Final Footsteps (Running Seri...

By Wingerz17

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We were all alive. We were all together again. Until... A knock on the door. "He's gone...He's really gone an... More

Chapter 1: Devastation
Chapter 2: Bueno
Chapter 3: Revelations
Chapter 4: Pierced Flesh
Chapter 5: Superman Squared
Chapter 6: Truth Reunited
Chapter 7: Sleep Interrupted
Chapter 8: Remorseful Error
Chapter 9: Take Me Home
Chapter 10: A Lurid Rerun
Chapter 11: Day Over
Chapter 12: Shattered Pieces
Chapter 13: Painful Features
Chapter 14: Malicious Tongues
Chapter 15: More Steps Forwards
Chapter 16: Independence
Chapter 17: Damaged
Chapter 18: Broken Chains
Chapter 19: Hollandaze
Chapter 20: River Cruising
Chapter 21: The Secret Door
Chapter 22: Zoo O'clock
Chapter 23: Rolling Punches
Chapter 24: Past Shadows
Chapter 25: Survival
Chapter 26: Minor Blips
Chapter 27: Those Days
Chapter 28: Suprise
Chapter 29: Faded Sleep
Chapter 30: Late Night Confessions
Chapter 31: New Memories
Chapter 32: Childish Antics
Chapter 33: Those Mini Pizzas
Chapter 34: In The Eye
Chapter 35: Fireworks
Chapter 36: False Start
Chapter 37: Welcome to the world
Chapter 38: Untold Stories
Chapter 39: Reunited
Chapter 40: More than you realised
Chapter 41: Tearful goodbyes, smiling hello's
Chapter 42: Healed Nightmares
Chapter 44: Tropical Paradise
Chapter 45: Blissful Times
Chapter 46: Happy Birthday
Chapter 47: Relax and Celebrations
Chapter 48: A Capital Bang
Chapter 49: Last Day Blues
Chapter 50: Tired Eyes and Warm Beds
Chapter 51: Gunshots and Loud Bangs
Chapter 52: Running from Demons
Chapter 53: The Best News
Chapter 54: Family Fun
Chapter 55: YES!
Chapter 56: The Big Apple
Chapter 57: Family is Everything

Chapter 43: Past Demons

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By Wingerz17

Song for chapter is Going down fighting by Phlotilla, Andrea Wasse, Topher Mohr


Keane's POV

Arlo and Angelo had been back from London and I could tell that Arlo had changed, that maybe he'd had some sort of revelation. I was just happy that a part of him could be put to rest, the part that undoubtedly blamed himself for Lorenzo's death.

Angelo's birthday party had been a triumph, Noah had planned everything down to a tee. Martha, Ryley, Jaxon and the kids were flown out. Noah spoiled Angelo with breakfast in bed, followed by birthday sex (Noah happily told everyone), we all then went for a walk on the beach, before we had afternoon tea at Corrigan's, all of us and presents were given out.

The evening saw us all getting dressed up and going for a meal at a top class restaurant, a lot of food and drink was consumed. A few of the adults with kids headed back home along with Angelo's niece and nephew, whilst everyone else headed out on the town. It was a very messy but extremely awesome night. We felt the effects for a few days afterwards.

Today was the 28th January, the 6 of us would be flying to the Bahamas on the 6th February for a week and I knew we were all looking forward to it.

Angelo had dropped his family at the airport this morning and then he and Noah went shopping for some food, they were back home now planning dinner for later on. Tayte was Face timing Jen and Torah and Arlo and I were running an errand for Rory and Piper.

Arlo's POV

We were parked up in the furthest space possible from the 3rd and last shop, Keane had ran in to get something we forgot.

I was texting Mali' when I looked up and could see Keane coming back towards the car, I then saw someone behind him.


"KEANE BEHIND YOU! LOOKOUT" I shouted, scrambling to open the car door, he span around and dodged the first punch, I dashed out of the car to hear,

"Fucking Bastard," come from Keane's mouth as he threw some more punches. I felt a hand on my back, turned and floored the man with one punch, "ARLO, A LITTLE HELP HERE," Keane hollered, he was trying to fend off three men, all of which were twice his size. I joined him, taking out the men, "I'm so glad your forces trained," I smiled,

"Are you okay?" I asked checking him over quickly with my eyes,

"I'm fine," we heard slow clapping and spun around, to be faced by a man wearing dark designer shades and a plain grey fitted suit, he had an AK47 slung loosely over his shoulder and a smug smile plastered on his face.

"Very impressive. Safe to say you have passed the first test,"

"Who the hell are you?" Keane snapped,

"Family friend, but that is not important right now,"

"What do you want?" Keane then spat and I placed my hand on his shoulder, hoping he'd calm down, but he didn't.

"The two of you to come with me," Keane laughed at that remark, I stayed quiet, the man looked at me closely, "Is that going to be a problem?" I felt the butt of a gun press into my back, I spun around and disarmed the weapon,

"Arlo," Keane protested,

"Fuck," Keane had a knife held pressed against his throat,

"Put the gun down Arlo, there doesn't need to be trouble here," the suited man said, I kept aiming the gun between him and the men, "Or I will make you,"

"FUCK YOU" Keane snapped, and I couldn't help but smile at his fearlessness, he took a blow to side of his stomach, "Is that all you've got?" he said through gritted teeth,

"Touch him and again and I will kill you" I said coolly,

"You won't Arlo,"

"Just shoot him already" Keane hissed, as the knife was pressed harder into his neck, it pierced through skin and I knew this because I saw the blood trickle down his neck. I pulled the trigger, it was empty,

"Oh come on Arlo, of course I knew you were going to do that," Suit smiled. I was then whacked in the head with the butt of the gun and I stumbled to the floor,

"ARLO" Keane's voice pierced through my hearing, before I was hit again and darkness met me.

I came too groggy, a dull ache in the back of my skull, my hands were tied tightly behind my back in handcuffs (rookie error) and I was sat on a steel chair, my ankles were also tied. I scanned the large what looked to be an airplane type warehouse, it was bare, with no windows and only one door. One exit.


I then heard a groan,


"Mmm, fucker knocked me out after you,"

"Are you okay though?"

"Apart from a pounding head I'm fine,"

"I'm sorry,"

"Don't be sorry, I've been in worse situations and definitely worse pain" we heard a door creak open and then footsteps,

"I'll get us out of here bud," I whispered. "Even if I die doing so," I then mumbled so he couldn't hear. Suit man came into view, he'd lost his jacket and was just wearing a murky coloured shirt with the sleeves rolled up,

"So...I'm going to ask you a few questions and all I want you to do is answer them truthfully," He said,

"Or what?" Keane retorted and I heard a smack as Keane took a punch to the face, "Bastard!"

"Leave him the fuck alone," I snapped angrily, "If you want to hurt someone, you hurt me, you hear me, hurt me and only me,"

"Now where's the fun in that. Just answer my questions and no one will get hurt," Suit said calmly, "Arlo, you were stationed in Somalia in the capital Mogadishu a few years back, on that mission you were assigned to protect someone the name of Asad Bashiir Khalaf, he was the son of the ex-president Ismail Omar Khalaf, do you remember this?"

I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"No clue what you are talking about," I answered. Keane took a blow to the face again groaning.

"FUCK YOU," He spat. I fought against the restraints,

"I told you to leave him the FUCK alone," I snarled,

"And I told you to just answer my questions and no one will get hurt. So I will ask you again, do you remember this?"

"He said no. He's not going to tell you shit," Keane snapped, to be thumped in his stomach, he groaned and doubled over in pain, "And beating me...isn't going to make a jot of difference," he then said taking some breaths,

"I will tell you everything you want to know, if you let my brother go," I said calmly,

"That's not the deal. Bring it in, you're going to start talking soon Arlo" he gave me a hard punch in the face,

"You bastard, I'm the punchbag remember," Keane growled,

"Shut it Keane," I told him. The two of us together were just as stubborn and over protective as each other. This would all end in tears.

"This is a Picana, it's going to persuade the two of you to talk to me. Get rid of their shirts,"

"You fucking touch me" I spat, as my t-shirt was ripped and pulled off me and a punch to the gut for good measure.

"My body turning you on?" Keane asked and got a punch to the ribs, "I take that as a yes," He groaned.

"If you don't tell me if you know what I am talking about. Your darling younger brother here is going to feel what it's like to get one of these prodded into his chest,"

"Bite me," Keane teased. Keane tried to hold in the groans of pain, as electrical currents shot through his body and I could feel him convulse, "BASTARD," He stuttered breathing heavily,

"You FUCKING PRICK, you didn't ask me the question," I shouted,

"That was because your brother has a mouth on him and I don't like mouthy shits like him,"

"Say that again to my face," Keane smirked, he was prodded again, shaking in shock and screaming in pain; "FUCKERS,"


"Arlo. Somalia, do you remember now?"

"Yes," I hissed, he zapped me anyway.

"That was for taking so long," Suit said, "My next question."


"Keane," I whispered, I didn't get a response, "Keane, you still with me?" still no response and I was getting worried, "Keane?"

"Mmm...yeah. Still here," his delayed response told me however he was not doing too well.

"Do you think you can walk?"

"Does this mean you plan on getting us out of here?" I smiled at that.

"Yes. So you better be ready to run,"

"You better not do something stupid," He told me, breathing heavily,

Don't do something stupid like currently dislocating my thumb to slip out of my handcuffs and possibly slice an artery in my wrist by accident.

"No promises," I answered through gritted teeth. "No promises," I held in my muffled groan, but obviously not quiet enough.


"All good," I pulled my hand free and yanked the other off, standing up and steadying myself,

"You don't look too good," Keane told me as I began to get him out of the cuffs,

"You're not looking that great either," I replied. I was going to kill those bastards. Keane stood up, stumbling and I steadied him.

"Sorry, just a little dizzy," I wrapped my arms around him. Pain echoed through my body with every step I took and I knew Keane was also in pain. Those bastards were going to pay.

I could have done with a weapon, but would had to improvise. I knew they weren't far away.

The door was locked.


And someone was coming.

Double Fuck.

I pushed Keane flat against the wall behind the door and stood in front of him, as the door creeped open.

He groaned and that broke my heart, I put my hand over his mouth, his eyes apologised, hurting me even more.

Footsteps slowly came in,

"HEY THEY'VE GONE! THEY'VE FUCKING GONE," he rushed back out the door and I grabbed it before it closed.

"Sorry," Keane whispered and it broke my heart,

"Don't be," I swung open the door quietly and we supported each other and began to walk down the corridor. We then heard an alarm sound and a hoard of footsteps.


"Keane you need to get out of here and get help, I'll distract them, do you think you can do that?"

I would happily die protecting my brother.

"I'm not leaving you," he said through gritted teeth,

"This isn't up for arguing, go and get fucking help brother. I'm counting on you..."


"Arlo I'm not leaving you," he said again and looked at me with fear and pain in his eyes. I knew he wouldn't leave me, because if I was him, I wouldn't want to either.

I then caught sight of 3 guys come round the corner and shoved Keane harshly through a door roughly and closed it locking it,

"Go and don't fucking look back," I said through the window, he didn't move, "Keane please go and just remember I love you, FUCKING RUN" I could see tears in his eyes and he took one last look at me and staggered off.

Keane's POV

Blinking furiously at the day light that almost blinded me, I staggered out and tried to get my bearings.

Where was I?

Where was the nearest road?

What the fuck was happening?

My brain was so fuzzy right now.


I needed to concentrate!

Holding my ribs and stomach, and pushing away the pain. I made sure I kept moving and hit a roadside pavement. Trying to flag down a car but I was being ignored.

I could only imagine what I looked like.

I needed to take dramatic action, Arlo's life depended on it, so I stepped into the road closing my eyes.

Beeping filled my hearing.

Then this car screeched to a halt and I bashed my hands down on the bonnet.

Heart racing. I opened my eyes and looked into the car,

"KEANE!" the car doors opened and Tayte and Angelo appeared. I collapsed into Tayte's arms in relief,

"Keane, shit. Are you okay? Where have you been? We got worried when neither of you were answering your phone and no one had heard from you, so we decided to try and track you and then they cut off and..." Tayte trailed off, his eyes were meticulously checking me over,

"Where's Arlo?" Angelo asked, I was so tired, my eyes closed, "KEANE,"

"Baby, no sleeping okay," I opened my eyes,

"He...he needs help" I gasped breathing heavily, "He made me, but there were...there were more men coming and...and...fuck," I took some more deep breaths, "He needs help, he'll...he'll get himself killed,"

"Where did you come from?" Angelo said, I shut my eyes again, "Keane, buddy, eyes open, where did you come from?"

"'m sorry," I mumbled opening my eyes again, "That, some big warehouse or work building...I" I then answered,

"Stay here, call an ambulance and the police and tell them to get here as fast as they can," Angelo said,

"You can't go alone," Tayte said, pulling out his phone, "Angelo you're unarmed and we don't know how many people are in there,"

"I don't fucking care. It's Arlo," he said and sprinted off.

"ANGELO, ANGELO, FUCK," He looked down at me and kissed me. "It's all going to be okay, just stay with me baby okay,"

"'m 'kay," I muttered, as I lost consciousness.

I just prayed Arlo was okay.

Angelo's POV

The warehouse was quiet, eerily quiet upon approach, no cars or vans either. But as I entered, I was soon met with a trail of some dead and some unconscious bodies. I dared call out in case there were still some unwanted people around.

My heart dipped when I went through an open door into an enormous warehouse space, large enough to house probably 2 full sized airplanes.

There were two still bodies with blood pooling around them. One was lying half on the other.

I cautiously headed over, kind of hoping neither of them was Arlo and he'd ran off somewhere to safety. As I got closer though I knew the body underneath was Arlo and this filled me with dread. I pulled the guy off of him.

He was dead for sure.

"Arlo," I croaked, pulling him up into my lap and cradling him whilst trying to assess his injuries, "Arlo you better not be fucking dead," I pressed down on a stab wound in his stomach and he didn't react.


Besides the stab wound he had a nasty contusion on his scalp and I counted at least a three broken ribs and bruises littered his body and face, as no doubt it did Keane's.

"Arlo FUCKING WAKE UP," I said as tears began to fall from my eyes, I slapped him hard, all medical training going out the window, "WAKE UP," I then softly stroked his cheek,

"Did you...just...slap me?" He mumbled eyes fluttering open. My heart almost stopped in relief!


"Feels like absolute shit," he groaned, closing his eyes.

"No no no, eyes open,"

"Mmm," he muttered, "Eyes open," I pressed down hard on his stomach and this time he did feel it because he shrieked out,

"Jesus CHRIST! Angelo!" Arlo shouted,

"Sorry, but you can't fall asleep on me,"

"I'm so tired Angelo, jus' let me close my eyes for a bit,"

"No Arlo, not right now, not right now okay. What happened here, who took you and Keane? Can you tell me?"

"It was my fault...Keane got hurt because of my past...because..." he began to cough and then followed it up with blood. Help needed to come soon. "Angelo.." he spluttered, blood rolling down his chin, "I love you," his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he went limp in my arms.

A wail of sirens were zooming its way towards us, but I didn't hear them, all my focus was on my brother and best friend in my arms.

I went with Arlo in the ambulance and Tayte went with Keane.

Everyone was meeting us at the hospital. I was clutching onto Arlo's hand.

"Just stay with me babe, stay with me,"

When we got to the hospital, Arlo was rushed off to surgery, I was left stood there, Arlo's blood all over me,

"ANGELO," I spun around and Noah bowled into me, he was crying, I hugged him tight and then when he stepped back and saw me he was about to freak out even more,

"Baby it's not my blood, it's not mine. I'm okay," he hugged me again. "I'm okay baby,"

"What's happened?" Auntie asked,

"Where are they? Where are my boys?" Rhina cried,

"Arlo is in surgery, I don't know the full ins and outs of what happened, but Keane found us and I found Arlo. He was stabbed, Keane looked in rough shape too, but that's all I can tell you,"

"Stabbed! Where were they? What were they doing there?" Rhina asked,

"Rhina, I'm sorry, but I don't know any more details,"

Suddenly Tayte appeared and came straight over to me and wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

"How's Keane?" Auntie asked,

"He'll be okay, they are just checking him over, he's shook up and in pain, but I think he'll be okay. What about Arlo?"

"He's in good hands," I answered, because I wasn't sure what else I could say.

"Tayte, darling what happened?" Rhina asked,

"I don't know, Keane and Arlo hadn't been home in a while and we were getting worried. I know they were running some errands for Rory and Piper but they were taking too long. So we tracked their phones and then Keane just appeared in middle of the road beat up and bloody, said he'd escaped because Arlo had stayed behind and...that's it. Angelo rushed off to see if he could find Arlo. I don't know what was happening in there, or what they'd done to them. I don't know," Tayte said, I squeezed his shoulder and Noah was holding his hand.

We then moved to a more private space, a small relatives room. Mali came in not long after with tear stricken cheeks, I hugged her,

"I came as soon as I could, How is he? What's happened? How's Keane?"

"We don't know yet, we are still waiting to hear any news,"

Then as if by magic, someone appeared at the door,

"I have some news" they said, "Keane is okay, he has some nasty bruising and burns, but there is no damaging internal damage. He has fractured 2 ribs, which are causing him considerable pain, but we are managing that with pain relief and before you all ask, no morphine. We would like to keep him overnight for observation and monitoring, but we see no reason as to why he cannot go home tomorrow at some point." We all sighed in relief, "Of course, the police are likely going to want to question him, but we will ensure he isn't pushed to his limits,"

"And what about Arlo?" I then asked,

"He is still in surgery, he's lost a lot of blood, but the surgeons are happy with how it's going and everything seems to be under control. As soon as I have any more news, I will of course let you know,"

"Can we see Keane?" Tayte inquired,

"Two of you and only for a short while, he is drowsy due to the influence of drugs, so he may not be fully with it,"

Keane's POV

Tayte and Noah appeared in my doorway,

"Hey," I said softly, I drew out the y, I could hear myself and not quite control it. They rushed over, Noah's face was that of horror, " looks worse than it is. I promise," he began to cry, "Noah...buddy don't cry," he hugged me and I held in my wince, he then got on bed and laid his head gently on my lap, I stroked his hair softly.

"You good baby?" Tayte asked me, coming to sit next to me in the chair,

"Been worse. How's Arlo? Is he okay?"

"We don't know, he's still in surgery, but the surgeons are optimistic, but we are just playing the waiting game,"

"I shouldn't have left him, I told I...I..."

"Hey, baby, it's okay, he was protecting you, it was the right decision, you'd have done the exact same thing,"

"You can't ever leave me," Noah said softly, "I can't live without you,"

"Bubba, I'm not going anywhere any time soon, but I want you to know that you can and will live without me, if anything was to happen to me. You are strong bub, you are much stronger than you realise,"

"You die. I die," he said,

"No Noah. Don't say that..." I couldn't finish what I was saying because Angelo appeared in the doorway,

"Sorry to interrupt, but Arlo is out of surgery, they said it went well and he is being moved to a recovery room,"

"Thank God for that," I physically relaxed, that was good news. I was tired and what Noah said really worried me. Sleepiness washed over me,

"I think Keane needs some sleep baby," Angelo said, "Come here," Noah kissed me and then climbed off the bed without a word, "We'll be back to check on you later,"

"Baby," I muttered quietly,

"I'm here," Tayte answered, "I'll always be here,"

Arlo's POV

My senses gradually began to come too, first my hearing, then my sight. I got my bearings and realised I was in a hospital bed. I hadn't died. I was alive. I blinked my eyes a few times, before slowly moving my head to my right, to see Angelo and Noah asleep together on a large arm chair. I smiled and moved slowly to the left, Malena, looking beautiful as ever was sat there, a magazine resting on her lap, asleep.

Everything must have relaxed, because my eyes became heavy and my breathing was calm as I drifted back off to sleep surrounded by those I love.

When I next awoke, Keane was in a wheelchair beside me, he was holding my hand and resting his head on the bed, I cautiously moved, feeling a jarring pain in my chest, I'd no doubt cracked a few ribs. I ruffled his hair and he lifted his head, I smiled at him, he had tears in his eyes,

"Don't make me leave you again," he stuttered, "Don't you ever,"

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to keep you safe," I reached up and wiped his tears, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, everyone is worried about you, why did you do that? You could have died,"

"Better me dead than you,"

"Arlo no," he said sadly, "No,"

I could hear footsteps and then Angelo, Tayte, Noah and Mali appeared in the doorway and I could see their eyes flood with relief. Mali rushed over,

"Thank God you're okay," she cried kissing me,

"I'll always be okay," I told her, Keane wheeled himself away slowly,

"I'll go and...get the doctor," he said,

"Keane," I called, he paused and looked at me, "I love you,"

"I love you too," he and Tayte then left. Noah was stood in the doorway still, looking all shy,

"Come here kiddo," he beamed and ran over to me, "Sorry for scaring you all, I...I am sorry, I'm okay though and that I promise,"

"The doctor will let us know if that is the case," Mali said kissing me again. I looked at Angelo, he was stood leant against the wall, before I could say anything to him, a doctor appeared with Mum and Auntie.

I was lucky, to say the least and I never thought I was, that was until I met my family and I guess it's good to be lucky, because I would hate to lose them all now.

The knife had thankfully missed all vital organs, but the tip had broken off, so this was why they operated to remove it. They managed to stitch me back up with only some blood loss, nothing life threatening anyway and no complications. Then I had severe bruising and burns, which I knew Keane would have too and as I suspected, 3 broken and one bruised rib. I had also wondered why my left thumb and wrist was in a special brace and was shocked to be told I had dislocated my thumb and damaged some of the muscle. It was then I realised that I'd done this to get out of the restraints. I was to be monitored in hospital for 3 more days and then was required to take it easy for at least another week and no doubt beyond.

I was also told that Keane was thankfully okay, or as okay as could be, since he wasn't so forth right in telling me how he was doing. 2 fractured ribs, severe bruising and burns, this was a much better fate than we or he'd have endured if we didn't escape when we did.

It was now 10.30pm, I thought everyone had gone home except Tayte, who I knew would not leave Keane's side. When there was a knock on the door, it opened and Angelo appeared. We hadn't been able to speak all day and I had kind of hoped he'd come and say goodbye. He shut the door quietly behind him,


"If you ever scare me like that again, Jesus Christ, Arlo. I thought you were dead. I thought I fucking lost you, you can't fucking do that, after everything I thought..."

"I know, I'm sorry. I didn't know you'd find me, I..."

"You sent Keane to go and get help. Who else was going to come and find you. I didn't even think, I just ran into the metaphorical fire to come and save you, because I love you. You bloody went on a suicide mission and don't you dare lie to me, you knew, you bloody knew that there was high chance you'd die. You can't do that Arlo, you, I thought you had a breakthrough I..." I pulled him into me and hugged him,

"I know...I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I love you too. I love you Angelo," I held him tight, then when I let go, he pulled away wiping his tears, I was doing the same, "Angelo, I promise not to ever do something like that again. You won't lose me, you will never lose me. Never. I promise,"

"I'm sorry I slapped you," I smiled at that,

"I'm glad you did," I squeezed his hand and he looked at me,

"Bitch," he said,

"Jerk," I replied with a grin.


The next day my Dad arrived and everyone wanted answers. Answers which I wasn't sure I could give. But I tried to explain as much as I could. Considering the police would be in to talk to me later this afternoon.

"I was undercover in a few dangerous countries. Central African Republic, I was stationed in the capital Bangui for a month, I spent 2 weeks in Libya's capital Tripoli, I had a 1 week stint in South Sudan's capital Juba, 4 days in the city Hodeidah in Yemen and then 3 weeks in Somalia's capital Mogadishu,"

"And you're alive to tell us son," Dad said, I looked at him,

"I guess someone was looking out for me, because I should have died multiple times," I truthfully responded.

"That guy asked you about Mogadishu," Keane said, "And Bangui,"

"He did, I was assigned to protect Asad Bashiir Khalaf, he was the son of the ex-president Ismail Omar Khalaf. He was a nasty piece of work, corrupt, a killer. The things I saw in the first two weeks with him are also probably another reason I struggle to sleep. At a political gathering, he was assassinated. Two minutes beforehand, I got a call to step away because Asad was going to be killed. He was shot point blank in the square of his head and total pandemonium broke out. I had to go into hiding because I was suspected of plotting the whole thing," I told them,

"I managed to get out of the country, with help, as they had a security detail I needed to be a part of in Yemen, the president was travelling to some 3 day conference. Everything was going to plan and then there was an explosion, two cars in the convoy, many of us were badly injured and a handful killed, I checked myself out of hospital and got a private flight to Juba, South Sudan's capital where I stayed with a friend and I say that loosely, as he ended up giving me up to authorities, someone got me out though, with instructions of getting on a flight to Tripoli Libya and that I would picked up from the airport. Which I was, by some guy who looked like he worked for a war lord and my suspicion was correct. Hassan Abdallah al-Shakir, a notoriously evil war lord, he wanted me to be an inside man of militant forces currently inhabiting Tripoli." I paused and took a sip of my water, I was trying to push the pain away,

"If you need to stop because of the pain, do so, there is plenty of time to tell us," Angelo said, making everyone look at me with concern, I glared at him and he grinned back at me, making me roll my eyes and smile.

"Arlo, if you need some rest we can do this another time," Mum said,

"Nah, I'm alright for now and the police will be here soon," I answered, wincing as a bolt of pain shot through me. I hoped no one saw it,

"I think we should talk again later," Angelo said,

"I said no...I'm..." I trailed off and groaned, clutching my stomach,

"Arlo" Keane and Mali gasped together,

"I'll go find a doctor," Dad said. I closed my eyes.

"Keane, the police are here and they'd like a word," a voice said appearing from thin air. I opened my eyes, Keane looked at me,

"I'll come with you and Tayte, I don't care that you are of legal age, I'll be there with you," Auntie Talina said, he nodded,

"Keane, play dumb okay, you don't know anything, let me handle all of this okay," I told him,

"Just get some rest, I've got this," Keane said, squeezing my hand and then was wheeled out.

"Are you tired QB?" Mali asked,

"Yeah," I yawned, and also in pain, but didn't mention the latter again. The doctor came in and everything seemed to blur into one. I assumed I was given something, or I fell to sleep.

The next time I opened my eyes, the room was empty, not for long though, as I could hear footsteps walking towards the door. My heart rate was high and I was sweating and I tried to pull myself out of the nightmare and into the present day before whoever was about to walk into my room came in.

It was Dad.

"You're awake, how are you doing?" he asked as he came in and closed the door,

"I feel better now I guess, where, where's everyone?" I answered, "How'd it go with the police?"

"Everyone has gone home, except Keane obviously and Tayte,"

"Angelo?" I asked and he smiled at me and I wasn't sure why.

"He's gone home with Noah, they'll be back tomorrow morning,"


"Keane answered the questions he was asked as best as he could, they are coming back to speak to you tomorrow morning okay," I nodded, Dad squeezed my hand, he looked sad, "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you,"

"No one could Dad, you have nothing to apologise for, you are here for me now and that's all that matters okay," he kissed my forehead.

"I don't deserve you as my son,"

"I don't deserve any one," I sighed,

"Arlo, don't say that,"

"I just cause people pain,"


"I'm tired Dad," I lied, even though I'd just woken up, I knew he wanted to say something else, but didn't and I was so thankful.

"I'll see you tomorrow son, I love you,"

"I love you too Dad,"

No more than 10 minutes had gone since Dad left, my phone began ringing, I also saw what the time was. 9.30pm.

"You're sad, what's going on? Mind being a dick again?" Angelo's voice came and I smiled,

"Hello to you too and how'd you know I'm sad. I'm fine

Your Dad rang me

Of course he did

I was a little taken a back, but glad he did, so what's going on?

I'm sure he told you that too

What, that you don't deserve anyone and just cause pain

He did tell you

Be lucky that Noah is currently sleeping peacefully on me right now otherwise I'd be driving to the hospital and kicking your ass

Guess I'm lucky right now then

Arlo, don't be a dick right now

I'm sorry, guess I'm just feeling low right now, still pissed that I got Keane hurt. Fraught with nightmares and reliving those terrible times I was talking about earlier. The fact that Lorenzo is really gone I...

How can I help?" I smiled,

"You already are

I've been told I have that kind of influence on people

Oh really

Yes really

Angelo, tell me this is over, tell me that no more of my nightmare past is going to come crashing into my present and hurt those I love

It's over Arlo" he said with so much conviction that I believed him, then again, I'd believe anything Angelo told me.

"Okay, I feel better now

I love you Arlo, we all love you. And let me tell you this, you deserve more than what we can give you

Pretty sure I still don't deserve you, but I'm getting there

Did you not just hear what I said to you?" I laughed,

"Love you too Angelo. Thank you

Try and get some sleep, we'll be back in the morning

I'll try

And I love you too,"

Keane's POV

It was a week later. We would be flying out to the Bahamas in 4 days, despite much a protest in cancelling our trip. The fact that we were going for a relaxing holiday and Arlo had been cleared to fly, mainly because he would be travelling with a professional medical practitioner in Angelo, it was no brainer. Also, he was going stir crazy being cooped up at home. As was I. It was just Arlo and I home at the moment, Tayte was working at Corrigan's because it was super busy, he didn't want to go, but I persuaded him. Noah was at College, Angelo was on shift for a few hours, Mali, who had been staying here a few days, had gone home and Mum and Auntie were out for lunch.

I knocked on Arlo's door,

"Want to come for a drive?" I asked, he smiled at me,

"Oh hell yes," he climbed off the bed, wincing, "Don't say anything," I just smiled and headed back downstairs, I couldn't say anything. My ribs were causing me pain daily, I'd just got used to ignoring them. "Are we making our escape because no one's home,"

"Exactly why,"

We climbed into my truck, I took a breath after shutting my door, Arlo looked at me,

"Don't say anything," I told him, making him smile.

"Where are we going?" he then asked,

"I don't know, somewhere we can't be found, preferably a place with food," I answered

"Is my brother hungry?" he said faking shock,

"When are you lot going to give the whole me eating thing a rest?" he grinned,

"Never," I rolled my eyes.

I ended up driving us to the cove pass, where there was little café overlooking the ocean. It wasn't the hottest day, a cool breeze tickled any exposed skin, creating Goosebumps.

"I don't think I've been here," Arlo said.

"It's a cute little spot, I haven't been back here in ages," I saw Arlo grit his teeth as he got out of the car, but didn't say anything. It wasn't too busy and I made him grab a table and I'd order. "I got us two coffee's and this chicken salad rice bowl thing,"

"Sounds good," I looked at him,

"What's on your mind?"

"Everything," he replied, "Haven't got over the fact I let you get hurt,"

"Pretty sure, you took the brunt of everything and pretty sure you were the one that made me escape and almost lost his life in the process, or am I mistaken?" he smiled,

"It's my job to protective you all,"

"Well that's been my job since forever, until you entered our life, so shouldn't you be asking how I am feeling about the fact that you almost died protecting me," I looked out the window and he went to reply, but a waitress came over with our coffees. I took a sip,

"Keane, I'm sorry, I should have..."

"I didn't say that to make you feel bad, I just wanted you to know that you almost died and it's my fault because I didn't stay," he took a sip of his coffee and then reached over and took my hand,

"Keane, I'll only tell you this once, none of what happened was your fault okay and I made you leave, I knew how much you wanted to stay, but I physically pushed you out of that door and shut it. That is on me and not you. And something else you must know, you saved me, you went and got help. If we both would have stayed, we could have both died,"

"Then you have to forgive yourself too," I said,

"Do you forgive yourself for leaving me, even though I made you?" he asked,


"Then I forgive myself for getting you hurt," he said, I squeezed his hand,

"I love you," he smiled,

"Love you too kid,"

"Oh sorry, am I interrupting a moment?" the waitress said blushing,

"No not at all," she put our delicious looking bowls in front of us,

"Looks amazing," I smiled at her and she grinned, blushing again,

"Thank you so much," Arlo then grinned at her, making the poor girl blush even more,

"Enjoy, if, um...if you need anything just call me over," she managed to get out and then left.

"Was that cruel?" I asked,

"We didn't even do anything?" he answered. Midway through eating this bowl of wonders my phone rang.


I answered it.

"Hey Tay, what's up?

You calling me Tay for a start," I laughed,

"What do you want, if you are checking up on me, I'm fine and so is Arlo

I wasn't but good to hear

Oh sure you weren't," I could hear the smile down the phone,

You two hungry, would you like me to drop in with some food?

Are we hungry and do we want any food dropped round?" Arlo was watching me,

Yes, that's what I asked

Nah, we're good, Arlo is going to make us some food and I think Angelo and Noah are bringing in a takeaway later right?

As long as you do eat and yes, Noah persuaded Angelo

Good, and yes I, we, will eat

I think I might just pop round anyway

You might just pop round anyway," Arlo was trying not to laugh,

Why are you repeating back everything I'm saying?

I'm not, look, I love you baby, Arlo is going to cook some food and I will see you later

You are at home aren't you?

I am at home yes," I knew he probably wasn't 100% convinced,

"Fine, I love you

Love you more, don't work too hard," I hung up.

"Well that was a performance," Arlo smirked,

"He probably knows anyway," I said.

We finished up our food.

"Fancy another drink?" Arlo asked, "Not quite ready to head back yet,"

"Like I'm going to say no," he stood up, "Surprise me," I winked and he chuckled. I stared out the window, the sun was currently hidden behind a cloud, but streaks of golden light had seeped through and like spotlights were watching over the sea.

"I got us some funky smoothies," He said sitting back down,

"And those," I said, looking at the plate he'd just put down,

"Oh yeah, the waitress gave us those to try for free,"

"What are they?"

"Double chocolate chip hemp seed cookie bites,"

"Isn't hemp like cannabis?"

"I wouldn't give you drugs Keane, yes it's a strain of the cannabis plant, but this stuff won't get you high and is good for you," I looked at him, "What, I read," I smiled at that, but tasted them. They tasted alright, "Your face tells me you don't like them,"

"Not as bad as I thought they'd taste," I answered. Our smoothies were bought over just as Arlo's phone rang.

"Why are you not home?

What do you mean why am I not home?

You know exactly what I mean

Um, is this a trick question?" I assumed it was Angelo and smiled,

"Cute Arlo

Why thank you

I hate you

Well I know that is a lie," I smirked,

"I assume Keane is also with you

How much trouble am I in if I say yes?" I laughed at that,

"Get back home before anyone else checks in on you

Thank you. Love you

Whatever, see you later, we're bringing food back

Aren't you going to tell me you love me too?

Love you too, goodbye," he hung up.

"If I didn't know you, I'd had just said you were on the phone to your husband," I said, he smiled,

"We have that bromance thing down to a tee," he winked and I rolled my eyes. "He hasn't and won't tell anyone, so we need to beat people back home,"

So we hurried things up at bit, I say a bit, we ended up chatting and laughing and then regretting it as pain etched around our ribs.

"You made me laugh too much," I said, pulling away,

"I made you laugh too much," he replied,

"Yes," he laughed,

"Think you got that the wrong way round," he said, trying to hold a groan in. Thankfully we got back and no cars were in the drive, or at Mum and Auntie's. I got us some paracetamol and ibuprofen and we sat down together on the sofa and stuck the TV on.

I hadn't realised how long we'd been out, because Tayte was finishing at 5pm and he came through the door no more than 15 minutes later.

"Hey," he called out, coming into the sitting room, he looked at us both led on the sofa, "You been here the whole time?" he asked coming over and kissing me,

"Well, we've been in the conservatory and terrace too," I said and he smiled,

"Oh yeah,"


"Whatever you say,"

"How was work? Busy? You miss me?"

"Fine. Busy. And I always miss you. How are you two doing?" I looked at Arlo,

"We're alright, both our ribs are playing up, but we've taken some tablets and they've eased," I was shocked, but knew if we lied, especially if I did, Tayte would know,

"Well, rest up and holler if you need me, I'm grabbing a quick shower," Tayte answered,

"We will baby," he walked off.

"Darlings?" a voice then came. It was Auntie and Mum,

"In here," I called, they came into view,

"Good day relaxing boys?" Mum asked,

"It's been boring, but necessary," Arlo answered,

"How was your lunch date?" I then questioned,

"Lovely thanks peach," Mum replied, "We then went shopping afterwards,"

"Do you need anything?" Auntie asked, "We're going to check out our bargains next door,"

"Nah, we're all good, Tayte's home having a shower, he'll sort us out and Noah and Angelo will be home soon too,"

"Well, you know where we are," they left us be. I looked at Arlo, he had his eyes closed,

"What can I do?" he turned and looked at me, opening his eyes,

"Nothing, just being here is enough, the pain will ease soon, it's just right now I'm struggling to contain it," my eyes were full of worry, he smiled, "Don't look at me like that, I'm alright, just in pain,"

"I wish I could take your pain away,"

"I wouldn't want you too," I frowned at him.

But Tayte came in,

"That was quick,"

"You weren't in there with me," he winked. I sat up and he plonked himself down and I laid back down on him, head resting on his lap. He stroked my hair and bent down and kissed me.

"Mali' not coming over tonight?" Tayte then asked,

"No, she'll be over tomorrow,"

I yawned,

"Hard day?" Tayte mused, I grinned,

"Doing nothing all day makes me tired,"

"Looks like you're both tired" Tayte mused, looking over at Arlo, who had his eyes closed. "Or are you in pain Arlo?"

"Hmmm," he answered. Tayte then gazed down at me,

"He's in pain, tablets haven't kicked in yet," Tayte's brows furrowed,

"Are you in pain?" I shook my head,

"No baby, I'm not. I promise," and this was the truth, I wasn't. That isn't to say that I had been, but right now, I could truthfully say I wasn't.


"GUESS WHO'S BACK," Noah shouted, running into the room,

"Shady?" I asked sitting up,

"Hilarious," he answered with grin. Arlo sat himself up slowly, "How's my beautiful brothers doing this fine evening?"

"What's got you in such a good mood?" I mused, he grinned,

"We may have got naughty in the car," we laughed, Arlo included,

"I heard that," Angelo said coming into view, "Do not listen to him, we didn't do anything, he's hyper because we brought back food and he may have had a packet of sour cherries,"

"It was definitely the cherries," Noah beamed, I saw Angelo glance at Arlo and then his eyes met mine, I stood up and squeezed Tayte's hand,

"We'll eat in here, I'll go grab some plates with Angelo, you lot get it out the bag," I said, Arlo looked at me and shook his head, but there was no way I wasn't going to tell Angelo how he was in pain.

"Enjoy your little outing?" he said quietly and I smiled,

"We did and thanks for not saying anything,"

"No thanks needed," he got some plates out of the cupboard,

"Arlo's not doing too well," I then said and he paused,

"What's wrong?"

"He's in a lot of pain, we've taken some tablets, but they haven't seemed to even touched his pain. He said it'll ease and he'll be okay but...I can see it in his eyes, like if we knew how much pain he was in we'd worry,"

"Thanks for telling me Keane, I'll speak with him after dinner okay, try not to worry. Pain is normal for the types of injuries he sustained. How are you feeling?"

"I'm pain free, tablets worked on my ribs and we haven't moved sine we got back," he nodded, and picked up the plates, but then paused at the door, as if he knew I was about to say something, "Angelo, he will be okay won't he?"

"He is okay, this is just a minor setback, try not to worry, you know how strong your brother is and I know how strong you are,"

Angelo handed the plates out and then we all shared the food. Noah being his bubbly crazy self, brought many laughs. To a point when I had to step in,

"Noah, kiddo, I don't think my ribs can take any more laughter right now," I said, taking some deeps breaths, "And I'm sure Arlo's cant either," his face then turned to pure horror,

"Oh God I'm sorry, damn it, I forgot you have broken ribs, I just...I wanted to keep everyone happy and smiling," He said sadly,

"You just being here keeps everyone happy and smiling," Arlo said, taking a breath. "If it's okay with everyone I'm going to try and get an early night," we all looked at each other.

It was 7pm.

"We don't mind, you okay?" Tayte asked, he nodded with a smile, but I saw straight through it and I know Angelo did too. He stood up,

"I can wash up though first?"

"Don't be silly, Noah told me he was doing that," Angelo said,

"Um, I don't think I did," Angelo raised his eyebrows at him,

"What, you didn't say if we got your favourite takeaway and I let you have fizzy cherries you'd wash up, because I'm pretty sure you did," Angelo said with a smile, Noah pouted,

"Fine, yes, I did say that. Will you help me though?"

"We'll help you bud, I think Angelo is going to make sure Arlo isn't lying to us that he is okay," Keane said,

"You're not lying are you Arlo?" Noah asked,

"Define lying," Arlo answered.

"He'll be fine, I'll be back soon, don't start a film without me," He said, Noah ran and jumped on him, kissing him,

"Promise. I love you Lolo,"

"I love you more cutie," he winked.

Arlo's POV

"I'm fine Angelo," I told him as he followed me upstairs,

"Keane's told me you aren't and I already knew that as soon as I walked in," I headed over to the bed and sat on it, "So, how much pain are you in?"

"More than I'd like to be right now," I then truthfully replied. He sat beside me,

"How long ago did you take the paracetamol and ibuprofen?"

"Few hours I guess, they've done nothing, it's like I haven't even taken any," I rested my head against his shoulder.

"I can give you some stronger ones, they'll help, they also may make you drowsy,"

"To be honest, I'll take anything as long as it gets rid of the pain I'm in," I sat back up, he was looking at me,

"I also want to check your wound before you sleep," and he left the room. I had a feeling he wanted to say something else. I pulled off my jeans and then t-shirt with some difficulty and then moved and sat up against the head board. I looked down at the bandage wrapped around and covering my stomach. Running my fingers over it I flinched as a flashback occurred.

"Do you really think you are going to worm your way out of this one Arlo?"

"Go to hell,"

"I think that's where you are going with the things you have done,"

They came for me from all angles, wielding knives and throwing fists. I am still not completely sure of how I managed to knock out, kill and maim them all coming towards me. I was breathing heavily, in the middle of the giant warehouse, my torso already bruised, burned and bloody from the previous torture. My hands were shaking and I was trying to get my bearings as my head spun. He then came from nowhere, this knife flying towards me, I only managed to dodge it seconds before it would have pierced directly into my heart. I threw a punch dazed, but missed and then his fist connected with my cheek, taking me by surprise. I spun around and managed to dodge the next blow and heard a crack as my fist successfully connected with his face. This angered him and he thrust the knife with force towards my stomach. I grabbed onto his hands holding the knife, trying to push back against his strength. The tip was dancing dangerously close to my stomach,

"Fuck you Arlo," he spat and plunged it in, the searing pain rippled through my body, as I staggered back, staring at the knife inside me. He was about to dash off, when adrenaline must have been the only thing keeping me going, I pulled out the knife and dived on him, thrashing about, I managed to stab him hard and sharp, twisting the knife. He stared at me and then collapsed on top of me. Crushing me. But I was too weak to move. I closed my eyes, for what I thought was the last time.

Angelo came back in and immediately knew something was wrong, he rushed over and hugged me, wrapping his safe arms around me. I was shaking clinging onto him tightly.

"You're okay now Arlo, you are safe. It's over," he said softly, as if he knew I just had some type of flashback. "I've got you,"

I calmed myself down after a few minutes,

"Sorry, thank you,"

"Thanks is never needed,"

He took off my bandage, checked the stitches and wound, which was a tiny bit inflamed, he put on this cream, which stung like a motherfucker, and then covered it with a gauze and rebandaged it. He then handed me some hefty looking horse tranquilliser looking tablets and a bottle of water,

"What is it?"

"Tramadol and I take giving this out lightly, it's highly addictive and side effects are a bit on the iffy side,"

"I trust you,"

"Don't be alarmed if your breathing slows, it's known to do that okay," I nodded, sipping some water and swallowing them down. "Just, shout for us, text us if we don't hear, if you aren't feeling well okay or anything,"

"I'll be fine," I yawned and I may actually sleep. I slid and laid down, "Love you Angelo,"

"I love you too Arlo,"

Angelo's POV

Keane looked at me as soon as I walked in half an hour later,

"How is he?"

"I gave him some strong pain medication, so hopefully whatever pain he is in will fade and he'll fall asleep,"

"He'll be okay though?" my boy asked me, there was an uncertainty about his voice,

"He will be fine," I answered,

"Come sit down, we found a film," Noah then beamed at me, "And we washed and tidied everything up too," I smiled and took a seat and he immediately jumped on me, snuggling up,

"What film did you decide?"

"Toy Story 4," He grinned, I kissed him, making his grin wider, "I love you,"

"I love you more," I winked.

"Can we get drinks before we start the film?" Tayte then asked, as we heard the door go,

"Just us darlings," Auntie Talina and Rhina appeared,

"Hey Mumma and Auntie," Noah said,

"Hello peach," Mum smiled,

"Evening Noah," Auntie winked sticking her tongue out, making him laugh.

"Everything still okay?" Rhina asked, "Where is Arlo?" for some reason, both Keane and Tayte looked at me,

"He's gone for an early night," I said, "He was in a bit of pain, so I gave him some tablets and he's going to try and get some sleep,"

"Oh, he's okay though?" Auntie asked,

"He will be, yes,"

Rhina went to check on him, Auntie made us all a cup of tea, and they then left.

"Finally we can start the film," Noah exclaimed, taking a sip of tea and getting comfy on me. Tayte pressed play.

Noah's POV

I was worried about Keane, even though he seemed to be okay right now. I was worried about Arlo, but if Angelo said he was going to be okay then he would. Right?

"Stop worrying," Lolo whispered in my ear making me shiver, I smiled, but didn't answer him and focused my attention on the film.

Kind of wish I hadn't.

"No. No. No, what the hell. Get those things off the screen,"

"Wow, Toy story got real dark," Keane chuckled, as the ventriloquist dolls of Gabby Gabby chased after Woody and Forky,

"Ewwww, nooooo," I turned my head into Angelo's chest, "I don't like them,"

"I mean, for a child's movie, they are kind of scary" Tayte said.

"Have they gone?" I asked,

"For now yes," I leapt up.

"Can I just say that I am disgusted with Toy Story for putting those terrifying dolls in a film, Benson dolls that don't even move properly, but drag their feet and then stare at you with those deathly eyes," I continued to act out what they were like. Everyone laughed, "This is no laughing matter, who does that and don't even get me started on little miss psycho Gabby Gabby, that doll is crazy,"

"You finished?" Keane smiled, I curtsied,

"For now I am," I flopped back down dramatically onto of Lolo.

"Would you like to continue with the film?" Tayte asked,

"Yes, Lolo will just protect me next time we see them," I said,

"Always," he said kissing me.


Safe to say I won't be watching Toy Story 4 ever again, after being scarred for life. I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't have nightmares after that. We called it a night at 10pm. Angelo went to check on Arlo and I flopped on our bed staring up at the ceiling. I couldn't wait to go away to the Bahamas next week, it was going to be incredible to get away somewhere hot with my favourite people, but I just can't help feeling somewhat sad. Which is totally not like me I know. I'm kind of freaked out about it myself. I guess I'm sick to death of things happening to those I love. I'm sick of everyone being in pain all the time. I am just...I could feel tears in my eyes. This sudden wave of emotion and feeling caught me off guard.

"Noah, baby what's wrong?" I hadn't even realised he'd come in.

"I...I..." I began to cry, overwhelmed by these feelings. He pulled me into him and wrapped his arms around me, creating a safe place as I snuggled into him.

"Baby, talk to me," I shook my head. Not sure what to say. "Noah,"

"I'm okay," I whispered, "How's Arlo?"

"He's asleep and right now I am worried about you, do I need to go and get Keane,"

"No, no, don't get Keane. I'm fine, I just, emotions overwhelmed me,"

"What emotions? Talk to me," he was looking at me with fear and worry in his eyes.

"I just hope this is the last of the bad luck this family has been blessed with," he took my face in his hands and wiped a few stray tears and then kissed me so softly, it made me want more,

"Arlo will be okay. Keane will be okay. We will all be okay and we will all have the most amazing time in the Bahamas'"

"Yes," I said. "We will," I suddenly felt tired, the emotional wave slowly seeping away. Angelo kissed me again.

"I'm going to have a quick shower, you coming?" my eyes lit up and I nodded, he smiled, standing up and holding out his hand.

Angelo's POV

It was totally heart breaking to see my whole world so upset. It made me realise that despite Noah's bubbly, crazy and happy nature. He too was hurting. It made me angry with myself that I didn't recognise this sooner. I looked down at my angel in my arms, playing with his hair softly. This holiday couldn't come sooner.

I was just about to close my eyes and drift off to sleep when I heard a noise. I had one guess who it was. I managed to move without waking Noah. I checked Arlo's room and wasn't surprised to find it empty. I crept downstairs.

"What are you doing?" I asked and he jumped.

"Christ Angelo, you scared the shit out of me,"

"Sorry," he frowned at me, "What's wrong?"

"Isn't that what I'm supposed to be asking you,"

"I'm fine, believe it or not, those things knocked me out for a few hours, I mean, I had a nightmare, but it was nowhere near as bad as I've had them. Your turn," he answered,

"You making a drink?" he nodded, "Make me one and we'll chat,"

"I'm worried, should I be worried?"


"You sure," I rolled my eyes and stuck the kettle on. He made two cups of tea and we took them upstairs to his room, because I wanted to be closer to Noah, not that I told him that.

"You sure you're okay right now?" I asked and he took a sip of his tea,

"Yes, I'm not in pain, just, going to struggle getting back to sleep. So, what's going on with you?"

"Noah," his face changed,

"Is he okay?"

"I've been so busy with work and my mind has been on other things, that I've neglected the other half of my heart. He broke down crying earlier and...I just..."

"Hey, that's not on you,"

"It is, just because he's always so positive and happy, I forget he hurts too, he's only 21, he's just a baby, I'm a 30 year old man,"

"I think you're being harsh on yourself babe," I sighed, "See, I knew your lives were better without me in it," I stared at him,

"Arlo for Christ sake don't say that,"

"It's true, another person for you to all worry about,"

"It's not true,"

"I'm sorry,"

"Arlo, if you ever leave me, I will hunt your ass down and make you wish you never left," he chuckled,

"Well then, looks like I'm not going anywhere,"

"I mean it,"

"I promise, but don't just think I can get over my way of thinking,"

"I know you can't, but you will, I'll make sure of it,"

"I can't wait to be in the Bahamas,"

"Me neither, I'm in need of a stress free holiday,"

We sipped our teas thoughtfully and then we heard a scream.


I kid you not my heart leapt up to my mouth as the two of us jumped up and ran into my room. Noah was sat up, eyes wide. He reached out for me and I took him in my arms, Keane and Tayte then appeared in the doorway,

"What the hell is going on? Is Noah okay?" We were all looking at him,

"Gabby Gabby and her Benson doll henchman were after me,"

We all, minus Arlo who was stood looking confused burst into laughter,

"Are you laughing at me," Noah said in disbelief,

"Wait, what's going on?"

"We watched Toy Story 4 and there were some freaky ventriloquist dolls and a girl doll called Gabby Gabby," Keane replied,

"Freaky, I just had a nightmare about a bloody kids film," Noah said exasperated hugging me tighter. "And you all laughed at me,"

"Sorry Noah, you're right, it isn't funny," Keane said with a smile.

"Whatever, you can leave now. Wait, where were you?" He then said to me,

"With Arlo," I answered,

"Why am I not surprised," that made Arlo smile,

"All okay with you?" Keane then asked Arlo,

"Yes, just woke up and struggling to get back to sleep, so we were talking,"

"You sure,"

"I'm sure," Tayte then yawned,

"Keeping you up?" I smiled,

"I was sleeping, I didn't hear Noah, Keane jumped up whacking me," Keane chuckled,

"Well, we're going back to bed then, now we know Noah isn't being murdered, love you bub," Keane said,

"Love you more," they left us. "You can stay," Noah then said pointing to Arlo, despite him being the only person left stood there.

"Nah, I'll leave you be,"

"What, so you can go back to your room and lie on your bed alone with your own demons. I don't think so," Noah told him, making me smile. "Come chill on the bed, I'll be asleep again soon, you two talk,"

"Noah has spoken," I said, "I'd get on the bed if I were you," he smiled and sat on it. Noah curled and cuddled up to me like some puppy.

"I love you Lolo, thank you for always making sure I am okay," that made my heart pang.

"I love you more Noah, I'll always be there for you," I reached down and kissed his head and then ran my fingers along his arm softly.

"Night bro, love you too,"

"Goodnight Bub,"

We didn't say anything for a few minutes, not that Noah would have minded. He'd be asleep soon.

"So, come here often?" Arlo asked, I smiled,

"Not often enough" I winked.

Noah fell to sleep within 5 minutes and we chatted half the night away.

Then we must have fallen asleep, I don't know when, but we did.


Unedited! (As per)

Thank youuuu so much!

With love always Gx

Copyright © Georgia T R Wing 2020

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