Return Of A Soul.. Highschool...

By ZBX6779

34.6K 441 248

This was originally going to be a sequel to my first story called The fallen Dragon king but I decided that t... More

chapter 2. hit a nerve.
chapter 3. dreams and nightmares.
part 4. nostalgia.
part 5. family & a message.
part 6. frame by frame.
part 7: breaking point.
part 8. state of emergency
part 9: new apocalypse.
part 11. farewell.
part 12: funeral
part 13: new beast.
part 14. alliance vs new beast.
part 15: the talk.
part 16. freedom
part 17. epilogue

part 10: STOP.

1.3K 20 11
By ZBX6779

The mythologies we're winning against the clones despite losing some of their own. Many angels, fallen angels, devils, legendary warriors fought to their deaths. Once all the clones were destroyed they all rejoice in victory. Thor was injured and exhausted, Odin as well. They along with their comrades such as lady Sif, the Valkyries etc

Thor: huff...huff... Father are you alright?

Odin was tired but uninjured.

Odin: yes my boy....I'm alright. Now get to the healers. That's an order for everyone else.

He commands everyone around him to help the injuries. They follow his orders and Odin goes to Heimdall, the keeper of the bifrost and all seeing.

Heimdall: how may I serve you today my king?

Odin: Heimdall I need you to show me what you see, what caused this attack of false red dragon emperors?

Heimdall's eyes begin to glow in golden light. Odin puts his hand on his shoulder and his eye begins to glow as well. They quickly sees every faction, every mythology, all under attack. They finds no answers until he sees the underworld under attack by Euclid whom he though was dead currently fighting Issei in his berserker state while everyone else fights a giant flaming cat, he saw Fenrir losing this battle very quickly, seeing the blue cat fire a massive energy shot that basically created a momentary sun in the underworld. Seeing the damage horrified them but what came next even more so. They checked on the human world, no words could describe how they felt, death toll in the millions across the world, it took centuries for the death toll to hit that mark but these are just humans, they can't defend themselves like the supernatural can. They aren't on that level even with sacred gears.

Odin: what in Valhalla?........

Heimdall: what...are..your orders my king?

He stuttered after seeing such death and destruction, men, women and children getting eaten, crushed, blown up. It was pure carnage, body parts everywhere, everything was bathed in blood. Odin though of only one thing. Loki, this is whom he sided with, this is what he wanted.

Odin: send all our remaining warriors and send them to earth IMMEDIATELY. I DON'T CARE ABOUT THEM FINDING ABOUT THE SUPERNATURAL. SAVE THEM!!!

Heimdall sent out the orders via magic communication circles to all of Asgard. He shared what he saw with heaven, the fallen, underworld, Hindu faction and every other that exists. They all agreed with Odin. Save the world.

Micheal after seeing the destruction in the human world caused by none other than Euclid enraged him. He sent every angel of every rank down to earth but he himself and Gabriel went straight to the underworld but Dulio being the wielder of the second most powerful sacred gear went to Earth to help eliminate all the clones, each second wasted is many lives lost. They teleported immediately and came in with the intent to end this and no holding back.

Both angels teleported above the battle zone and came down like meteors, they landed next to Kuroka and the impact made her lose her balance. This caught Issei's attention and for a quick second he looked towards her, Euclid who was starting to lose the fight used that brief second to blast Issei away then disappeared. Issei recovered and looked around frantically for Euclid but what he saw captured his undivided attention. He saw everyone fighting Kuroka in her tailed beast state, she was getting out numbered and with the angels clearly being more powerful than usual were actually doing some damage, Kuroka is a devil and holy attacks were clearly effective. He charged at them, they were hurting her from the looks of it. He tackled anyone who got in his way, in his berserker state he couldn't tell friend from foe, just everyone attacking his soul mate.



He couldn't process their words, right now he's nothing but instinct and power fueled by rage and the desire to protect her. He was too focused on them to notice Vali coming up from behind, he tackled Issei into the ground and put him in a very strong head lock, his juggernaut drive gave him enough strength to do so momentarily but was losing his grip against Issei so he had no choice but to use it.

Vali: do it Albion!!


All that raw power taken from Issei was too much for Vali to absorb for his use so he had no choice but to release it, he released it all and the ground around him corroded away. Issei turned back to his normal balance breaker but Vali divided a few more times until his armour crumbled away, Issei didn't even have the power to fight back now but he came to his senses enough to see what was happening.


Michael: forgive me Issei but we have to stop her by any means necessary.


Vali was clearly drained after everything, Issei tried to boost but nothing, he hit the limit but still managed to find some strength to move, Sirzechs and Grayfia had to come restrain him even further.


Ddraig: after you went berserk your body can't risk using balance breaker let alone trying to stop them!!




He looked on helplessly as everyone was starting to deal more damage to her, Rias, Akeno, Gasper, Ravel, Bikou, la Fey, Irina, Xenovia, Rossweisse, Arthur, Kiba, Michael, Gabriel all his his family were attacking his mate. Koneko stood there watching it all happen, her sister was experimented on again and was turned into this, this is what she feared but to this level? She was having flashbacks of her sister killing their former master all over again and now she might die, she might lose her for a third time.


His pleads were heard loud and clear, Michael and Gabriel were shocked when Issei said she is the mother of their child, that made it all the more difficult for them, being forced to this. They all shed tears, having to do this to Kuroka, to Evelyn, to Issei, the death of millions in the human world and the unknown death toll of the factions and mythologies. This was hurting them too but they had to stop her from attacking anyone else. They all silently vowed to make Euclid suffer. A portal appears next to Kuroka and from it emerged 2 massive 9 tailed foxes. It was Yasaka and Kouno all grown up, they were now equal in power and had sensed Kuroka's power all the way to Kyoto since they too are linked to the energy of the universe. Immediately they attacked her with their own senjutsu flames, they were dealing a great deal of damage being natural sage users.

Issei tried to boost but couldn't, he was already way past his limit. His berserker state took way too much out of him. He looked on at the onslaught as his wife was getting hurt while be could do nothing. Feeling helpless again.

Issei: please! Let me go. I have to save her. Sirzechs, Grayfia, Vali. LET GO!

Vali and Sirzechs just shut their eyes and tried to tune out his cries. Seeing him like this was too much.

Grayfia: Issei....forgive us. That's not the same woman you knew.....


That did it. They all heard him say that.....and he's right. They looked at each other and realized that he's right, they are willing to kill their comrade, a friend, a sister, a wife, a mother just because they can't bring her back to her senses. If their past selves saw them right now then they would be disappointed. Evelyn would hate them to no end. They looked at Issei and eyes said it all.

"Let me save her".

Never have they seen him like this and it wasn't just Euclid that hurt him and Kuroka they were doing the same thing. Kouno looked at Issei, her big brother by bond was begging her to stop, he was at an all time low in the nearly 20 years she's known him, it was heart wrenching to see him like this. She looked at her mother and both silently nodded. They too stopped attacking and decided to take a chance. They used their tails to hold her down, the flames hurt but not as much as they expected, her flames being weaker after all those attacks was the perfect chance but Kuroka slowly started to regain her strength. At that moment Cao Cao showed up.

Rossweisse: Cao Cao? What are you doing here?

Cao Cao: I saw the bright explosion and sensed Michael and Gabriel being stronger than usual. So what's with the giant cat?

Koneko: that's my sister.

Cao Cao: WHAT?!

Yasaka: it's true spear holder.

Cao Cao: damn it. Euclid did this didn't he?

Rias: that's right....

Kuroka prepares another energy bomb and this one is far more powerful, so much so that she's putting all her energy into it this her flames on her body are weaker than ever.

Cao Cao: shit! Wait I have an idea.

True longinus balance break, ability number 4. Nullify.

One of his 8 balance breaker abilities is nullification of all powers that effect only women. He points his spear at her and a beam fires from it. It hits her directly, the massive dark purple orb disappeared into nothingness and she fell down but was having muscle spasms which were so strong that both Yasaka and Kouno has to try their absolute best to restrain her cause if they didn't then they would feel what Issei did, being swatted away like flies. Eventually Kuroka began to shrink and slowly turned back to her normal self....or at least what she looked like prior to turning into a large cat beast.

Issei called out to her.


Sirzechs, Grayfia and Vali let Issei go and Issei despite being completely worn out he bolted towards her now motionless body laying on the cracked and destroyed ground. He picked her up and embraced her. She wasn't conscious and her body was cold.

Issei: sweetie please wake up! I'm here now.

She didn't open her eyes, she was barely barely breathing, her skin was pale and cold. She was completely limp and was pulse was weak. Issei couldn't see her like this.


She sprinted as soon as he screamed her name, she immediately put all her energy into healing her but it wasn't enough.

Yasaka and Kouno turned into their semi human forms and checked her pulse.

Yasaka: she's completely drained of her energy. Kouno, we need to channel some into her immediately.

Kouno: right.

They channelled natural energy into her and it was working. Little by little her skin got it's original colour back, her breathing became normal, her pulse became stronger and was now warm to the touch, she looked just as beautiful as the last time they saw her many years ago but Issei was still scared to death because she hasn't woken up yet. He still needed to see her eyes, hear her say that she's alright, that she's happy to see him and even she isn't, he is prepared for it. He only wants Evelyn to have her mother back.

Issei: please wake up, everyone is here for you, I'm here now.....we all are.... your eyes..........

They others tried to come close and see if there's anything they can do.


They backed away from him, none dared to take another step, none had the nerve to do so after how they nearly killed Kuroka.

Xenovia: know we didn't mean to...


Some looked down which others looked at the damaged but still functioning screen.

He continues to hold her tightly for what felt like eternity. All the clones were destroyed except for those in the human world, everyone looked at the screen and they could see Thor, Odin, Indra, Dulio, fallen angels, other devils and other mythologies saving the human world, none cared if the humans now know of their existence.

Back at the Gremory household.

Riser: I had hoped that they would find out about the supernatural under better circumstances.

Azazel: agreed.

Evelyn: are all the clones gone?

Sairorg: yes, none left young one.

Evelyn: then can we go see papa?

Serafall: not just yet, we need to make sure it's safe first.

Ajuka: you never know when a 2nd attack will occur.

Evelyn nodded but then a chill went up her spine, she sensed that something has happened to her parents. She may be miles away from them but it won't stop her. She cast illusion magic and disappeared without anyone even noticing. She spread her dragon wings and flew towards where her parents are.

Back to the others.

Issei didn't look at the screen, he only looked his wife in his arms, he finally got her back after so many years.

Vali: so Micheal, how are you and clearly every other angel so much stronger all of the sudden?'s because of the attack on Earth,......the people prayed so much that all angels got a massive power boost.

Irina: that explains why I was able to fight for so long and destroy as many clones as I did.

Gabriel: this power came at the price of millions dead.

Michael: sister please go comfort the many souls coming to heaven, I'll be there momentarily. Just going to make sure Issei and everyone else are alright.

Gabriel: very well brother.

Gabriel teleports away in a golden flash. Micheal looks at Issei still holding the unconscious Kuroka in his arms. He comes forward and can hear Issei mumbling.

Issei: please, she's waiting, wake up.

Micheal looks at everyone else. Vali comes forward.

Vali: I'll explain but now isn't the time. I'm sorry.

Micheal: I understand, I'm still coming to terms about everything that happened in such a short time. Who is behind all this?

Grayfia: my brother Euclid. He did all of this.

She said with pure venom, there was no love for him left, to her the Euclid she knew died in the war, this was a monster that wore his face. Sirzechs stood by her side. After a moment Kuroka started to move and opened her eyes. She saw a blurry face and felt someone hugging her tightly, someone very familiar. She smiled weakly then placed her hand on his face, she felt his face completely soaked from tears he shed. Poor Issei had his eyes shut this whole time but once he felt a hand touch his face his eyes shot open and inhaled sharply.

Kuroka: hey lover.

Issei: you're.....okay....

She smiled as she wiped away his tears.

Kuroka: I am now.

Issei finally smiled back and held her hand.

Issei: I missed you so much.

The two shared a kiss 15 years overdue. Everyone cheered on but the two didn't care, could this moment get any better?

Evelyn: PAPA! MAMA!

Both of them looked up and saw Evelyn appear out of thin air, she folded her wings inward and landed right next to them, both of them held out an arm and Evelyn couldn't resist, she finally got her parents back, she can finally open her eyes and see her mother and her father together, she hugged them both so hard that it almost hurt.

Kuroka: hey kiddo, you have grown so much.


Issei: every last one of us.

Kuroka looked at everyone who was cheering and happy to have her back.

Kouno: welcome back.

Yasaka: we recovered some of your energy, you'll be alright for now but come to Kyoto asap, that transformation did more damage than you think but we can help fix it.
Ravel we will need Phoenix tears, can you get some for her?

Ravel: of course.

Yasaka: excellent.

Kuroka tries to get up but is still too weak.

Issei: easy love.

Rias: let us help, it's the least we can do. Akeno help us out.

She and Akeno slowly lift her up, Issei still has adrenaline rushing through him and has the strength to walk. He stands right in front of her.

Issei: hey, once you recover, I have an idea I want to talk to you about.

Kuroka: sure but for now, let's go home.

Issei: yeah let's go h..AARKK!!

He suddenly felt an indescribable pain in his chest, he looked down as his body began to tremble and saw a red and black tendril piercing his torso, he looked at the source and found that it was her, it was Kuroka but the look in her eyes were not that of a cold blooded murder but those of shock, fear, worry, etc. The tendril was the very same whip that nearly killed him earlier, the same one coated in samael's blood, after a second later it disappeared, everyone else has the same expression as her including Evelyn. Then Issei saw the sky, he fell to his knees then face first on the ground.


Everyone: ISSEI!

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