Emerald Rain

By OhNoMySphaghettiOs

40.2K 950 843

Ever wonder how the events in Fire Emblems Three Houses would have unfolded if Byleth had never been offered... More

The Beginning:
Three Houses:
The Blue Lions:
The Mock Battle:
A Day of Monastery Life
Eliminating the bandits:
Garland moon:
Castle Gaspard:
The Holy Mausoleum:
The Rite of Rebirth:
The Crest of Flames:
Into the Abyss:
The Chalice of Beginnings:
Verdant Rain Moon:
Conand Tower:
Horsebow Moon:
The Battle of The Eagle and Lion:
Zanado Canyon:
Remire Village:
The White Heron Cup:
The Ball:
The Holy Tomb:
Path of Thorns:
Reunion at Dawn:
The one-Eyed Beast:
Protecting Garreg Mach:
The Beast:
Ailell, The Valley of Torment:
The Master Tactician:
The Great Bridge of Myrddin:
Great Tree Moon:
To Gronder Field, Part One:
To Gronder Field, Part Two:
Gronder Field, Part One:
Gronder Field, Part Two:
The Aftermath of War:
Preparing for Derdriu:
Alliance in Peril:
Protecting Derdriu:
On Trek to a New Dawn:
Rumors of a Reaper:
The Sealed Forest:
The Baron Dominic:
Strategy meeting:
Preparing for Fort Merceus:
The Battle at Fort Merceus:
Javelin of Light:
To Garreg Mach Monastery:
Jeritza Von Hrym:
Enbarr Strategy Meeting:
A Day at the Monastery:
To Enbarr:
Enbarr the Imperial Capital:
The Fall of the Adrestrian Empire:
Heavy is the Head That Wears the Crown:
A United Front:
The Dragon that Lurks in the Shadow:
Two Sides of the Same Coin:
The Church of Seiros:
The Princess of Brigid's request:
The Foreign Land and Sky
A Prince's Proposition:
Arianrhod Part One:
Arianrhod Part Two:
The Cool Before the Storm:
Tailtean Plains
Reclaiming Fhirdiad:
The Beginning of the End:
One Year Later:
The Return:
Those Who Slither in the Dark:
For the Freedom of Fodlan:
The End!

Love and War:

508 13 13
By OhNoMySphaghettiOs


It all clicked now.

Everything Byleth had done and said before it made sense, she was preparing to leave them.

Dimitri's heart ached at the thought of it, this whole time she had hid this pain from all of them going onward for the future of Fodlan knowing it would lead to her demise...

And yet, she still followed this path.

Byleth hadn't tried to move from Dimitri's embrace, they just stood there in silence.

It drove him mad.

He wanted to know more. For instance, why tell him now. But...

It seemed hard enough for her to even tell him this, he won't pry further than she is comfortable with.

"Dimitri?" Byleth murmured into his chest, "Are you angry?" she asked quietly.

Truthfully, Dimitri didn't know the answer to that. He was upset, yes. But it felt less directed at her and more at the situation.


Is that why she didn't tell him? Because she was worried that he would be upset with her? Was she truly that frightened of him?

Dimitri quickly shook that thought from his mind, if she felt that way, he would not be holding her at the moment.

"Dimitri?" Byleth said softly and lifted her head so it was no longer buried in his chest, she looked up at him.

Right. He had not yet answered her question.

Dimitri shook his head, "No, I'm not angry at you Byleth" he reassured "Although I do wish that I had been told sooner" he added.

"In my defense I was going to tell you sooner" Byleth blurted out "You told me to tell you when I was ready" she added and paused for a moment "So, in a way it's kind of your own fault" she concluded with a small laugh.

Dimitri frowned slightly, "Is that right" he said sternly and shook his head.

Byleth stared up at him with a sad smile on her face, "Dimitri, if you would prefer to be ignorant towards this I can always go back" she said quietly.

Dimitri shook his head, "Please don't do that" he said softly it made him wonder had she done that before?

"I don't want you to be hurt afterwards Dimitri, I think you should reconsider," Byleth said sternly.

Dimitri frowned, "You pushing me away won't change my feelings afterwards Byleth" he said then fell quiet "Truthfully, I have a hard time believing that you will actually perish alongside her" he added.

Byleth sighed, "Dimitri, you can't have hope for it" she said sadly "Please don't get your hopes up" she added.

Don't get his hopes up? How could he not?

How could she just accept that she will die so blatantly... Did she even care?

Dimitri hated that she was like him in that aspect, he didn't want her to accept this fate. To accept her death.

Maybe it was purely selfish, but... He wanted Byleth to reject that idea of it. What does Sothis know anyway?

"I'm sorry Byleth, but I cannot accept that as fact I have to believe that there is a chance that you leave that battle unscathed" Dimitri said sternly "I know that's not what you wanted to hear, but I refuse to believe that" he added.

Byleth was silent for a moment, Dimitri couldn't quite read her expression. "Thank you, Dimitri" Byleth said softly and tucked her head back into his chest.

Dimitri leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of Byleth's head.

It had been so long since he held her in this manner, and now that he's able to there's a chance he won't be able to do it for long.

The thought of that saddened him.

No, he had to believe that there was still hope.

Byleth might not like it, but... Maybe they should look into the possibility of capturing Rhea till they could find a way to sever whatever it is that ties them to one another.

Then... Then they could kill Rhea.

Byleth and Dimitri stayed there for a couple more minutes before Dimitri came to the realization that Byleth might not have a high cold tolerance.

"Ah, are you cold?" Dimitri asked then pulled away to un-clip his cloak and wrapped it around Byleth without waiting for her response.

Byleth wrapped the cloak tighter around her, "Thank you" she said.

Dimitri nodded, "Come, we should probably join the others" he said, "Tomorrow we head back to the monastery" he sighed "We need to be rested for the trip" he added.

Byleth nodded, "Of course" she said and began heading back into the fort.

Dimitri stood there for a moment. A smile grew on his face then he followed after her.

It seemed things were looking up at the moment.


Dimitri woke up to his red headed friend standing over him with a big grin.

"Did you have a good night?" Sylvain asked with a big grin.

It took Dimitri a minute to process what Sylvain could possibly be going on about, but the shifting in his arms reminded him.


Had fallen asleep with him.

It was nothing physical, but they had slept in the same cramped bed instead of separating for the night.

Dimitri's face grew hot, and he carefully unwrapped his arms from around her and got up.

He looked around it was still early, and it didn't look like any of their allies had woken up yet, "Not a word" Dimitri hissed at Sylvain.

Sylvain's smile didn't waver, "Oh come on Your Highness" he said "You gotta tell me, or I will just assume you two did things last night" he added and wiggled his eyebrows at him.

If Dimitri didn't have the Crest of Blaiddyd, he would have punched Sylvain in the face right then and there.

"Sylvain, we were in a room full of our allies, there is no doing anything" Dimitri hissed at him.

Sylvain shrugged, "If there's a will, there's a way" he said "I would have" he added nonchalantly.

Dimitri grimaced at the mental image, "Sylvain there are things that I think should be kept private" he sighed while shaking his head.

"Um, Your Highness you weren't exactly being non conspicuous about it" Sylvain said "I mean if I hadn't woken you up others would have seen the two of you cuddled up with one another" he added.

Dimitri's face grew red again, he hadn't thought about that.

Was it wrong that a part of him wished for them to know?

Did Byleth want them to know?

Dimitri glanced over at the bed she lied in. Byleth remained sound asleep with his cloak draped around her lower body.

It was probably for the best that Sylvain had been the one to find them in such a state, and yet...

No, it doesn't matter.

Dimitri doesn't even know what this means to Byleth yet, maybe she considered it a mistake and would ask that he leave her be.

Dimitri felt a lump form in his throat at the thought of that.

He certainly hoped that would not be the case, but... It would be foolish of Dimitri to deny that that might be a possibility.

Especially since she seemed keen on the idea that her isolating herself would make it easier on the others when the time came.


If it came.

Dimitri would not prepare for that to happen, despite it being against Byleth's wishes.

To accept such a fate felt... Wrong.

Dimitri sighed, "You're right Sylvain, my apologies" he said and left from the room where they had been sleeping in.

The sun was just peeking through, it would be wise to leave soon.

"Your Highness" Sylvain called out, following after him "Oh, come on I wanna know what happened" he said.

Dimitri stopped in his tracks and turned to his friend, "Sylvain, Byleth is not just some conquest to me" he said sternly "We simply fell asleep together, that is all" he added.

Sylvain laughed, "Yeah I get that Your Highness" he said "I just want to know what happened" he added. "Like, for example why the two of you fell asleep together" Sylvain said "Last thing you told me about Byleth was that you thought she was upset with you over the whole Marianne thing" he added.

"How are things going with you and Ingrid?" Dimitri asked.

Sylvain's face grew pink, "Hey, that's not the point Your Highness" he said defensively "This is about you" he added.

Dimitri shook his head, "Sylvain, we need to prepare to leave" he said sternly "Not gossip" he added.

Sylvain threw his hands up in defeat, "Fine, Your Highness" he sighed "But if you wish to speak of it, I will lend you my ear" he said.

Dimitri smiled, "Thank you Sylvain" he said.


They departed from Arianrhod early in the morning.

Byleth had been silent that morning, well... More silent than normal.

Her mind was racing, was this a bad idea?

At the time it had felt right but, when Byleth thinks about it she can't help but believe that maybe she had rushed into things without thinking.

There is no way that it would end well for Dimitri.

That last thing she wanted was to cause him more pain, or worse.

Become one of the fallen that haunt him.

The idea of that shook Byleth to the core.

But... Dimitri had taken the new relatively well.

She had expected him to become a little unhinged after she told him, but thankfully that didn't happen.

As much as Byleth realized that it was a horrible idea, she couldn't bring herself to reverse time.

For the fifth time today, time stopped as she sat atop of her horse, the purple light cast over everything. And yet... She couldn't do it.

Was it fair to Dimitri to be selfish in this manner?

He needed someone that had a future to give, and Byleth couldn't do that.

And still she couldn't bring herself to undo her actions.

Byleth sighed as she released her grip on time, and the world regained the normal hue and began moving once again.

Yeah... She was definitely being selfish.

Since Byleth woke up she had yet to speak with Dimitri, and truthfully, she was dreading it a bit. She had kept some distance between them as she rode, keeping nearby Edelgard and Hubert. Perhaps it was a bit... Uncalled for, but Byleth still wasn't quite sure what to make of everything yet.

She could almost imagine the scolding that Sothis would give Byleth over her cruel actions, but to be fair there were a lot of factors to think about when it came to Dimitri.

Maybe she really should use Divine pulse...

But then again Dimitri had said he preferred knowing the truth, although he wasn't thinking about it the same way that Byleth had thought about it for moons.

Dimitri's choice was emotion based, while Byleth's was based on the logic of the situation.

Although... If she hadn't strayed from her initial decision, she wouldn't be in this situation now.

Byleth was silent during their trip back to the monastery, listening into little bits and pieces of Edelgard's and Hubert's conversation while ignoring the stare that bore into the back of her head.

Nightfall soon fell, they were in Gaspard territory and decided to set up camp for the night.

Byleth dreaded it, she knew what would come. She would have to face Dimitri.

And they would put words to whatever it was that they were doing now.

A fire had been made, Byleth isn't quite sure by who but nonetheless it is there. She sits around it watching as the flames dance upon the charred wood with the occasional crackle. Slowly but surely their allies begin to turn in for the night, till it's just Byleth, Dimitri, and Sylvain.

No words are passed among the three of them, Sylvain sighs heavily then stands up, "Well, good night I guess" he said then leaves to his tent.

"Byleth" Dimitri calls out.

Byleth raises her gaze from the fire to meet his.

"Dimitri" Byleth replies in a calm tone.

Dimitri stood up from his spot across from Byleth on the other side of the fire and walked to her and took a seat besides Byleth.

The two of them sat in silence for a moment, "I thought you might be upset with me" Dimitri said.

Byleth furrowed her eyebrows, she had forgotten to factor that in. Dimitri's own self-hate, he was always quick to find a way to blame himself for any little thing.

Byleth shook her head, "No, I was just thinking is all" she said "You weren't at fault Dimitri, I apologize if I made you feel that way" she added.

Dimitri's face grew to a shade of light red, "I see" he said softly.

Both parties were dancing around the obvious.

Goddess this is nerve racking.

"Dimitri, I will ask you one last time" Byleth began "Are you certain you don't want me to go back?" she asked.

If he said yes would she even be able to bring herself to go back?

Dimitri shook his head, "Don't push me away anymore Byleth, please" he said softly.

"Ok" Byleth blurted out.

She cringed a bit, at her response. Ok? OK?

Out of all of the things to say.

Byleth's panic slowly melted away when she heard a small chuckle come from Dimitri, his eye crinkled slightly in the corner as his face lit up with a smile, "I had anticipated the worst" he began "So to hear you agree so quickly... Well it has me relieved" he said.

Heat rises to Byleth's cheeks, "I see" she murmured and looks away from Dimitri's gaze. How could he look at her with such love and adoration, after everything?

After keeping such a dire secret from him, truthfully, she thought the moment she told him the truth he would never look at her in such a way, and yet... Here he was.

Dimitri's arm draped over her shoulders and pulled Byleth closer to him.

They sat in a comfortable silence, Byleth leaned her head onto him and sat there watching the fire.


They arrived at the monastery early in the day.

"I'll let Claude know about the success of our mission" Dimitri declared as they arrived at the entrance to Garreg Mach, it was eerily quiet for some reason but Byleth didn't think much into it.

Their allies slowly left from the gate as well till Byleth and Edelgard were left.

"I told him" Byleth blurted out.

Edelgard's eyes grew wide and she nodded her head, "It was for the best" she said "How did Dimitri take the news?" she asked.

"Surprisingly well" Byleth confessed "Although I think he doesn't believe it entirely" she added.

Edelgard nodded, "Hmm, I see" she murmured "Do you think that he will be a problem later on?" she asked.

Byleth shrugged, "I don't know" she said "I explained to him why Rhea has to die, but ultimately I cannot predict his actions" she concluded.

"I must ask, what motivated you to tell Dimitri?" Edelgard questioned "Last we spoke on that matter you seemed set on keeping it from him" she added.

"Hubert told me that I was making the right choice to keep it from him" Byleth said bluntly "So, I figured that maybe you were right on the matter" she added.

Edelgard laughed slightly, "I see" she said with a small smile "Nonetheless, I am glad that you did, my friend" she added "It would have caused more harm than-" Edelgard began then stopped mid-sentence, her smile fell and her eyebrows furrowed. "Byleth have your sword ready to strike" Edelgard hissed.

Byleth didn't need any further instructions, she did as she was told and unsheathed the sword of the creator then turned around to see what had Edelgard so tense.

"My, my, is this any way to greet your dear Uncle?".

Byleth starred with her blade drawn at the man with dark brown hair that approached them.


Edelgard stood beside Byleth, "What turn of events has brought you so suddenly to Garreg Mach, Uncle?" Edelgard asked in a stern voice.

Byleth had the feeling she knew what it was about.

"I wanted to see the face of my niece, who so bravely took Arianrhod" Arundel said calmly "Who was thought to have fallen alongside the Empire" he added. Byleth got the chills, this conversation didn't feel right. "I do wonder,  niece" Arundel began "Why not make your presence known to your allies, some might consider it deception" he said "And the company you've chosen to keep doesn't help your case either" he added.

Edelgard kept her gaze locked with Arundel but she remained silent.

"Ah, I see" Arundel said "However, there are some unfortunate consequences" he said sternly "What wasteful meddling" he added. "I do wonder, whose idea it was to kill Cornelia. My dear niece or my nephew?" Arundel asked.

"It doesn't matter" Byleth butted in, Edelgard didn't look to have an answer to his question.

Arundel glared at Byleth.

"Indeed. We came only to kill our enemies" Edelgard said.

Arundel turned his attention back to Edelgard, "You speak as though you are one of them" he said "Your intentions are as clear as day to me" he said sternly then began to turn around "I will be praying that the monastery will not become another, Arianrhod" he declared than began walking away.

Byleth had a bad feeling about this.

Edelgard frowned, "Another Arianrhod? Just what do you mean..." she began.

"Farewell" Arundel called out and warped away.

Dread filled Byleth, what could he have meant by that.

Edelgard had a worried expression over her face, oh Sothis they were screwed.

Loud footsteps sounded at the gates and drew closer to them, "Byleth! Edelgard!" Dimitri called out.

Byleth looked to Dimitri. His face was flushed from running "Dimitri, what's wrong?" Byleth asked.

"Arianrhod" Dimitri blurted out "Claude got a report that Arianrhod has been destroyed" he said.

Edelgard froze in place, her eyes were wide with anger. "That... Bastard" she spat.

Dimitri was silent for a moment, then he was staring at them both intently "Your sword is drawn" Dimitri said "What happened?" he asked calmly.

"Arundel was here" Edelgard said sternly "They destroyed Arianrhod as retribution for me siding with your army and for killing Cornelia" she declared.

Byleth sheathed her blade and looked at Dimitri, "Arundel had the gall to show his face here" he said sternly and closed his eye "We should have killed him when we had the chance" he sighed while shaking his head then opened his eye, "Come, both of you" Dimitri said "We need to speak with Claude" he added then turned around.

Byleth and Edelgard looked to one another, unsure but they complied and followed Dimitri.

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