jaeyong || 1 8 5 0

By jamsnrice

1.6K 110 91

Two princes fall in love.... More



157 12 21
By jamsnrice

Three weeks later

"Is everything ready? I do not want any mistakes at all, haechan where is haechan?"-"everything is set Your majesty I have not seen the prince since this morning, I believe he went to the sunflower field"-"not again, please go find him mark"

He left the ball room running to find Haechan, Running to the stable to get his horse and find him as fast as he could.

There he was his fluffy hair could be seen by the tall flowers everywhere, He got off his horse and walked to where he was. "Mark!" haechan stood up right away putting away his book "Why do you hide it?" mark smiled making haechan blush.

"No reason, did you need something?"-"Your mother was looking for you, maybe you should go back or now and start getting ready for tonight"-"right I will" Mark took a step closer "W-what are you doing" The taller brushed his hair "you had a sunflower petal on you" 

"thank you um lets go now" He grabbed his book and walked to where mark waited for him offering to help him up of his horse "Thank you" He slowly put his arms around mark's waist holding on "the sunflowers are growing beautifully aren't they" haechan said admiring them "They are the sun is always shining bright making them look stunning"-"yeah it is"-"but I think you are the most stunning one here" Mark said smiling at haechan.

"Stop doing that It makes my heart flutter"-"thats the point your highness" haechan rolled his eyes smiling hugging mark tighter.


"You needed to see me mother" Haechan came in the ball room seeing his mother going through the list for the 100th time since the sunrise "Yes, go get ready for the evening guest will being to arrive at six"-"it's so early~" he whined "hush go get dressed, there is pumpkin pie in the kitchen you can have some after you finish"

He ran out the ball room and up the stair case to the kitchen to find mark waiting there already  "Go get ready and then you can have some"-"You're no fun" He whined going to him giving him puppy eyes. "That doesn't work on me anymore"-"Please~" haechan hugged him reaching for the pie behind mark.

"No come one lets go" The taller led him out the kitchen to his room. "wow that looks really nice" Mark said looking at Haechan's outfit for tonight. "Yup it even has a small sunflower here look" He pointed at the end of the sleeve a gold sewn sunflower. 

"I'll put it on now then" he took the outfit taking it to his dressing room leaving mark to wait in the main room. 

a few minutes later he came back out buttoning in the last button of his top "how does it look"-"charming as ever it compliments your gold skin brighter than a thousand light"-"s-stop that's embarrassing mark" He blushed furiously "its true" Mark walked to where haechan stood and looked at him in the eyes.

They stood inches away mark looked at his pink lips that were threateningly beautiful, haechan breathed heavily as mark slowly leaned in until their lips met, mark brought him closer by the waist holding his chin up with the other hand, haechan hugged mark back none of them stopping, until footsteps were heard both pulled apart quickly. 

"Haechan, are you almost done?"-"Y-yes mother I'm almost done I'll be there in a bit"-"okay" The footsteps faded off, both looked at each other smiling in love "I have to go get ready too now, I'll see you in a bit" mark kissed him one last time before heading out the room. 

Sighing in love he fell onto his bed smiling at the high ceiling touching his lips where mark had kissed him. quickly he remembered he styled his hair wanting to keep it fluffy but neat and took his crown placing it perfectly and out his room.


"How do I look" Taeyong spun looking at his parents smiling "you look cute"-"Cute?! im supposed to look good" both laughed "Of course you do but spinning makes you cute" His mother said "Be very careful taeyong, remember not to tell anyone you are from Tenebris or it will go down in a bad way"-"I promise I won't thank you for letting me go again I'm so excited!"

"It must be exciting, well go on now you don't want to be late, take good care of your brother"-"yes yes I will I have to go now bye~" He hugged them both before leaving the throne room. 

jeno waited for his brother ready to leave "thanks" taeyong took bacons lead getting on "Lets go!" he took out the small map to Helianthus. "Okay you have the compass? I have no idea where north is"-"how do you not know?" jeno took out the compass handing it to his brother.

"Okay now we can go" leaving behind the familiar place they lived in amazed by how the place changed they looked back and realized it did look a bit intimidating dark skies and snow only falling on their side, where they were was the sun that filled with light the field of trees and flowers and deers around the area.

"This very pretty"-"it is" both in amazement as they went on. "We should be there in another thirty minutes we have gone about fifteen minutes out "what do you think it's like" jeno asked "I have no idea but it sounds like we will have a great time apparently there is food and desserts and music with many people dancing"-"great we dont know any dances"-"sh*t you're right"


"No freaking way Jeno WE MADE IT" Taeyong yelled in happiness and excitement seeing the huge castle and sun flower fields before the village. "Its so pretty" as they got closer to the gates of the village.

They stopped at the front "Why is it not opened yet? isn't it almost time?" a villager on the other side of the gates "Are you here for the ball tonight?"-"yes we are"-"the main entrance is west from here thats why you dont see anyone entering through here"-"oh thank you how far?"

"Pretty far, this village itself if quite a size and the palace is the double"-"FAR?!"-"yes are you in a rush?"-"yes it begins in less than an hour"-"better make a run for it"-"We will have to thank you again"

They left back "we won't make it on time we're going to be late lets hurry, alright bacon we're gonna need to see how fast you are" Taeyong patted him signaling to run as well as jeno. 

The sun was getting lower and they "Oh my gosh jeno it probably started by now, how humiliating were going to look bad in front of everyone"-"we'll just say we got lost" he said loudly the galloping of the horses invading most of the sound. 

"This place is huge"-"we should be there soon"taeyong whined the whole way how late they were.


"Is your friend not here yet?" Jaehyun was up in the ball balcony as people came in through the doors haechan looked around "No not yet I hope nothing happened to them on the way here" Haechan panicked "Relax maybe they are on their way" renjun patted him "I hope so"

"Jae honey any lady catching your attention?" his mother came up "im not looking for anyone tonight or another night, this isn't even our place mother" he huffed resting his head on his right hand from the balcony.

"Eunji you too honey look around" - "I am no one catches my attention"-"dont tell me you look for that fantasy dream boy of yours" jaehyun teased "maybe.. anything is possible" she said back"

"ugh im so worried why tae hasn't arrived yet" haechan said "Patience dear im sure your friend is okay" his mom came reassuring him. Mark came over pulled him to the side "do you want me to go out and see if I can find them on sight?"-"you'd do that?"-"for you" haechan nodded "please do"-"I'll be back soon then"

He headed out to the outside looking around if anyone was on sight, a little further and there were two figures there coming his way, lifting his light up making both stop in front of him "Are you by any chance Haechan's friend?"-"I am"-"I'm mark lee one of the guards from the palace, I came to look for you, the prince was worried sick"-"we're so sorry we got lost in you back gates"-"I'm glad you are safe follow me it's just around."-"Thank you"

They made their way over back to to the palace 

"It's beautiful" taeyong said admiring the place "Thank you very much, will take you to the hall so you enter through the main staircase, that way the prince has a nice surprise?"-"are we the only ones?"-"yes you are the prince wanted everyone to wait for it to begin till you arrived"-"oh my gosh I feel so embarrassed of arriving so late"-"no worries it's your first time here"

they finally were able to walk in the castle looking around, of course design wise was very different from their's, sunflower symbols around the place that represents their kingdom. "enjoy the evening" mark said as he opened the grand doors to the ball room, they froze in place as the beautiful melody of elegant violin and piano played in the background, everyone turned to look where both stood

They bowed as they slowly made their way down the stair case until they made it down in front of the King and queen and haechan who stood beside them  both with a huge smile finally getting to see taeyong, Haechan ran down the stairs hugging his friend announcing to everyone 

"This is Lee Taeyong and Lee Jeno my guest of honor please treat them well" He said to the rest of the people who bowed at both and clapped for them. "Thank you for waiting for us tonight " Jeno said after Haechan's father stood "let thae ball commence !" Everyone cheered as the music began once again. 

"I can't believe I finally get to meet you!" Haechan hugged him again "Me neither thank you so much for inviting me, it's my first time at a ball"-"of course! Jeno welcome I hope you enjoy tonight" haechan said to the younger "Thank you hyung"-"let me introduce you to my parents"

They went the opposite side to the indoor balcony the rest of the family was "Mother Father this is Taeyong and Jeno" he excitedly said to both "Welcome both of you haechan speaks of you all the time im glad you could make it"-"thank you your majesty we are honored to be here"

Of course both chatted away for quite a while. 


Mark made his way around to the balcony haechan and the rest were "Did you find them?"-"see for yourself" he motioned his looked to the stair case Haechan gasped and looked at both "you did! thank you thank you" 

Meanwhile Jaehyun sat next to his Parents and the rest of the royal family who was with haechan. Boredly looking around until the grand ball doors opened again, he looked over taking a glance and looking back but immediately looked back again a boy around his age staring at the staircase with another boy.

He looked at him, he was unreal like a character from a fantasy book. His heart raced faster than it ever has, never taking his eyes off of the boy. Eun-ji who sat next to him either stopped looking her face was red as a tomato "it is like angels heard me and brought me who I asked for" She said looking at taeyong,  jaehyun's heart tightened hearing her say that.

Haechan left running down "Lee Taeyong" Jaehyun heard 'so thats his name, it sounds beautiful' A few minutes later haechan came back but with the two boys, he looked even better up close. 

Eunji immediately stood up "I'm Jung Eunji it is a pleasure to meet you Taeyong" she said sweetly "It's very nice to meet you too your highness" He smiled at her , jaehyun stayed silent. "do you maybe want to go walk around?" she asked him "If you allow me to" extending his arm so she could link it. 

"What a gentleman" The queen said looking at them "Haechan I'll be back" He said "Of course! take your time" He said "Mark lets go dance"-"Lets go" he took him by the hand 

Jaehyun sighed renjun was with jeno talking away with him, he saw his brothers face the whole time looking at that boy, meanwhile he felt jealousy burning that his sister left with taeyong. "whats wrong dear? go dance"-"I dont want to"-"Jaehyun go now, the princess of opulentia wishes to" His father said, he sighed for the thousand time getting up and leaving.

"What are we going to do with him, he's never interested even in the most beautiful lady" Said his mother "Whats wrong sister" Haechan's mother spoke "It's jaehyun he will be eighteen soon and no one that pleases him he denies when we pair him to someone"-"give him time, perhaphs he has no interest in ladies"-"I dont want him to stay lonely for  life time"

"I mean as in, he may like men"-"how could you say such a thing! never"-"What is wrong with it?"-"it is a princess or no one"-"it is not your choice it is jaehyun's"-"I will never allow that" She spat looking away 


The walk was rather boring for taeyong all Eunji talked about was her collection of dresses, saying how bad she looked today, all he did was say she looked fine and that the dress suited her, moving onto how she likes to bake and read a lot. "wow, really?"

He had that on repeat for the next hour until they had started heading back "You are so good to talk to tae"-"you too it was very nice to know about you"-"do you have anyone you have your eyes on?" she said looking away blushing "No actually, I've never thought about that and I dont go out much"-"I see"

They had finally returned where both families were "how was it?" the queen asked "Very fun mother taeyong is so kind" she smiled "It was nice being able to have a walk with you" He smiled.

Jaehyun heard it all still facing the other way on his throne seat. He stood up and looked at taeyong who looked back at him. 

Taeyong's heart beat was going crazy, his hands began to feel clammy looking at the prince in front of him so flawless getting lost in his eyes "I-im going to look for my brother" He excused himself running down the hall outside to the garden, his heart still going crazy. 

"what if I die" he said breathing heavily, his mind was flooded with that boy 'fu*k it won't stop' he said to himself "if I could go away I cannot my heart was left behind"-"and by who will that be"

A voice spoke behind making him turn around frightened, there he was again "You followed" Taeyong said "I did" Jaehyun walked down the stirs to where he was "you listen to my private thoughts already"

"Who are you" Jaehyun asked "A reason to tell thou?"-"wow elegant I see, I just want to know"-he blushed looking down "taeyong" , He was mesmerized by taeyong's beauty "it's a beautiful name, so how was the walk with my sister"-"it was nice"-"you dont have to lie, my sister is pretty predictable you must have been bored" he smirked 

"nope"-"liar"-"why should I lie?"-"you're too kind" silence filled the place, jaehyun looked into taeyong's eyes "you're eyes shine under the beautiful moonlight tonight "th-thank you"

The night passed by both of them talking away, not realizing how they felt for each other. Taeyong was just and angel sent to him all the rejections of ladies he had to do from his mother who would nag him all the time, it was taeyong. 


"Hyung have you seen my brother?" Jeno asked haechan who was having fun with mark and his two friends "um no I haven't maybe he's still outside, are you two leaving?-"yes we have to, we are to be home by no later than two am if he's outside he must be waiting for me, thank you for tonight I hope we meet again soon"-"no problem! bye jeno" He turned to look at renjun "I'll see you soon"-"When?"-"we shall see, goodnight renjun"-"Goodnight jeno be safe"

The doors were half closed "he must be outside then" He looked around, no one. He got on his horse ready to leave when taeyong arrived. 

Both boys were still in the garden "I dont want this night to end" Jaehyun said looking at the starry sky "Me too" Taeyong said back, he suddenly remembered and got up right away "What's wrong"-"Oh my gosh I have to go!"-"what? where?"-"I-im sorry I cant explain, goodbye jaehyun!" Taeyong looked back at him waving and running back down the garden.

"What?" Jaehyun laughed "WAIT TAE!" He ran right after the other who was more ahead of him, taeyong had made it back to the ball room "Haechan I have to go its urgent, thank you again goodbye!" Not giving the other time to say goodbye leaving him confused.

He ran as fast as he could "Wait!" he heard again, jaehyun was still behind, he made it out the doors and down the palace stairs seeing jeno waiting for him and his horse. "TAE!" of course taeyong did not stop finally reaching his horse "What took you so long?" jeno asked "No time lets go hurry" 

Jaehyun still ran after the smile never leaving his face "Jae! what happened" Haechan, mark and renjun ran to him "I have to follow him" Jaehyun ran to the guards who had horses "MOVE!" he yelled at them as they got off getting on it the other three did the same after jaehyun following.

"I see him!"-"Hya!" The horses tried catching up but the other two "we're never going to catch up!" haechan said "fu*k!" jaehyun yelled out laughing "what happened jaehyun?"-"he just got up and told me he could not explain to me, he's the one I'll see him again" saying as he looked into the distance, it felt like a fantasy love story. 

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