I See Your Soul [An Original...

By onlylovingmj

78.1K 3.5K 2.7K

[Completed] [18+] It's summer, 1979 when Michael Jackson turns 21, releases "Off the Wall," and meets his fir... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Old Habits
Chapter 3: Glorious
Chapter 4: Tonight
Chapter 5: Butterflies
Chapter 6: August 29, 1979 🧁
Chapter 7: Make a Wish
Chapter 8: Going Steady - Part One: The Rebel
Chapter 9: Going Steady - Part Two: Are you Awake?
Chapter 10: Going Steady - Part Three: Dare
Chapter 11: Going Steady - Part Four: Truth
Chapter 12: Going Steady - Part Five: What a Nightmare
Chapter 13: Remember the Rules
Chapter 14: Got to be There
Chapter 15: Remain Calm
Chapter 16: Just Listen - Part One
Chapter 17: Just Listen - Part Two ⚠
Chapter 18: Just Listen - Part Three
Chapter 19: Thanksgiving Day - Part One: Laura
Chapter 20: Thanksgiving Day - Part One: Laura (continued)
Chapter 21: Thanksgiving Day - Part Two: Dinner
Chapter 22: Thanksgiving Day - Part Three: Goodnight
Chapter 23: Debussy
Chapter 24: And Chocolate
Chapter 25: And You
Chapter 26: Come Fly with Me
Chapter 27: Family Day - Part One: Destiny
Chapter 28: Family Day - Part Two: Lunch
Chapter 29: Family Day - Part Three: The Water War 💦
Chapter 30: Family Day - Part Four: The Michael Jackson Experience
Chapter 31: Family Day - Part Five: Fish
Chapter 33: Live in Sin
Chapter 34: Hope is Dead
Chapter 35: The Hawk
Chapter 36: Sunflower 🌻
Chapter 37: Magic
Chapter 38: Cheers
Chapter 39: For Us
Chapter 40: Symphony
Chapter 41: Singing in the Rain
Chapter 42: Lazy Boyfriend
Chapter 43: I Promise
Chapter 44: Fifty-five Nights
Chapter 45: Fucking Fish
Chapter 46: Love Is A Donut 🍩
Chapter 47: Everything You Need to Know
Chapter 48: Growing Up
Chapter 49: A Totally Different Person
Chapter 50: Escapism (Part One)
Chapter 51: Escapism (Part Two)
Chapter 52: Escapism (Part Three)
Author's Note & Open Discussion

Chapter 32: Anytime, Anyplace

1.5K 63 25
By onlylovingmj

Friday, December 7, 1979

Michael and Nicole awoke slowly together at the break of dawn, giggling and covering each other's faces with kisses. It was like a dream to wake up in their lovers' arms after so much time apart. But as the daylight grew brighter, reality began to sink in for Michael. How would his family react that Nicole had stayed the night-- in his bed? He didn't care for the breakfast stares and faux-pleasantries, just like he didn't care for it the day before. So Michael planned their escape.

It was never abnormal for Michael to sleep the day away. So he called Bill at the security gate to request that he prepare a car so he could take Nicole home. Michael would drop her off and be back by noon before anyone grew suspicious. Bill picked them up from Michael's back patio in a covered golf cart cluttered with gardening supplies where no one could see in. They kept their heads low, and when they drove past Marlon and Carol starting their morning in the hot tub, Bill just smiled and waved calmly. No one would be the wiser...

It was a beautiful Fall morning, about 60 degrees with a light breeze and growing warmer by the second. Nicole rolled her window down, breathing in the chill in the air as they weaved through the neighborhoods. She felt like she was living in a fairytale with her brown-skinned prince and his Rolls-Royce steed. He looked cool in his black glasses, smiling into the sun as his fingers absentmindedly drummed a beat against her wrist. The car parked. Michael stayed still, silently admiring the playful squirrels and the casually-dressed girl walking her dog.

Nicole: Aren't you going to come in?

A boyish grin instantly covered Michael's face. This was the invitation he'd been waiting for! Michael dressed quickly in his baseball cap before leaping from the car. They held hands in a familiar way as she led him down the sidewalk and up the stairs. Then he paused, frozen in the doorway as she went straight to the kitchen to fill a glass of water for her plants. He watched her drift around the room, still wearing his shirt from the night before. It fit her perfectly. She was so different from the woman who opened the door for him here just weeks ago, so full of nerves and tension he was hardly allowed to touch her. This new woman was beautiful and confident and covered in love, casually welcoming Michael into her home like it was no big deal.

Nicole opened the blinds after tending to her plants, then turned to see Michael still standing just outside the door. He was clearly studying her, though she wasn't sure why. She went to him, pulling him in by the loose fabric of his sweatshirt.

Nicole: You can have a seat if you want.

Michael: Really!?

Nicole: Sure... Make yourself at home. Do you want a drink?

Michael: Oh, no. I'm fine.

He wandered to the sofa before sitting, his knees tight together and hands folded neatly over Nicole's bag he carried in from the car. He was grinning, wide eyes scanning the room still. It took everything in him to remember his mother's words, "keep your nose out of other people's things!" Nicole walked up to him, still suspicious of his sudden timidness, but not daring to inquire more, and took her bag from his lap before pivoting down the hall.

Michael: Where are you going?

Nicole: To unpack--

In an instant, Michael was up again, eagerly skipping behind his girlfriend as she walked to her bedroom. He stopped at the doorway, craning his neck , waiting for her to invite him in while knowing she never would. Her room was bright and blue with string lights hanging from the walls. The bed sat high on a row of storage drawers, with a light floral print duvet. He imagined her sitting up in the bed covered with pillows as she read by the glow of those lights.

Michael: Wow...

To the world, Nicole's room was far from anything special. But to Michael, it was special because she was special. Nicole couldn't help but laugh at his dramatics as she unzipped her overnight bag and started to unpack her things. With her toothbrush and a small case of toiletries, Nicole came back to the door, giggling as she danced around Michael to get out the door and to the bathroom.

With no one to hold him accountable, Michael stepped in further. A dresser, filled with drawers of secrets was right there in the doorway! His fingertips brushed the pale wood as his eyes scanned the surface. There was a framed photo of Nicole with her grandmother. Her keys. Some loose change. A pack of gum. A few fragile pieces of jewelry. He opened the top drawer as one ear stayed perked for footsteps. The drawer was filled with delicate little under-things neatly wrapped and folded like a box of assorted chocolates. His eye spotted something red and lacy first, hidden in a back corner. Yummy! He couldn't help himself.

Nicole: I swear-- Michael!

He giggled loudly as Nicole caught him red-handed holding her panties in front of his eyes.

Michael: Nicole! These are so tiny!

Nicole: Yes, Michael. Most people wear them under their regular clothes-- so they're supposed to be small.

Michael: I know what underwear is--

Nicole: Do you?

He only laughed harder as she mocked him, grateful she didn't close the drawer on his fingers. So he dug back in as Nicole moved to return a pair of shoes to her closet. Michael spied a shimmery white teddy that after unfolding, he discovered was completely sheer.

Michael: Woah! I've never seen you in this before!

Nicole: You haven't seen me in a lot of things, Michael.

Michael: Hmm, maybe we should have a little fashion show?

She just shook her head blushing a little as Michael wiggled his eyebrows and quickly turned back to the drawer. Holding two folded shirts, she stood behind him as he gasped again, his fingertips flexing over a simple black thong.

Michael: Nicole! I had no idea you were so naughty!!--

They laughed when Nicole finally pushed him away, her cheeks now burning red as Michael doubled over with boyish giggles. She refolded the drawer, a side eye watching Michael drift to sit at the bay window with his hands pinned tight under his thighs.

Michael: It's so quiet... Do you like living alone?

Nicole: Oh sure. I was nervous at first, just being a girl, but it's a real safe neighborhood.

Michael: So what do you do around here?

Nicole: What do you mean?

Michael: You know-- for fun? You have any videogames or anything?

Nicole: No... But I have a deck of cards? I usually just walk down to the library and pick up movies or books when I'm bored.

Michael: So... What will you do all day now that the semester is out?

Nicole: I'd like to practice cooking more. Maybe go to the beach--

Michael: What about me?

Nicole paused to look at him. She thought they were just chatting, but suddenly it seemed like there was something on his mind. Michael was still sitting in the window at the far end of the room, but leaning forward now with his elbows propped on his knees.

Michael: I mean 'us,' you know? Two weeks without you-- in that way... It felt like a lifetime. Don't you think?

Nicole: ... Yes, I agree.

She smiled when Michael stood, his hands in his pockets as he walked around the bed and sat on the edge next to her bag. She was holding a pair of socks and her hair brush now as Michael took her hands, setting the contents behind him and maneuvering her to stand between his knees. Michael's fingertips leisurely traced the seams and back pockets of her jeans.

Michael: I think maybe, if it's okay with you, we could hang out here sometime? It's just so quiet. I'd hate for you to get lonely.

Nicole: Mhmm, that's very chivalrous of you.

Michael: Yes it is. So what do you say?

She almost hated herself for not thinking of it first! Nicole's apartment would be the perfect place for them to spend time alone, away from nosey sisters and hovering security.

Nicole: Would Bill be okay with that?

Michael: Don't worry about Bill. I'll take care of him.

Nicole grinned as her lips fell against his.

Nicole: Then who will take care of you, Michael?

He chuckled lowly when her lips pulled his neck and her fingers tickled his flesh, pushing his sweater up towards his chest.

Michael: I-- I uh, really can't stay--

Nicole: Oh? So you want to leave?

He laughed at the way she re-phrased the question before kissing him again, harder now as she took a step forward, daring him to touch her back. His arms lifted weakly helping raise the sweater over his head. Then he reached for her waist to unsnap her jeans.

Michael: I'm sure I could stay an extra 10--

Nicole: 15?--

Michael: Yes, yes. 15 minutes.

Michael kissed her again fiercely, pulling her into his lap as he reclined to the mattress. He was so focused on getting her out of the house this morning, they completely missed the opportunity for an early rendezvous. But the excitement from waking up next to her was still lingering in Michael's body. He smiled considering how fun a whole winter break of this would be. He was ready to clear his entire schedule for the next 3 weeks! Then Michael wondered, how would Bill react? Surely he could see how important Nicole was and how much happier he'd been after their road trip. Bill would help him to make this work, right? But thoughts of Bill quickly left his mind as Nicole crawled away, making Michael whimper and sit up.

She stood a couple feet back, watching him as she unzipped her fitted jeans and inched them down her legs. Michael mirrored her, though only pushing his down enough to relieve the pressure of his growing erection. It was odd, Nicole thought for just a moment, watching a man grow hard as your eyes stared at each other's bodies. But there was something alluring in knowing Michael was only thinking of her. With her jeans off, Nicole started at the bottom, unfastening the buttons on her shirt-- his shirt. Michael's eyes held the same intrigue they had when she did it the first time, that early morning in the hotel. The shirt fell to the floor. Then her bra. Then, lastly, the matching white panties.

Michael growled as he approached her, kissing her roughly, his tongue now a friend to hers. They were running out of time, but with her ass in his hands and his teeth teasing her nipple, Michael knew they wouldn't need much longer. He picked Nicole up with surprising force, inducing an audible gasp as her thighs flexed around his hips. Still kissing, Michael walked until Nicole felt her shoulders press firmly to the cold drywall. She held his biceps, growing more aroused by the strength against her palms as he pushed inside her.

His thrusts were quick and powerful, more reckless than he'd ever been before.

Michael: Is this okay?

Nicole: Oh God, yes!

Her enthusiasm made Michael groan again, biting back his lower lip from a wicked smile, then move faster. Honestly, Nicole was grateful. She loved that Michael knew how to be tender with her, showing the utmost care and appreciation for every inch of her body... But she wasn't a doll. Their stint in the shower was a nice sample of what they were capable of. But now, with her body pinned between the wall and Michael's rigid chest-- this is what she'd been craving. That proved to be true for them both as Michael's nails dug deep into the thickness of her thighs.

Consumed by the vision of masculinity and beauty, Nicole was unable to close her eyes or mouth, as Michael's hips rocked to an eager beat. She watched his pupils darken and teeth sharpen as the beast within him dove deeper. His face was pressed against hers, nearly biting Nicole's lip off as the waves of orgasm ripped through. He was electric. His body pure energy as his chest crashed against hers and she absorbed his power.

Expecting to collapse, Michael fell against her fully, holding Nicole's waist as he regained strength. Then Michael softly, reluctantly, released her to the floor as his hands now delicately roamed the skin of her torso and arms. He whispered, "sorry," as he smoothed the nail indentations he'd made on her thighs. But Nicole just giggled and kissed him again, his lip still trembling between hers. He looked shaken, amazed by what his body was capable of. They held each other for a while, the same way they would in bed with Michael's hands soothing Nicole's back and scalp. And after a moment, she whispered into his shoulder.

Nicole: You should probably get going...

Completely lost in his trance, Michael remembered he should've been on his way home by now. Their 15 minutes had turned into 25, and the time must've been well past 11. He took a step back, laughing as he fixed his pants.

Michael: Gosh, I forgot...

Nicole: I mean, you're welcome to stay.

Michael looked again at her naked body, then chewed his bottom lip as he shook his head from side to side.

Michael: No, girl, I don't think I can.

They blushed before Michael turned away to reach for his sweater. Nicole leaned to the wall, watching his back arch as he pulled the material over his head and down to his hips. She could look at him all day... He turned back with the discarded button down in his hands to dress her, holding the buttons closed over her stomach. He felt awful leaving her this way. It felt so... dirty? So he kissed her. And hugged her tightly again. Then whispered a reminder of his love.

Nicole: I love you too, Michael.

They smiled kindly as he turned away to walk out the door. Then Nicole remembered something-- and quickly dashed around him to her dresser. She unclipped the key to her apartment door, knowing a spare was hidden around here somewhere, and held it up to Michael.

Nicole: Come back anytime.


Michael came back often. The first day was the most memorable as Nicole walked out the shower to discover Michael sitting on the floor, watching television in her living room, startling her to scream bloody murder. He thought it was hysterical. Eventually Michael regained composure and apologized, claiming he heard the shower running and to avoid jarring her, he wanted to sit in plain sight... But then got so engrossed in an episode of "The Twilight Zone" he forgot to announce himself. When Nicole rolled her eyes dismissively, he pulled her to the floor with him, discarded her damp towel, and begged for her forgiveness until she cried, "yes."

They made love constantly, christening the whole apartment. The floor, the kitchen, the sofa, the dining table, everywhere felt new and exciting. And while yes, the sex was phenomenal, it became such a small piece of what was growing between them. They were building intimacy.

Some days, in the middle of the day, Michael and Nicole would lay naked together and just talk or laugh or play for hours. They explored each other mentally and physically, now asking the most personal of questions about religion or politics or the future, while also daring to be vulnerable with their bodies.

Nicole loved using Michael's nude skin to refine her massage techniques, smoothing her hands over the tight muscles in his shoulders, back, buttocks, and calves. And Michael loved watching Nicole pleasure herself, studying her expressions and body movements, fascinated by what touches excited his lover the most.

Everyday was different. Some were innocent as Nicole would attempt to have Michael help her with a new recipe. She would laugh at his inability to do even the most basic tasks like peeling potatoes or boiling pasta, but he never gave up trying. Then they'd lay on the couch together, eating and watching late-night talk shows and laughing until one of them fell asleep. Then, sometimes, Michael would go back home. Or often he would stay, finding refuge in the peace of her arms.

Michael convinced Bill, through much begging, to trust him. Trust that he would be careful driving to and from his visits alone. Trust that he'd keep wearing his disguises in and out of the car. Trust that he would be honest in communicating with Bill any night he planned to not come home so none of his work commitments would be missed... That last one was tough for Michael.

It was easy to get caught up and lose track of time. Bill would call Nicole's apartment incessantly whenever Michael "disappeared" with the simple goal of being an annoying reminder for Michael to keep his work a priority. Nicole was always the one to answer the phone, and soon Bill learned how much he could trust her. Sometimes he'd call just to let Michael know his mother was asking about him or to see if he needed anything, but if it was ever urgent, Nicole had no problem forcing Michael to get dressed and pushing him out the door. Bill liked that about her.

But Bill was never seriously concerned. He was smart enough to be one step ahead of his 21-year-old hormonal boss, arranging for extra security to do nothing but follow Michael's car. Just in case.

Whenever Michael was in town for the night, even after working a full day, he'd ache to see Nicole again. Sometimes too tired to drive, he'd have Bill sneak him away and drop him off. And though Bill assumed they were up to no good, these nights were often the most pure.

In the darkness, Michael would weakly open the door and crawl into Nicole's bed still half dressed. His movements would stir her awake as they cuddled close. She would whisper, asking him about his day, then he would whisper back, his cheek pressed to her chest, until they were both dreaming again. Those nights, Michael had never slept better.

But it was an adjustment for Nicole. There was no question as to how much she adored Michael but it was difficult for her to share her space-- with anyone. Michael made himself right at home, urinating with the bathroom door open, or showering, using all the hot water, then leaving his wet towel on the floor. In a way, she wanted to scream, throwing the towel and berating him for being a spoiled brat! But the thought would fade the second he'd kiss her and say "thank you," for the breakfast she made or taking the time to wash his laundry or buying the newest flavor of fancy Häagen-Dazs ice cream he loved from the grocery store. Any of the small things she didn't think he'd noticed, Michael noticed them all. And in these quiet moments, she realized that this was the normalcy that Michael Jackson had always been searching for.

After nearly two weeks, Michael and Nicole were practically living together. He was rarely at his own home, keeping a toothbrush and a drawer full of his things at her place. He would take out the trash and wave cordially to the neighbors, still hidden behind a hat or wig and glasses. Nicole would kiss him goodbye as he left for the studio, or rehearsals, or a meeting, asking when he'd be home or if he had any requests for supper. Both were blissfully happy. But as with most things that make us delirious with joy, this was simply too good to be true.

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