You've Got it Bad

By JerrieDuhhh

603K 13.9K 18.2K

"I'm here now. I'm here to patch you back up until you're good as new. And love you until you forget what tha... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty Three
Sixty Four
Sixty Five
Sixty Six
Sixty Seven
Sixty Eight
Sixty Nine
Seventy One
Seventy Two
Seventy Three
Seventy Four
Seventy Five
Seventy Six
Seventy Seven
Seventy Eight
Seventy Nine
Eighty One
Eighty Two
Eighty Three
Eighty Four
Eighty Five
Eighty Six
Eighty Seven
Eighty Eight
Eighty Nine
Ninety One
Ninety Two
Ninety Three
Ninety Four
Ninety Five
Ninety Six
Ninety Seven
Ninety Eight
Ninety Nine
One Hundred

Thirty One

5.5K 141 111
By JerrieDuhhh

Perrie's POV

The next few days were spent running Jade and Jaden to school and work and back, and me preparing myself for school and my new job on Monday.

Oh, and catching up on all of the good sex we missed out on for sure.

I made the decision to continue my classes strictly online, and I finally got a call back for a job at a hospital nearby. Somehow I managed to charm them into making my hours match up with Jade and Jaden's, even though the hours sucked. It was still worth it though.

He went to school from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm and Jade worked from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm. The hours I managed to steal were 5:00 am to 1:30 pm. It was early as hell but I never had any problems with waking up early. Jade, on the other hand, would simply die.

9 o'clock is already too much for her. I would be able to get home, get cleaned up, get some lunch for Jaden and then pick him up when he got out. Then we'd do our homework together until Jade got home. And we all had the weekends off, which was my favorite thing ever.

It was Saturday morning and of course I was the first one awake. When I opened my eyes, I turned my head only to be met with a mixture of long and shorter curly hair. I loved their hair so much.

Jaden never slept with us at night, but at some point in the early morning, he would always sneak his way in, because I always woke up to the two of them.

This morning Jade was laying on her stomach with her head turned in the opposite direction, arms and legs everywhere of course, and little Jaden was in a ball with his head resting on her back, also facing the other direction and their hair was all mixed together and all over the place.

I decided to leave them alone. I smiled to myself at the image and climbed out of bed. There was no need for me to tiptoe because they slept like the dead. I knew neither of them were budging.

I decided to have some cereal and watch cartoons like I did when I was a kid. As soon as I got situated with my bowl of Frosted Flakes and flicked on the tv, a very sleepy looking Jade appeared from the hallway.

Her hair was still all over the place and she had Jaden thrown over one shoulder like a little rag doll, and the cover from the bed in her other hand, dragging on the floor. She rubbed her eyes and yawned and my heart fluttered. She was honestly too cute for words sometimes.

"Baby, what are you doing?" I asked, sitting my cereal down.

"We don't like it when you leave." She yawned again and then pouted, and it melted me.

"Awww, I'm sorry. Come here, bubba." I reached my arms out for her and she made her way over to me.

I grabbed my cereal in one hand and pulled them down onto the couch with me with the other. I was half laying down and half upright so I didn't choke on my cereal, with my legs up on the couch.

Jade sat in between my legs and leaned back until her head was on my chest, and she positioned Jaden on her chest, before covering us all with the blanket. I ate my cereal over her head in an awkward position, but I didn't mind it. I just hoped I didn't get any in her hair.

I thought she was watching cartoons with me, but she had fallen right back to sleep. We stayed like this for hours, me watching tv and playing in her hair, and the two of them still sleeping. Soon, I drifted off to sleep myself.

Hours later I woke up with Jade now curled into my side, twirling my necklace around her finger and watching tv, and Jaden sitting on the floor playing with his helicopter. When my eyes fluttered open they were met with my favorite pair, and a matching smile.

"Good morning, gorgeous. Or should I say good afternoon." She giggled and kissed my shoulder.

"Afternoon? Why didn't you guys wake me up?" I asked, stretching.

"Cause you looked comfy." She continued playing with my necklace. "Would you ever wear a necklace with my name on it?"

I wondered where the question came from, but still I smiled. "Faithfully."

"Pewwie! You woke up!" Jaden squealed before dropping his helicopter and jumping onto my stomach.

"Hey, buddy!" I squeezed him and he giggled. I looked over at Jade who was staring at the two of us with googley eyes.

"What are you looking at?" I asked laughing with Jaden.

She smiled. "Both sides of my heart in human form."

My heart swelled. I had no words, so I just pulled her closer and kissed her lips softly. She was literally the sweetest woman in the world.

"Ewwwww!" We broke away when we heard Jaden squeal.

Both of us laughed.

"I don't know what you're 'ewwwwing' about. You're next!" I threatened.

He squeaked and jumped off me, but I was right behind him, leaving Jade laying on the couch laughing. I chased him in circles around the living room, before I finally caught him in the kitchen and grabbed his little face. He scrunched it up as I kissed both of his cheeks and his nose.

"Hey, I want in on that too!" Jade got up from her spot on the couch and Jaden squealed again and took off running.

He ran around the living room again and we trapped him in the kitchen.

"You're outnumbered, bub. You may as well give up." She said as we moved in closer on him.

"Never!" He screamed and started to run in Jade's direction but faked us out and almost made it past me, but I grabbed him up and we squished his face by kissing either side of his cheeks.

Once we let him go he wiped his face and made gagging noises, Jade and I looked at each other and laughed.

"Mommy, can we go to the park? Pweeease!" Jaden begged.

She looked at me and I shrugged. "Sure, bub. Why don't you go get dressed."

"YAY!" He screamed, piercing both our ears, before speeding off to his room.

I felt Jade watching me as I went to clean up my cereal bowl. When I brought it over to the sink to wash it, she walked up behind me and wrapped her arms around me. I sighed in content as she moved my hair to one side and kissed the back of my neck. I can't even explain how much I love it when she does that.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you look while you're asleep?" She asked, still placing soft kisses to my neck.

"Not that I can recall." I replied with a smile, leaning into her.

"Well, let me tell you now. You look like an angel. My angel. A sleeping beauty. Like you're waiting for a handsome prince to kiss you awake, only that's never gonna happen. A drop dead gorgeous princess will just have to do." When I laughed, she turned me around to face her and kissed me passionately.

I deepened the kiss and she didn't protest. When things were about to get too heated, as our hands had started to roam each other's bodies, we pulled away.

"I think I'm awake princess." I joked.

"Hell, me too." She said with a wink. "Come on, let's go play."

She started to allow Jaden to dress himself because she wanted to let him express himself, which I admired. Sometimes he would match his clothes at least 75% and other times he wouldn't, and Jade dared anyone to say anything to him.

I believe her exact words were "if anyone has anything to say, I will punch the words, along with a few teeth right back down their throats." I'd hate to be that person.

When he came out of his room he was wearing red shorts with blue cars on them, a purple and green ninja turtles t-shirt, with green and white nikes. I smiled at his bright and colorful personality.

"Alright, how do we want to wear our hair today, bub?" Jade asked, prepared to match hairstyles with him because that's what he liked now. I found it absolutely adorable.

"Ummm wild, mommy! Like a lion!" He roared.

"Lion it is then!" They both started to shake out their curls until they were wild. "Okay, let's goooooooo!" She roared.

"Last one to the car is a Mr. Potato Head!" Jaden yelled, giggling.

"Wait!" She yelled, catching both of our attention. "I don't think we should—"

Before she finished her sentence, she took off running, leaving the door wide open.

Jaden quickly ran behind her yelling. "Mommy cheated!"

"I guess I'll lock up then." I laughed to myself. "I guess that also makes me the Mr. Potato Head." I rolled my eyes before closing the door.

We were all having a ball running around the park, until I saw Jade suddenly stop running. She looked like she had seen a ghost.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I asked her, snapping her out of her frozen state. I followed her eyes to try and see what she saw, but I didn't see anything.

"I-I could've sworn I just s-saw him." She stuttered.

"Saw who, babe?" I looked all around, but still saw no one.

"Jimmy. He was r-right over there. I swear." She pointed towards a tree across the park, and I could see that her hand was shaking.

"Okay. Let's go home, baby." I said, wrapping my arms around her shaking body. "I'm gonna go get Jaden, okay?" I went to walk away from her, but she held on tight like she was scared. "Let's go together."

We got Jaden and quickly got in the car. Jaden didn't stop talking the whole ride, but Jade was dead silent, staring out the window, which made me nervous. She seemed to be petrified. Since we hadn't had dinner yet, I decided to just swing through the McDonald's drive through. Of course Jade didn't want to eat anything, but I got her food anyway.

When we go home, I sat Jaden down in front of the tv with his happy meal. Questionable parenting, I know, but these were extenuating circumstances. Jade was sitting on the couch, still silent. I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the kitchen.

"Baby, eat something." I said softly, handing her a box of fries. She shook her head and pushed them back to me. "Please? For me?" I pushed them back to her and she sighed, putting a couple in her mouth. "Talk to me, Jade. What did you see?"

"I saw him. Or I think I saw him." She replied, sounding unsure now.

"I believe you if you say you did, but are you sure it wasn't just someone who looked like him?" I held more fries out to her and she took them.

"No, I'm not." She replied, hanging her head.

"Hey, it's okay. You're safe now, okay? It's just us." I lifted her chin, and I could see her relax a little.

"I'm sorry, Pez. It just really freaked me out. Am I gonna be haunted like this for the rest of my life?" I could hear her voice break.

"No, you're not, because you know in your heart you did what you had to do to protect the people you love. You can live with any choice you make, as long as you know your intentions were good. And I'll remind you every day if I have to." I kissed the side of her head, and she wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm sorry. I love you." She squeezed me.

I pushed her back a bit to look in her eyes. "You don't ever have to be sorry. I'm here for you in whatever capacity you need me to be. And I love you to pieces, babe." I leaned in and kissed her lips softly.

"Let's take your mind off it, yeah?" I continued. "How about a movie?" She nodded and I took her and our food over to the couch next to Jaden.

After making sure she ate all of her food, I ate mine and then the three of us snuggled up on the couch.

"Can we watch a scawwy movie?" Jaden asked looking up at us. We were in the same position as this morning.

"A scary movie? I don't know, bub. It may be too much for you." Jade replied and it made me laugh because I'm pretty sure she was the one afraid.

"Pweeeeeasee!" He begged.

"Okay, fine. One scary movie, but you'd better not be too scared to sleep." She replied.

"I pwomise. And I have you mommy to pwotect me and I will pwotect you." He was too cute.

"Okay. Let's watch Scary Movie." Jade said, now scrolling through Netflix.

"Babe... you do know that Scary Movie isn't actually a scary movie. And you're in the comedy section. Nice try. Let me see." I laughed.

She sighed and handed me the remote. I decided on Saw and I heard her groan. We didn't even make it through the opening credits before I heard Jaden snoring.

"So much for protecting mommy." She mumbled.

"I'll protect you, mommy." I said as I wrapped my arms tighter around her and whispered in her ear, making her shudder and then sigh in content.

After we finished the first movie, 20% of which Jade actually saw, the other 80% she spent with her face buried in the couch, I asked her to watch the rest of the movies with me. She was super hesitant, but she couldn't resist my pout.

"Alright." She sighed. "Let me just put him to bed."

She got up off the couch and took Jaden to his room, while I got Saw II ready. When she returned, I stretched my arms out for her and she happily fell into them, snuggling on top of me and resting her head on my chest.

"How many more to go?" She asked.

"Um, about 6 or 7." I replied.

"What?!" She shouted, looking up at me. I smiled at how beautiful she was in the TV light.

"It'll be fun, babe!" I laughed, and I could almost hear her rolling her eyes.

"I'm only doing this because you're so snuggly, and I can't sleep without you." She wrapped her arms tighter around me.

I laughed again. Now SHE was pouting.

"I love you too, baby." I kissed the top of her head and she relaxed into me.

It was probably my fault for playing in her hair, but before the movie even started I could tell she was asleep, just like Jaden.

I watched that movie, and about half of Saw III was all I could remember before I drifted off to sleep too.

The TV was still playing in the background and one of the suspenseful moments in the movie woke me up. I looked over at the clock on the wall and it was a bit after 3am.

"Babe, let's go to bed." I nudged Jade. Of course I got no response. She felt like a ton of bricks weighing me down. "Jade!"

Still nothing.

I contemplated dumping her on the floor to wake her up, but I didn't have the heart to do that to her. Instead I managed to slip from under her and then scoop her up bridal style and carry her to bed.

For some reason I woke up the next morning feeling like I hadn't slept in days. My head hurt and my eyes burned. It felt like I had a hangover. Maybe it was the lack of sleep. I rolled over to see my sleeping beauty stretched out next to me with Jaden snuggled into her side, and I smiled.

When I rolled back over to look at my phone, I saw a text from my cousin that said "Meet at 11am. Same place".

The time was now 10:24am, and there was no way the three of us could be ready and out to meet her in time, so I decided to let them sleep and go on my own. I quickly ran through the shower and put my hair up in a bun.

I sent Jade a text letting her know where I was going, before grabbing my sunglasses and keys and heading out. When I made it to Starbucks, I put my car in park and waited until I saw her car drive up.

I'd met her for coffee here many times, even before I involved her in my situation with Jade, but something about this time gave me an eerie feeling. I looked around and noticed that no other cars were in the lot besides mine, and a black truck with tinted windows off to the side.

It was already chilly outside, but now it seemed the chills had crept into my car right to my bones. The sun was nowhere to be seen, giving everything a kind of cold and dusty look. A blanket of gray covered the sky. No leaves were on the trees, only long skinny branches could be seen, stretching and writhing in the brisk air. It almost felt abandoned.

I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but something was making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I shook my thoughts off when I saw her pull up at exactly 11am and walk inside. I jumped out and quickly shuffled inside behind her, not wanting to be late and also rushing to get out of the eerie atmosphere.

"Hey, Jes." I caught up to her and we hugged before taking our seats.

"Hey. You feeling okay?" She asked, seeing right through me. I was never any good at hiding my nerves.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just a bit cold." I half lied. Truth be told I still couldn't shake the feeling.

We sat and caught up for a bit over coffee and pastries before we got down to business. Chatting with my cousin and hearing about all of the changes in her life put me at ease.

"Oh! I almost forgot to tell you!" She yelled, stretching her left hand across the table, blinding me with the big ass diamond that I have no clue how I missed in the first place. I gasped. "Ron and I are getting married!"

"Oh my god!!" I squealed. "How the hell do you forget to tell me that?!"

I grabbed her hand in mine, eyeing the huge rock. I looked up to see her smiling from ear to ear. Just like me, she had been through a lot over the past few years and countless failed relationships. It warmed my heart to finally see her getting what she deserved.

"Are you happy?" I asked, looking into her eyes for a genuine response. "That was all that mattered to me."

She smiled. "Very. Hey, but don't think I don't notice you're wearing the same glow!"

I blushed.

"Tell me! Who is it, Pez?" She asked excitedly.

I sat back and smiled, thinking of Jade.

"Oh, I can't wait to hear who's got you all smiley and blushy like that!" She giggled.

"Remember the girl I introduced you to over the phone recently?" I asked.

She gasped and then a slow smile spread across her face.

"Yes, I'm a lesbian." I added.

Holy shit, I just came out for the first time! I've never actually said those words before.

I paused for a second because I wasn't entirely sure how she would react. When she didn't, I was shocked.

"Well it's about damn time you realized it! I'm proud of you, Pez!" She grinned.

I was taken aback. "Wait, what? What do you mean?"

She smiled again. "We literally spent nearly every day of our lives together growing up. I noticed a long long time ago. I was just waiting for you to notice."

And here I thought I had never been into girls before.

"Jade, right? Tell me about her." She brought her coffee cup to her lips.

I smiled hearing her name and immediately regretted not being there to see her when she first opened her eyes this morning. That was one of my favorite things ever.

"You, my little cousin, are what we call whipped! It's written all over your face!" She grinned.

"Shut up!" I laughed. "From the first day I laid eyes on this woman, I was in love. She was dating Jimmy at the time, but that didn't stop me from stealing little moments with her and falling head over heels in love. There was just something about her from the very beginning. I love her with everything I have, Jes. Honestly. She's smart, she's undeniably beautiful, sexy, sensual, sensitive, and somehow rough and soft at the same time. She's definitely a protector, but I can't help but want to protect her instead, you know? Shield her from the world because it has a funny way of crushing beautiful souls like hers to tiny pieces. It amazes me how she can go from my adorable little Jadey, who follows me around the apartment dragging a blanket because she wants to cuddle, to Jade, my dominant, sexy ass girlfriend who pins me against walls and gets off on making me crawl and beg. I don't ever see there being anyone else for me but her. I'm obsessed with her. I can't get enough. I've never believed in the whole soulmate thing, but I'm running out of any other explanations for what she is to me. She is my soulmate." I took a sip of my coffee and looked at my cousin, who was staring at me all teary eyed like she was watching a love scene in a movie.

"Perrie, that was beautiful. I'm moved. I've got to meet her in person! I've gotta know who it is that's got my little Pez dispenser reciting love poetry like that!" She said.

I laughed. "And the little boy you helped me find. That's her son, Jaden. And he has my heart too. I'm in love with both of them. With my life with them. Waking up to them, as wild as they are. And falling asleep with her in my arms. I never want to not do that again."

"It sounds to me like you've found your forever family. So... when are you gonna seal the deal?" She asked.

I almost choked on my coffee. "You mean marriage?" She nodded. "I've been ready to marry her since the first day we met honestly."

"Well then... what's the hold up?" She asked. "Get that ring."

"I don't know, Jes. There's nothing I want more. But isn't it too soon?" I asked.

"Says who? Listen. There's no rule book here. We're all just winging it. You love her and want to marry her, so just do it. Screw time, because trust me it's definitely not going to wait for you. You could've started your forever a long time ago. I've never seen you like this about anyone you've ever dated, so that's saying something. I say there's no such thing as too soon, but there is a too late. Don't wait until it gets there. You've got your feelings, and I say you run with them." She said softly.

This is why her and I have always been so close. She always took the time to break things down to me. To understand me and my feelings and offer genuine advice. She's only a couple years older than me, but she's always been like the big sister I've never had.

I smiled, hanging on to every word she said. She was right. There was no point in waiting. What's the right amount of time anyways?

"I'm scared. What if she doesn't want to marry me. What if it's too soon for her?" I asked, chewing my lip. "What if I ask, and she says no?"

"From what I hear, she's just as in love as you are. I highly doubt she'd say no. But if that's the case, then you wait for her to be ready. Don't let this one get away. Something tells me, she's your one." She smiled.

"Thanks, Jes! You always know exactly what to say to me." I smiled. "I think I'm gonna do it. I'm going to buy a ring!"

She returned my smile. "Good for you! I can't wait! But enough with the mushy mushy, you said she's hot? I need to see! Pics or it didn't happen!"

I laughed. "You're such a child sometimes."

I pulled out my phone and showed her my screensaver, which was a photo I had taken of Jade, sleeping like the angel she was.

Was it creepy? Maybe. But I found her to be the most beautiful like this.

"Perrie! Are you being serious? She's gorgeous! If you don't marry her now, I will!" She yelled.

"Hey! You're engaged remember? And this one's mine!" I laughed.

She rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. Ron doesn't look half this good when he's sleeping. AND he snores!"

We both laughed as I scrolled through Jade's Instagram to show her off to my cousin. If it were anyone else oogling and ogling over my girl the way she was, I'd be ready to fight, but I knew she was harmless.

"Pez, honestly, she's breathtaking. And if she's everything else you've described her as, don't let her get away." She smiled.

"Yeah, tell me about it." I sighed, smiling at her and Jaden's most recent photo.

After our conversation about marriage and our partners, we finally started talking about business. She gave me all the info on the guy and where I could find him. I had no idea how she had become so good at finding people that she'd made a career out of it, but I was convinced there was no one on earth who could hide from her.

"Thanks again! This time I'm paying you though, and I don't want any arguments." I pulled out my wallet and started writing a check to her.

"Oh, I wasn't gonna argue this time. I have a wedding to pay for." She said and we both laughed.

I handed her the check and hugged her tightly. I genuinely missed spending time with her and just chatting. I was so glad we could catch up.

She kissed the top of my head, like a protective big sister. "Take care, little cuz. I'm truly proud of you. And when you tell Debs, I'll be here if it goes south."

She walked away and I remembered that I had yet to have this conversation with my mother. I wondered how she would take it. She already loves Jade and Jaden, so she couldn't be that unhappy about it, right?

I sat back in my seat, and continued scrolling through Jade's Instagram while I finished my coffee. People around me probably thought I was nuts the way I was smiling at my phone, but I just couldn't help it. I missed my brunette beauty. I quickly chugged the rest of my coffee and walked out the door to make my way home to her.

I stepped out into the brisk air, adjusting my jacket and getting that same strange feeling. I decided to just hurry up and get the hell out of there, but stopped dead in my tracks when I noticed the black truck that was at the far end of the parking lot was now right next to my car. Still the only two cars in the lot.

It's just a coincidence, Perrie.

I continued walking to my car. Still, that didn't stop my heartbeat from accelerating and my hands from shaking. When I reached my car, I fumbled around in my purse for my keys.

When I found them, my shaky hands caused me to drop them on the ground. I picked them up and went to try again to press the button. That's when I heard a deep voice behind me and felt a chill creep up my neck.

"I heard you were looking for me." The voice said and instantly I was paralyzed with fear.

Before I even got the chance to turn around, I felt a sharp blow to the back of my head and pain flooded through me. Then before I knew it, there was another blow and I immediately hit the ground, seeing nothing but darkness.

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