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Two princes fall in love.... Altro



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Da jamsnrice

"Haechan where do I find him"-"he's never told me, he probably forgets to tell me"-"If he couldn't tell me either they must have been prevented from speaking possibly"-"Most likely" They made their way back the palace stairs. "What's this?"

"Its a glove" Jaehyun picked it up looking at it "Its his, it has his initials and a symbol a rose"-"I know not any kingdom that has a rose"-"Tenebris" Mark spoke "Who?"-"The kingdom of Tenebris"-"y-you mean the one that is forbidden to go near by anyone?" renjun spoke "yes that one"

"Well sh*t jaehyun you had to lay your eyes on that one huh" Haechan spoke "yes I did" he smirked "How are you going to see him? your mother would never let you associate yourself with Tenebris, if mother knew she'd never let taeyong come over" haechan said

" I'll find a way, but I will see him again" he held onto the glove tightly "I'm going to need to see how I will get there first of all that kingdom is not on the map, only they have maps with theirs on it"

"If you need our help we will try helping"-"thank you guys"


"It felt like my dream came true I cant believe it, its like he is meant for me" Eunji spoke hugging her soft pillow while jaehyun looked at her with no expression "I want to see him again so bad, you think he may like me back?"

"I don't know what did you talk about?"-"He complimented me on how pretty I am"-"theres no way" She threw him a pillow "Well I wanted to hear him say it so I-thats not the point I really liked him"

"Well I don't know what to tell you, I have to go"-"where?"-"training? Obviously" he got up leaving her room while Renjun waited for him outside so but could go together.

"You look upset hyung, why?"-"it's nothing"-"I can tell it's bothering you but if you don't want to talk about it it's fine then"-"sorry it's I just feel pressured right now"


"How was the ball children" asked their father "it was amazing the dresses were beautiful too and so much food, and their palace was beautiful too!" They went on to their parents how enjoyable their time their was.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it there, you spoke no one to where you come right"-"right it was not said mother"-"good"-"may I speak to you two?"-"yes of course" they both said full attention on them

"W-what..uh I mean" taeyong was at loss for words not knowing what to say anymore, afraid everything will go wrong "Whats the trouble? did you do something wring while you were there?"

"no no not at all, its just i..I met jaehyun"-"who?"-"Jaehyun"-"you mean the prince of Laetus?"-"yes him, we well took a walk and"-"did he find out!" His mother stood up

Taeyong kneeled to the floor "I love him mother!"-"you what?" His father asked "Taeyong stand up" she said, carefully standing up while looking down

"I have no problem but you know if his parents find out they will attack us or declare war for assuming anything to attack us, it is best to stay away from them, I'm sorry dear"

"Please no mother" he cried "you are to not see him again, you will move on soon it was just one night" said the king

"No he's different! You can't do this! Please help me and live in peace with the other kingdoms"-"no Taeyong a no is no" He stood up and left crying to his room.


"We should have never let him go, now look at him"-"I though it would have been a nice experience how were we suppose to know Laetus would be there?"-"he can't leave from here if he tries going back he'll be killed" Both discussed 

"Kenji!" The queen yelled, the guard came in running into the throne hall "Yes your majesty?"-"I want you to keep an eye on taeyong for a while, he can't leave the palace"-"I will do so"-"please do" He left the room after dismissed.

Kenji made his way to the prince's room knocking gently "What?" taeyong answered, Kenji made his way in closing the door behind him "What happened?" taeyong sighed wiping away his tears 

"I-its just that I met someone there and I have never believed in that word love at first sight and it feels like that happened , now my parents won't let me see him again"-"oh from where if its from un-"-"Laetus"-"oh sh*t"

Taeyong sniffed again rolling his puffy eyes "sorry it's just that, that's the kingdom that despises us the most since we took their land they had to move out, I dont know why they complain their land is beautiful as well."

"wait you've been there?" The prince stood up "I-i um well no I uh"-"Kenji tell me the truth"-"I..I have"-"for?"-"I went about two years ago a letter was sent from a villager there, wanting roses since none grew there, they were an artist and wanted to make red paint"

"That's very nice of you, does this mean you know the way?"-"Your highness I cannot take you there I am sorry"-"please Kenji"-"I'm sorry I can't risk your life"

"It's fine I know you care for me, I won't try leaving" taeyong sat back down "I hope you know that we all care for you, you're training will be in an hour please start getting ready taeyong"-"I will thank you" Kenji walked out the room leaving him in his thoughts, again.

Taeyong put on his uniform before heading outside to the training ground, "Your sword your highness"-"thank you" he took his black glass and gold designed sword along with the other knights, Kenji was always his partner while jeno had his friend hyun min. 



"You what?"-"I liked taeyong I'd like to see him again" Eunji spoke to her mother "Well thats very nice that you liked this boy but haechan never said where he's from so there can't possibly be a way to find him again"-"I'll find a way, also don't you think jaehyun has been acting weird mother?"-"I've seen so myself too since the ball, im sure he'll come by later"

Eunji left back to their floor and looked around the hallways making sure no one was around going into jaehyun's room. "What is he hiding" she looked around the drawers, under the bed, bathroom, dressing room.

Just as she was about to give up she looked around and above the bookshelf was a small box. "Whats thins" she took the box sitting down and opening it, a white glove with a small sewn T on it and a paper in it what seemed to be a letter or some love rhyme.

"Could this be?" she read the paper over and over not believing her eyes "Jaehyun loves taeyong?" Quickly shutting the box and everything in it taking it with her "Mother! Father!" 

"What is it?"-"Look" she handed them the box both looked in it and read the letter "Impossible! I will not accept this jaehyun cannot do this! where is he" She yelled "Aiko!" she came in through the doors as she stood outside the hall 

"Yes your majesty?"-"go find jaehyun!"-"he's not here mother neither is renjun"-"How! find them!" Aiko left running to the stable getting her horse, going the first place her mind came across.

That was Helianthus, she got here in no time to spare, seeing the palace at sight and to the gates "Hold! what's the purpose"-"I'm here for the prince's of Laetus who are with The prince" they opened the gates letting her in.

Running in and knocking on the doors going to the throne "You'r majesties I am Aiko from Laetus kingdom, would you happen to know if the princes are here"-"How good to see a lady fas a knight, and yes both are here you are welcome to find them here"-"Thank you"

Aiko walked over to the prince's room knocking "Come in" she went in to find all three in there sighing in relief "Aiko how did you know we were here?" Renjun said "Her highness Eunji has found a box, I believe it belongs to you your highness"-"what!"

Jaehyun yelled "She went through my stuff"-"why would she every do that" renjun said not believing his sister would ever do such a thing "Yes unfortunately the queen I believe is very furious about what she found out and asks for both to go back at once"

He ruffled his hair in frustration "lets go then, I know where taeyong is anyway, thank you haechan"-"no problem please be careful both of you"-"we will"

The three left back "aiko I'll be leaving tomorrow to see taeyong please do not tell my mother or father where I went, promise me" She looked at jaehyun in worry "b-but its dangerous to go there, if they know you are from Laetus you're dead"-"I know I'll be careful I'll be back by sundown but I leave before sunrise so no one sees"

"okay then I'll cover for you, be careful though"-"I will thank you so much I owe you" They had finally arrived "you called for me?" going in the room his sister and parents waited there "How could you! you cannot possibly love another man"-"oh but I can" Jaehyun shot back

"How dare you speak to your mother that way" Said his father "First Eunji went through my room with no permission that is your rule here never touch others belongings without permission second it is my choice of who I love" 

Eunji was raging in anger "That is true and for that she will not be given the chance to get new gowns"-"really? gowns she's so spoiled as if that's a punishment, you are forbidding me on who to love an you forbid her to not buy gowns! how is that fair!"-"it is very fair now you are to never see him again no more arguments you will be married off to princess of Gaudium she is very beautiful and kind, you two will be perfect"

"I am not marrying anyone you tell me to"-"yes you will, alike lock him up in his room" She spoke "What! no mother what are you doing" Aiko took jaehyun "Just go along" she whispered taking him away to his room. 

They got to his room "I'll leave the window open to the next room so you can leave tomorrow, I'll have your horse ready outside at the back"-"Thank you so much aiko"-"thats what friends are for no?"-"right, I'll be careful"-"okay I'll have to lock to door now I'll bring your dinner when it's time"-"thank you again" She nodded and left the room leaving the key outside. 

Jaehyun began looking around how he'd get down from the fourth floor, he looked around his room for anything that could be strong enough to get him down. The room unlocked again this time his brother. 

"Hey I brought you some leather lead from the stable it should hold on well" he handed it to him "Thank you this should help, I just cant believe Eunji would ever do this it's unbelievable"-"yeah me too, hopefully things workout soon I'll see you soon then if mother finds me here she'll get angry"-"yeah thanks again"


"Eunji why would you do that" Renjun ran after her "Because! jaehyun has always had everything everyone loves him, I get jealous half of the time and he doesn't not care one bit of what he has and now the one time I fall in love he's trying to take away from me, he clearly told me he'd never fall in love and said I was crazy for thinking about love and now he changes his mind!"

"Okay but you had no reason doing such a thing to him, did you get what you wanted? are you happy! He's never done nothing but be there for you and me and this is how you repay him, I can't believe you"-"I'm not letting him ruin my chances!"-"you are crazy!"-"say what you want I don't care"

she shoved him out her room making him fall on the floor shutting it closed. 

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