Blind Love

Від HarrESgirl

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[Sequel to Blind Date] JJ and Harry have started their new life together as a married couple. Exciting things... Більше

• Cast •
Chapter 1 • License To Kiss
Chapter 2 • Won't Let You Go
Chapter 3 • Sneak Peek
Chapter 4 • Complete Euphoria
Chapter 5 • Midnight Snack
Chapter 6 • A Little Messy
Chapter 7 • Magic Hands
Chapter 8 • A Side Of Chips
Chapter 9 • Third Time's A Charm
Chapter 10 • More Than You Know
Chapter 11 • Never Let That Happen
Chapter 12 • Save The Butter
Chapter 13 • Yes And No
Chapter 14 • Can't Believe It
Chapter 15 • More Than Okay
Chapter 16 • Swear Jar
Chapter 17 • Two Lines
Chapter 18 • Dress Rehearsal
Chapter 19 • The Name Game
Chapter 20 • Always Amazing
Chapter 21 • Hero
Chapter 22 • The Thought That Counts
Chapter 23 • Double Shocked
Chapter 24 • Fortunate
Chapter 25 • Rocked My World
Chapter 26 • No Questions Asked
Chapter 27 • Routine
Chapter 28 • The Hot Seat
Chapter 29 • The Best News
Chapter 30 • My Whole Heart
Chapter 31 • Twice The Fun
Chapter 32 • Ulterior Motives
Chapter 33 • Doing My Job
Chapter 34 • Penalty Box
Chapter 35 • Wake Up Call
Chapter 37 • The Whole Shebang
Chapter 38 • A Night In
Chapter 39 • Peek-A-Boo
Chapter 40 - Two Peas In A Pod
Chapter 41 • Four Hours
Chapter 42 • Above And Beyond
Chapter 43 • Beautiful Canvas
Chapter 44 • Best of Both Worlds
Chapter 45 • Heartbeats
Chapter 46 • Surprise
Chapter 47 • Icing On The Cake
Chapter 48 • Hold Onto Your Socks
Chapter 49 • No Matter What
Chapter 50 • Lucky Day
Chapter 51 • Like A Hawk
Chapter 52 • Rest
Chapter 53 • House Arrest
Chapter 54 • The Frisky Meter
Chapter 55 • For A Season
Chapter 56 • On Fire
Chapter 57 • Cross-eyed
Chapter 58 • Something Good
Chapter 59 • A Hard Bargain
Chapter 60 • Pinky Promise
Chapter 61 • So Much More
Chapter 62 • Lollipop
Chapter 63 • Chief
Chapter 64 • Home Away From Home
Chapter 65 • Mouse
Chapter 66 • Emergency Room
Chapter 67 • Precaution
Chapter 68 • Case Closed
Chapter 69 • In The Way
Chapter 70 • Whatever It Takes
Chapter 71 • Best Of Both Worlds
Chapter 72 • Two Plus Two
Chapter 73 • Little By Little
Chapter 74 • Fix Anything
Chapter 75 • Out Of Line
Chapter 76 • Birds And The Bees
Chapter 77 • Boy Oh Boy
Chapter 78 • Rock and Roll
Chapter 79 • Impeccable Timing
Chapter 80 • Family Names
Chapter 81 • Thump
Chapter 82 • Good Thoughts
Chapter 83 • In The Cards
Chapter 84 • One More
Chapter 85 • Skip It
Chapter 86 • Broadened Horizons
Chapter 87 • Across The Pond
Chapter 88 • Find A Way
Chapter 89 • Fake It
Chapter 90 • Guardian Angels
Chapter 91 • Couldn't Be Happier
Chapter 92 • Time Crunch
Chapter 93 • Happy Birthday, Babies
Chapter 94 • On Top Of The World
Chapter 95 • What A Life

Chapter 36 • Hormones

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Від HarrESgirl

"Shit! Oh for fuck's sake."

"What's the matter, love?" I worriedly ask, keeping my spoon inside my cereal bowl for the moment. The harsh squeaking sound of the dining chair sliding on the linoleum floor startles me and JJ seethes another curse word. "What happened, JJ?"

"Alright, if you absolutely must know, I dribbled orange juice all over my white blouse and it was the only one I tried on this morning that didn't make me look or feel like a sausage in its casing."

Since her tone is short, I know she's irritated, so I don't dare say a word right now. In this awkward silence, I can hear her huff several swear words and the water starts running.

"Nowhere in that bloody baby book did it mention there would be substantial weight gain this early on in the miracle of pregnancy," she says and the water stops. "Oh that's just splendid."

"What happened, love?"

"You really wanna know what happened? Well the blasted stain didn't come out. Now I need to find something work appropriate that will fit my already protruding belly and we're running out of time as it is and to top it off, I still need to take you and Maggie at the animal shelter. Damn, I'm going to be so late for work."

The sound of her footsteps fading away lets me know she's left the kitchen and I release the breath I've been holding. After two years of knowing JJ, I've learned to leave her be and not to get in her way when she's upset over something. It's unfortunate because we started the day off so well with amazing morning sex.

Smirking at that thought, I slide my hand on top of the table until I feel the cool glass of my orange juice and I bring it up to my lips to take a sip. As I swallow the refreshing citrus beverage, a brilliant idea pops in my head that I think JJ will appreciate.

While I wait for her to return, I carefully set the glass down on the table and feel around for my spoon. Using my fingers, I feel for some more cereal pieces floating around in the cold milk and since I don't feel anything, I realize I've eaten all of my cereal.

After gently shaking the spoon of any excess milk on it, I set it down on the table and carefully pick up the bowl. Maggie's high-pitched whimper earns my attention and I grin down to my right.

"I know. I'm sorry, but there's no B-A-C-O-N this morning. Maybe we'll have it tomorrow."

Smiling at my one-sided conversation, I slowly bring the bowl up to my lips so I can drink the last of the cinnamon-flavoured milk and I set the bowl down, exhaling a satisfied breath for the taste and the fact that I still have a dry, clean shirt.

Since JJ hasn't come back from changing her shirt yet, I decide to take my empty bowl and glass to the sink to help my wife out. She's stressed enough with her clothes not fitting properly because of the pregnancy and spilling the orange juice on her blouse, so I don't want to add to her stress.

After putting my spoon and glass inside the bowl, I reach down to feel for Maggie's harness and I stand from the table, "Take me to the sink, please."

She guides me into the kitchen and I let go of the harness to set my dishes in the sink. I feel around for the faucet to run some water and the sound of rushed footsteps and muttering capture my attention and I turn off the faucet.

"Are you two ready? We should've left ten minutes ago, but I guess it doesn't matter since I'll be late no matter what."

"Y'know, I was thinking about that and I thought I'd ask Gemma to take me and Maggie to work. Would that help you out?"

"What? No, it's fine. I'll just work through my lunch hour or eat extremely fast."

"I don't want you to do that, love. I'm sure eating fast isn't good for the twins. Or you for that matter. You go on to work. We'll be fine. I'm sure Gem hasn't even left yet." As I reach for my phone in my shirt pocket, a tiny sniff captures my attention. "Are you okay, JJ?"

"Yeah, it's just that you're so sweet and I was kind of a bitch to you before."

"What? No, you weren't, I promise. Now get going and text me that you made it there safely."

"I will. Thank you, love. You're the best," she says and I feel her presence close to me. She pecks my cheek, unintentionally startling me and I hear her footsteps walk away.

"Wait, JJ. Are you still crying?"

"Not anymore. I guess it was just the hormones. I'm fine now. Have a good day and I'll pick you up from work, okay?"

"Okay. I love you, JJ."

"I love you, too, Harry. Bye-bye, Maggie. Bye, Romeo and Juliet. Okay, I've got my purse, my work bag, my lunch bag . . . alright, I'm leaving now."

The sound of the door shutting proves that she has finally left our flat and I reach down for Maggie's harness.

"Alright, Maggie, take me to the couch, please." She guides me out of the kitchen and into the living room, and I feel for the arm of the couch. Using the seat cushion as a guide, I carefully sit down and pet Maggie's head. "Good girl, Maggie. You can sit." Grinning, I hold my phone up and press the Home button, "Siri, call Gem."

The ringtone lets me know that it's dialing my sister and I'm greeted by her voice.

"G'morning, love bug."

I breathe out a laugh at her nickname for me, "Morning, Gem. How are you?"

"M'just getting in the car to leave for work. What's up?"

"Oh, that's perfect. I have a huge favor to ask of you."

"Okay, what is it?"

"Could you possibly take me and Maggie to work today? JJ had a rough morning with getting ready and she was running late. She was crying because of the hormones. It was pretty bad."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Is she okay?"

"Yeah, I think so. She said she was fine before she left just now. But would it be much trouble for you to take me and Maggie to work?"

"Yeah, sure I can. But I have a meeting with the execs and head honchos of the company scheduled for three o'clock. God knows how long that will go on, so I don't think I'll be able to take you home."

"That's fine because JJ will pick us up when she gets off work just like usual."

"Alright, it's settled then. I'll be there in a quick five minutes. Are you two ready now?"

"Dressed and ready. We'll even head out to the front gate to save time."

"Perfect. Be there in a few. Bye."

The three beeps let me know our call has ended and I put my phone in my shirt pocket.

"Crisis averted, yeah? C'mon, Maggie, let's go wait for Auntie Gem outside. You can do your business while we wait. How does that sound?" I knowingly ask, feeling for the harness. "Take me to the door, please."

I stand up from the couch and she guides me across the living room. After putting on my sunnies, I reach out and feel for the doorknob to open the door and once we're outside, I make sure the doorknob is locked before I shut the door.

"Let's walk to the gate."

As she starts guiding me, I mentally count the steps so I know how close we're getting. The warm Summer air with the scent of freshly cut grass is inviting and it makes me wish JJ and I were back on our honeymoon.

Last week was better than I could've wished for and finding out that we're expecting twins was the icing on the cake. JJ and I will be working on preparing and planning for our two little bundles of joy and I couldn't be happier.

The noise of the traffic becomes clearer and I reach out to feel for the gate. I realize where we are and I let go of the harness to pet her head.

"Good girl, Maggie. Auntie Gem will be here soon."

A person's voice that I don't recognize captures my attention and I feel around before stepping to the side so I'm out of their way.

"Good morning, sir. Do you need some help?"

I smile in the friendly person's direction, "I'm waiting for someone, but thank you."

"You're quite welcome. I just feel so terribly for people like you."

Her words surprise me a little, but instead of being an arshole, I smile politely. She takes the hint since I hear the distinct sound of high heels on the concrete walk away and I readjust my grip on the harness.

"She meant well, but we don't want pity, do we, Maggie? No, we don't."

I breathe out a laugh and the quick succession of a car horn honking startles me. I assume it's Gemma who pulled up and is wanting to get my attention.

"It's me," she says a little out of breath and I hold out my hand for hers. She takes it and starts guiding me. "I'll take you to the car then I'll get Maggie in the back."

"Thanks again for picking us up. You're a real life saver."

"What are big sisters for? Alright, step down and here's the handle."

I pull on it to open the door and I feel around for the seat so I can sit down. I shut the door and work on buckling my seatbelt while I listen to Gemma getting Maggie situated in the back seat. The door shuts and I hear another door open followed by a rocking motion and I hear her seatbelt click.

"And we're off," she says and I feel the car start to move.

"You already know how my morning went, so how was yours and Michal's?"

"Uhm, good. Less eventful than yours."

"Hm, yeah. We'll need to go shopping for some maternity clothes soon. I don't want JJ being stressed over something that I can fix. God knows I'm limited in helping, so what I can help with, I want to do."

"You're taking the role of caring husband and soon-to-be-father pretty seriously."

"It's my most important role, so of course I am. Y'know, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have any of this, so thank you."

"Aw Harry, you've already thanked me, but you can always name one of the twins Gemma and the other Anne."

I grin in her direction, "You'd love that, wouldn't you?"

"Mhm," she hums with a giggle. "Have you two thought about names yet?"

"We've briefly discussed names but that was when we thought we were only having one baby. Now we'll need to pick out and agree on four names."

"You weren't in agreement before?"

"I think we just need to research it more. In fact, JJ ordered a book on baby names and their meanings so that'll be fun."

"It sure will. Just keep Gemma in mind."

"Will do," I shake my head with a smile. "What about you and Michal?"

"What about us?"

"You're newly engaged. Have you two started planning for the wedding?"

"Planning? It's only been a week. Plus I'm not really into the fru fru girly stuff. I'm dreading going dress shopping."

"Oh. Okay then. I know JJ would love to help."

"Thanks. I'll keep that in mind," she says and I feel the car come to a slow stop. "We're at your work. I'll get Maggie for you."

"Thanks again, Gem."

"No problem, love bug."***

A/N: Yes, I'm alive 😂 I'm sorry it's taken so long to update but I've recently moved back home and I'm job hunting so I haven't had time to write 😭

If you think Harry's gonna be a wonderful husband and father, raise your hand and press the star ⭐️ 😉

So rumor is that Golden music video is coming soon aaaaaahhhhhhh who else is excited?!?!?!

Have a great week, everyone!

Much Love.

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