Princes and Plumbers

By Active_Ace260

13.4K 161 62

Luigi and his chance meeting with the girl of his dreams, but there is competition to get her. Can he handle... More

Rude awakening
Party time
Trains and pipes
Singles or doubles
Legends and trouble
Counters and stars
Dreams under cherry blossom tree
Burning brooms and unwanted Dukes
High perched houses
Sun's morning ray
Paintings and flowers
Tanookis and tickling
New plains
Chilly reception
Formal wear
The Big Ball
The invasion
New arrangments
Strange encounter
Fair Games
Castle Polotics
Shattered plains
Raging emotions
Unexpected company
Fending off foes
Chance and discoveries
Beest laid out plain
Community service
Against the grain
The..Last Word

About Time!

329 4 1
By Active_Ace260

She throws down the book on her bed frustrated, as she stands up and paces back and forth in front of the bed. Why do men have to be so damn stubborn? You try to help and do they appreciate it? Nooo, instead they push you away and for what? Pride! Urgh, it's so stupid! She stops in front of her balcony doors and stares out at the skyline. It is a cooler day, she can tell as even though the sun shines brightly and the sky remains cloudless, it does not have that bright intensity that a warm summer day holds. Suddenly the heat of summer beats down onto her chest, snapping her out of her thoughts. It's the same feeling I got at the festival, the princess observes as she clutches the white wooden ring in her hand. The heat continues, engulfing her hand as if she were holding a piece of fiery coal. She flattens her hand, opening it, to reveal no marks or burns although the ring radiates scalding heat. Her eyes flicker to the mirror and her reflection; she blinks and observes the same behavior of her reflection then the reflection's lips turn into a grin. Daisy's cerulean eyes widen in shock as she raise her hand to her lips confirming that she is not grinning herself.

"Come, come to me. My royal flower open the way with your simple touch," her voice echoes in her ears without being spoken.

She reaches her hand questioningly toward the mirror's frame when a knock grabs her attention, "Daisy," Luigi's voice calls cautiously.

"What," she snaps, still slightly upset.

"I'm, I'm sorry," he blurts out then takes a calming breath. "I should have been more open to accepting your help, but I just felt like once again no one believes that I can help myself. It frustrates me when people do that, but I should not have assumed that was your logic. I should not have been so curt and cold toward you, especially when all you were doing was trying to help. I am really sorry that I upset you," he apologizes again as he sheepishly kicks his foot. "I hope that you can forgive me for my foolishness."

Daisy opens the door and smiles at the surprised plumber. "Apology accepted," she replies contently. "I'm sorry I went off on you like that, but you frustrated me with your stubbornness!"

Luigi laughs, "Well you know us Italians, stubbornness is part of our nature." They both smile goofily then fall silent for a minute. "You want to go do something," he asks breaking the awkward silence.

"Sure, let's go into town," she suggests.

"Sounds like a plan," he agrees as he follows her down the stairs.

They travel into town and spend the rest of the morning and early afternoon walking through the market and various shops. As evening falls they return to the castle and head for Daisy's garden. "Wow, I actually get to enter through the front gate this time, the proper entrance. I don't know if I can handle it! Something's not right," Luigi jokes as they enter into the garden.

The brunette princess smiles and laughs, "Silly boy of course you can come through the normal entrance. Just this once though, otherwise we'll be tempting fate here."

"That sounds about right, knowing my luck," Luigi replies as they sit underneath the cherry blossom tree. Silence reigns between them for a while, both of them quietly watching the sky turn to different colors as the sun sinks into the horizon until the younger Mario brother breaks the silence. "So um awkward question, but how is that experiment thing going," he asks as coolly as possible as he rubs the back of his head nervously.

"As good as one would expect," Daisy sighs causing Luigi to raise an eyebrow in confusion. "I haven't picked anyone yet; actually haven't really thought too much about it to be perfectly honest, even though I should be I guess."

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

"Because I'm suppose to pick the stupid suitor here in two days."

"What? That fast? It's only been what a month maybe two? How can your father expect you to have an answer so soon," Luigi asks bewildered.

"I wish I had an answer, but I don't. I can of have just avoided thinking about it all together you know? I mean I know he wants me to be happy, but at the same time he has stressed the importance of picking guy who will make the best king. 'The kingdom's future rides of this decision and it should be someone who will work for the people, not use the people,'" she quotes, imitating her father. "But the question I beg is who gets put first, me or the kingdom," she contemplates.

"Just because you pick some guy from this experiment doesn't make him your husband does it?"

"Technically no, but at the same time yes. It's what everyone is expecting, 'Oh she choose him out of those five guys her dad picked out for her; surly they'll get married and rule the kingdom.'"

"Oh come now, the Daisy I know wouldn't let all this poppycock get to her! I mean come on where is that spunky girl that I adore who does things her way and pushes all this royalty stuff to the way side," he nudges trying to cheer her up.

"She's caving to the fact that the pressure has been really high lately," Daisy sighs not giving into his cheerfulness.

"So the problem is you're having trouble picking one that you like and can run a kingdom? Well, I guess I would say pick the one you like and give them a chance to run a kingdom. I mean you've seen how it's done and your dad would help like train them right," Luigi asks trying to be helpful.

She smiles appreciating his effort, "That's not exactly the whole problem. My main problem is that I don't want to pick one."

"Why not," he asks imploring her to explain herself.

"I don't have any deep profound feelings for any of them," she explains as she turns to face him. "I like somebody else," she hints as she places her hand on top of his and leans toward him.

"Somebody else, somebody I would know," he asks hopeful, yet his voice waivers in apprehension.

"Yes you would, my bodyguard actually and I know that there's something on his end, but has yet to admit to it or give into my numerous hints," she purrs as she leans closer, her nose touching his.

"Maybe he's just anxious and waiting for the right moment," he gulps as he turns and looks at her in the eyes, getting lost in their color like he did the first time they met. "To admit what he feels," he adds as his free hand caresses her face then slides into her hair to the back of her head. He tilts his head and pulls her in; not wanting t miss his chance as he has in the past. Their lips meet at last and the smell of amber wafts to Luigi's nose as the sweet yet tangy taste of tangerines impresses upon his lips.

His mustache tickles her nose, but she does not mind. The Floral princess's free hand wraps around the plumber's neck and grabs onto his shoulder tightly as she enjoys the kiss she has been waiting for since the ball. She has no intention of letting go anytime soon. Putting all her weight on the shoulder hold she secured, she pushes him back onto the ground, lying on top of him. His hands slide down from around her face and settle around her midsection, giving her chills as they slowly make their way down. She ventures beyond the point of closed mouth kissing by snaking her tongue past her teeth and teasingly sliding it just inside of his lips.

He reciprocates her bold move by meeting her tongue with his, intertwining them making the kiss heavier and more passionate. His hands latch onto her sides and he rolls over, making it so he is now lying on top of her. Their tongues withdraw and lips begin to close ending the kiss simply when Daisy draws it out by lightly biting down on Luigi's bottom lip as they pull apart. They sit there a moment dumbfounded then they look at each other once more and engage in another kiss. Her arms still wrapped around his neck and his around her midsection until he drops his left hand down her back, over her butt, and down her thigh, holding it up at his side. They remain there entangled with one another until the sound of the patio door slamming shut catches their attention. Quickly they part and sit side-by-side, trying to look innocent as the gate to her garden opens and someone walks in.

"Daisy? Are you in here," Hyacinth calls.

"Yes Grandma, I'm right here," Daisy replies trying to keep her cool.

"There you are! I was just wondering if you had dinner yet; you missed supper so I just wanted to make sure you ate. Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm alright, I had some food earlier," the princess replies.

"Hmm okay, you just look a little flushed to me," Hyacinth notes as she reaches her hand out and feels Daisy's forehead. "You're a little warm too, might be coming down with something." She then looks over at Luigi, who is trying not to blush too much, but cannot help it. "You look flushed too, probably should head inside soon."

"Thanks Hyacinth," Luigi notes gratefully.

"You're welcome," the elderly woman replies, then heads inside chuckling to herself along the way.

"That was embarrassing," Daisy notes miserably as she wraps her arms around her legs and hides her face in her knees.

"Yeah it was," Luigi agrees, "but worth it I think."

Daisy smiles and blushes, "I think so too. Well I guess we should head inside then." They both stand and Luigi leads her into the castle and up to her room.

She smiles giddy as she jumps onto her bed once again, I can't believe that actually happened! This morning I wanted nothing more to smack him and now I'm so happy! The grin that she continues to wear only grows as she reminisces; I knew he would be a good kisser once I coaxed him out of his shell! This has been an amazing day! Her blissful thoughts are interrupted once again by the mysterious voice calling out to her.

"Floral princess, come, come and open the way..."

"Stop it! Shut up!" Daisy screams as she hides her head underneath her pillow, trying to drown out the sound.

"Princess you cannot escape me! Eventually you will come to me and fulfill our destinies..." the voice states then trails off until silence reigns over the room.

"Fulfill our destinies, oooo, trying to be all mystical and catastrophic sounding, pssh whatever. I'm not fulfilling anyone's destiny but my own! I just wish I knew why I am hearing this voice and where it is coming from," she ponders then a yawn erupts from her mouth. "I guess I should not worry about it for now and try to get some sleep." With that she puts on her capri pj bottoms and her t-shirt, snuggles down underneath the covers, and falls asleep. She wakes up startled, her night fraught with strange dreams that usually ended with her death. The sun has risen, beginning a new day. Daisy slowly rises from her bed and shuffles to her dresser. She prepares for the day by putting on her characteristic yellow dress, shoes, gloves and necklace. Hairbrush and earrings in hand, she walks over to the white mirror and puts on her earrings. As she brushes her hair she notices a ripple roll across the mirror's surface, such as one would on a pond or some sort of pool of water. What in the world was that, she wonders as tilts her head to the side confused. Another ripple flows across the shiny surface and a shockwave pounds through her chest. She gasps and grasps her chest in shock; finding her palms falls upon the wood ring of her necklace. The ripples become more frequent as does the pounding pulse from the ring. The princess dazes into the mirror, entranced by the rippling effect and reaches her right hand up toward the reflective surface.

The alarm buzzes and the Mario Brother's hand slams down the off button. Letting out a yawn, Luigi sits up and stretches then looks out the window and admires the sunrise. What a beautiful morning, he smiles. He swings his feet over the side of the bed and touches them to the cold floor. A shiver runs from his toes, up through his spine, to the back of his head. Pushing with his arms, he lifts himself off the bed onto his feet and walks toward his dresser.

The sensation is cool, like plunging bare feet into a chilly swimming pool. She wiggles her fingers curiously; her mouth drops in awe as she stares at her appendages sunken halfway into the mirror's surface. She chokes out an astonished gasp, "Whoa, what is going on here?"

"I told you that you would come to me..."

The princess freezes in fear as the voice rings familiar in her ears. The wooden ring radiates immense heat like before then suddenly her arm is jerked into the mirror as an unseen hand grasps onto her wrist. She plants her other hand against the mirror's frame and uses it as leverage to push herself back. As she reels her arm back from the silver pool, an iridescent claw encases her wrist. It pulls her in again and she struggles against it with all her might. "Noooo! Let me go! Let me go," she demands.

"It is too late Floral princess, I said you will fulfill our destinies and now it is has begun." The arm gains strength and drags her in further, her whole side engulfed into the mirror.

"Nooo," she screams as she pulls her face out of the silvery, gelatinous surface.

"Daisy?" Luigi ponders aloud concerned. He quickly slips into his shoes, skipping the tying, and head next door.

"Get off of me!"

"Daisy!" He rams the door with his shoulder and it busts open. He runs in looking for her, but falls on his face as he steps on one of his loose laces. Raising his face from the floor, he spots her struggling against the mirror's surface.

"Luigi help me," the brunette princess pleads as she wriggles her captive arm free and tries to push herself out of the mirror by pushing off the frame once more. He jumps up from the floor and runs over to the mirror, grasping her upper arms her tries to pull her out. "Don't let them take me," Daisy pleads.

"I won't let them hurt you, I promise," Luigi swears between gritted teeth. Suddenly more arms appear; they wrap around her abdomen, her arms, and across her chest, as other begin to pry Luigi's hands off of the princess's arms.

"Stop it! Let her go," the plumber barks frustrated as the clawed hands remove his left hand from Daisy's arm and begin working on the right.

"Don't let go," Daisy pleads again as her left shoulder is pulled into the silvery surface of the portal. A pair of the clawed hands rips Luigi's right hand off the brunette's arm and pulls hard to the right, tossing him out of the way.

"No," he yells panicked as he feels himself being thrown aside. He reaches out with his left hand and tries to grab onto Daisy, but misses her collar and lands on the floor. Seconds later, the Floral princess disappears into the standing mirror. Luigi gets back onto his feet and pounds his hands against the mirror's shiny surface, trying to get in. "Daisy! Daisy!"

Chizer bursts into the room, "What's going on here?"

"She's gone," Luigi sadly informs then falls down to his knees. "I've failed her," he slams his hands flat onto the floor in frustration with tears in his eyes. As he wipes his eyes with his sleeve, he notices something shiny on the floor underneath the mirror and reaches to pick it up.

As she emerges on the other side of the portal, she finds herself in her room once more, but setup the opposite of how she has it laid out in her world. She screams and kicks continuously, struggling to escape their grip with no success. They restrain her as much as possible and continue to carry her to the door. The door, which in the real world would lead to the East Wing corridor, takes them out to a silver hallway. The walls reminded the princess of mirrors, but they did not reflect any image back other then the eerie illuminating glow from the ceiling and floor which looked like clouds that overlay the sun's beams on a cloudy day. The iridescent goons carry her through numerous hallways and down several flights of stairs until they reach a large set of white double doors. Daisy stares at the doors, not only for the fact that they do not go with the continuing theme of the corridors, but also because the wood matches that of her necklace. The doors swing open to reveal an expansive room with walls made of stone, giving off the impression of being in a cave. Deep burgundy pennants and flags hang from the ceiling, tapestries of the same color adorn the walls, and a carpet, also taking the color, hugs the floor. An ornate canopy bed stands caddy corner to the far right corner of the room; on the left of that stands a mirror that is a replica of the one Daisy had just stepped through. A man stands next to the mirror, his back to the group.

One of the minions shuffles up to the man's side, "We have her sir." The man merely nods, affirming that he understood and dismissing the opal looking creature.

"Welcome at last my dear Floral. I have waited for this moment for a long time," the prince states.

The sound of his voice sends chills down Daisy's spine as she remembers those nights that his voice would taunt and call out to her, haunting her in her sleep. "What do you want from me?"

"I want the freedom that I have denied for far too long. I want to be able to smell the flowers, hear the call of the gulls as they ride the currents, to feel the salty breeze of the ocean on my face; to exist in the normal world once more! Most of all however," he turns around and faces her for the first time. Her jaw drops in shock at the sight of his fading features before he continues. "I want revenge," he sneers, his mouth turning into a snarl baring his teeth.

She tries to not stare, but she cannot look away; his face reminds her of a mask peeling away from a mannequin. His skin is intact all around his face except for on the very tip of his nose and across his cheeks. It is those spots where she cannot turn away. His flesh appears to be curling and flaking away, revealing the same iridescent skin that the odd hourglass men holding her captive do. She forces herself to look away from his the flaking cheeks and focuses on his piercing, cold, cobalt eyes, "Why would you take revenge on me? I didn't do anything to you!"

"The son does not only pay for the sins he commits, but those of his father as well," he replies as though reading a poem. "In your case my dear, you will pay for the sins of your grandmother far past." He steps up to her and puts his fingers in her hair, slowly dragging them down to her face. "Her hair was longer and fiery red, her skin comparable to porcelain, but even with the many generations past I still see her in you. These eyes that shimmer with the color of evening's dawn remind me of hers. This small sloped nose she also has passed onto you," he takes one of his iridescent tipped fingers and traces down her nose then continues. "I also remember these voluptuous lips," he exhales heavily as he glides his finger across her bottom lip and leans his face closer to hers. "How I remember kissing those lips..." He lightly places his lips on hers, gingerly kissing her repeatedly. He pulls away, as to hover just out of reach, "then she betrayed me!" He crashes his lips into hers again, but this time he bites down hard, piercing the skin and drawing blood.

"OW! You sick son of a," Daisy yowls in pain as she is slammed back into reality.

"Yes you even have her blood; I can taste her in it," he informs as he licks the blood off of his lips, as if finishing a delicacy.

"Listen here, you sick freak! I will not stand for this! I demand that you return me to my castle now," Daisy commands furiously while unnerved at her very core.

"I am afraid my dear Floral that you shall never see your castle again. As you see in order to lift this enchantment, wrongly placed upon me, I must unite the blood of true lovers."

Daisy glares at him, "And what does this lovely story rhyme have to do with me?"

"My lovely Tulip, as much as I loved her, did not return my love. The woodcarver that is who she chose! A pathetic, penniless peasant was the one she truly loved. I saw them together in her garden; he was all over her, it was revolting. I followed him back to his shop, surprised him from behind, stabbed him with my sword, and then finished him off with one of his own tools. I still have the sword and his blood, all I need is my fair Tulip's blood, or should I say Floral blood."

"Her ring...," Luigi whispers as he examines the white wood in his hand.

"What are we going to do? I must get the King," Chizer exclaims panicked as he runs out into the hall.

"I know what to do," Luigi states to no one as he stands up and faces the mirror. He slides the necklace into his pocket and walks into the mirror, allowing the silvery surface to swallow him whole.

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