Draal x Reader - A Warriors H...

By Fury1416

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(y/n) Lake is the stubborn, loyal, protective, and standoffish older twin of Jim Lake. When they get dragged... More

Who Knew Trolls Were Stalkers
The Hunter Becomes The Hunted Part 1
The Hunter Becomes The Hunted Part 2
A Not So Warm Welcome Part 1
Going on short Hiatus
Tiny Problems Require Tiny Solutions Part 1
Voting is almost over!

A Not So Warm Welcome Part 2

2.6K 103 108
By Fury1416

The next day you all woke up early to head to troll market for Jim's training. You woke up a little earlier then gym to get in your morning jog. You weren't able able to due your full morning workout routine anymore thanks to the whole Trollhunter training thing. And you couldn't let Jim and Toby just go off to place with a ton of angry trolls on their owns. Knowing them they'll find someway to get an agry mob to chace them, and you'd never hear the end of it if you weren't there to bail them out. Instead of sitting on the side lines watching and eating snacks like Toby and Aaarrrgghh, you decided to join the training with Blinky and Jim. Right now Blinky was trying to Get Jim to do a proper battle stance. Finding this boring, you decided to just jog around the area until they were actually practicing something interesting. But you were still listening to Blinky's instructions, more out of boredom than anything else.

"Wider stance. Keep your frame. No, that's good, that's good. Years, all right, fine. That's better. Alright. Raise your sword, Master Jim. Mm-hmm. Head up, chin down, stomach in." Said Blinky.

He then sighed as Jim still wasn't getting it.

"Over here, Angry one!" Called out Blinky with a wave.

You sighed and Jogged over to him and Jim 

"Yeah?" You said slightly annoyed.

"I believe it would help Master Jim, if would give a demonstration." Said Blinky.

"Fine..." You said with a sigh.

You got into a proper battle stance, and pretended to be holding a sword. Jim studied you, before mimicking your stance.

"Ahh, wonderfully done Master Jim." Congratulated Blinky.

He then looked at you and waved dismissively.

"That will be all, Angry one." He said dismissively.

"Wow, not even a thanks. Rude." You mumbled to yourself as you went back to jogging.

"The Trollhunter lives and dies by three rules. Rule number one: always be afraid." Said Blinky.

"Afraid?" Questioned Jim.

"Be afraid." Said Aaarrrgghh.

""Yeah, I didn't think that'll be a problem. Whoa!" Said Jim.

You looked over to see him just barely dodge a rock Blinky through at him, which Aaarrrgghh ended up catching.

"See? Fear is good. Keeps us alert. Keeps us on guard. Makes us vigilant." Said Blinky.

Blinky through 2 more rocks at him, which he dodged. As he was explaining the next rule, you walked over to were the rocks were.

"A hero is not he who is fearless, but he who is not stopped by it." Said Blinky.

"Got it." Said Jim.

"Two: always finish the fight. An opponent must be given no mercy." Said Blinky.

Blinky threw another rock at him which he hit away with his sword. He then spotted you bending down to pick up a rock. 

"I thought you were gonna tell me when we were going to do something fun." You said with a smirk while twirling the rock.

Jim's eyes widened in realization.

"(Y/n)..." He said.

Your smirk widened as you and Blinky began throwing rocks at Jim. He just barely managed to Dodge if hit away the rocks. You laughed as you continued your assault.

"Who's side in you on?!" Yelped Jim.

"The fun side that gets to throw rocks at people." You said with a laugh.

He just gave you an annoyed glare.

"Okay, enough with the rocks, already." Said Jim out of breath.

You and Blinky stopped your assault. Well okay, you thew one more. Jim got ready to Dodge it, but instead of hitting him, it hit Blinky in the back of the head.

Blinky yelped in suprise and rubbed his head.

"Oops, I'm so sorry! It must have slipped!" You said in a fake apologetic voice.

"Preposterous! You did that on purpose!" Blinky said with a hard glare.

"Now why would I hit you on purpose? It's not like I'd still be mad about you trying to kill me the other day. Who would ever hold a grudge about something like that?" You said sarcastically in a fake offended/innocent voice.

Blinky grumbled angrily making you smirk.

"You really shouldn't be mad at me. It never would of happened if you were better at that first rule of yours." You said smugly.

Toby chuckled.

"The Sass is strong with this one." Said Toby in a Yoda voice.

This made you chuckle.

"So what did you mean by always finish the fight?" Asked Jim trying to get back to his training.

Aaarrrgghh threw a rock at his back, that made him fall over.

You snickered as he face planted.

"Kill!" Explained Aaarrrgghh.

"Indeed. The Trollhunter must always vanquish his opponent through death." Said Blinky.

"That's a bit harsh dude." Said Toby.

"Yeah. I myself have no problem with the rule, but my brother's not really made of the stuff to kill someone." You said.

"Ours is an unforgiving world. Hence, the third rule: when in doubt, always kick them in the gronk-nuks." Said Blinky.

"Gronk-nuks?" Asked Jim.

Blinky stomped the floor, and a blade came out, almost slicing Jim's manhood. You winced. He's so lucky.

Aaarrrgghh and Toby covered thier manhoods protectively, while wincing.

"The horror." Said Aaarrrgghh.

The blade retreated back into the floor.

"So, basically, you're saying that one third of being a Trollhunter is kicking someone in the nards." Said Jim.

A wide smile broke upon your face.

"So a Trollhunter gets to kick people where the sun don't shine? That's the best rule yet! Sign me up." You said with an enthusiasm that made the boys all the more fearful of you.

But of course, your happy moment didn't last.

"Ah! So, the Trollhunter's training begins." Said Draal with a positive voice.

You didn't trust it for a second. You groaned.

"Great... The headhog is back." You said in fake enthusiasm.

Draal gave your comment a confused yet annoyed glare.

"Fleshbag..." He grumbled at you.

"What are you doing here? I don't remember inviting you to fight club." You said.

He gave you a secret evil smirk. He is planning something! He then approached Blinky and Jim with that obviously fake positivism. 

"I thought the great Trollhunter might accept my services as a sparring partner. Part of your training regiment, isn't it?" Said Draal with a bow.

My god, this guy is just here to find an excuse to pummel us, isn't he?

"In due time, perhaps." Said Blinky.

"So move along now." You said.

"Why wait?" Came a loud voice from the stands above the area.

You all looked up to see Vendal. Great this old geyser again.

"I am eager to see your charge demonstrate his mettle." Said Vendel.

"Actually, the sword's more made of, like, daylight." Said Jim looking at the sword.

You snickered and put a hand on his shoulder.

"He means the other kind of mettle. Your ability to cope in the face of adversity." You said.

"Oh. Yeah, I'm still working on the whole 'mettle' part. Plus, you know, SAT words." Said Jim.

Vendal chuckled.

"Let them spar!" Said Vendel enthusiastically with his hands raised.

"No harm in it." Said Draal positively.

"There better not be, or your the one that's gonna get harmed." You warned him.

He rolled his eyes in annoyance and huffed, before walking over to his sparring position. You followed Jim and Blinky to Jim's position.

"Wait, what do I do?" Said Jim.

"Hit him as hard as you can." Said Blinky.

"No,no. I mean, what do I do? I've never hit anyone." Said Jim nervous.

"Ever? Even with the angry one as your sister?" He said in suprise.

"I've never been in a fight." Said Jim.

"In your entire life?" Said Blinky in disbelief.

"All 15 years of it, yeah. I've always handled fights for him." You said.

"But he fought Bular, however briefly, and he was glorious. His blade work was impressive." Said Blinky.

"Those were just my chef skills!" Said Jim.

"Exactly! The fight is within you, Master Jim. Trust yourself. One hit! One hit and you will be changed forever." Said Blinky giving him a push forward, before joining the others.

You out a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry. I'll step in if things go to far." You told him.

He was still nervous, but gave a nod in thanks. You then joined the others on the side lines.

"Begin." Said Vendel.

Jim got into a fighting stance, while Draal snarled and smashed the ground. Draal then charged at Jim, and turned into a ball roll half way through. Jim quickly ran from the now Blue spikey ball of death.

"Ha! He even fights like Sonic!" You said with a laugh.

The others just have you a look, like it's not the time for jokes. Draal rolled up the wall, all the way to the ceiling. He then unrolled and got ready to smash Jim who was below him. Jim managed to roll out of the way, make Draal smash the floor instead. A huge plum of dust rose from the impact temporary blocking Jim's vision. This gave Draal the opportunity to smash into him with his horns in a headbutt, sending him rolling across the ground. Everyone winced, and you clenched your fists. Jim used his sword to prop himself up.

"All right, All right. Now, just give me a second here." Said Jim with a groan.

With no mercy, Draal gave him several harsh punches sending him flying to the ground meters away. Jim's lost hold of his sword and it disappeared.

"He's going to far!" You said angerly.

Before Blinky could stop you, you were running towards Draal who was making his way over to the defenseless form of Jim who was to sore to move. Right when Draal was about to grab him, you appeared infront of him. You caught him by the hands, and now you were both locked in a wrestle stance at the hands. Each of you tried to push the other back, and the look on Draal's face was priceless when he didn't immediately win this contest of strength. He pushed harder, and you feet began to slip back. A smirk of victory covered his fate. Not so fast bud. You managed to regain your footing, and using all of your strength you were slowly able to start pushing him back. His face was priceless, as his smirk fell and he looked at you with utter shock. How I'm the world was a Fleshbag able to be this strong. Your whole body was being painfully strained already and you were only able to move him back a bit. No way could you keep this up forever, but you can tell he actually was trying now. You gave a smug smile and the shocked and confused/fustrated look on his face.

"What's wrong Hedgehog? Surprised? Maybe you shouldn't be so cocky next time." You said in a strained voice.

He growled in fustrated, and the shock had been replaced with anger. He had been holding back some of his strength so he wouldn't kill the weak flesh back, but it was clear you were much stronger than Jim. He was able to use almost his full strength on you, and yet you were able to match it. He could tell you were at your limit though. Before things could escalate further and someone got seriously hurt, Vendel decided to put a stop to it.

"Enough!" Shouted Vendel.

With a huff, Draal reluctantly backed off suddenly, making you fall to your knee. You quickly caught yourself and stood back up. You body was aching from the strain, and you were sweating. You tried to catch your breath, and Draal for a moment Draal looked at you with conflicted emotion in his eyes. He's never liked fleshbags. They were puny and weak. But you were a strange one. You never showed any fear of him, you were surprisingly strong for your small size, and you just jumped into a fight with him with no hesitation. He didn't know what to make of you, so he felt conflicted. He pushed the thoughts of you to the back of his mind and shook his head. Why was he even bothering to think of this. He looked down at Jim who was just now trying to get up, and his attempt wasn't going so well. Draal snarled at Jim.

"I've waited my entire life to inherit the amulet. I can wait until you fall in battle. I suspect I won't have to wait very long. If you value your life, you'll stay down and live, worm." Snarled Draal.

You looked at him with a glare when your eyes met, but you couldn't say anything as you were still trying to catch your breath. He held you glare before he started walking away.

"Trollhunter. Ha! What kind of Trollhunter needs his sister to fight his Battles for him?" Scoffed Draal as he walked away.

Draal left the area. Vendal left as well giving a sigh of disappointment at Jim's easy defeat. Though you did suprise him, and he'll admit he was little impressed. Blinky and the others rushed over to you two.

"Oh my god, guys are you alright?!" Asked Toby worried as he helped Jim to his feet.

"I'm fine." You said.

Jim didn't answer as he still had a stressed look on his face.

"Angry One, Strong!" Praised Aaarrrgghh as he hit your back playfully, almost knocking you over.

"Whoa! Uh, thanks Big Guy, but on a easy will ya?" You said.

"Oops, sorry." Apologized Aaarrrgghh.

You nodded. You then met the eyes of an angry Blinky.

"What on earth were you thinking?! You could've been killed! Not to mention it was a great act of disrespect to interrupt another's sparring match!" Scoulded Blinky.

You groaned and rolled your eyes.

"Lay off already! I had to step in casue he was going to far! He could have seriously hurt Jim, or even killed him! And I could give a dam about disrespecting that Bull-headed Hedgehog!" You said annoyed.

"How can you expect the trolls of troll market to accept you if you won't even respect our customs? And I highly doubt Draal would kill master Jim." Said Blinky fustrated.

"Like I want their approval. And from where I'm standing, it sure looked like he wanted to kill him." You argued back.

Before you both could continue arguing, Toby stepped in.

"Guys! Stop it already! Now's not the time, and we have to get to school." Said Toby.

You looked over at the still stressed Jim. Your arguing would only make things worse.

"Fine then. Let's go." You said walking out of the area.

You all headed back to the entrance of Trollmarket when Jim finally couldn't hold it in anymore.

"He might be right. What the heck was I thinking? An amulet can't choose anyone. It's an amulet!" Said Jim fustrated.

You looked at your stressed out brother, but didn't say anything as it probably wouldn't improve his mood.

"Jim." Said Aaarrrgghh concerned.

"I understand you're upset, Master Jim, but you haven't had a moments training. There's no shame in what just transpired." Said Blinky.

"Well then you definitely weren't paying attention back there! Shake was about the only thing that transpired. Shame... And realization. I don't know if Draal is ment be the the Trollhunter or not, and I don't care. I just know that I'm not." Said Jim.

You out a hand on his shoulder.

"Jim I'm not thrilled to you became the Trollhunter etheir but your a better choice then him." You said reassuringly.

"No I'm not. You even had to step in to defend me. Again, like always. He was right. What kind of Trollhunter relies of his sister to find all his Battles for him? If anyone should be Trollhunter, it's you." He said.

Shoved the Amulet into your hands, and began to walk off.

"Hey, I don't want this thing!" You said.

You couldn't be a good Trollhunter when you had no desire to help any of these Trolls. You were only here for your brother's sake.

As he walked away, suddenly the amulet started moving in your hands. You tried to keep a hold of it, but it flew from your hands towards Jim, who caught it surprised.

"Master Jim, despite whatever doubts you may have about the amulet's choice, it is now bonded to you. This is a Mantle you cannot refuse." Said Blinky.

Jim dropped the amulet down the crystal stairs, and it was picked up by Blinky.

"Watch me." Said Jim.

He then left Trollmarket and you followed him, with Toby running to catch up with you both. When you got home, Jim headed up to his room while you watched a movie on the coach. You heard a groan from upstairs, and then alot of banging. Jim then stormed down the stairs.

"What's wrong Jimmy?" You asked in an accent.

"That stupid amulet keeping coming back! I through it out the window and then it showed up on my pillow. I buried it the garbage and it appeared on the floor. I left it upstairs so hopefully it will stay there." He said Fustrated, taking a sit next to you.

"Sounds annoying." You said.

He joined you in watching your movie, and you handed him the popcorn bowl. He started eating out of it, when you heard him Yelp. You looked over to see he had bitten the amulet. 

"Ppff." You suppressed a laugh.

This kept happening all night and it didn't stop being funny. Jim would keep trying to get rid of the amulet on for it to reappear somewhere else. Like the Bathroom cubbord, the fridge, the desk. He got so tired of it, and decided to try drastic measures. We went to the backyard and he hit a home run with the amulet with a baseball bat. The amulet flew out of sight. Right when Jim turned around though, it flew back and him in the head. 

"Really?" Said Fustrated.

You burst out laughing, and he just gave you an annoyed look.

The next day you decided to pop in on Jim's rehearsal during your free period. You took a seat in the back and gave him a wave. He gave a wave back before focusing back on the play.

"Hey who's that? Is she... Your girlfriend?" Asked Claire in a whisper.

"What?! No! That's my sister." Jim whispered back.

"Deny and refuse, but he can't deny it. But Romeo can't not be a Montague, which means that Juliet..." Said the Drama teacher.

"And I'll no longer be a Capulet." Said Claire reading a line from the script.

"Exactly! Jim?" Said the teacher giving him a look like 'are you finally gonna focus?'.

"Huh?" Said Jim.

You chuckled. He was so distracted these days.

"Or if thou wilt not, be sworn my love..." Said the teacher, reminding him of his line.

"Right. No, I-i got it. Love, deny, refuse. I'm on it." Said Jim.

"Okay, then. Let's take it from 'Wherefore art...' " said the teacher.

This was boring. You never really like Shakespeare. The plan beats around the bush with everything. Like do you need to a thousand words to simply say 'i like the weather today?'. And the whole story is about two horny preteens wanting to bang, and thinking being horny is what love is. Not to mention you could barely understand what people are talking about.

"You okay?" Asked Claire.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Totally fine." Said Jim with a nervous chuckle.

"You're going to need to be a bit more convincing if you're going to play Romeo." Said Claire.

"I've just got some stuff going on in my head." Said Jim.

"I know we don't know eachother all that well, but we're going to be spending a lot of time together, so-" she said tucking her back.

Is she flirting? Nah, no way.

"All right, all right! Act two, scene two, line 33." Said the teacher interrupting them.

"Wherefore art thou, Romeo?" Said Claire.

You could tell Claire was really into this play. Oh and there Jim Gose giving her that lovely dovey smile again. Love, bleh.

When your free period was up, you went back to attending the rest of your classes. After school your grabbed your stuff, and went to meet up with the boys. You knew something was wrong as soon as you saw the crowd gathering near the spot you were supposed to meet the boys. You sped up your walking and you heard a familiar voice.

"Stay still so I can Puch your face!" Said Steve fustrated.

When you got closer you saw Steve chasing Jim all over the place trying to punch him, with Jim just barely dodging eachtime. Steve is so gonna get it this time. Steve finally managed to punch Jim in the face, knocking him to the ground.

"Stay down and live worm." Said Steve with a intimidating chuckle.

That's when you finally made it over to them. You stepped inbetween them, and gave Steve a hard glare with your hands balled into fists.

"What do you think your doing? I told you not to mess with him or your gonna get the life beaten out of you." You said in a menacing voice.

Steve chuckled and looked down at Jim.

"So you're gonna let your sister fight all your Battles for you? What a wimp." Said Steve mockingly.

You tensed, so ready to punch him in the face right now. Before you could do anything though, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You looked back to see Jim who was now standing. He had a determined look on his face. He then gave you a look that said "I've got this". With a sigh, you nodded and went to stand over by Toby. He better know what he's doing.

"Is that all you got?" Said Jim to Steve.

Steve growled and began to approach Jim, but Claire suddenly jumped inbetween them to shield Jim.

"Leave him alone, Steve!" She said.

"Butt out!" Said Steve as he pushed her out if the way.

"Claire!" Called Out Jim in worry.

You stepped in and caught Claire before she hit the pole. That asshat, why did he do that?

"Haha. Good thing your mom's a nurse." Laughed Steve as he raised a hand ready to punch Jim.

"One hit..." Jim said to himself.

Before Steve could hit him, Jim gave him a strong uppercut to the Jaw. The punch was strong enough to knock him to the ground, and even knock out one of his teeth.

"She's a doctor actually." Said Jim.

The students starting cheering and a victorious smirk fell on your face. You walked over to Jim not caring that you stepped on Steve when you did so. You gave Him a playful punch on the shoulder.

"Nice one, Bro! And here I thought you didn't have it in you." You said Proudly.

Jim rubbed his shoulder and smiled at you.

Toby rushed over, also stepping on Steve in the process.

"Got one! Dude, you did it! And without even kicking him in the gronk-nuks!" Cheered Toby.

"Although that method would have been prefered." You said with a laugh.

You went over to Steve and looked down at him.

"Looks like your the one that's gonna need that nurse now." You said smugly.

Jim and Toby had to head back to class to some stuff they forgot, so you decided to head to Trollmarket ahead of them. When you got to Trollmarket, you found Blinky and Aaarrrgghh getting drinks at the tavern. They offered to get you one, but you declined. The drinks smelt like old sweaty moldy socks. Blegh. The tavern would have been alot more peaceful if it wasn't for a certain loudmouthed hedgehog who kept bragging about how he beat Jim earlier.

"It was an epic pummeling! Haha! I was going to kill him, but I just couldn't make up my mind as to how. Haha! Trollhunter. More like Trollhunted! Hahaha!" Bellowed Draal obnoxiously. You were all sending glares his way.

"This guy is giving me an aneurysm. I don't know how you guys put up with him." You groaned rubbing your head.

Blinky gave a groan of dissplesurre.

"If only master Jim had landed a single hit." Said Blinky.

"Single hit." Agreed Aaarrrgghh.

"He would've been changed forever." Said Blinky.

"Over and over and over! It was incredible!" Boasted Draal.

You groaned annoyed.

"You babies can keep whining here for all I care, but I've had enough of this." You said annoyed.

You got up from your seat and started walking over to Draal's table where he and his idiot friends sat. Draal was about to boast more, but was interrupted by a round of slow clapping. Him and his friends looking at you, where you now stood right next to Draal. They gave you curious but annoyed looks, while Draal gave you an annoyed and fustrated glare. You smirked at his expression and stopped your clapping.

"Wow Hedgehog, that's a great story, but you left out one small part. Why didn't you tell your friends here how I stepped in at the end of the fight, and you weren't strong enough to knock me down. It was a stale mate, but I'm sure we both know I was just about to win if Vendel hadn't interrupted." You said Smugly.

You saw Draal sweatdrop, as he tried to scare you with a death glare. Your grin widened, with the shocked look on his friends faces. Some were asking if it was true, but when Draal didn't respond they knew it was. They all started laughing mockingly at him, which made him finally have enough.

"Bushigal! I was only holding back cause I didn't want your Fleshbag guys all over the place. The next time we fight Spar, I won't show you the same mercy." He said with a growl as he got right in your face.

You didn't even flinch.

"Bring it on, tough guy. But from here they sound like empty words to protect your feble pride. And during out fight you weren't holding back much as I could tell you were tiring. Don't feel to bad. It's not like your the first to lose to me." You said mockingly.

The grip on his cup titghted. You could tell he really wanted to fight you now. 

"Looks like I made the hedgehog mad." You said.

He growled.

"You know all I want now is the chance to wail on you and the pathetic excuse of a Fleshbag you call brother, again." Said Draal.

You rolled your eyes.

He was about to take a drink from his cup, when a hand grabbed it and slammed it down on the table. Surprised, everyone turned to look a Jim and Toby who were suddenly next to you.

"Wish granted, Loud Mouth. Rematch. You. Me. Name the time. Name the place. And I'll be there." Said Jim confidentiality.

"We both will." Said Toby confidentiality.

Draal stood up and looked down at the two with angry eyes. You just stood there shocked. What on earth was my stupid brother thinking now? How badly dose this kid want to die?

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