
By ot5ismyhome

559 77 25

The Maximoff twins life was going smoothly until they accidentally stumbled upon a secret of night life. They... More

Authors Note
1. The Interview
2. It calls for a celebration
3. 4th of July
4. The Inventor
5. Howard Stark?
6. Creature of the Night
7. Graze with Death
8. Starks know how to throw a party
9. Broken Trust
11. Council of Five
12. Psychic connection
13. The Good, The Bad and The Rebel
14. Rebirth
15. Night of the lost ones
16. White wolf
17. Is this the real life?
18. Preparing for the dark
19. Baby, here we go again
20. The hearing
21. Vulture
22. Spy of the Night
23. Natalia Romanova
24. Allies and Strangers
25. Too soon, too late
26. Closure

10. Troubled Waters

15 3 0
By ot5ismyhome

Natasha boarded the plane to Budapest. She took a month off to catch up with an old friend. She thought back of the time when they fought back to back. The feral problem had already risen before and they had stomped it out. Now too she was certain she can end it. He might have some clues about the complications in New York. And she knows he will have her back like always.

When Natasha left, the whole pressure of keeping the ferals under control, fell on Steve. A week has passed, Steve was breaking down under the pressure. The work was getting over-whelming. Somehow, he had managed to keep his head above water. He cancelled his birthday party. Instead he organised a simple dinner for just his friends. Pietro had mysteriously declined it. Natasha was still in Budapest. Coulson was out of town that week.

Wanda was getting ready for the Steve's birthday dinner. Pietro was lunging in the couch flipping through channel in the TV.

"Do you really have to go?"

"Yeah" she sounded surprised that he even asked. She had noticed that something was off with her brother since the attack. She sat down next to him.

"What's bothering you?"

"Nothing" he lied. But Wanda could clearly see through it.


"It's not safe Wand. That's why I'm asking you to stay behind. Please understand me."

"I get you. But this is Steve's birthday. I have to go Pietro. I can promise I will be back as soon as possible"

He breathed out through his mouth bearing a defeated look on his face. "I will come too."

"Few minutes ago, you didn't want me to go but now you want to come along"

"Very much. Now I need to get ready" he smirked and went to his room.

The twins drove to Steve's house. Steve's face lit up when he saw Pietro. He hadn't expected him to show up. Pietro smiled awkwardly and shook Steve's hand. The three went into the living room where Shuri was waiting. Steve introduced them to each other. The three chatted but Pietro remained silent, observing the conversation.

After Howard and Tony came, they started dinner. Steve was thankful that Shuri and Wanda had come. They were the life of the small party. Shuri amazed everyone with her inventions and ideas. Soon everyone was having light-hearted fights over whose invention was the best.

After dinner, Howard approached Wanda. She was glad that he had finally talking to her like before. They beat around the brush and made some small talk before Howard finally brought up the uncomfortable situation.

"I'm sorry, Wand. I shouldn't have ignored you." He looked sincere as he looked her in the eyes.

Wanda gave a small smile. "I accept your apology. But I'm sorry you have been replaced by another friend."

Howard made a gesture of clutching an invisible arrow sticking out of his heart. They laughed together. She got her friend back and she was happy that things were returning to normal.


As the guests felt after the dinner, Steve got ready for the night hunt. He was grateful when Tony had stepped up to help him. But Tony was no soldier. He was a man who has never seen war than on media. He had long way to go before he could have the expertise of Nat but Steve had no other go. It's Tony or fly solo. A friend watching his back is what he wanted at this moment. Even though this was no war, Steve knew it was leading one. A war was brewing and he could feel in his spine. He has to train Tony before it.

But now his concentration was on the mission. They were searching the most affected area for any hiding ferals. Till now there was no luck.

"Steve, there's something you got to- ugh ahh"

Steve leaped into action. He snatched the feral which had jumped on Tony from behind. He ripped it's arms in one swift motion. He then stomped the feral's neck under his foot. It crumbled to dust. Tony stood there petrified.

"You aren't bitten right?"

Tony didn't reply. He looked between Steve and the dusted feral.

"Tony" Steve pressed on.


"Are you bitten?"


"Let's head back. This was a bad idea."

"No, I'm fine. Let's continue"

After making sure Tony was okay, they made their way into darker part of town. The second feral they encountered was few blocks away. Steve noticed it before it saw them. He used it as an advantage and sneaked up on it. The feral shrieked when it saw him. Steve stabbed its eyes with his blade then proceeded to behead it.

Steve was trying to catch his breath when Tony spoke. "You hear that?"

Steve's ears perked up, hearing the sound of growling and snarling. Both men stood back, waiting for the oncoming attack. Steve passed his blade to Tony. The first feral jumped from the rooftop on top of Steve. It was trying to scratch and bite him but he pulled it away. He broke the feral's neck with a sickening snap. It screamed as it withered away.

The second feral came charging at Tony. He waved the knife at the feral slashing across its chest. Three more ferals came forward from Steve's side. He saw Tony plunge the blade into the feral's heart killing it. He was content Tony was able to defend himself. The three ferals jumped on Steve at the same time. He held two in his hands and banged their heads together. Tony pulled the third feral away from Steve. It snarled at Tony charging at him. Steve finished off the two ferals and turned to Tony. Tony was backing up into the wall and the feral was gaining on him. Steve jumped on the feral's back and ripped his head from its body.

Both men stood panting in the alleyway. Steve was fully covered with ash. Tony too didn't look so great either. They searched for ferals but they found only three. After finishing them off they decided to head back to The Stark Tower. Steve's got off the floor where he usually stays when he visits Tony. Tony made his way to the main floor.

After a shower they met in Tony's personal bar. Tony poured a drink in silence and slid it to Steve. Then he poured one for himself and sat next to Steve. Steve gave him a weak smile.

"So, this is what I got myself into?" Chucked Tony.

"Wishing for Natasha to be back soon. Are you?" Steve laughed

"God, yes."

Both men laughed and chatted through the night. Steve sensed Tony inching closer to him. Maybe it was the alcohol or the fact that they had already fooled around. This made Steve to make the next move. He placed his hand on Tony's thighs. Tony turned to face Steve. He leaned in so close that they were breathing the same air. Steve captured Tony's lips in his. Both men kissed each other with such intensity as if to devour each other. Soon they were tugging at each other's shirts and pants to get the dress out of the way.

They consumed each other with pure carnal desire. The bliss, pleasure and pain washed over their body as they worshiped each other. The frustration of the night melted away as they reached climax in each other's body.

Both were panting when they finished. Steve was the first to break away. He got up, dressed and left the Stark Tower. Tony laid down in his bed and drifted into sleep. 


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