Cartoon Universe: Season one

By 091607ag

900 33 6

A series is coming to a Wattpad near you. Join our heroes as they battle evil and explore the multiverse in t... More

Episode 2: The Halloween episode
Episode 3: Teleporter conundrums
Episode 4: The Trojan War
Thanksgiving special
Episode 5: Whom the bell trolls
Episode 6: New from Hell(Literally)
Cartoon Universe Christmas special
Episode 7: Mystery mayhem
Episode 8: Teen Titans Go!
Ep9: Deadpool and the hero of mighty nature
Ep10: Way of the Sayian
Ep11: Super Cartoon Universe Bros.
Ep12: A dime to kill for
Ep13: Mortal Bombad Kombat
Ep14: Superman, Mangle, & Knuckles
Valentines day special
Mini short: The Pickle
Ep15: Gaston
Ep16: Arkham Mayhem
Ep17: The return of Mermaid man and Barnacle boy
Ep18: The hollow knight
Ep19: Doomsday Pt.1
Ep20: Doomsday Pt.2(Season finale)

Episode 1: The first pilot episode

165 3 1
By 091607ag

Morning comes in the great city known as Multiverse city. The city, true to its name, had been a place for people traveling around the Multiverse. Meanwhile near the city, a rather large house sits near. Inside we get to see the heroes of the Multiverse known as Cartoon Universe. Our heroes begin their day when a room with a blue and red wall painting, a poster with the Avengers on it, and a TV on top of a well furnished table made of Oak, lie two of them in a bed together. One was the Black and red haired, silver eyed heroine named Ruby Rose. The other who had trained in the Jedi arts, was a boy named Leon.



Leon: *Jumps up* Who?! What?! Huh?! *Looks at the clock* Oh. *Turns it off* It's already six.

He yawns as he goes to wake up Ruby.

Ruby:Mmmm...five more minutes...

Leon: Come on. Even a silver eyed warrior needs to get up early.

Ruby:For what?

Leon: Don't you remember? It's gonna be Halloween next month.

Ruby: Halloween?!?

Leon: Yup. 🙂

Ruby: *Jumps out of bed* Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh! I just can't wait!

Leon: It's not until next month.😅

Ruby: I know I know. It's just so fun to be in Halloween.

Leon: Well we might as well get ready.

10 minutes later

Leon goes downstairs to meet the rest of the gang. He sits right next to his long time friend, Brock.

Brock: So, you got enough money for get yourself a nice Halloween costume?

Leon: It's not until next month, Brock.

Sonic: You can never be too prepared, Leon.

Leon: Says the guy who always runs head first.

Sonic: That's why they call me the fastest thing alive.

Flash: Ain't I fast too?

Leon: He's got a point, Sonic. He is as fast as you.

Sonic: But can he use the power of the Chaos Emeralds?

Leon: Anyone can. Remember Shadow, Silver, and even Metal Sonic?

Sonic: Oh yeah. *Laughs* Forgot about that.

Patrick: So what's for dinner?

Leon: It's breakfast, Patrick?

Patrick: It is?

After breakfast

Spiderman: Got any plans for today, Luke?

Luke: Anakin is out to Europe with Batman and Weiss. I'm still waiting for MY mission with Blake, Leon, Ruby, and Brock.

Jar jar: Youssa going on a mission?

Luke: Not yet, Jar.

Leon: Good news, Luke. We going to Gotham.

Luke: Gotham?

Leon: Superman picked up some strange signals coming from the Gotham city history museum in their watchtower. He wants us to find out what it is.

Luke: Well it's a lucky day for us. Let's get going.

Leon: Hey Brock, you coming?

Brock: If I get to kick some ass, I'm in.

Leon: Well that's why we're going.

Timeskip to Gotham City

The streets during the day seem nice and sunny, but during the night, it's always filled with crimes and goons all about. Luckily, our heroes come to Gotham to seek out their objective.

Blake: Gotham seems pretty fine during the day.

Leon: Don't let that fool you though. It's always ripe with crime.

Ruby: Let's search around and see were Clark wanted to meet us.

???: No need.

Everyone: *Turns around* Bruce?!

Bruce: Clark told me he'll be at my tower to survalance any abnormally with the signals he picked up.

Ruby: Hey, so what's Gotham like during the day?

Bruce: I'll tell on the way.

On their way to Wanyetech tower

Ruby: So they have concerts and festivals here?

Bruce: Despite the crimes here, we always have a good time here.

Blake: Well that's a good thing.

Brock: We still don't know why those signals would be in a museum.

Bruce: It is said that there is a jewel back in ancient Egypt who can make its wearer immortal. Of course, it only makes you immortal if you have it on.

Leon: Sounds a bit cryptic, but okay.

Blake: Maybe since someone or something managed to find it, those signals could be morse code.

Bruce: Maybe, but someone did definitely found it.

A car stops right at the Wanyetech tower. The group head inside on the top floor.

Leon: whoo. Now this is first class.

Bruce: This floor is my office. With the latest technology, fine wine..

Superman: And one kryptonian.

Ruby: Superman! 😄

Mangle: Hey guys.

Brock: Mangle. Haven't seen you in a while.

Mangle: It truly has been a while.

Leon: So Supes, how's the love life with her?

Superman: *Blushes* Well... it's been good.

Bruce: Now then, let's get started.

They head to the computer on his wall.

Bruce: As you can see, the museum I talked about was compromised with no trace of the perpetrator. After that, there were those strange sounds and unfamiliar signals coming from a unknown place. If my theory is correct, the reason why they haven't found the signals yet is because they may have been transmitting from underground.

Luke: If that's the case, we should check there first.

Bruce: It may be located in the sewers if I'm correct.

{Later that night in the sewers}

Leon: So in any place in Gotham, why here? Would they be sick from the rat piss here?

Batman: It would be a perfect place for them to hide their transmitters. And according to this gps, the first one should be around this corner.

Ruby: To mean the corner with a tripwire I almost tripped on?

Brock: Tripwire?

Seeing the tripwire, Brock slowly disarms it for them to move safety

Batman: Looks like they knew we were coming.

Luke: Let's hope that was the only trap they have for us.

Batman: I wouldn't be so sure.

Taking the transmitter, they try signaling for another.

Mangle: Any luck?

Blake: Not much.

Leon: Well at least we have a transmitter.

Blake: Hold on. I'm picking up something.

Mangle: What's it saying?

Blake: It's just saying a bunch of numbers.

Batman: It's coordinates. Tell me what they are.

Blake tells Batman the coordinates.

Superman: It may lead us to the next transmitter.

{At the museum}

Leon: *Pushes up the sewer hatch into the inside of the museum* Ah. Finally, fresh air.

Batman: I've been in worse places.

Brock: So have I.

Luke: Now all we need to do is to find that amulet before it gets stolen.

Batman: It's not gonna be easy.

Leon: What makes you say that?

Batman: It's heavily protected, and any wrong move can trigger the alarm which activates a laser defense system inside its room.

Ruby: How bad is it.

Batman: The lasers themselves can cut through hard dwarven metal.

Blake: So basically an instant kill laser.

Superman: I have an idea. Follow me.

The heroes all head up to the large Egyptian room with pyramid replicas, ancient masks, and the amulet itself.

Leon: Cool.

Batman: The amulet is called “ The gift of Ra”. It is said to believe that the sun god Ra gave a pharaoh an amulet that as long as he wears it, he will never die. No one knows what happened to the pharaoh or wether the amulet in that case is real.

Superman: So it could be a fake for all we know.

Brock: Well at least they haven't came here yet.


Blake: What is it?

Batman: Everyone down!

Rockets burst through the doors while everyone ducks with the rockets exploding upon impact of a wall.

Leon: Looks they're already here.

???: Correct you are.

Mangle: That voice.

Brock: Aw crap. It's him.

K.Rool: That's right. It is I, King K. Rool.

Leon: So you're that one that's trying to take the amulet!

K. Rool: Those transmitters were merely just a ruse to get you all right into my trap.

Batman: Looks like I'm not the only one with the brains here.

K. Rool: I'm also the one with the brawns.

Droids come out of doors with B1 and B2 battledroids.

Blake: Aw great! Droids.

Brock: I don't mind!

Superman: I don't mind either.

K. Rool: Let's get this over with!

Droids: Roger Roger!

Ruby: Alright!

The battle starts with droids firing their blasters. Batman shoots his grapple and repels to the balcony.

Luke takes his blaster and Blake take her gun and sword and they both slice down the droids. Brock and Leon bring out their LMGs and fire on the droids, being careful not to hit the artifacts.

Superman and Mangle fight down the droids using fist and claw. Batman drips down and joins in the fight. K. Rool runs out and bashes to Leon and Ruby comes to his aid.

K. Rool: Time for a rematch, boy!

Ruby: If you want the amulet, you'll have to get through us!

Leon: Agreed!

K. Rool: Very well!

K. Rool lands the punch on Leon, but he blocks it with his fists. Ruby activates her scythe trying to cut up the Kremlin King. He turns around and uses his brass stomach to block her attack. Leon lands a punch on his back. K. Rool grabs Ruby and throws her at him. He catches her and they both bring their weapons out with Leon igniting his new lightsaber sword hybrid.

K. Rool: I have weapons too!

He pulls out his blunderbuss shooting a large cannonball. Leon and Ruby jump up but that's what he wanted them to do when he uses his sucking ability I his gun and starts dragging them to his gun. As they got sucked in his blunderbuss, he shoots them out to a wall. They both get back up and think of a plan.

Leon: Alright. It's time we end this.

Ruby: You ready?

Leon: I am.

Leon shoots out his laser beams from his eyes landing on K. Rool. Ruby activates her semblance and sneaks up on K. Rool turning her scythe into a shotgun and shots him out to Leon punching him in the face sending him flying to the case with the amulet. The rest of the droids were already destroyed as the rest of the heroes go and aid Leon and Ruby.

Batman: Looks like you beat him once again, Leon.

Leon: Well I have been training. *Bone break* Ow! My arm.

Batman picks up the amulet and examines it.

Batman: It's a fake.

K. Rool: WHAT?!

Mangle: So that means the real one is still out there somewhere.

Superman: Then I guess we saved the day then.

K. Rool: You'll pay for this heroes!

He calls out for a flyer droid and grabs on to fly away laughing away to the city.

Luke: Looks like he won't bother Gotham anytime soon.

Blake: Finally it's all over.

Batman: Not quite.

Brock: What do you mean?

Superman: We still need you guys to help us with something.

Leon: Like what?

Superman: Like to help us clean up this mess.

Leon:*Looks around the room all destroyed*  Oh...well oops.😅

The gang start laughing as they start to clean up the room and get a well rest for their first pilot episode and their mission is accomplished.

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