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a Film by Peter Parker

Peter started blushing as everyone turned to look at him.

[Through a small, rectangular screen, we see the scenery of New York passing by at a high velocity. We seem to be on a highway.]

Peter: (in a gravelly voice) New York. Queens. It's a rough borough, but hey, it's home.

Happy: Who are you talking to?

[Camera quickly pans to reveal Happy Hogan driving in the front seat.]

Peter: (in a normal voice) No one. Just making a little video of the trip.

Happy: You know you can't show it to anyone.

Peter: Yeah, I know.

Happy: Then why are you narrating in that voice?

Peter: Uh... Because it's fun.

Happy: Fun

"Fun Something not in happys dictionary"
Peter said making Tony and Rhodey laugh.

Apparently, Happy thinks this whole situation is the opposite of fun. He puts on his sunglasses and solemnly looks out the windshield.]

Peter: So, uh, why do they call you Happy?

[Happy raises the limo's partition. We see a reflection of Peter Parker holding up his phone and filming.]

Everyone laughed at this.

[Peter gets out of the car to find a small private plane waiting for him.]

Happy: Come on. I'm not carrying your bags. Let's go.

Peter: Hey, should I go to the bathroom before?

Happy: There's a bathroom on it.

[Inside the plane, we see a view of the cockpit. Two seats for the pilot and the copilot are there no one is sitting in them.]

Peter: Whoa. No pilot? That's awesome.

[Peter sits down across from Happy, directly facing him.]

Happy: Is that where you're gonna sit?

Peter: Yeah.

Happy: This is your first time on a private plane?

Peter: My first time on any plane.

"Why have you never been on a plain before"
Sam asked our little spider. Peter started getting nervous not really wanting to tell them the reason but the question got everyone's attention.
"U-umm my p-parents d-died in a p-plain crash-h when I-I was f-five"
He turned away so he don't have to see the pity stares and just cuddled closer to tony.
"The poor kid I wouldn't be able to think what would happen to my kids if me and Laura died"
Clint whispered to Natasha who kept a stoic face but was feeling bad inside.

[Happy moves away to sit in another seat.]

Peter: Should it...? Should it be...? Should it be making that noise?

[Later. Peter puts a finger to his lips and makes a shushing sound.]

Peter: Shh.

[Camera reveals Happy snoring. At the sound of Peter's chuckle, Happy jerks awake, causing the whole frame to shake.]

This lightened up the mood and they all let out a small laugh or snort.

[Inside Berlin Brandenburg Airport, we see German signs, Happy dragging his luggage behind him, and Peter's face in quick succession.]

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