Shiv In The Night [Billie Eil...

By uhhidontknowwhoiam

134K 4.3K 5.8K

After years of being the leader of an illegal gang, Billie finally meets her match, will she let herself fall... More

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By uhhidontknowwhoiam

Selena POV

I hear the front door open and I hear Ariana squeal telling me it's Billie. Ariana jumps almost tackling Billie. "Ow." Billie groans. "What the hell happened to you?" Ari asks.

"Got sick." Billie says. We make brief eye contact when I break it by walking away. I would be lying if I said I wasn't freaking out in the waiting room.

I obviously wasn't freaking out in front of my family who was also waiting, that would have brought up questions that I did not want to answer.

Plus I have other things to worry about, "Selena?" My name is called by Dala. "Hm?" I say when I walk into my office.

"I found something in Joseph's office, you told me to check it."

"Yeah, what'd you find?" I ask. "Call logs. Potentially between him and Matteo. But the thing is these call logs aren't connected to any phone number, so I had done some digging and found this." She places a small device in my hand.

"An ear piece." I say. Dala nods and I immediately recognize it. The same earpiece Lia had in her ear. "Look familiar?" Dala recognized my look.

"Lia. I saw this in her ear yesterday, I didn't say anything." I tell her. "You saying Joseph and Lia may have been onto this together?"

"Maybe not. Joseph tried to flee when I found out, if they both were working together, Lia would've tried leaving with him." I say.

"Good point, I'll continue looking into the call logs." Dala says but I stop her. "Actually, I need you to check Lia's room, look for anything suspicious, if she tries to stop you, restrain her."

"Okay Capo, I'll get onto it, do you still want me to check the call logs?"

"Uh no- I got it. I need to talk to Billie." I say. "Billie hasn't shown any suspicious behavior, why?"

"Her and Lia are close, maybe Lia told her what she was doing. I need a polygraph for the two and I need you to notify the FBI, if Lia's working with Matteo, I am in some big trouble here."

"You haven't said any valuable information to her, have you?"

"Oh no, she's an idiot, if she did hear something, she probably forgot a second later. If Lia's working with him, I want her arrested." I mumble.

"And if Billie's a part of this?" Dala asks me. "I- have no idea what I'm going to do." I stutter. Dala nods and she leaves me alone in my office again.

What am I going to do if Billie is still working with him?

Billie POV

I look at the waves in the pool as I lay down on the bench enjoying the silence. "It's Billie, right?" I hear near me. I look up to see Selena's mother.

"Mhmm. You must be Selena's mom, you look a lot like her, well besides the eyes." I ramble. "Call me Andrea, 'Selena's mom' seems old, and I am only 36." She says and I almost choke on my spit.

"36?" I ask. "Yeah, you expected me to be 50 something?" She laughs.

"No, but you look like a teenager."

"Still kind of young for a 19 year old kid, I had Selena when I was just 17."

"Oh, that must've been hard, I'm sorry." She nods before sitting besides me. "You're the girl who's making my baby girl so full with laughter." She says which immediately confuses me.

"Oh, I'm the girl stressing her out, trust me." I laugh and she shakes her head. "No, I don't think so, anytime I visit, I can't even get a smile out of her and now this time I visit, she was laughing today when I spoke with her. The only difference? You're here."

I look at her before looking away and into my lap. "I heard what happened." She tells me. "Everyone knows, huh?" I laugh.

"They were really concerned about you.

did you stop eating Billie?" She asks, all I do is shrug saying the same answer I gave her daughter, "I don't like my body."

"I think you have a beautiful body." Andrea smiled. "Yeah, we don't see the same thing when I look in the mirror, and I think I just kind of gave up."

"Did you know you could've died?" She asks and I nod. "Do you want to die?"

"In a way, I do? I don't know. I was just slowly killing myself."

"You know that saying? Time heals pain?" She asks and I nod. "I never believed in that. Time doesn't heal pain, it just teaches us how to live with it. So if you're still here, it means you're searching for something right? Searching for something to stay?"

Our conversation is interrupted by Selena herself. "Mama, you mind if I steal her from you really quick?" Selena asked.

"Of course, baby. I'll be here." Andrea nodded, Selena smiled and I followed her back in the house. "I need you to take a lie detector." She says.

"I'm sorry?" I raise an eyebrow. "Yeah, I know it sounds crazy, but I need it, if you pass it, I'll leave you alone."

"I- but, is everyone doing this?"

"No, just you and Lia." She says and I scoff, "You don't trust us."

"Honestly, I don't." She shakes her head. I shrug, "I mean okay if that's what you want, I don't really have anything to hide."

"Follow me." I follow her into a white room, my eyes land on the officers standing in the corner and an old guy with some machine. I sit down in the chair and Selena exits the room.

"Let's get started, won't we?" The man asks, he wraps two cords around me before sitting back down. "What is your name?" He asks me.


"Full name, please."

"Billie O'Connell."

"Is it true that you started working for Matteo at the age of 15?"


"And it was because of your parents' death, right?"

"My brother died too, yes."

"Is it true that you knew Matteo was a criminal?" I gulp at his question but I nod before mumbling a yes.

"You knew he was a criminal and yet you still worked for him? Why?" The man asked. "Thought you were just supposed to give me yes or no questions."

"Yes, and I'm also supposed to catch information."

"And if I refuse?" I challenge him. "Those cops behind you will arrest you." I can't refuse, I'll be charged with life immediately after everything I've done.

"I worked for him because he was giving me money. My family died, I had no other family members in the country, so I was on my own. He was my last resort."

"Did you kill anyone while you worked for him?"

"Only one."

"Male or Female?"


"Why did you take his life Billie? Did he get in your way, perhaps?" I shake my head, "No, it was self defense. I didn't want to kill him-"

"So your intention was to shoot him?" He interrupts me. "I wanted to shoot him, not kill him. Bullet landed in the wrong place."

"Why did you want to shoot him?"

"Teach him a lesson." I mutter. "Did you know him personally?"


"What happened before you killed him?" The man asks me. "I don't wanna talk about it."

"Billie, you will be arrested if you tell me why. I am trying to help you."

"He got on top of me, I didn't like that. I had a gun, so I did the first thing that came to mind. It was self defense."

"Do you feel guilty for killing him?"

"Sometimes, yes. Mostly I don't."

He clears his throat and shows me something in his hand. "What's that?" I ask him. "You don't know what this is?"

"Am I supposed to?" I raise an eyebrow. "So I take that as a no. Are you still in contact with Matteo in any way?"

"No. I haven't contacted him since I came into this house."

"Okay, that's enough questions. We will be with you soon." I nod before getting up and walking out of the office.

Selena POV

"Come in." I say when I hear a knock on the door. It's Dala and she has a frown on her face. "What idiot?" I ask her.

"I'm just disappointed." She drops down a few papers in front of me. I look at them and see they're the polygraph test results. "Billie passed with flying colors. Lia on the other hand, lied on every single question, but she did reveal that she had a sexual relationship with Matteo, but not anymore."

"Did you show this to them yet?"

"Only to Ariana, do you want me to sho it to them though?"

"No-" We're cut off by Ariana walking into the room. "There's a tiny problem."

"What?" I ask her. "Lia's trying to kill herself."

Oop. One more chapter coming in a few more hours. And for those of you who read Closing The Gap, your chapter is coming soon, and you'll get a face claim for the pretty Skylar Davis because people can't stop asking me.

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