A Not So Warm Welcome Part 1

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You all made you way down into Trollmarket, that had trolls of all shapes and sizes. You were wary of the trolls, but you had to admit that they had some nice digs.

"This is your home?" Asked Jim amazed.

"This place is not to shabby. Nice." You commented starring at the crystals.

"Trollmarket is home and hearth and sanctuary for all good trolls. This way my friends. There is much to see." Said Blinky proudly.

"Dang and here I thought the only thing underneath our town was dirt and plumbing." Said Toby.

You all followed Blinky through Trollmarket. So far you guys were going unnoticed to the other trolls. But that didn't mean you weren't keeping an eye on them. Blinki and Aaarrrgghh seemed alright, but you didn't have any trust for the rest of these trolls. You all walked with Blinky in the lead, humans in the middle, and Aaarrrgghh in the back.

"Stay close. Human feet have never graces the ground of Trollmarket before." Said Blinky.

"And I have a feeling that is being here won't be appreciated." You must mumbled to yourself.

"Human?" Said a troll.

You were about to get ready for a fight, but Aaarrrgghh stepped in.

"Friends." He growled.

"This is crazy! Are you getting this Tobes?" Jim asked.

"Oh yeah, on it." Said Toby taking pictures.

"You really shouldn't be taking pictures." You warned, but we're ignored.

You all passed by a place that had a dead cat sign, and you hear cats coming from inside. They eat cats? Gross. At least we haven't any sign they eat humans. Yet. You also passed by a blacksmiths and a tattoo parlor. Toby kept taking lotsvof photos which was making some of the trolls annoyed. As you passed by more crystals, Toby started fanboying. You roles your eyes in annoyance.

"Check it out! Peridot, Topaz, Cassiterite!" Said Toby.

He ran over to another rock.

"Kornerupine!" He exclaimed.

He heard growling and looked up to see an angry troll.

"Hi." He said nervously.

Just when it looked like the troll was going punch him, You pulled Toby out of the way. You gave the Troll a warning glare, before dragging Toby back to the group. Once back with the group you let him go.

"Try not to upset the locals, will you? And don't wander off." You reprimanded him.

"Sorry." He apologized.

"Your knowledge of minerals is almost troll-like, Tobias." Said Blinky.

"So your kind, you all live here?" Asked Jim.

"Trolls travel from afar to our market to find comfort and remedies. You'll find almost anything you need and sometimes you'll find what you never knew you needed." Said Blinky.

As you all passed by a shadowy corner, you heard a low angry growl. When you turned to look, all you saw was a blue blue fade into the darkness. Jim noticed you stopped walking.

"Everything alright?" Asked Jim.

You glared hard at the shadows.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's keep moving." You said.

The two of you made it back to the group. You heard little pattering around yous. You and Jim looked down to see a little garden gnome looking thing. Jim bent down to get a closer look at the little guy.

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