My Heroic Destiny

By JustSomeWriter327

60.2K 1K 1K

What if Izuku took Bakugo's advice and jumped. What if he died, it wouldn't affect anyone but his mother, so... More

Part One - Life as it Was
A New Life and a New Companion
Roaring Light
An Electric Strike
The Shining Light That Pushes Beyond
Ace Versus Kacchan
Do Your Best Guardian!
Encounter with the True Enemy
The Death of the Guardian

Rage You Damn Guardian!

4.7K 86 74
By JustSomeWriter327

The class stood around as Aizawa typed something into his phone. 'I know I did well. Maybe I should have held back a bit, being top of the leaderboard might require me to do more stuff during my free time.' Izuku thought.

"Alright, time to give you your results. I've ranked you all from best to worse." Aizawa said as he finished typing. "You should probably have a good idea of your standing already. I'll just pull up the while list, it's not worth going over each individual score." Aizawa said as a screen was projected in front of him showing the ranks of all 30 students in the class. 

'Ghost, tell me something, how plausible is it that the expulsion thing is a bluff?' Izuku asked mentally as he eyed his name on the top of the leaderboard, and a guy named Minoru Mineta on the bottom.

'He said it so casually, but looking at the records, he has the highest expulsion percentage in the school. He may be looking to see if the student in last truly tried.' Ghost reported as Izuku looked over the class seeing various reactions from the class.

"And I lied, no ones going home." Aizawa said as the class perked up, " That was just a rational deception to make sure you gave it your all during the tests."

"I'm surprised the rest of you didn't figure it out. Sorry I guess I should of said something." One of the students, a girl with a large, black ponytail, said as most of the class was freaking out. Izuku laughed internally as he could say he would have expelled the whole class if he choose to do so, but he kept his mouth shut.

"That's it for the rest of he day. Go home and don't forget to pick up a syllabus from the classroom, read it over before tomorrow morning." Aizawa said as he walked off. "Oh and Midoriya, I want a run-down of your power, I want to know what I'm working with.

Izuku looked at the teacher and saw a flash of gold googles underneath his scarf. 'Ah, so your Earaserhead. Can't hide anything about quirks from you, can I?' Izuku thought as he finally recognized his teacher. "Yes sir, I'll write up a summary of it for you."


Izuku walked out of the school as he took out his phone and started typing. "Right, so the spicy ramen place is about 6 minutes away from here. I could probably go to the market nearby to pick-up some basics, I need more paper for planning." Izuku said aloud, forgetting Ghost was still hidden.

"Midoriya, who are you talking to?" Iida asked as he walked up from behind Izuku. Izuku tensed up as he hadn't realized he was still on school grounds technically, and that Ghost was still following his orders.

"Just myself, find it easier to plan things if I hear it is all." Izuku lied as he put his phone away.

"Hmm alright then. Anyway, I was a bit concerned on Mr.Aizawa's approach to class, but I trust the schools judgment." Iida said, looking back on the first day. "This is the top program, but even so, lying is down right immoral."

"Yeah, but sometimes a lie can get you out of a tough enough spot fast enough to think up a better plan. Plus Mr.Aizawa's lie had the bonus of giving us the boost to try our hardest so we wouldn't out right fail." Izuku said as the two exited the gate.

"Hey, wait up you two!" The two boys stopped as they turned to see Uraraka running to catch up to the two. "Are you going to the station, I'll join you guys." 

"Oh, you're the infinity girl." Iida said as he an Izuku turned to the new comer. 

"I'm Ochako Uraraka, and lets see, your name is Tenya Iida. And your name is Deku right?" Uraraka asked innocently as Izuku chuckled.

"Izuku Midoriya actually, Deku is sort of a derogatory nickname Bakugo gave me when we were young." Izuku explained as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"That's un-sportsman like." Iida said as he rubbed his chin.

"Oh, I didn't realize that, I'm sorry. But you know what, I like it, it could make a great hero name. Also, it sounds sorta cute." Uraraka said as she gave her two cents on the matter.

"I'll keep that in mind for whenever we choose them then." Izuku laughed as he turned back to the gate. "But I have a few errands to run nearby, I'll walk to the station with you two another time." Izuku said as he walked off.


At the end of the day, Izuku sat in front of his desk, sketching up what looked to be a rifle on a sheet of paper. Ghost floated around him, giving pointers until he suddenly stopped, and his shell started to expand and contract, lighting the room up in a faint blue light. "Guardian, I'm starting to pick up a choppy signal. I can't identify a source, besides that it isn't from Earth.

Izuku stopped drawing as he spun his chair to look at his Ghost. "What do you think it could be? All of world colonies are uninhabited now right?" Izuku asked as he started to try and think of every possible outcome that could come from this.

"All human colonies, but the home worlds of any other race we never knew of. From the records, I've deduced this isn't Vex or Taken, they would just appear. Nor Hive, this signal is strong enough to tell that it is a higher tech race. That's leaving me with Fallen radio chatter, or the start of a Cabal crusade." Ghost started to report as it's shell kept shining light through the room.

"Can you make out any message, or is it still to weak?" Izuku asked.

"To weak, but for me to pick it up unassisted, I'd say whoever is coming is somewhere around Saturn." Ghost said as he ran multiple calculations in his non-existent head. 

"This isn't good. Could it be my Light is acting like a beacon for them to hone in on?" Izuku asked as he started to think of ways to try and hide his light.

" Whatever it is, it seems we aren't the only ones who noticed. We must prepare for the worst Guardian." Ghost reported as his shell stopped glowing.

"Right, I'll relay the information." Izuku said as he started to dial up Toshinori.


'Hero basic training should be next if I'm not mistaken.' Izuku thought as he closed his notebook on another sketch.

'You did turn in the form on how you wished to only wear the jumpsuit for now right?' Ghost asked as Izuku nodded his head.

'I've been given the go ahead, which means I can actually plan what armor I want to try and forge. If your databanks are anything to go by, I have a lot of choices to narrow down.' Izuku thought as he sighed. (Psst, I'll take requests for any of you interested.)

"I am here, coming through the door like a hero!" Someone exclaimed as the door was thrown open to reveal All Might. The class quickly erupted into chatter as the #1 Pro Hero walked into the class.

"Welcome to the most important class at UA high. Think of it like Heroing 101." All Might said as he stood in front of the class. "Here you will learn the basics of being a pro. And what it mean to fight in the name of good. Let's get into it!" All Might said as he was flexing his muscles, "Todays lesson will be Battle!"

'Fun, time to see if my control training will pay off.' Izuku thought. 

"Fight training." Bakugo growled, a bit to excitedly. 

"Hah, but one of the important parts of being a hero is looking good!" All Might exclaimed as he pressed a button as multiple shelves came out of the wall. "These were designed for you based on your quirk registration forms and the requests you sent in before school started." The class erupted into cheering as Izuku went to grab his suitcase, hopefully holding his jumpsuit.

Walking to the changing room, most of the class discussed what they hoped was included in their costumes. Izuku however was thinking on what to do in the training exercises. 'Golden gun is certainly out of the question, there's not a lot of holding back on that one. Striker could maybe be reigned in to be more of a strength and speed boost rather than an all-devastating punch. And I think I can control One for All enough to acct the same as Striker now.' Izuku though as he walked into the changing rooms. Quickly changing, he found a note stuck to his holster.

'Izuku, hope UA has been treating you well. Toshinori told me you wished to stick with the jumpsuit you used while training until you decided on your proper hero costume. So I took the liberty of adding some light armor plating to the interior of the jumpsuit for some added safety. But knowing your background, you don't really need it. -Tsukauchi'

'Well, I won't just say no to a free upgrade. Traveler knows I don't wanna flaunt my near-immortality just yet.' Izuku thought as he quickly put the jumpsuit and holster on. Making sure it was good, he left the room before anyone else and started the walk to the training arena.

Ghost appeared over his shoulder and started scanning the improved jumpsuit. "While he said you didn't really need it, he still made sure you got good armor."

"Well he wouldn't just give anyone cheap stuff, you know how the detective is." Izuku chuckled. He then held his hand out to his side while walking, as motes of light started to form into the shape of the Ace of Spades. "You made sure to load my reserves with rubber bullets and a few live rounds, right?" Izuku asked as he spun the hand cannon once, then holstered it.

"Yes, you should be ready for this Guardian." Ghost said as Izuku walked into an observation like room where Toshinori stood.

"Ah, Izuku, nice to see you here so early." Toshinori said as he gave a small wave to the boy.

"Well, perks of having a minimalistic costume for now. And even then, Ghost could have simply materialized it onto me." Izuku said as he walked closer to Toshinori.

"Any new updates on the signal you two picked up last night?" Toshinori asked.

"No, what I picked up seemed to be a test of sorts." Ghost replied. "Anyway, I sense the class is coming, so get ready." Toshinori immediately buffed up as he gave Ghost a thumbs up as he disappeared.

True to his word, the class started to appear from the hallway. "They say that the clothes make the pros, young ladies and gentleman, and behold, you are the proof." All Might said as Izuku eyed some of their choices in apparel himself. "Take this to heart you all, from now onward, you are all heroes in training!" 


"Now that you're ready, it's time to begin with battle training." All Might announced as he stood in front of the class. 

"Sir, this is the fake city from our entrance exam. Will that mean we will be fighting the same robots in an urban environment." Iida asked, masked by his costumes helmet.

"Not quite, I'm going to move you two steps ahead." All Might said, "Most villain fights you see on the news occur outside. However, statistically speaking, run ins with the most dastardly evil-doers occur indoors. Think about it; backroom deal, home invasions, secret underground lairs. Truly intelligent villains stay hidden in plain sight.  For this exercise, you will be split into teams of two, good guys and bad guys, and fight 2v2 indoor battles."

"Isn't this a little advanced?" A student asked, Tsuyu, Izuku believed was her name.

"The best training is that of which you gain on the battlefield." All Might said, "But remember, you can't just punch a robot this time, no, you're dealing with real human beings." All Might said as he spared a glance to Izuku as he nodded.

"Sir, will you be deciding which team wins?" One student asked, Momo was the name Izuku caught.

"How much can we hurt the enemy team?" Bakugo asked. 

"Do we need to worry about the losers being expelled like earlier?" Uraraka asked.

"Will you be splitting us up based on chance or comparative skill?" Iida asked.

"Isn't this cape sparkly." One student who Izuku never caught the name of asked, and frankly he didn't think he wanted to.

"I wasn't finished talking." All Might said as he pulled a sheet of paper from his pocket. "Listen up, the situation is this, the villains have hidden a nuclear missile somewhere in their hideout. The heroes must try to foil their plans. To do that, the heroes must either catch the evil-doers, or recover the weapon. Likewise, the villains succeed if they capture the heroes protect the payload." All Might explained to the class.

"Time is limited, and we will be choosing teams based on lots." All Might said as he pulled out a few boxes from seemingly no where.

"Isn't there a better way?" Iida asked.

"Not really, think of some of the team ups on the news." Izuku started, "They didn't know that they would end up working together, but they have to make it work. The randomness of being on the job is being simulated by using the lotto here."

"Yes I see, life is a random occurrence of events." Iida said as he bowed, "Sorry for the interruption." 

"No sweat, lets draw." All Might said as he began calling teams. Izuku ended up being paired with Uraraka. 

"Wow, what are the chances!" Uraraka said excitedly, "We're on a team together."

"Pretty low, but lucky seeing as we at least are acquaintances." Izuku said as he approached his teammate.

"And I will decide that the first teams to go will be..... these two." All Might yelled as he pulled from another lotto of 'Villain' and 'Hero.'

"That's us and Bakugo and Iida." Izuku said as the coincidences kept rolling in.

"Whole these two teams duke it out, everyone else will stay here in the monitoring room to watch. Good luck teams!" All Might yelled as the four where sent off to the building. Once Bakugo and Iida walked inside, Izuku started planning out loud.

"Knowing Bakugo, he's going to come hunt me down from the start. I need you to run ahead, chances are Iida will adapt to protecting the objective as Bakugo will run off without a plan." Izuku said as he removed the Ace of Spades from its holster and opened the cylinder.

"Ok, but how are you so sure about this? Wouldn't it be better to stick together and outnumber Bakugo?" Uraraka asked as Izuku removed the rounds from his hand cannon, replacing them with yellow-looking ones he pulled from his back pocket.

"While yes, it would strategically be a better plan, this is a personal argument I plan to try and bring to an end sooner rather than later. If that includes putting Bakugo's ass into intensive care for a week, so be it." Izuku said as Uraraka could swear she felt the temperature around Izuku drop a couple degrees as purplish haze started to form around Izuku's body.

"O-ok, then I'll trust you to handle him." Uraraka said suddenly fearing for Bakugo's health.

"All right, let's begin indoor combat training." All Might's voice erupted from the PA system set up around the testing site.

"Well then, lets get started." Izuku said as the purple haze followed him, as he was unaware of it being there.

"R-right." Uraraka said as she followed him into the building. Walking along in silence, Izuku kept his attention up as he walked, keeping his eyes in the multiple blind spots in the building.

'I need to show him the same amount of pain I went through.' Izuku thought as the haze grew thicker around him. 'I need to make him see the nightmare that was my childhood, my fear that had evolved from his bullying.' 

Izuku came up on a corner as he heard someone grunt. Looking up, he saw Bakugo fly from around the corner and aim his palm at him. Thinking quickly, he dove backwards, tackling Uraraka out of the way.

"Uraraka, you ok?" Izuku asked as he took stock of himself. 'The jumpsuit took the brunt of that hit. Almost the whole left side was taken off.' Izuku thought as he ripped the remaining shreds of the jumpsuit away. 'What's all this purple haze anyway.' He thought as he pulled the Ace of Spades from its holster and leveled it with Bakugo.

"I'm fine, but Deku, you were hit point blank!" Uraraka said as she looked at the remains of his jumpsuit.

"Doesn't matter, he's going to have to try harder than that to injure me." Izuku said as he stood up. "So run along and find Iida, I think it's high time Kacchan and I catch up with each other." Izuku said as he kept Ace leveled with his opponents chest.

"This should be a long conversation pink cheeks, listen to your partner here and scram." Bakugo said as the dust cleared around him as he locked eyes with Izuku. Uraraka got up and started to run off as the two rivals stood still. 

Meanwhile in the observation room, the rest of the class was sharing their comments on the first move.

'Young Midoriya, don't lose yourself to your hatred. I know Bakugo has wronged you, but this is the chance for the both of you to become better.' All Might though as he watched his two students start to rush at each other. 'I just hope I've taught you well enough that you won't break yourself with the first attack.'

Izuku felt a new power try to break its way through him, but he held it back as he rushed towards Bakugo. 'If I can remember this correctly...' Izuku thought as he dipped to his right just as Bakugo threw a right hook. 'He always starts with the same attack.' He thought as his right fist flew into Bakugo's chin and sent him down the hallway.

The class in the observation room was shocked at the sheer strength Izuku displayed without use of his quirk. Izuku started to walk closer to Bakugo as he holstered the Ace of Spade.

"You know Kacchan, here I thought rubber bullets would help, but I think I'll make quick work of you without them." Izuku said as the purple haze retuned and started to thicken more and more. "You never realized how easy it was to read you, just like a book." Izuku laughed as his eyes glowed a vibrant purple as a new power seemingly erupted from him.


NEXT TIME: Ace Versus Kacchan

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