This Summer (DMBB Spin-off)

Od iamtheeamani

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College so far has been one word: terrible. But you know what, this summer, it wasn't going to be as terrible... Více

Chapter 1: Should I Give You Two Some Space?
Chapter 2: To Making New Memories
Chapter 3: Stop Making Babies
Chapter 4: I've Got You
Chapter 5: Summer Is For Fun
Chapter 6: Summer Night Rendezvous
Chapter 7: Can I Decapitate Him First?
Chapter 8: Lumos
Chapter 9: It's A Date
Chapter 10: Euphoria
Chapter 11: A Royal Fuck Up
Chapter 12: Don't Kill Yourself
Chapter 13: We Could All Use Some Saving
Chapter 14: Head Or Heart
Chapter 15: I'm Already On The Highway To Hell
Chapter 16: A Fight To The Death
Chapter 17: I'm Crazy Aren't I?
Chapter 18: Welcome To My Hell
Chapter 19: Anyone Else Want To Suck Souls?
Chapter 20: Dying While Still Alive
Chapter 21: A Cute Little Blonde Version Of Satan
Chapter 22: Only Strong Hearts Hope
Chapter 23: I've Got Her, I'll Bring Her Back
Chapter 24: We're Too Young To Be This Sad
Chapter 25: Liam Has A Nice Ass...Part Two
Chapter 26: Would You Like To Be My Big Spoon?
Chapter 27: A Dog Sitting On A Toilet
Chapter 28: Shit Just Happened
Chapter 29: This Is Us Crashing And Burning
Chapter 30: What Is Happening?
Chapter 31: It Is What It Is
Chapter 32: We're Not Together
Chapter 33: Tell Me To Stay
Chapter 34: Conversations In The Dark
Chapter 35: We're All Liam Fangirls
Chapter 36: It's Called Self Care
Chapter 37: I Just Wanted The High
Chapter 38: Don't Break My Heart
Chapter 39: Fuck My Life
Chapter 40: Letting Go
Bonus Chapter: Cameron's POV
Author's Note

Bonus Chapter: Khalan & Shawn

747 46 17
Od iamtheeamani

Don't beat me up guys! I know you've waited longer than usual for this update. But to make it up to you I've honored a few requests to give a little Shawn and Khalan, and so here you go!

In the last chapter Charlie, Khalan's brother and Shayley's ex, showed up, but before we see how that's going to play out I'm giving you a little break from the drama in this bonus chapter! It's set a couple of months before the story and I thought it was a cute idea. We get both POVs so jackpot!

Happy reading!


"You and I will be as one
All I know is that I feel it
Like it's the realest thing, I mean it."

Song: Maybe ~ James Arthur


Khalan's POV

I paced to and fro in my dorm, biting my nail.

"Okay, keep doing that and I'm going to get dizzy," Khadijah, my roommate said. "Khalan, sit."

"I'm not a dog," I scoffed. "Besides, I can't. He walked out on me last night Dijah, and he didn't come back!"

"He probably needed to cool off," she shrugged. "I've only known you guys six months and even I know how he gets."

"You know what? You're right," I said in an attempt to convince myself. "You're right, you're right, you're ri-"


I turned to face her. "What?"

She gestured to the door. "Well if you're going to move around like that at least make yourself useful and answer whoever's knocking."

There was someone knocking?

Groaning, I went over to swing it open. "Wha-"

I stopped when I saw my visitor.

Shawn, looking as perfect as ever even though he was just in jeans and a sweatshirt.

He smiled softly. "Hey Princess."

"You came back," I said.

"Should have never left like that in the first place," he said. "I'm sorry."

I sighed in relief. "It's okay, I shouldn't have pried anyway."

"You did nothing, I was only in a bad mood because of my father," he explained.

And you took it out on me? Now sir...

"I thought things were better between you two."

He chuckled. "They are, doesn't mean we still don't see eye to eye on some things."

"So we're good?" I asked.

He smirked, and then he pulled me close to him. "We're great Michaels."

I smiled, and he lowered his head and kissed me softly on the lips, and suddenly both of us forgot that we had ever argued.

"Okay," Khadijah interrupted from her bed. "You made up, good. Now go out and do something for Valentines Day so I can watch back to back episodes of Grey's Anatomy and feel sorry that I'll never have that McDreamy type of love."

"It's Valentines Day?" I asked.

She facepalmed herself. "How are you the one with the boyfriend sweetie?"

Shawn laughed. "Dijah, vocal as always."

"Shawn," she greeted.

"But come on Princess, did you really think I'd show up here with nothing up my sleeve?" Shawn smirked, before extending his arm. "Let's go."

"Do I need to get changed?" I asked, looking down at my jeans and my...well Shawn's hoodie.

"You're perfect Michaels, let's go," he said.

"Get your ass out of here," Khadijah shooed.

I laughed. "At least let me get my phone."

I went back to grab my phone from my bed and slipped my feet into my Vans before leaving like my roommate told me to.

"So where are we going?" I asked Shawn as he led me out of the building and into his car.

He opened the door for me to get in, and then went round to do the same for himself. Strapping his seatbelt on, he answered, "Out of town...for a day."

Out of town?

"Shawn, you do know we don't exactly have a good history with our out of town trips right?" I chuckled.

"Yes we do," he defended.

"We've gotten stranded like three times before," I pointed out.

"Huh," he said. "Well, I promise you Princess, this won't be a fourth."

I nodded. "Okay."


Four hours later...

"You were saying?" I asked with a smug smile, as we sat in the car by the side of the road.

"You jinxed us Princess," he said. "You just had to didn't you?"

You guessed it, we were stranded, again.

"Don't blame me," I retorted. "I only warned you."

He sighed, leaning his head back on the seat. "I really just wanted to make it up to you."

I held his hand. "It's okay Shawn, really. It's the thought that counts. Besides, if I'm stuck anywhere, I'm glad it's with you?"

He chuckled. "How do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"See the upside of everything," he went on.

I patted his shoulder. "It's called optimism Shawn, try it sometime."

He chuckled, and then leaned towards me to kiss me. "You can be optimistic for the both of us, that's why I love you."

I grinned stupidly. Every time he said "I love you" I fell for him all over again.

"I love you more Shawn," I responded.

He smiled. "Highly doubt that but I'll take your word for it."

I chuckled, and then looked out the window, looking around at the quiet town we were in. "Where are we anyway?"

"Nowheresville USA?" he joked. "Come on, let's go see if we can find help to get the car going. I've tried everything I know."


Shawn's POV

We both stepped out of the vehicle and walked down the street, hand in hand. Fucking hell Shawn, you can't do anything right can you?

It's a miracle Michaels was still with me to be honest. I didn't deserve someone as great as her.

"How about there?" she asked, pointing to an autobody shop down the road.


"That works," I said.

We walked a short distance to the place and entered. A man slid out from under a car when he heard the bell at the top of the door ring. His hair was graying out and he was covered in dirt and oil.

He wiped his hands on a rag. "What can I do for you folks?"

"Our car broke down about a mile away," I said. "We were wondering if we could get some help."

"You can, but I'm short staffed today kids, it'll take a while."

My heart sunk. "How long?"

"I want to say a day...but I'll be done by tomorrow morning."

"Tomorrow morning?" I repeated. "We need to be out of here in a couple of ours at most."

"Well we can't all get what we want can we?" the man, Jerry from the look of his name tag, said.

"Shawn it's okay," Michaels said. "We can just find some cheap motel and stay the night or something."

She was delirious if she thought I'd let her spend the night in some dump. Besides, we needed to get going before I lost my window of opportunity to surprise her.

"Sorry kids, but that's the earliest I can offer," Jerry shrugged.

"It's okay, we'll wait, thanks for your help," Michaels told him.

I gave him the details of my car as well as where to find it, and then Michaels and I got going.

I sighed, swinging my arm over her shoulder. "I'm sorry."

She chuckled. "Shawn, it's okay, really."

We came to a stop at the side of a building and I kissed her forehead. "Have I told you how much I love you?"

"Only about a million times, but I can bear to hear it once or twice more," she joked.

I didn't hesitate to kiss her, backing her up against the wall. Everything about her was perfection. She was my sun, my moon, and all my stars. She was my entire damn universe and she had no idea how much power she held. If this girl broke me, there would be absolutely no chance I could put myself back together. That's just how much I love her. How much I was in love with her.

"Aw, you two are so cute! But can you not like...have sex in front of my grandma's restaurant?"

I pulled away in an instant, a little startled by the voice. Michaels was blushing like crazy and I found that extremely adorable.

"If you're hungry, go eat in there instead of eating each other out here."

I looked down at the little girl standing in front of us. "Excuse me? What are you, like eight?"

She scoffed. "Hey, I might be short but that doesn't mean I'm young. I'm thirteen and a half if you must know."

"Still young," I retorted, bending down to her eye level.

"Uh, hi," Michaels said, finally getting a word in. "I'm sorry but...who are you?"

"Oh, my name's Leslie," the girl grinned. "You're pretty."

"Thank you, so are you," Michaels replied with a smile of her own. "I'm Khalan, and this is Shawn."

"Can I ask you a question?" Leslie said to her.

Michaels chuckled. "Sure."

The girl placed her hand at the corner of her lips like that was going to prevent me from hearing her loud whisper. "Your boyfriend doesn't like me very much does he? Judging from his scowl."

I rolled my eyes.

Michaels laughed. "He's just in a bad mood."

"Well I was in a good one up until I was interrupted," I remarked, and Michaels hit my chest lightly.

"He's hot though," Leslie whisper-yelled again.

Michaels smirked and then whispered too. "I know, but don't let him know that. His ego's as big as Russia."

Leslie gestured as if she was zipping her mouth closed and nodded. "Our little secret."

"Okay, what is happening here?" I interjected.

"Are you guys hungry or what?" Leslie asked. "Come on in, it'll be on the house."


"We're starved," Khalan interrupted. "We'd like a bite."

"Really Princess?" I asked.

She shrugged. "What? She's being nice. And it's not like we have anywhere else to go."

"Yeah Shawn, listen to your girlfriend," Leslie said smugly.

She took Khalan's hand and pulled her away into the restaurant, her dark curls bouncing on top her head. I just sighed and followed.

"Hey gran, I brought customers!" she chirped.

The lady wiping down one of the tables smiled at us. "Leslie honey, did you go around promising free food again?"

Leslie shrugged. "Well you said to be nice to people if I want to make friends."

Michaels chuckled. "It's really okay, we'll pay."

The lady looked at us and waved it off. "Oh it's okay sweetheart, Liv's got you."

"This is Khalan, and this is Shawn," Leslie went on. "They're in love."

Michaels blushed again and I laughed.

"Love you say," Liv said. "Well, there's a little Valentines Day fair going on tonight a couple of blocks away at the fair park."

"Really?" I asked. "We'll check it out then."

Well it's not how I wanted the day to go but it would have to work.

Liv fed us lasagna, pasta, chocolate cake, and whatever else she could suggest. She was probably one of the kindest people I'd ever come across. Khalan stayed at the counter talking to her, while I just sat at our table and used my phone.

I heard someone approach and looked up to see Leslie taking a seat opposite me.

"I like her," she said. "Khalan, she's nice, and pretty. How is she so pretty?"

I chuckled, looking in Michaels' direction. She glanced at me for a second and I winked, causing her to blush and look away.

"Oh you're in love love huh?" Leslie teased.

"How can I help you Les?" I asked.

"It's nice to see a guy give a girl attention," she continued anyway. "And not just I want to make out with you attention."

I caught her eyes wander about in a certain direction and smirked. "And I'm guessing you want that attention from someone?"

I cast a glance at the boy about her age, sitting in a corner chatting with his friends.

Leslie blushed. "What? No."

I chuckled and leaned forward. "When the kid walked in your eyes basically popped out of their sockets. Just between you and me, I think he likes you too."

The kid had been staring at her for like an hour now. I wonder how she didn't notice.

She rolled her eyes. "Shut up, no he doesn't. Look at me, and then look at him."

I turned my head to look, and she smacked my hand.

"What are you doing?!"

"You said I should look!" I defended.

"Yeah, subtly," she hissed. "Gosh he probably caught you."

I laughed and leaned back.

"Shawn, you wanna go?" Michaels called.

"In a second Princess," I answered, before turning back to Leslie. "Go talk to him."

"He doesn't-"

"Do it, trust me," I interrupted.

"Fine," she gave in. "And Shawn, stop acting like you're not good enough for your girlfriend. You're perfect for each other."

I chuckled and stood up. "Thanks I guess? You're not as annoying as I thought."

"And you're not as mean as I thought," she responded. "Have fun."

"You too kid, you too."

She got up too. "Well, wish me luck."

"Wait," I said, and pulled out cash from my wallet. "Give this to Liv, there's no way I'm allowing all that to be on the house."

She chuckled. "Thanks."

She walked away and I sighed and pulled out my phone, calling Shayley one more time. That was my Valentines Day gift to Khalan. A short trip, out of state, to see her best friend.

I knew if we didn't make it there on time, Shayley would change her mind. And she did. After reading her texts I called multiple times, but she didn't answer, and so I gave up and put my phone away.

I walked towards Michaels and took her hand.


I nodded. "Yeah."


Khalan's POV

The fair was magical. We walked hand in hand down the beautifully lit street and into the park. The place was decorated with balloons, and hearts, and the air around us was filled with nothing but love.

"We should get ice cream," Shawn suggested.

I looked at him. "After all we just ate?"

He shrugged. "You want to eat ice cream or not Princess? Because I know you do."

I sighed. "Yeah I do."

We went over to get our ice cream, and I held a spoonful of vanilla goodness out to him.

"Try it."

He shook his head. "Hell no Princess, are you trying to kill me?"

I rolled my eyes at his exaggeration. "I tried your strawberry ice cream the other day. I didn't die but I took a risk."

He chuckled. "Still a no my love."

I got butterflies at "my love" and just smiled.

"Hey Shawn?"

"Hm?" he answered.

"I'm curious. Where were you taking me before we stopped?"

He shook his head. "It doesn't matter now. We're here, now, and that's all we should think about."

Like I said, it was the thought that counted. As long as I was with him I was happy.

"Okay," I said.

Suddenly the sky above us began to light up.

"Fireworks," I smiled, as more of them filled the sky. "They're beautiful."

"You're beautiful," Shawn said.

I looked at him and smiled. His eyes were so captivating it made me want to melt into a puddle every time I looked into them. They were blue, like the ocean, deep enough for me to get lost inside and warm enough for me to find home.

I kissed him softly on the lips.

"Happy Valentines Day Princess," he said softly.

I kissed him again. "Happy Valentines Day Shawn."


We ended up staying the night at an air b&b because Shawn insisted that I deserved better than the cheap motel we found and hey, I wasn't going to argue with him. In the morning we went to have breakfast at Liv's.

"You kids heading back home?" Liv asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, it was a day well spent though, so thank you Liv."

Shawn looked around. "Where's Leslie?"

Liv chuckled. "This early, probably at home sleeping."

"I was hoping to catch her before we left," he said.

"Well look at you making new friends," I teased.

He chuckled. "Shut up."

"Eat up, and then you can be on your way," Liv told us, sliding two plates of bacon, eggs and French toast our way.

We did just that and talked to her for a little while after before leaving to the shop to get the car.

"You're back," Jerry said when he saw us.

Shawn nodded. "Please tell me it's fixed."

"Like I promised, by morning," he said.

I sighed in relief. "Thank you."

We paid him what we owed, and then got ready to leave. Just as we were about to enter, I heard a voice yelling our names.

"Khalan, Shawn, wait!"

We both turned, and I laughed when I saw Leslie running towards us. She immediately ran to Shawn and wrapped her hands around his waist.

"Thank you thank you thank you! You were right!" she squealed.

"Right about what?" I asked.

Shawn winked. "Our little secret Michaels, sorry."

I chuckled.

"Anyway," Leslie said, out of breath. "Gran told me you guys were coming here so I just had to say goodbye. I know you guys are going to forget about me but thanks for being my friends for a day."

"To be honest Leslie, I don't think I could ever forget you," Shawn told her.

She blushed shyly and I grinned at their cuteness.

"Well, bye guys," she said.

"Goodbye Leslie," I told her warmly.

"And Shawn, remember what I told you," she said.

What did she tell him?

"How did you two become besties in a day?" I chuckled.

"My charm Michaels," Shawn said. "I can't help it."

Leslie fake gagged. "Ugh, you do have a huge ego."

"You'd be surprised how people find that charming," I told her.

She chuckled.

"I'll remember Leslie," Shawn said. "Goodbye."

She hugged us both once more and stepped back so we could get into the car. Shawn gave her one last smile and I waved back at her through the passenger window. We got on the road and eventually her frame became smaller and smaller until she disappeared in the distance.

"I'm going to miss her," I admitted. "I know we only knew her for a day but...I'm going to miss her."

"I'll lower my pride and say I will too Princess," Shawn chuckled.

I sighed. "Well, back to the real world now huh? Khadijah and Austin are going to want to hear this story."

His phone buzzed and he read the message on the screen.

"Eyes on the road?" I said. "Who's that?"

"Aside Liam texting me pictures of himself, Jacob. Something about this summer," he answered.

I laughed softly. I saw Liam over the holidays but I still missed him like hell sometimes. He knew how to liven the place up. I kept in touch with all my friends. Shayley made it hard, but I tried not to worry too much about her even though I couldn't help it. It would be nice to see her again though. Then I looked at Shawn, and I smiled softly. He was here, with me, and he wasn't going to go anywhere.

"You're staring Princess," he teased.

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up."

He kept one hand on the wheel and held mine with the other. "I love you."

I smiled. "I know you doubt it, but believe me Shawn, I love you more."


Omg I forgot how much I love writing about these two. I was smiling the entire time. Made me nostalgic for some reason lol.

Anywayyyy, after this short nice break we're going back to my other favorites. Strap on your seatbelts guys, it's going to be one hell of a ride from here!

Keep reading, voting, and commenting.

- amani

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