The Slytherin Queen- A Draco...

By Lunar_3clipx

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Stephanie Snape has been Draco Malfoy's best friend since the age of three. They both got accepted into Hogwa... More

Authors Note and Stephanie's Background
Facts about Stephanie Snape
Chapter 1 Platform 9 3/4
Chapter 2 The Sorting
Chapter 3 Potion Prodigy
Chapter 4 Christmas
Chapter 5 The End of Year 1
Chapter 6 Summer + Ball
Chapter 7 Back to Hogwarts
Chapter 8 Don't Mess with Her
Chapter 9 The Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 10 Parseltongue
Chapter 11 Parseltongue in Training
Chapter 12 Heartbroken
Chapter 13 Petrified
Chapter 14 End of Year 2
Chapter 15 Layla Jackson
Chapter 16 Idiot
Chapter 17 Boggart and Hogsmeade
Chapter 18 Fighting
Chapter 19 Slytherin vs. Ravenclaw
Chapter 21 Regret
Chapter 22 End of Year 3
Chapter 23 Garden Date
Chapter 24 Guests
Chapter 25 Mad-Eye Moody
Chapter 26 The Goblet of Fire
Chapter 27 Ferret Boy
Chapter 28 The First Task
Chapter 29 New Love
Chapter 30 The Egg
Chapter 31 Do You Have A Date?
Chapter 32 Preparing for the Ball
Chapter 33 Dance Lessons
Chapter 34 The Yule Ball
Chapter 35 The Couple
Chapter 36 The Second Task
Chapter 37 Piano Player
Chapter 38 The Final Task
Chapter 39 End of Year 4
Chapter 40 Swimming
Chapter 41 Blue Eyes
Chapter 42 New School Year
Chapter 43 Umbridge
Chapter 44 Midnight Stroll
Chapter 45 Umbitch
Chapter 46 Dumbledore's Army
Chapter 47 New Rules
Chapter 48 Prefect Privileges
Chapter 49 Layla's All Grown Up
Chapter 50 An End to Dumbledore's Army
Chapter 51 End of Year 5
Chapter 52 Sixth Year
Chapter 53 Gone
Chapter 54 Quidditch Captain
Chapter 55 Slughorn's Supper
Chapter 56 Slytherin vs. Gryffindor
Chapter 57 Layla's Ring
Chapter 58 The Death of the Headmaster
Chapter 59 Death Eater Duties
Chapter 60 Attempt Number One
Chapter 61 Voldemort's Trust
Chapter 62 Wedding Crashers
Chapter 63 Prisoners
Chapter 64 Attempt Number Two
Chapter 65 The Beginning of the End
Chapter 66 War
Chapter 67 Father
Chapter 68 The End
Chapter 69 Paris
Chapter 70 The Wedding
Chapter 71 Legacy
Chapter 72 19 Years Later
Chapter 73 Christmas Special
Thank You
Q&A + Announcement
Oliver Wood Fanfiction
Christmas Special
Draco x Reader

Chapter 20 Dead to Me

3.7K 95 92
By Lunar_3clipx

Stephanie got up from her bed and got ready for the day. She put Eve around her neck and looked at her nightstand where she saw a snake ring. She grabbed it and headed to the Great Hall. There was Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle in the middle of the room bullying some students. Stephanie went up to him.


Everyone was staring at them. They knew what happened to them because all the students do is gossip and news travels fast around Hogwarts.

"Snape, what do you want?"

She slapped him.

"You're a bitch! A real bitch! I hate you! You're nothing more than a racist, sexist bully! You're really pathetic. I don't need you anymore Malfoy. I despise you! You don't deserve any of your friends. Fuck you Malfoy!" She gave him a rude hand gesture and some students gasped at her actions. She then threw the snake ring at him. "Have your stupid ring back. It means nothing to me. Our friendship is over." Draco was in shock. Yes he was mad at her but he didn't want this to happen. He thought that they would just have a fight and make up. He didn't want their friendship to end.

"Stephanie I-"

"NO! Don't Stephanie me! It's Snape to you! I'm done with this conversation! YOU'RE DEAD TO ME DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY!" (You're dead to me you're obsessed just let it go you're dead to me I'm not somebody you know) She walked away from him and left the Great Hall. Draco couldn't believe what was happening. They're done.


"So wanna go to Three Broomsticks?"


Jack and Stephanie were on their date at Hogsmeade. A lot of people were still shocked that the Slytherin Princess and Prince despised each other now. It was the talk of the school, but Stephanie ignored it. The two went in Three Broomsticks and sat down.

"I'll get you some butter beer."

Jack went up to the counter and ordered their drinks. Daphne sat where Jack was sitting.

"My girl is on her first date! I'm gonna cry."



"Why are you here?"

"To enjoy Hogsmeade."


"Yes and to make sure Jack doesn't do something to make you uncomfortable."

"Um thanks?"

"No problem! Also I'm sorry about what happened earlier. Draco is a prick you don't need him. Ah! I got to go, have funnnnn." She left the table and went who knows where.

"I'm back." Jack put the drinks down and sat across from her. Stephanie took a sip of butter beer along with Jack. He had a white foamy mustache which made Stephanie laugh. "What? Is there something on my face?"

"Yeah hold on." She wiped the mustache off with her finger. "There."



The two finished their butter beers and left Three Broomsticks.

"Wanna go to the Shrieking Shack?"

"Sure why not?"

They made their way the Shrieking Shack.

"Are you scared Steph?"

"No I don't usually get scared of these things. How about you?"

"Nah it's just some old wood."

The two of them soon ran into Ron, Hermione, Draco, and his bodyguards.

"Well, well. Look who's here. You two shopping for your new dream home? Bit grand for you, isn't it, Weasle-Bee? Don't your family sleep in one room?"

"Shut your mouth, Malfoy."

"Not very friendly. Boys, I think it's time we teach Weasle-Bee how to respect his superiors."

"Hope you don't mean yourself!"

"How dare you talk to me! You filthy little mudblood!"

"Crabbe, Goyle what are you doing here?" Stephanie said, ignoring Draco who was glaring at her and Jack.

"Hello Snape, Mason." Hermione said.


"How dare you ignore me!"

"Does someone hear something? I hear this annoying buzzing sound."

"I hear it too." Jack said while putting his arm around her waist.

"Aww is Malfoy gonna cry? Mr. daddy issues is going to cry." She leaned her head on Jack's shoulder. Draco was about to say something when a snowball hit his chest. Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle were attacked with snowballs. They ran away in fear, not knowing who was attacking them. There was a force tugging on Hermione's hair.


Harry took off his invisibility cloak and revealed himself.

"Bloody hell, Harry. That was not funny."

"Hello Potter. I didn't know you had an invisibility cloak! That's so cool."

"You're not gonna tell anyone about it right?" Harry said.

"Don't worry I was never here. Wanna go to Honeydukes Jack?"

"Sure have fun guys."

"Have fun on your date." Hermione said.

The two went to Honeydukes and bought some sweets. After they went back to the castle.

"I had fun did you?"

"Yeah I love spending time with you."



"Do you wanna be my girlfriend?"

"Yes I would love to!" Stephanie smiled at him. Jack leaned in and kissed her lips. Stephanie kissed back and wrapped her arms around him. Stephanie didn't know that they were going too fast. She has no experience with love so she thought this was normal, being boyfriend and girlfriend so fast. Little did the couple know that Draco was watching on the side. 

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