Watching Spider-Man and other...

By fuckin_weeb

54K 590 71

Just a bunch of poorly written one-shots staring our very own Peter Parker. Hope you enjoy it probably going... More

Before you start
The spider
Taking them

Meeting a princess

4K 47 1
By fuckin_weeb

Third p.o.v
"Do I have to be here"
Peter wined.
"Yes the princess is the same age as you I'm sure you'll get along"
Tony said clearly tired of this conversation.
"But she'll probably act all spoiled"
Peter said rolling his eyes at the thought.
Just as Tony was about to tell Peter he was over being dramatic the bell to the elevator dinged and the king (rip Chadwick boseman 🥺) and princess walked out and Tony went over to great them.
"T'challa shuri good you could make it"
Tony said shaking the kings hand.
Shuri looked around the room then yelled out.
She yelled getting prepared to throw her empty bottle when Peter yelled out.
Shuri and Peter looked at each other grinning like mad men before Peter ran to shuri grabbed her arm and ran off to his lab that Tony made him. All throughout the building everyone heard very creepy laughter.
Tony and T'challa looked at each other like they started the apocalypse which they probably did.

Peter p.o.v
Once we made it to my lab I asked shuri the most important question ever
"So shuri do you wanna make lightsabers"
She looked towards me before yelling out a 'yes' and we got to work.
We were in the lab a good few hours working on the lightsabers while quoting or listening to vines and just getting to know each other turns out we have a lot in common.
After a while we finally finished are working lightsabers.
I walked over to a cabinet and pulled out two cloaks and handed one to shuri.
"Shall we begin young Jedi"
I said getting into position.
"I'm gonna toast you white boy"
She said mimicking my position then we started.

Third p.o.v
The avengers were just chilling watching a movie when they heard a shatter not a moment later shuri and Peter came running in fighting with lightsabers that were destroying everything.
"Will you give up young Jedi or do I have to make you"
Peter said in a very bad deep voice.
Then shuri replied in an equally bad voice.
"Never white boy I will take your life before you can mine"
And just like that they were back to fighting nearly beheading some of the avengers in the process.
"NO NO stop put it down Shuri/Peter"
Tony and T'challa shouted at the same time while stoping then taking away the lightsabers.
"Aww Mr stark why you ruining are fun"
Peter whined then shuri joined in saying.
"Yeah brother why"
They were both giving them puppy dog eyes.
Tony sighed and pinched his nose then said
"You two go to the lab and don't build anything dangerous ok"
They both said before going back to the lab.
"And don't destroy anything"
Tony yelled after them he then turned to T'challa and the rest of the avengers saying
"We should have never let them meet"

._________les time skip________.
Third p.o.v
It was late and the avengers haven't heard for shuri or Peter so they were thinking something happened to them so they went to the lab to find shuri and Peter asleep at peters desk with vines playing in the background and blueprints and equipment scattered around them.
Sighing softly Tony picked up Peter and T'challa did the same to shuri, they both walked out the lab and said goodbye to each other as T'challa went home with shuri and Tony went to peters room and put him in bed tucking him in. When he was about to leave he heard Peter mumble out half asleep
"Night dad"
Before falling asleep completely.
Tony smiled softly and before closing the door whispered
"Night son"
And closed the door.

Boom iron dad and spiderson so wholesome hope you enjoyed this chapter peace out my lovelies ✌️

639 words

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