not like them, and those flickering azure orbs confirmed her thoughts

The photographers rose to their feet and scampered away like deers when they hear a snap of a twig in a silent forest

Autumn's smile returned to her face as she glance back at her dinner date, her eyes trailed over the smaller girl's body and a heat rose to her cheeks

"You look beautiful" Autumn whispered as she hooked her arm around the girl's, heading towards the restaurant door

It was a simple compliment but Kate felt her cheeks heat up with fire at her words and the fact that they had linked arms like small children. It was the feeling of the girl's body that made her blood rush

The tall restaurant towered over them, every edge of the building looked as if it was hand carved by Greek Gods themselves, perfectly chisled and designed from soft pearl stone. The interior on the other hand was completely different, it was more modern than you'd expect. The doors were dark wood and the inside walls were a light shade of brown. Circular tables were placed in a zig zag pattern in the main dining hall where a darker shade of grey linen touched the table cloths. Each table carried its usual marbled plates, forks and shining glasses filled halfway with chilled wine.

The two girls approached the host who's eyes widened with excitement when they landed on the actress

"M-Ms Hester. Right this way" The man stuttered as he dashed out from behind the counter

The two girls followed behind him until they reached a wide and circular table. Kate smiled politely at the man as he helped her slide into her seat. Autumn sat across from the girl and eyes were immediately on them. The host stood with a few menu's and placed them onto the table, shaking in his booths

Kate furrowed her brows at the young man that seemed nervous to even be standing

"You can go now" Autumn swatted her hands away and the boy ran

"Hey! That's rude" Kate pouted

"I'm starving, he's lurking"

"Did you make reservations here? This place is really hard to get into" Kate said

"Nope" Autumn smirked before gripping the menu

"Damn, I guess being a celebrity has its perks" she chuckled

"You can say that" she said

Kate's phone buzzed in her hand as she glanced down to see a few messages being spammed in from Ethan and Jamie. Kate furrowed her brows before reading the messages, it was a link to an article

'Autumn Hester says she might be leaving B and B production for good. Is this the end of her career?'

"What the hell" Kate hissed at the timeline

"Something wrong?" Autumn asked as she glanced at the girl

"No no. It's just some stupid rumor"


"Something about you leaving Hollywood? It's stupid. They're all bullshit lies either way, I don't know why my friends sent it" Kate shrugged and she placed her phone back down

But Autumn didn't say a word, her brows were switched together and her eyes were narrowed as if she went into a deep thought, avoiding the brown stare of her Co star

"How was being on set today?"

"Jesus Christ I'm exhausted" Autumn rolled her eyes earning a low chuckle from the brunette

"Did May work you out today?"

"She had me film one drop kick about twenty times in twenty different angles. My thighs are on fire. I need to workout tomorrow" Autumn groaned

"Should have picked a stunt double" Kate smirked

"Maybe I will, before I die from snapping my back in two" Autumn moaned before stretching into the chair

"How was your day?" she asked

"Mine? It was.. Okay. I spent it with those two knuckle heads all day who kept picking and tossing out clothes onto my bed" Kate said

"Oh, they're still there?" she asked

"Ye-yes.. Is that a problem?"

"No no. It's actually fun when they're around" Autumn smiled

"Oh- didn't expect you to say that" Kate chuckled

"Why's that?"

"Because you don't do well with people"


"Am I lying?"


"Exactly" Kate smiled

"You just called me out and I have never felt so hurt in my life" Autumn chuckled

"Oh come on, I'm sure you've been through more pain than that" Kate said as she glanced at the girl

This was it, the time to start digging deeper. It was the whole point of their dinner in the first place, to find out their every flaw, their every memory

"Yeah, how about we start with wine first before we get into that" Autumn snickered before glancing over at a waiter who nodded

Kate's eyes met the unusual pairs around the restaurant, the diners tried to sneak their phones under their arms to take a picture of the raven hair girl who simply didn't care

"You have alot of fans" Kate chuckled

"What? Oh them, don't worry about it" She said

"Doesn't it feels weird? Going everywhere and just having people take pictures of you like you're an object?"

"I never had the luxury of privacy" Autumn said

"Oh.. Is that because you started acting when you were able to walk?"

"Yep, my parents just signed everything over to them and I had no voice. Literally. So I couldn't refuse. So after years and years of cameras being pushed into my face and the crazy questions, you get accustomed to it"

"Do you let June do the shopping at the supermarket?" Kate snickered

"oh God, I can't remember the last time I was in a supermarket" Autumn chuckled

"You've got to be kidding me, seriously!?" Kate laughed

"Dead serious, I think I was in one when I hate to cut a ribbon for their opening. But that was it. Literally" Autumn chuckled

"Fuck it, we're going to a supermarket" Kate smirked

"And how do you suppose we do that Ms Wilson?"

"Leave it up to me, don't worry about it" Kate smirked before bringing her wine to her lips

"I don't like the evilness written in those eyes right now" Autumn laughed

"You're one to talk"

"Ouch!" Autumn gasped

"Oh come on, don't act all innocent" Kate chuckled

"I am. I'm an innocent bean and there's nothing you can say to discourage that" Autumn smirked before sipping her wine

"You ran over a puppy-"


"You lit a car on fire because they were driving too slow-"


"And people started calling you the devil which makes you evil" Kate smirked

"i- well fuck you too" Autumn chuckled

"Do you hate being called that though?"

"Wouldn't anyone hate being called evil by millions of people for misunderstandings?" She asked

"You've got a point"

"I'm not evil Kate, I'm just complicated and people don't take the time to understand me. What they see is a cold exterior and they place that as my entire personality" Autumn said

Kate bit her bottom lip nervously before locking eyes with the girl from across the table. She understood where she came from, there's always been rumors and news spreading about her everyday since Kate was younger to now. She's even believed all of them

But that stopped since that interview. She'd never seen the girl act out like that, to see her lose control of herself because people kept pushing and pushing her to the edge

She found out more about the girl through her eyes rather than a stupid article online

"We're you always known as a shy person growing up?" Autumn asked

"Me? I.. Yes actually" Kate chuckled


"My entire highschool life I was labeled as that silent girl at the back of the glass that was most likely a witch ready to poison everyone that bullied me" She said

"You were bullied?" Autumn asked

"Actually, I wasn't. People had no reason to want to attack me in anyway. I never said a word to them so they did the same. Well, that was until I joined the theater class" Kate chuckled

"You gained your confidence there?" Autumn smiled

"After a while and adjusting to being bold and letting go of most of your insecurities, I eventually broke out of my shell, especially since I really loved the arts"

"And you met your friends there?"

"I did. Ethan and I were paired up for a role. He had to be my knight and shining armor. Turns out I wanted to be the prince and he wanted to be the princess" Kate snickered

"That's the gayest romantic friendship bond I've ever heard" Autumn laughed

"I know right? We've been inseparable ever since"

"You guys seem to care alot for each other. It's.. Nice to see" Autumn said causing the brunette to furrow her brows

"You don't have friends, why's that?"

"I.. I had.. A bestfriend" Autumn mumbled

Kate glanced at the girl nervously, watching her start to tap her fingers against the table and her eyes look anywhere else. She knew something happened with the girl in her past since the interview but it was time to find out

"Is it that person the talkshow host mentioned?"

Shh I had stuff I was dealing with
My bad

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