The 12 Elementals

By just-A_potato

205K 11.7K 2.7K

Yet again Darkness is hungry for a war to end it all, but Light will always have troops at the ready. One gir... More

The Elementals
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Bonus Chapter. First Encounter Part 1
Bonus Chapter. First Encounter Part 2
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Bonus Chapter. The Kiss
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Bonus Chapter. Jealousy's a Bitch
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
A Day in the Hogwarts Life
Don't Bark at Me
Yes, Vampires Do Suck

Chapter 28

3.8K 216 51
By just-A_potato


No update for awhile, I know. Sorry, but school caught up with me I'd really rather be locked in my room writing, sadly that's not how it works.

Now, we've got cute little Anna!!

Above is Emily Skinner and she's so adorable.

Songs- Girl Power by the cheetah Girls (had to) Also Let It Go, and Why Not.

Anna is still a child, but she does grow up later on. I really like Anna because she represents youth and innocence, Jordan does to, but that kid s too smart and would take it as an insult.

And YAY!!

Finally in the land our characters rule!!



Love puppies!


Have you ever seen something so beautiful, majestic, and enticing that you get robbed of ordinary thought and speech? That's what happened right now.

The land before my eyes was breathtaking, no doubt. So marvelous I want to burst into tears at the pure radiance it held.

In the far distance had to be the biggest castle ever built. Made of ancient brick walls and hundreds of towers that went to the heavens. It was pure white and enormous! Like all of New York City and then some. The bricks shone, making the castle look like it was formed from a glob of glitter. Behind the unbelievable castle was a forest, rich green and so dense I could smell the pine here, miles away. The castle and forest are walking distance from a cliff, overlooking a sparkling blue ocean. If you can brave the steep downward climb of the cliff, you would end up on a sandy beach and get to watch the glorious mermaids swimming joyfully- that's a mermaid!

I ran to the cliff and drop to my knees roughly. Some mermaids were sitting on rocks that sprout from the water, combing hair, while others back float aimlessly in the clear water.

"Esto no puede ser real.(This cannot be real)" Kyle mutters beside me, staring at the merpeople.

"Pero lo es.(But it is)" I reply.

"It's fitting you see your own kind first." Dad laughed behind us, "Please, we must get to the castle, there are surprises yet to come."

Dad and the other adults walk on, leading the way to the castle, oblivious to the unreal land we stand on. How they could grow immune to the wonders is beyond me. Must be their old age, ugh, not too excited about living to be 30,000 plus.

Reluctantly, I follow and as I do, I take in more of what Enchantment has to offer.

I can see how perfect the castle is to serve both Light and the Elementals. It's welcoming and extremely bright. In the ideal place for those connected to an element. The sparkling blue ocean for water. The healthy forest for earth. The open sky for air. The energy provided by the sun for fire.

I turn my gaze upward. The sky is a wonderful blue, untouched by human pollution. The clouds appear to be fluffy white cotton candy and were actually changing their shapes, anything from birds to candles to a flower. As I stare at a cloud the shape of a tree, I watch as it morphs into me! How awesome is that? Then there's the sun, its rays of light visible if you stare close enough and three times larger than the one Earth has.

Among all of this, there's a presence I feel. Not human, or anything that can be identified as solid. An unseen presence, a guiding one, strong and meant to protect.

Magic. Zayden informs.

So that's it. Magic. The planet was made from it and the power of the Elementals. I could detect the subtle hum of it everywhere, the ground beneath me feet, the air I take in, just everywhere. It's as real as those around me, as ancient and powerful as the blood inside me. We are one, mixed together through unity, common goals. To follow Light, and watch over those who do also.

"I have awaited your arrival for some time. I am pleased you acknowledge and recognize me. Thank you, for I was beginning to think I was no longer needed." The voice wasn't male or female, it was neutral. And old as hell.

Is that the magic of the Enchantment talking to me?! I scream.

Many Elemental generations have lost touch with it. I am glad you have somehow attuned it with yourself. I knew it, and I adored it.

I discreetly nod my head. Just another ace to leave up my sleeve. "Believe me, you are needed. Other Elementals may have let you fade away, but not us. We're different. Please, do not lose faith in us."

"I could never. Also, do not plead with me, sister. You cannot see me, you cannot touch me, not physically. We are family, and I will be here for you. You may not need me today, tomorrow, in a year, or in the next decade. Regardless, I am here, with you."

I smile then whisper, "Do you have a name?"

"I go by many, you can call me 'Azarlus'. If you wish."

"Cool name. Okay Azarlus, we are now friends." I mutter.

A thin shake took the ground, one that didn't go by unnoticed. The werewolves seem to lock into the dirt and trade a certain glance. I put on my oh-I'm-so-cute-and-innocent face and walk past them.

Nearing the castle, I notice a stone wall, high enough that the Great Wall of China is weeping. The wall is protecting not only the castle, but a village also, huge in size but dwarfed in comparsion to the brilliance of the castle. Dwarfed.... I so wanna see a dwarf.

At the shining metal gates a voice calls down, "Elemental Max and company."

"Sinard, we seek entrance to the Light Kingdom!" Dad shouts.

The gates swung open in a grand-movie sort of way, surprising me how easily they move despite their hulking size. I mean, they're bigger than eight semi's on top of each other.

Entering the Kingdom was like traveling back in time to the old days. Cobble stone roads and humble shops made of either stone, brick, or wood with odd names such as "Scrumptiously Scrumptious Goodies", "Skele-ton!", and "GollyHolly". There was a thick smell of freshly baked bread, sweet milk, and warm honey.

While the overall appearance of the village itself is what can be expected, it's the people that were strange. As we walk by they bowed at the waist with a fist over their heart. Even the children, who'd been running wildly, stop to bow. None of them let up until Declan, who was last, passes by. I notice people purposely coming out of the shops or homes merely to bow respectfully towards us. Upon closer observation, I could see some had pointed ears, some appeared to be human, and other's didn't even look real. They were all wearing in either tunics or simple dresses. It seems as if they hadn't heard of jeans, or a normal shirt. They were trapped in the old days.

That is why I am here, among other reasons. Zayden said.

A whole lot more walking, bowing, and strange looking creatures till we finally reached the castle. Again, my breathe is taken from me.

I try to look up and see where it ends, but my eyes just go up and up and up and up and up. Enormous double doors a giant could fit through (probably for that reason) open.

I gasp. A chandler dominates the room, it's made of ice with glittery falling droplets that evaporate mid-air. Royal blue rug that shimmers, a double staircase and plenty of corridors that twist and turn to God knows where. The light that comes off the ice chandler is freaking bright, a hungover nightmare.

The tiles are pure marble, and shined to see your reflection. When you walk, it's more like gliding as if you're not even standing on solid ground. The walls too are marble and kept perfectly clean and white.

I deeply understand that the castle and kingdom represent Light, but does everything have to hurt your eyes if you glance at it?

Dad takes us straight forward, into a hallway with a glass wall on either side, one of which shows a pond and the other showing a luscious oak tree with string knots tied all around it's branches.

We kept going and going, turning a corner here and there. Finally Dad opens a door and we're outside again. This time we seem to be in some sort of stable area.

"This is where we keep all our animals, well, the ones we use with their volunteer of course." Dad chuckles.

Whatever that means.

"August." Megan called.

A woman with soft brown hair steps out of a stable, an open smile coming to her kind face, "Elementals, you're back! And you have our newest leaders." I hear a thick Scottish accent. August gave each of us a kiss on the cheek, including Reason, who tried to dodge but she managed.

"August, the animals." Andrea said lightly.

"Of course." she whistles. Three red birds came flying and landed on the roof of the stable next to us. A smile overtook my face as I realize what these magnificent birds were.

"Phoenix's." I said.

August smiles in a fond manner, "Beautiful breed they are. Lives five hundred to a thousand years, then burns to ashes and is reborn. They're emphatic and smart. They can light themselves on fire like a torch. Who other should have one then a Fire Elemental?"

"We get one?" Anna squealed.

"Normally Phoenix's don't have owners, they cherish freedom. But they would all proudly dive into the service of an Elemental. Be it water, earth, air, or fire." August said.

The three birds flew to Reason, Cherry, and Anna, landing on their shoulders.

"All the creatures you will see today have been nameless for this purpose.You get to make them your very own by giving them a name. Who wants to start?" Brooke asks.

"Sparkle!" Anna giggled, petting her phoenix as if it were a kitty.

"Heather." Cherry laughs.

Reason took a moment to look at his phoenix, "Blaze."

"Excellent names." August whistled again.


Amazing creatures to serve the Elementals, thought it'd be cool!!

What could water, earth, and air get?

We'll find out soon enough.

Here it picks up.

Hope you liked it!

Live on.


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