1♡Wonwoo Mina Oneshot✔

By JeonMina_05

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Mina X Wonwoo oneshot stories Have a different genre and long stories. Also Seventeen and Twice will be here... More

(sunset secret)~
~Know it now~
How they act each other
Accept it?
Meet Again
Game And Perfom
Having You Is Heaven
Bad Timing But Worth It
Another Knight
Silent Treatment
Collab Make It Lit
Wonwoo X Mina Moments
How You Guys Met Each Other?
Accepting Fate
After Variety
I'm Not
Dont leave Me
Welcome Back
Daring Viral
Love You!
Prove It
Sweet Promise
High Fever
Parents Day
Helping You
Busy Time and Love
My Sweet Gangster
Fail Baking
New But Different
Her Last Wish
Love In Death Treat
Chemistry Baby
Take Your Innocence
Long distance
Mafia Need
Arrange Jealous
The Truth Past
Hidden Shot
Bully Love

I'm Tired

649 17 0
By JeonMina_05

Honestly im so tired carrying my child everywhere. Marrying Jimin is not a happy life to me.

His parents just want a grandchildren and because my father was a worker of his father company, he will do anything for Jimin's father.

When his father want me to be his daughter in law, my father dont even think long and just accept it.

Jimin always bring many womans at our home. During my pregnant now, I always told at him to change.

But he doesnt even heard what i said. He always raise his voice and wish that our child was dead. At first when he heard that im pregnant, he push me to abortion it.

His father was dead a year ago, 5 months after our marriege. Jimin always change to a beast. When he mad about his work, he always hurt me, throwing some curse word and even try to kill me when he was drunk.

Today was really i cant hold any patience. I told him to help me do some work but what he do? Just yelling saying its not his job in front of me.

"You should have-

He stop and hold his cheeck. Yup. I already said i had enough. I slap him for the first with my red eyes.

"You know what? Im tired!!! I DONT CARE IF YOU WANNA CALL ME WHAT. BUT IM YOUR WIFE!! IM FINE IF YOU DOESNT CALL ME WIFE BUT PLEASE REDPECT ME AS A WOMAN! IM PREGNANT AND DID YOU EVER CARE ABOUT ME?ABOUT OUR CHILD? YOU KNOW WHAT I REALLY HAD ENOUGH. Tomorrow i will call my lawyer. You wait when divorce file come to you. And this child..., doesnt deserve a father like you. Im more dare to be a single mom then raising my child with a demon like you."

I yell at him with my tears falling and i walk fastly to my room. I pack everything and out. Jimin hold my hand and i quickly slap it.

"Look, im sorry for everything i have done. Let me repay back my sin. We can open a new book but please dont leave me. I will do anything."

I turn around and show little smirk.

"That will definitely never gonna be true. And i will never open a trash book with you. I dont care if you wanna see your child but you will never ever take it away from me. Adios~."

I go out and walk like nothing happend but inside, gosh only god knows what pain i always hold.

Then i call someone who really always be my back and always be there for me when i need someone. It could be ex crush but we still bestfriends till now.


"Hey Penguin! Whats wrong?! Why are crying?"

"Wonwoo, tomorrow i want divorce file from my lawyer. I cant stand it anymore. It so hurt Wonwoo-ya. Please help me and i dont have any place to live. What suppose me and my child live. I dont even have money.*cry* Wonwoo help me im tired."

"You wait at near park there. I will go pick you and back to my home."

Wonwoo who had just done showered pick his phone when he saw his ex crush called. He also try to cheer him up to realize that they are just bestfriend.

When he heard what just she told he quickly take his jacket and drive to pick her. Also he feel burn at his heart knowing that Jimin , demon man make his bestfriends hurt and suffer in pain.

When he arrive there, he search her like hell. Then he saw her and run to her.


She turn and quickly hug him but not too tight because aware of her 5 months pregnancy.

He also carefull about that and release their hug. He check her to make sure she not hurt.

"Wonwoo-ya i wanna go away from this.*cry sobbingly*"

"Im here, pumpkin. Now lets go, you need some rest. Its not good for your condition and health when you standing for too long."

He help her carry her bag to his car and drove them to his house.

When they arrive there, Wonwoo told Mina to sleep for a while. He show her guest room and make sure she rest well.

While she was asleep, he tidy his house a bit and go out for a while. He actually go to near shop buy some heavy but healthy food for them.

Then he quickly back home and heat it. When the clock was 3 o'clock, he slowly walk to her room and open her door silently.

He woke her up and slowly help her walk to dining room. Then while they eat, Wonwoo stare her and admiring her face.

"Mina, whats your plan right now?"

"Im planning to divorce him tomorrow. And i will work part time to raise my own life. And to take care my child alone. Actually i have been plan this since i was first month pregnant."

They both silence until Wonwoo speak,

"Actually... You dont need to work."

Mina look up and raise her eyebrow.

"You will live here at my house. I live alone here and you know my sister, Seulgi know you well since we were young. Ofc she doesnt even mind if you here when she visit here on weekend. Work? Its not good for you because, look , you are 5 months preggy and still wanna make sure you can do some works? Hell no, Mina. You are not alone. And about lawyer? Yes i think you should call Mingyu. He the best lawyer we knew since its your cousin and my bestie meanie. Seulgi is a doctor and i will tell her to take care of you during your pregnancy. You deserve to be happy, Pumpkin."

Mina then start to cry. Her heart was touch by hearing what Wonwoo said.

"Wonwoo.... I have something to tell you. I keep this since we admit we are bestfriends."

Wonwoo slowly sit beside her. He stare at her and wait her to speak.

"I.... i actually... i actually falling in love.... with you, Wonwoo." She close her eyes feeling nervous.

Wonwoo was stunned like stone. He cant believe that his love are not one side. He cant believe that word was out from Mina's mouth.

"Mina.... i also falling in love with you. Knowing you will get married break my heart. Thats another reason why i cant go during your marriege because i cant accept that i have to let you go for another man."

They then hug for a long time. Then Wonwoo told her something that make her shock.

"Mina, will you marry me after all this problem done? I will take care your child like my owns too. I will protect you and always be there when you or your child needs me. Will you?"

"Wonwoo..... i cant believe that you are porpose to me. You know my status after this right? You still accept me while im this states?"

He hold her hand and cares it. He look her eyes full of sincerely.

"Im not loving by what you are now but loving you by who you are. I know you more than that man. So i know who you are when your feeling was hurt or emotional. I have been wishing this since we were young. Thats why i wanna marry you because i love you till heaven."

Mina then hug him and saying yes without any hestitation.

"Thank you, Wonwoo. Thank for being exist for me when i need it the most."

"Always for you and no one cant replace you from my heart."

The next day

It all work as planned. Mina and Jimin divorce without any objection. Wonwoo work harder to take care Mina. Seulgi often came to check Mina.

Mingyu who being Mina lawyer and cousin was glad his cousin finally free from that hell marriage. Wonwoo married Mina when she's on 6 months preggy.

Mina finally 9 months of pregnant and seulgi check her condition. After 5 minutes checking her, Seulgi smile wild while Mina crunch her forehead.

"Why are you smiling like that? Is something wrong?"

There is nothing wrong, Mina. Wanna know what your gender child?"

Seulgi raise her eyebrow twice and she so exciting to tell Mina. Like she is the one who will be a mother.

Mina silent and wait for her to speak.

"Its a a boy and girl!!!!"

Mina didnt expect she will be a mother of two child/ a twin! Thats why she feel that her tummy doesnt like a normal size baby bump.

"Also another good news."

Mina hold Seulgi hand. She feel excited about the gender and curious about tge next good news.

"Your childrens name will nit be Park but Jeon. Because when you still 5 months pregnant, your child still doesnt had a heartbeat. So its illegal to change tge last name. So your childs name will be Jeon!!"

They then hug and Seulgi cares Mina's stomach. Then Seulgi suddenly feel a bit emotional and smile at Mina. She hold her hand,

"Mina, you know what? This is first time i saw Wonwoo this happy and his smile was really different. You know i also broke when i heard you will get married to Jimin. I saw how Wonwoo lost like he lost his half soul. But being his sister ofc im worried. Im the only one who always by you guys side when you guys fighting, crying and happy. Thank you for being Jeon family and being a angel who light Wonwoo life."

Both of them cry silently and Mina cant even count when the last time she felt this heaven feeling. They tgen out from Seulgi doctor room and lunch together.

At night

Wonwoo back home with some food. He know that Mina in last trimester, so it will be hard for her to do some work
So he warning to not do anything heavy and he will do all tye chires at home excpet cooking.

Mina who wait him at living room try to get up but Wonwoo stoo her. He sit beside her and rest his head at her shoulder. Mina cares his hair and ask him,

"You must be tired,right? Sorry making you tired everyday taking of me."

"Nahh you always said that. And i already sure you that its my job as a husband and make sure you live a wealthy life."

"Hey Baby. Wanna know some news from my condition pregnant?"

Wonwoo raise his head and his face turn serious. He hope her condition everything will be fine.

Mina take his hand and place it to her bump. And their childs slowly kick making his startled a bit.

"You will be a father to our cildrens soon!." Mina smiles wild when his face slowly being confuse.

'Childrens? Why childrens? Wonwoo what was that word making yoo weird? Hmmmm..... OMG!Is it-' Wonwoo stand up and hold her hands.

"Mina! Dont tell me its- its - its twin?!"

Mina laugh and nod quickly. She cares his hand and keep watching him jumping like kid. He really cant even said anything but feel really cant wait for their twin born.

"Also there the others but last one."

Wonwoo who keep jumping run and sit down and waiting for her." What is it?"

"Our children last name will be.... Jeon and Jeon will be their last name forever not Park. Its your last name and it will change mine and our twins name."

Wonwoo down his head and start crying. He so happy that eventhough he is not their biogically father but their name will always be Jeon.

Wonwoo slowly kiss Mina forehead and down to her bump.

"Mina thank you for this.. I dont want any presents. This is the best gift that i ever get and nothing cant compare."

Mina whi also try hard to keep her tears finally broke and they both hugs. That night was really meaningfull thing that Wonwoo cant forget.

A weeks later

Both do their own world. Wonwoo who focusly on his laptop meanwhile Mina who finish washing sone plates. The evening was a bit calmly but Mina fekt something weird.

She stop walking at dining table and hold her tummy bump. Then waters broke from down her leg. It was signal that she have to get birth now. The pain slowly felt and Mina screaming her husband name.

"WONWOO!! Come here huh huh please faster!"

Wonwoo who do his work at their room quickly run down and shocking sering his wife was hold her pain.

"Hey relax, honey! Take a deep breath!"

"Dont just standing here! Take your car key now! I will get birth now. Faster!"

Wonwoo rush and take his key and not forget to take baby bag. He then carry her to his car and drove faster to  hospital.

2 hours waiting and Seulgi keep calm her brother. Sure him that his wife will be okay and saying that Mina is strong woman.

Wonwoo cant keep calm and stay still. You know that giving birth to twins is not easy. His hands full of sweat and then the doctor come out. He run and asking the doctor.

"How my wife? Is she okay? Is my babies okay? Or they three okay? Is there anything wrong? Anything happend? They are fine right?"

"Wonwoo calm down let doctor have his words"

"Mr. Jeon. Congratulations. You already become a dad of newborn son and daughter. You can get in to see your wife and twins."

Doctor smile and keep talking to Seulgi. Seulgi then pat his shoulder signal him to go in met his wife.

Mina who control her breath and keep crying. She feel all the burden and pain was gone when she heard their twins cry. Wonwoo get in and Mina room at him tired.

He hold her hand and kiss her temple. She smile softly.

"You doing great,baby. You doing really really great. You so strong Mina."

Then the nurse handed them their twins. Mina carry their oldest son meanwhile Wonwoo carry the youngest twin.

"What will our son name?" Wonwoo ask her.

"Im thinking about 'Jeon Hae Woo'. What about you?"

"I love it very much. And about our daughter, i think 'Jeon Won Jin'. You think?"

Mina smile and really love it. They both said to their twins,

"Hello Hae Woo and Won Jin. Welcome to our small family. You are officially our small Jeon treasure."

Seulgi who watch from outside tearing up and cant even say anythinh. Hoping her brother happy forever. Then one hand laid her shoulder.

"You know what? Its not good to  cry alone. Also im happy for her too beacuse she finally fine her happiness with your brother."

Seulgi turn around and hug him. They hug and continue watching the couple holding their twins. Mingyu glad his cousin free from her dark life and finally feel freedom like a normal lady.

~One day your painful life will turn to a beautiful dream. And you cant even wishing anything else hoping it will stay forever~

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