Little Mix Group Chat [ Jerri...

By TeamViper

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The title basically gives it away, but I don't see a lot of little mix group chat books where they haven't me... More



1.4K 28 16
By TeamViper

A/N: This is the day that they all meet so it might be a little long.

Jesy's Phone

Mr.Styles: Harry! Where did you put my shampoo

Mr.Tommo: I didn't touch it, I swear

Wifey🥰: He's lying. The front camera from his phone shows him stealing it before he took his shower this morning

Mr.Tommo: Darn you Leigh-Anne

Twin: So where are we all meeting today?

Baby Peanut: Why don't we meet at the hotel I'm staying at?

Lucky Charms: I say us original gang meet at Jesy's house with the addition of Leigh then head to the the hotel.

Baby Peanut: I'm fine with that option

Wifey🥰: I'll get us free tickets. Give me five seconds

Wifey🥰: Everyone check your emails, our free tickets are in the link

Lucky Charms: I am totally going to abuse the resources that Leigh has

Baby Peanut: Won't you get in trouble with the government?

Wifey🥰: No. My program is untraceable and I made sure that it was by getting people with higher technology than the government could ever dream of to try and hack in

Twin: Alright I have to go. Text me the address Pez

Jesy's POV

I get brought away from my phone when I hear a knock on the door. "Leigh? You got here fast.", I say letting her in. "I was walking here as we were texting. I hope that's alright.", she says as I lead her up to my room. "No you're good. So what do you want to do while we wait?", I question. She looks around my room before looking back to me with a smirk. "Can I use your computer for something?", she asks. "Sure, just don't give me a virus.", I joke as I watch her pull out a hard drive and plug it into my computer. "Hand me the thingy thing from your LED's.", she says holding her hand out. I unplug them from the close by outlet and drop it in her hand.

She opens it up before taking out some more wires from the bag she has. "Jes, your friends are here.", Jade calls out. "Send them up.", I say ignoring the mini stampede on the stairs. "The boys have arrived.", Louis says opening the door. "Is that Leigh-Anne?", Harry questions in shock. I look back at the curly haired girl as her hair makes a curtain around her face. "Yes and she's very focused so don't disturb her. She's in the zone.", I say trying to shush them. We all make conversation until Leigh calls out that she's done before turning around. "How long have they been here?", she asks looking back up.

"Five, ten minutes.", I say picking at my nails. "Well check this out.", she says pressing a button. The lights in my room each take on a different color before rotating around the room. "How long did that take you?", Niall asks looking around. "I don't know maybe twenty minutes.", she answers packing her stuff back up. "Come on, we're supposed to be meeting Jade and Perrie at the hotel.", I say putting my shoes on. "We're heading out.", I say to my siblings before closing the door. "So what do you do for fun Leigh?", Louis asks. "I don't know. Work on coding, make a new app.", she answers with a awkward shrug.

"That's all you do? You don't go out?", Harry asks. "I was supposed to be at therapy today but, I'd rather mop the ocean.", she answers kicking a rock. "Therapy is ass. I know how you feel.", Louis says. We continue to walk with a few jokes here and there before coming across the hotel. "She's staying on the top floor.", Leigh mummers walking in. We all step into the elevator and I see Leigh twitch in the corner of my eye. "You alright?", I ask taking her hand. She looks down at our hands before answering. "Uh yeah, I just don't like elevators. I don't have good memories in them.", she answers. I run my thumb over the back of her hand before giving her a reassuring smile.

"Well you don't have to worry about anything because you're here with us.", I say. "If you two would stop flirting, this is our floor.", Niall says breaking our moment. Leigh dashes out of the elevator making me laugh before following her out and stopping at the door she knocked on. "Oh wow, your face is even better in person.", Jade says looking her up and down. "Eyes to yourself tiny. She's my wife.", I say hugging Leigh's arm. "Yep sorry to say it tiny but she's right.", Leigh responds wrapping a arm around my waist. The contact makes me put my head down and smile.

The boys push past us and walk into the room. "The gays have arrived.", Niall announces striking a pose. "Oh my gosh Jesy! You look so much more huggable in person.", Perrie squeals hugging me. I wrap my arms around her before pulling back. "You're a lot more bubbly.", I say giving her head a friendly pat. "The guys just texted me, let's get going.", Leigh says. "How's your mom enjoying the spa?", Leigh questions Perrie as we wait for the elevator. "She's loving it. Said it's good for her back.", Perrie answers. "So when's your next date with Jade?", Louis interrupts making Jade choke on her spit.

"Tomorrow actually. We're going on a walk so we could get to know the place better.", she answers with an oblivious smile to Jade. "I mean it's not that great but it's better than nothing.", Jade mutters trying to hide her flaming cheeks. "Little Jadey is blushing.", Harry teases shaking her. "Leave my Jadey alone. And you don't call her that Harold.", Perrie says pulling Jade into her embrace. Jade squeaks before leaning into the hold. "Leigh are you alright?", I hear Louis ask. I turn my attention back to her to find her gripping one of the metal railings on the side. "She doesn't like elevators that much. Will you be alright?", I question as I walk over to her.

She takes my hand gently and nods trying to steady her breathing. "Get me off of this metal death trap.", she whispers pulling me into her. A jolt goes down my spine from feeling her body pressed against mine before I shake myself out of my thoughts. "It's almost over. Three more floors.", I say rubbing her stomach through her shirt. She sighs and loosens up letting me know she likes it. The elevator stops and she dashes out, leaving everyone behind. "This way to the theater.", I say walking ahead.

After catching up with Leigh, I pull her ahead so we could talk. "Why don't you like elevators? You don't have to say if you don't want to, I'm just curious.", I say. "I've gotten trapped in an elevator once when I was little and it was the scariest thing I've ever experienced.", she answers. "Everyone has their phobias, nothing to be ashamed of. I honestly can't stand buttered bread.", I say. "Buttered bread? So you eat your toast dry?", she questions with a light laugh. "No I don't eat bread all that much.", I answer. "Well I'm definitely afraid of anything that flies.", she says making me crack a smile.

"How about when we get to the theater, we ditch the boys, grab Jade and Perrie, and head to the arcade.", she suggests in a whisper. "What are the boys gonna do then?", I ask. "They'll hang out with the other boys and form a dumb and gay bromance.", she answers. "Let's do it.", I say laughing. "Right up this corner girls.", Liam calls out from behind us. "We live here, I'm pretty sure we know where the theater is.", I say back. We walk through the doors and some boys come and surround Leigh. "I was starting to think you ditched us again.", the red head says slinging an arm around her shoulder.

"If you keep being so loud I will. And get off of me, I don't know where you've been.", she says pushing him off. "Be nice to your friends.", I say hitting her lightly in her side. "Who's this cutie? You didn't tell us you were bringing a girl.", says the blonde. "Because it's none of your business. And keep your hands off of her, she's my wife.", she says pulling me back into her side. "Hi I'm Jesy.", I say holding my hand out. The blonde takes my hand in a firm shake before yelping and hiding behind the red head. "I'm Michael but you can call me Mikey, that's Calum, Luke, and Ashton.", he introduces.

"This is Jade, Perrie, Niall, Louis, and Harry.", I say. "Let's catch this movie. It's ghost busters, that cool right?", Luke questions. "Actually, us girls are gonna head to the bathroom. You guys can go get your seats.", Leigh says pulling me away. "Jade, Perrie. Follow.", I say. "What are we doing on here? We're gonna miss the previews.", Perrie questions. "We're ditching them to go to the arcade upstairs. Let's get moving.", Leigh says opening the door.

Jade's POV

I watch from behind as Leigh and Jesy walk with a power that makes people stay out of their way. "They are the ultimate power couple. I can't wait until they actually get together.", Perrie says from beside me. "Well obviously. Look at the way Leigh holds her. You don't see that in any regular couple.", I say back. "Why don't you hold me Jade?", she questions. "You want me to hold you?", I answer with a smirk. "I mean I still haven't gotten my ring so this will partly make up for it. Just hold me Jade.", she answers with a shrug. I wrap my arm around her shoulders before squeezing her into my side. "You two ok back there?", Jesy asks turning back to us.

"Yep, we're just talking.", I answer. "The arcade I like is right here. It's all on me so enjoy yourselves.", Leigh says. "No need for that.", Perrie says. "I insist. I have more money that I know what to do with at my teenage years. I'm serious this won't even put a dent into anything.", she says waving her off. "How many cards miss?", the guy behind the register question. "Four, with the two hour deal.", Leigh answers. "That'll be 56.19.", he says in a monotone tone with a sigh. Leigh hands him a card and he swipes it before handing her the four game cards.

"Enjoy yourself children. Leigh and I will be over here.", Jesy says dragging Leigh away. "What do you want to do first?", I question as we walk away. "I love crane games but I'm absolute shit at them.", she answers laughing. "I'll give it a go for you. I'm probably gonna suck.", I say swiping my card. "Go for the big taco.", she says gripping my shoulders. I maneuver the crane around before coming up on the taco she wanted. "This is?", I ask. "Yeah that one.", she answers. I drop the crane and hope that it has some form of grip.

The crane closes around the middle of the taco and lifts it up without a problem, and drops it into the prize shoot. "Well there you are love. One giant taco.", I say handing it to her. "Yay, thanks Jadey!", she says pecking my cheek. "Oh wow, a taco.", I say holding it up trying to hide my warm face. "Come on, I see a game for a lot of tickets.", she says pulling me away.

Leigh's POV

Jesy and I walk through the arcade playing a few games here and there until she starts slapping my arm in excitement. "Look at the jackpot on this game. And it's a programming one, so it's in your league. Million ticket jackpot.", she says pushing me towards it. I wait in the small line of guys that swear it's rigged before it's my turn. The game gives you a bread board and some wires that you have to connect together for it to give you your prize. I study over the one they gave before deeming it useable.

After figuring out the algorithm for it, I start attaching all the wires. The whole process takes only five minutes, I don't see why everyone else was saying it was hard. As I'm putting in the last wire, a loud ding breaks me out of my thoughts. "And we have a winner. Congratulations, your tickets have been added to your card.", the person sitting there says. I've never been good with social interactions so I just nod and smile before stepping out of the way. "You little tech genius you. I think you deserve an even better reward.", Jesy says after I come back over to her. "And what might that be?", I question.

She looks at me before kissing my cheek and walking away. I feel my cheeks heat up and become thankful that my hair provides a curtain around my face. I catch up with her a few minutes later to find her laughing. "Don't laugh, you caught me off guard.", I say pouting. "You're lucky you look cute like that.", she says pointing at me. "I'll take it then. At least you called me cute.", I say with a shrug. After another fifteen minutes of playing games and talking, we come across Perrie and Jade.

"Look at my giant taco. Jade got it for me.", Perrie says hugging it. "It's not that great. But I'm glad she enjoys it.", Jade says tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "Don't be modest Jade, you deserve all the praise I'm giving you.", Perrie says hugging her. Jade's face turns a light shade of red and I laugh. "You two go have fun, Jade and I will be over here.", I say wrapping my arm around Jade's neck. "How come we're splitting up?", she asks. "I'm saving you from embarrassment. Plus, I wanna get to know you better.", I answer. "Thanks, I was gonna explode if she kept being so cute.", she sighs. "Jesy isn't any better. She looks so intending but she's actually so cuddly.", I say as we stop at a air hockey game.

"So, what do you do for fun?", she questions. "I don't really do fun. I'm more of a sit in the dark watching tv kind of girl.", I answer. "So none of your siblings bother you? Assuming that you have siblings.", she asks. "I have two sisters. And they know that I could do anything I wanted and still look innocent. My youngest powers.", I joke as I hit the little puck. "I got you there. Being the youngest has its perks, but it's definitely a full time job.", she jokes. "Oh look Perrie's talking to some dude.", I lie pointing in a random direction. Jade turns her head and I use that to hit the puck in.

"You cheated.", she pouts. "I mean it's true now.", I say motioning in the same direction with my head. She turns around and I notice her jaw clench as her gaze hardens. "I've never seen her like this before. I'll have to update my charts.", I mumble as I watch her walk over to them.

Jade's POV

"Hey Pez. You ready to go get some food?", I ask wrapping my arms around her waist from behind. "Oh Jade! You scared me. These boys were talking to me. This is Jade, Jade this is Connor, and Lucas.", she says with a smile. I give her a smile and when she turns away my face hardens and I give the two boys a death stare. "Where's Jesy?", I question not wanting to keep the conversation on the two boys. "She went to the bathroom. But make them go away please. They're making me uncomfortable.", she whispers in my ear making me even more upset.

"Follow my lead.", I say loosening my grip. I move my hands to her sides and rest my head on her shoulder. "So Perrie, I was wondering if you wanted to catch a movie sometime.", Lucas asks with a smile. "Nope, she's taken.", I lie. "Hey girls, what's going on here?", Jesy asks as she comes back up to us. "Who's your friend ladies?", Connors asks taking Jesy's hand. That's when Leigh decides to make her appearance by roughly pulling them out of the way by their shirts. "What do you two want?", she questions. "L-Leigh-Anne? What are you doing here?", Lucas questions.

"That's none of your damned business. Now why were you touching her?", she questions bringing Connor closer to her. "I just thought she was pretty. Let me go please.", he begs trying to squirm out of her grip. Leigh gives a dark chuckle before whispering something in his ear. "Is that understood?", she questions pulling back. The frightened boy nods and grabs his hand before running away. "Sorry about them. They try to get with anything that had a pulse.", she says losing the edge to her tone.

"Am I the only one that thought that was the hottest thing ever?", Jesy questions startling is all. "Quite blunt Jes.", I say. "I'm sorry but it's true. Like that was hot. Leigh herself is hot but then her being all demanding is another thing.", Jesy answers. "So what's this position all about?", Leigh questions. "That Lucas guy was hitting on her. I wouldn't let the pass.", I answer, narrowing my eyes at the mention of his name. "What did you tell him Leigh? He was practicing crying.", Perrie questions. "Nothing important. He's knows what I'm capable of, I just made sure he remembered.", Leigh answers.

Her eyebrow twitches and we decide to leave the topic alone before she gets too worked up about it. "So we're you serious about getting something to eat?", Perrie questions making a shudder go up my spine from feeling her warm breath on my neck. "You like that?", she questions. I nod and instantly regret it because she lays her head back onto my shoulder and buries her face in my neck. I feel my knees buckle as she pulls away making me sigh in frustration. "I'm ready to go. Let's go cash in these tickets. I think Jadey needs a cold shower.", Perrie teases. "Hell, me too.", Jesy mumbles staring at Leigh.

"You have no shame. I like that.", Leigh says turning around. "Stop looking at me like that, I can't focus.", Jesy whines. Leigh gives her a wink before walking away to the prize area. "I just want her to hit me with a car. Like, god.", she mumbles following after Leigh. "Shall we go?", I question holding out my hand. "We shall J'adore.", Perrie answers linking our fingers together. We meet Jesy and Leigh at the prize booth before handing the man our cards. "Alright well, I'll be honest with you, you can basically get two of everything here because I don't feel like reading that huge number.", the guy sighs. "Give me the computer chair. And the LED strips.", Leigh says blankly.

"I want one of every candy you have. And the big Minnie Mouse up there.", Perrie says pointing to it. When the man hands it to her, she pushes it into my arms and I look around it. "You remembered?", I question. "You told me like five hours ago. Of course I do.", is her smug answer. "That's sweet. Let me have the, big dog thing, and a snowman.", I say looking up at the bigger stuffed animals. He grabs them and I hand the snowman to her. "It's no Olaf, but it's a snowman. Same difference really.", I say with a shrug. We continue picking out different prizes until we all announce that we're done. "You still have a crap ton of tickets left. Do you want to save them for the next time you come, or donate the tickets?", he questions with a sigh.

"I'll keep em. Can you put all the tickets onto one card though?", Leigh questions. He swipes the three cards and hands Leigh a silver card. "Next time you come, just swipe this and it'll be divided into the four cards so you can continue playing.", he says handing it to her. Leigh says her thanks and we leave only to be met with the boys walking in our direction. "There you girls are. We were just about to call. We wanted to get something to eat.", Harry says walking over to us.

Leigh-Anne's POV

To say I'm still upset is an understatement. The image of Connor grabbing Jesy's hand burns into my mind making my teeth grit and my fist curl up. I then smirk at the memory of how scared he looked. "She's mine and I won't hesitate to hurt you physically without laying a hand on you if I ever see you around her again.", plays through my head making my inner demons cheer for me. "Leigh have you been listening?", Jesy asks from her place beside me. "No not really. What's happening?", I question. "We're getting pizza for lunch. That good with you right?", she answers. "Yep. But I can think of something that would be better.", I grin looking over at her.

She raises her eyebrow in question and I smile. "You.", is my single word reply. "I'll hold you to it then.", she jokes walking ahead. I feel a hand lock around my shoulder and turn my head. "I see the way that you look at her Leigh. You need to pull back.", Calum warns. "Maybe, she just makes me happy. Did you ever think of that? Not every girl I hang out with is my new obsession. Get off my back will you?", I question annoyed. "We're just looking out for you.", Luke says as he and the rest of the boys fall back. "I don't need you to look out for me. I'm not some obsessive freak. And if you were my friends, you wouldn't treat me like a nut job.", I say pushing through them.

"You know that they mean well.", A voice says startling me. "Yeah well they're annoying. And if they don't get off my back, I'll end up doing something.", I murmur. "You should drop them. They're swarming you, they're more likely to give it away with the way that they treat you like a toddler.", the other says making me consider it. "But they've been there for you when there was no one else.", the angel side says. "Only because they want to make sure that I'm "safe"", I say bitterly. "You keep zoning out. Come on, everyone is already at the pizza parlor.", Jesy says interrupting my inner conversation.

"Sorry. My mind is everywhere right now.", I apologize. "No problem. Now, let's go.", she says grabbing my hand.

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