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(before you start peter is staying with the avengers as aunt may is away on a much needed vacation payed by tony and gwen died last year and its the date of her death and peter feels sad, the avengers dont know whats going on, also gwen and peter were just best friends, but they were both bi but Peter leaned more towards men and Gwen leaned more to woman)

third p.o.v
In the avengers tower the avenger all sat around doing what they would usally do.
Clint and sam were playin mario cart, Natasha was sitting on the couch with wanda doing there nails, Steve and Bucky were cooking in the kitchen, Tony and Bruce were talking about sience stuff, and Thor was eating poptarts. The only one missing was peter who was in his room.
"hey where's pete" steve said as he walked into the room with bucky.
Tony looked up from his conversation with bruce and looked around "yeah he hasent been down all morning" Tony said as a frown made its way onto his face.
"I'll go get him" Natasha said getting up and going down to peters room as she new what today was. (I mean she is an assassin and her mom senses know when something is wrong)
" baby паук (spider)" nat said knocking on his door "are you ok"
The door slowly opened to show peter, his hair was still a mess as he couldnt be bothered brushing it, he was in jogges and a baggie top and his eyes were red and puffy due to crying.
Natasha's eyes sofened at the sight and spoke in a calm conforting voice.
"hey baby паук how you doing"
He opened the door up for nat to come in and sat on the bed with her.
"really crappy" peter spoke with a crokey voice because of the crying "I dont even know why im crying she died a year ago and I dont have the right to Im the reason shes dead in the first place" more tears started making there way down his face as he talked.
"hey hey baby its not your falt there was nothing you could do you shouldnt beat yourself up about it" nat said, with so much care in her voice that she only uses with peter,and hugged him.
"but it was my falt mama паук if i had only been faster then she would be here" peter said braking down into tears.
"shhh shh it not your falt gwen wouldnt blame you for her death so you shouldnt either ok, and im sure she wouldnt want you feeling like this"
"really" he said in such a quiet broken voice that made nat's heart hurt from how much pain he's been through for someone so young.
"yeah how about we watch some movies and eat ice cream for today" she looked down at him as he noded.
When nat came back with two tubs of ice cream peter was in the covers picking movie. She handed one to peter then got in the covers as peter put on bambi.

                       (:time skip:)

"hey Friday were's pete and natasha" tony asked wondering were they were.
"baby spider and scary redhead are currently in baby spider's room cuddling and sleeping boss"
"can you take a picture and send it to all the avengers a pep" tony said with a soft smile.
"sure boss" if you listend closley you could hear the soft tone in fridays voice as she said this.

We all love soft Natasha being a mum hope you enjoyed my first story of the book I'm sorry it was sort and wasn't very good.
606 words

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