The Hunter Becomes The Hunted Part 2

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A/N: welcome back guys. I know it has been awhile but I've had alot going on in my life. Things are finally settling down, so I'll be able to update these books again. I can hopefully get a chapter out for this book once every two weeks at least, maybe in less time if I'm not to busy. Thank you all for your patience and support. Enjoy the chapter.

You and the boys were riding you bikes on your way home from school. You didn't see the boy's too much today, so they made sure to fill you in on everything that happened. Strickler almost found out about the amulet, Jim tried out for rehearsals as a cover story, his acting was actually good, and he managed to somehow impress that Claire girl he always oogles.

"Dude, that was amazing! You were amazing! I'm amazed at how amazing you were!" Said Toby.

"I still can't believe it happened." Said Jim.

"I know right? You being good at acting and impressing a girl? Next thing you know pigs will fly." You joked.

Jim just rolled his eyes at you annoyed.

"No really. You should have seen how that chiquita was looking at him. His armor totally did him a favor!" Said Toby.

"I'm still getting the hang of it." Said Jim.

"Didn't 6 eyes say it reacts to your emotional state?The armor turns on when your in distress." You said.

"But I wasn't in distress back at school." Said Jim.

You all biked around the corner, and froze when you saw a giant angry black troll.

"Holy mother of-" you said.

"I am now.." said Jim.

"Trollhunter, Merlin's Creation... Gunmar's Bane." Growled the Beast on all fours.

"I think he's talking to you..." Said Toby.

"Ya think?" You said irritability.

While the boy's freaked at troll who was roaring and stomping around, you were examining it. You noticed it flinched away from the sunlight.

"Look, he's scared of the sun!" You said.

"Not for long!" Cried Toby.

"The amulet! Surrender it, and I will give you a speedy death." Said the troll.

"Yeah that's a great offer and all, but we'll pass. Run!" You shouted.

The three of you started biking as fast as you could away from that thing. You guys turned a corner and hid behind a truck.

"Armor up, armor up, armor up!" Panicked Toby.

"Oh no, take your time. It's not like our life's are on the line." You said sarcastically.

Jim tried the chant but it wasn't working.

"It's not working! Seriously you are mine to command! " Jim told the amulet fustrated.

Suddenly the truck you were hiding behind was lifted off the ground by the troll.

"Centuries of Trollhunters, and I will have killed two in almost as many days." Said the troll.

"He's good at math!" Panicked Toby.

"Not the time for admiration!Move your butts!" You shouted.

As you all biked away, the troll threw the truck at you guys.

"Flying truck!" Shouted Jim.

"Incoming!"shouted Toby.

You guys turned the corner, and just missed getting crushed by the truck. The Troll got close and ran beside you guys.

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