The Kidnapped Beauty [S. UCHI...

By ceoofhappiness

74.8K 1.7K 474

Minnow was a stunning princess living in the Land of Snow. A couple days before Min was going to be married o... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Min's Story
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23: Alternative Ending

Part 19

1.9K 53 12
By ceoofhappiness

Min swam frantically under the growing wave. Trembling with cold, she reached her hand up and plunged it as far up into the wave as she could. The wave froze in its spot, becoming an iceberg.

Min pulled her hand back from the now frozen wave. Her hands shook violently as the cold became almost unbearable. She caught sight of the bottom of the ship-

There's the hole Chino was talking about!

Min swam towards it, pushing as hard as she could against the strong current of the water. She felt herself getting lightheaded from a lack of oxygen. She made it to the hole and moved the water out of the ship while simultaneously patching it up with hardened sand.

The urge to breathe became impossible to ignore. Min swam towards the surface as fast as she could when suddenly, she couldn't move anymore. Whether it was the cold she was feeling, or the lack of air, she didn't know.

Her subconscious took over at that point as she inhaled the water in sheer desperation to get some sort of air. Her whole body was racked with an excruciating pain from the water in her lungs. Min opened her eyes in fear and began taking more desperate breaths of water. The pain wiped out all sense of reason in her mind. The last thing she heard before she completely lost consciousness was a faint splash.

Sasuke dived into the frigid water, searching for Min. He caught sight of her limp body floating nearby. His mind was immediately flooded with terrible thoughts.

Is she dead?

He swam over to her quickly and wrapped his arm around her waist. He kicked himself up to the surface, holding her against his chest.

He took a deep breath as he broke the surface of the water and floated on his back, hold Min on top of him.

"Orochimaru!" He called out.

Orochimaru appeared at the side of the ship and, with the help of shadow clones, hoisted Min and Sasuke up the side of the ship.

Once they were on dry land, Orochimaru went to go take control of the ship along with Chino and Nowaki. The storm had since calmed down to a slow rainfall as Sasuke laid Min down.

Sasuke frantically moved beside Min's head and summoned a shadow clone to assist him. His clone held her head back and pinched her nose shut. Sasuke leaned down and moulded his mouth to hers, giving her a breath of air. He pulled away and began pumping her chest, urging the water in her lungs to leave. He repeated this several times until he heard a cough from Min.

He sat back in relief as she sat up, holding her hand over her heart as her body was racked with violent coughs. Sasuke moved beside her and rubbed his hand up and down her back, trying to provide some comfort while she was coughing up the rest of the water in her lungs.

Once Min had stopped coughing, Sasuke wrapped his arm around her and pulled her into a tight hug. Sasuke rested his head on her shoulder.

"Minnie, you're an idiot."

"Damn," was all Minnow said as she nuzzled her face into Sasuke's neck.

Their wet clothes melded together as Sasuke and Min held each other tightly, warming each other up.

Sasuke pulled his face away from her shoulder, causing Min to look up at him in confusion.

Sasuke gently removed his arm from around her and brushed the wet hair off of her face.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked, his voice barely a whisper.

Min's breath caught in her throat as she nodded.

Sasuke gingerly cupped Minnow's cheek, rubbing his thumb back and forth. He leaned in slowly, almost carefully, as if seeing if she would change her mind. Min's heartbeat sped up at the closeness of their faces. The cold sensation of Sasuke's soaked hair pressed against her cheek made her shiver in anticipation. Time seemed to stop when she felt Sasuke's soft lips pressing against her own. Her whole body tingled and the fluttering in her stomach intensified. Min swooned at the feeling of his warm lips against her cold ones. Her heart pounded so hard she thought it would beat out of her chest. The only thing she could focus on was the softness of his lips. The sheer want and urgency Sasuke packed into the kiss made her feel weak.

The pair separated, catching a breath of air. Sasuke gazed into Minnow's eyes with a small smile on his face while Min had a shy grin gracing hers.

Sasuke moved his hand from her face and placed it on her waist, pulling her in for another kiss. Sasuke couldn't help but smile into the kiss. Min, in turn, also smiled into the kiss as they separated and leaned their foreheads against each other.

Minnow giggled, "this is the first time we haven't been interrupted."

"Yeah that was annoying as hell. I couldn't even kiss you till now," he groaned.

"C'mon, let's go. We still have the exploding human mystery to solve." Minnow said after laughing, gently pulling away from his warm body and grabbing his wrist.

But Sasuke didn't care about that, his mind was still lingering on other things.

Namely, is Minnow his girlfriend now?

A/n: Lol they finally kissed 20 chapters in

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