100 Days My Love [EXO D.O & K...

By RuiJuan78

326 33 2

Kyungsoo is a boy who is often bullied because of his illness. Jongin is a lonely boy who has no friends beca... More

New town, new school.
What's wrong with Kyungsoo?
Kyungsoo's illness.
Kyungsoo-ah, take responsibility!
I don't need Kyungsoo to be my friend.
Love letter.
My first kiss.
Why is my heart pounding again?
Breaking up.


38 3 0
By RuiJuan78

- Day 3 -

Baekhyun approaches Chanyeol as soon as he arrives at the classroom in the morning. Baekhyun says while holding back his laughter, "Yesterday I told Jihyun and Sohee to go home, then Sehun and I also left after giving Kyungsoo extra work." Chanyeol laughs and says, "You are so bad." 

Baekhyun says, "Wanna know what's funnier?" Chanyeol asks, "What?" Baekhyun says, "Kyungsoo got angry, he said he would report me to the teacher." Chanyeol bursts out laughing. Baekhyun also laughs. Jongin who walks into the classroom, overhears Baekhyun and Chanyeol's conversation, he says in his heart, "Bad people are everywhere."

Baekhyun approaches Kyungsoo right away when Kyungsoo comes into the classroom. Baekhyun says, "Kyungsoo-ah, you'll come with me to sing karaoke after school, right? You promised me yesterday." Kyungsoo nods and replies, "Okay." Baekhyun says with a smile, "You're indeed my good friend." Kyungsoo smiles at Baekhyun. Chanyeol tries hard to hold back his laughter. 

At lunch break, Kyungsoo goes to the canteen with Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Sehun. The four of them eat together while chatting and joking. Baekhyun asks Kyungsoo to pay for the karaoke later and Kyungsoo agrees right away by thinking that they are close friends. 

Jongin who is sitting not far from Kyungsoo, hears everything. "What a fool," Jongin says in his heart while shaking his head as he looks at Kyungsoo who is laughing with Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Sehun. 

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- Day 4 -

During math lesson, a folded paper lands on Jongin's desk in sudden. Jongin unfolds the paper and reads the writing in his heart, "Meet me in the backyard after school." Jongin puts the paper under table, then he continues doing math practice. 

After school, Jongin goes to the backyard. Jongin sees Jihyun waiting under the tree. Jongin approaches Jihyun and asks, "What do you want?" Jihyun asks back confusedly, "Where is Kyungsoo?" Jongin says in his heart, "So the paper was for Kyungsoo." Jongin walks away while saying, "Next time make sure to land your note on Kyungsoo's desk." 

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- Day 5 -

When the class is over, Jongdae approaches Jongin and says, "You are in charge to clean the classroom today with Chanyeol, Eunha, Yoona and me." Jongin nods in understanding. Chanyeol sweeps the floor, Eunha and Yoona mop the floor, Jongdae cleans the whiteboard and Jongin takes the trash out to the backyard.

Jongin sees Jihyun and Kyungsoo in the backyard. Jihyun says out loud, "I like you, Kyungsoo! Would you be my boyfriend?" Kyungsoo shakes his head and says, "No, I can't." Jihyun tries to smile and says, "You have rejected me for the thirty third time but I will confess my love again. I hope you'll say yes next time." 

Seeing Jihyun leave while crying, Jongin says in his heart, "Wow, Kyungsoo is heartless. Poor Jihyun."

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- Day 6 -

On Saturday afternoon, Jongin goes to XOXO mall with his two older sisters to buy their parents wedding anniversary gifts.

A few hours later.

Jongin's older sister says, "We're done now. Let's go home." Jongin says, "I'm hungry. Let's eat before we go home." Jongin's oldest sister gives her debit card to Jongin and says, "We're on diet. You can eat by yourself. We'll go home first." Jongin smiles widely and says, "Be careful on your way home, noona."

Jongin goes to the fast food restaurant to eat fried chicken. Not long after, Kyungsoo also comes into the restaurant to eat burger, he sits not far from Jongin. A few minutes later, Jihyun comes to the restaurant too to eat french fries.

Jihyun who accidentally sees Kyungsoo eating alone, approaches Kyungsoo right away. Jihyun says with a sweet smile, "Hi, Kyungsoo... I'm Jihyun who sits in front of you in the class. May I sit here?" Kyungsoo nods. Jihyun sits and eats her french fries while staring at Kyungsoo who is eating in silent.

Jihyun clears her throat then says, "I like you, Kyungsoo! Would you be my boyfriend?" Kyungsoo stops eating, he says, "No, I can't be your boyfriend." Jihyun says sadly, "Okay." Jihyun leaves without finishing her fries. Jongin who sees everything from his seat, says in his heart, "Wow, Kyungsoo is so mean."

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- Day 7 -

Jongin goes with his family to all you can eat western restaurant to celebrate his parents wedding anniversary on Sunday noon. Jongin's mom and dad are happy when they receive gifts from their children. 

After having lunch, Jongin and his family go to the cinema to watch a movie. Seeing the long queue, Jongin's oldest sister says, "I'm afraid we won't get the tickets." Jongin's older sister says, "Don't worry, eonnie. Jongin and I will try to ask the people in the front line if they can help us buy tickets."   

Jongin and his older sister try  to ask some of the people in the front line but they don't want to help. When Jongin accidentally sees that Kyungsoo is the next person to buy the ticket, he dashes over to Kyungsoo, then he says, "Kyungsoo, sorry for coming late." Kyungsoo looks at Jongin confusedly.

Jongin says to the ticket seller, "5 more tickets please." The ticket seller says, "Don't cut the line." Jongin says, "I didn't cut the line. He and I know each other. I'm his classmate. You can ask him if you don't believe me." The people behind Kyungsoo and Jongin starts complaining, telling them to hurry up. Hearing that, the ticket seller immediately gives Jongin 5 tickets and Jongin pays for it. 

Jongin thanks Kyungsoo, then he leaves Kyungsoo and runs to his family. Jongin happily shows the tickets to his family. Jongin's older sister asks, "Who helped you?" Jongin points his finger at Kyungsoo who is queuing to buy nachos and soft drink. 

In the theater, Jongin and Kyungsoo sit next to each other without talking to each other. 

When Jongin and his family arrive home at night, Jongin's oldest sister says, "The guy who sat next to Jonginnie was so cute. I wonder why he watched movie alone." Jongin says, "His name is Kyungsoo." Jongin's oldest sister asks in surprise, "You know him?" Jongin nods and says, "He is my classmate."

Jongin's older sister says, "I thought you two didn't know each other because you and him didn't talk at all in the theater." Jongin says, "He is just a classmate, not my friend. I don't need to talk to him just because we are classmates." Jongin's mom looks at Jongin, then she sighs.

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