Gabrielle Carrington

By TJLew182

69.1K 1.2K 89

Youngest heir to the Carrington dynasty, Gabrielle Carrington is back this time for good. More



1.2K 27 2
By TJLew182

After spending the night at the hospital I stumbled into the dining room and sat next to Fallon.

"Where the hell have you been all night?" Steven asked.

"Hospital." I mumbled putting my head on Fallon's shoulder. Cristal looked at me.

"Have you been crying?" Fallon asked looking at me. I shrugged.

"I think it would be considered sobbing." I said. Austin walked in looking like a zombie.

"Bedroom?" I asked.

"Bedroom." Austin said.

"Ah is this the boyfriend?" Mom asked.

"That would be me." Austin said.

"Austin this is Alexis Carrington, my mother aka the wicked witch of the manor and Georgia." I said. "Just pretend she's not there it's easier." I said.

"Gabbie." Steven said.

"What?" I asked.

"Can you comprehend a conversation now or should I just call you later to talk?" Steven asked.

"You've done it again. We've been over this." I said.

"Will Steven get a answer that's more than four words now or should he wait till later?" Fallon asked.

"Later because Meh." I said walking away. Austin and I walked into my room and collapsed on my bed. We cuddled in bed as the door opened.

"Gabbie, will you go with Sam to the Colby Co board meeting so I can sell him back my 25% back to him?" Fallon asked.

"With your lawyers?" I asked.

"Yes. Wear something nice." Fallon said.

"I will." I said.

"Are you two going to the La Perla party?" Fallon asked.

"Don't know what that is." Austin groaned.

"It's a fashion show with alcohol." I said.

"I doubt I'll go." Austin said.

"What about you Gabs?" Fallon asked.

"I don't know." I said.

"You should go. You need some sort of fun and you'll get to avoid your mom." Austin said.

"Don't get me started on that woman." I said. Austin laughed pulling me closer to him.

"Bye you two." Fallon said walking out.

"Gabbie. I need to tell you something." Austin said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"My father is on his deathbed. They don't know how long he's got and I'm scared." Austin said.

"I'm so sorry." I said wrapping my arms around him.

"I think I'm gonna head to the hospital. I'll see you later." Austin said kissing my head then running out. I walked downstairs to Dad's study to see him talking with Cristal.

"Gabbie, what can I do for you?" Dad asked. I closed the door behind me.

"James Culhane. Do you have something to do with his illness?" I asked.

"Why would you think I did?" Dad asked.

"Because I know your using our name to pull strings to get my boyfriend's father into clinical trials and the best doctors and treatment. You'd never do something like that without a reason." I said.

"James Culhane has nothing to do with me. I'm helping Culhane's family because of everything he's done for this family especially you and your sister." Dad said. I looked at Cristal.

"How is Austin doing?" Cristal asked. I walked out to see Fallon and Mom talking.

"Culhane's father is on his deathbed Fallon." Mom said.

"Where the hell did you find that out?" I asked causing them both to face me.

"You told me darling." Mom said.

"No I didn't. You've been snooping." I said. Fallon looked at me. "Fallon, I'm sorry it just wasn't my place to say anything."

"No Gabbie you had every right to protect your relationship." Fallon said.

"Look I'd better get going to that meeting but I'll see you later." I said.

Sam, Fallon's lawyers and I walked into Morell Corp. The office was trashed and Jeff was laying down on the couch.

"What the hell do you want?" Jeff asked.

"We're here for the board meeting. We're Fallon's proxy." Sam said.

"She sent her errand boys and little sister?" Jeff asked.

Chief operating officer,Senior executive assistant and I think you've met her lawyer, Mr. Hirshey and his associates." I said.

"Mr. Colby, is there a board meeting tonight?" Mr Hershey asked.

"I canceled it. Must've forgot to call the bitch." Jeff spat.

"Ms. Carrington has a proposal for you, board meeting or not. She's offering to sell you back her portion of Colby Co." Sam said. I handed Jeff the papers.

"The portion she stole? That's nice. I have a counteroffer. One dollar." Jeff said throwing Fallon's offer across the room.

"So, that's a hard no?" I said.

"Fallon Carrington didn't just steal 25% of my company. She stole my family, my pride. I'm not letting her play me ever again. My offer stands at one dollar." Jeff said.

"That's what you want me to tell Fallon?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's what I want you to tell Fallon. And if she wants to discuss it further, she can meet me tomorrow night for drinks." Jeff said.

"Yeah, I don't think drinks are a good idea." Sam said standing up.

"Why not? I'll be thirsty." Jeff said. Sam and I walked out. Sam to his car and me to mine. I headed to the hospital and saw Mom and Culhane talking.

"Austin is upstairs." Culhane told me. I walked to James Culhane's room and was met by Fallon and Mrs Culhane. Mrs Culhane walked into the room and Fallon looked down the corridor at me. I saw how hurt she was. Fallon walked towards me.

"How mad are you at me?" I asked.

"How much did I hurt Micheal?" Fallon asked.

"I don't know Fal. I'm guessing a lot more than you know." I said.

"I'm going home. I'll see you later or tomorrow." Fallon said kissing my head. "I'm not mad at you. So don't think that for one second I am okay?" Fallon said. I nodded.

"Alright." I said. Fallon left. I walked to Mr Culhane's room and Mrs Culhane came out.

"Gabbie, are you okay?" Mrs Culhane asked.

"Yes, I just came to see how things were." I said. Mrs Culhane hugged me.

"Well we're grateful for everything your family are doing." Mrs Culhane said. Austin walked out and hugged me.

"Hey." Austin said kissing me.

"Hey handsome." I said. "So uh Fallon found out from Alexis. So I think some drama is going to happen between Fallon and Michael." I said. Austin laughed. I sat with Austin in his father's room for hours until I went home. I walked into Fallon's bedroom with a bottle of beer in my hand.

"What's wrong?" Fallon asked.

"Hypothetically if Dad made a mistake, would he go to all lengths to cover it up?" I asked sitting down on the end of Fallon's bed.

"Yes." Fallon said. "What did he do?" Fallon asked.

"How would I know whether he's lying?" I asked.

"There's no signs of when our father lies." Fallon said. "What has he done?"

"This is going to sound extreme but I think he had something to do with why James Culhane got sick." I said. Fallon looked up from her book.

"For an accusation like that you're going to need proof. Watch how he acts and try Cristal. See what you can get from her." Fallon said.

"So you don't think it's impossible?" I asked.

"Nothing is impossible when your a Carrington. Just be careful." Fallon said. I nodded.

"I will." I said finishing the bottle of beer in my hand. "Night Fal." I said.

"Night Gabbie." Fallon said kissing my cheek. I walked to my room and collapsed on my bed.


Sam and I were waiting at the bar for Fallon and Liam to arrive at the La Perla party. Fallon and Liam walked in.

"For once in your life you look better than I do." Fallon said. "Your hair though. I can't say the same." Fallon teased fixing my hair.

"I'm aware. I'm booked in tomorrow to fix it and possibly dye it." I said.

"Is pink haired Gabbie making a return?" Fallon asked.

"Dad would have a heart attack." I said

"That would require him having a heart." Fallon said. I nodded smirking.

"Come on, let's go sit down." I said. The bartender brought my drink over.

"I thought we were just stopping in for a second." Liam said. We noticed Jeff walk in with his arms around two girls.

"This isn't exactly Jeff's fashion scene." Fallon said.

"Well, I might have told him you were going to be here." Sam said.

"Oh, so he wanted me to see a public performance
of his Colby Co. death spiral? Well, he's really selling it with Tart One and Tart Two." Fallon said.

"Doesn't look like he's faking anything." Liam and I said.

"That's what I said." Sam said.

"Oh, please. We're getting two shows for the price of one tonight." Fallon smirked. We walked to our seats. Liam was sat on the end, Fallon next to him, then me and Sam.

"What's your deal? Is your ex-girlfriend here, or are you always this shady in public?" Fallon asked Liam.

"Sorry, I was just reading about all the fabrics. There are so many." Liam said. We sat watching the show when Jeff stumbled over in front of Fallon and I. Fallon placed her hand on my wrist and gave me a look.

"Fallon. Gabbie. You lied. You stole from me. That's extortion." Jeff yelled.

"I'm not buying this little rock-bottom performance. My asking price stands. Now, scooch, you're blocking my view." Fallon said. Jeff went to move closer to Fallon when Liam jumped out of his seat.

"Whoa, easy." Liam said.

"Well, if it isn't #TheRealMrFallon." Jeff spat.

"Okay, enough, you two! Liam, sit." Fallon said.

"Sit, stay. How does it feel to be another one of Fallon's pets? Just like Gabbie is." Jeff said. Fallon's grip increased on my wrist as I lifted my champagne glass to my lips finishing the drink.

"That's funny. I was about to ask you the same question." Liam said. Sam stood up.

"Jeff..." Sam started. Jeff stumbled and threw up in Sam's shoes.

"Come on, man, my shoes!" Sam yelled. Jeff fell on the floor. After that performance the fashion show ended.

"Well, it's clearly time to get out of the Jeff Colby business. I'll lean on my lawyers, lower the price to a place where even he can't say no. I should have listened to you, Sam Gabbie." Fallon said.

"Mm. Apologies don't get vomit out of bedazzled rhinestones." Sam said. Fallon smirked.

"But we're glad you've seen the light." I said. Liam turned up.

"Oh, and you... The hot-headed husband of my adolescent dreams." Fallon said.

"You're welcome. Now, we should get going." Liam said.

"Just let me say my good-byes first." Fallon said.

"But the night is young." Sam said putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Follow up on the Colby Co. deal, and whatever you do, don't you dare take those shoes home with you." Fallon said kissing my head.

"I'll have them pull the car around." Liam said.

"Okay?" Fallon said.

Sam and I got Jeff to agree to the reduced asking price and headed home to tell Fallon the good news. We found her sat in front of the fireplace with Bo and a glass of scotch.

"Good news. Jeff agreed to your reduced asking price. And he's already wired the money." Sam said. I sat next to Fallon.

"Great." Fallon said sarcastically.

"What? Isn't that what you wanted?" Sam asked.

"Yep." Fallon said.

"What's wrong? And why are you snuggling Bo and not Liam?" I asked.

"His name's not Liam." Fallon said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Liam Ridley's real name is Jack Lowden, and he is a journalist who got a huge advance to write a book about the Carringtons." Fallon said

"He Roman Holidayed you? Well, I hate to say it, but..." Sam started.

"Yeah. I know. My mom was right. And I really liked Liam. Or... Jack." Fallon said.

"He had really nice hands." Sam said.

"You know, my mother never taught me how to tie my shoes or use a tampon, and she certainly never taught me how to like a boy in a normal fashion. Or maintain a relationship to save my life, but... I thought the upside of not really being raised by her
is that I wouldn't become her." Fallon said rubbing my shoulder.

"Well, you're not." I said.

"And we're not supposed to see our mothers in the mirror until we're middle-aged." Sam said.

"But I already do." Fallon said.

"Could be worse you could look like Alexis." I said.

"It really is a wonder how you turned out so normal." Fallon said.

"Dad probably paid my shrink a lot more." I joked.

"I'm serious." Fallon said.

"You're probably the reason I'm so normal. I mean you were the one that I hung around with most. Taught me how to tie my laces, taught me how to write my name, taught me how to do my tie, taught me how to drive because Dad wouldn't even get in the car with me. You even taught me how to get dad wrapped around my finger." I said.

"You were a terrible driver. Culhane had to teach you in the end." Fallon laughed. "Speaking of have you found anything else out about that thing?" Fallon asked.

"Nope. When I find out the truth Dad's gonna have hell to pay." I said.

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