Bad Girl Gone Good (Adrien Ag...

By Secretstarr101

49.6K 1.5K 1.8K

(Name) (Last Name) is just an average rebel with a hunger for fun and a thirst for trouble. Nothing could eve... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 11

2.4K 82 143
By Secretstarr101

Author: Hey guys! It's been a minute. I tried to get this up sooner but I ran into a bit of writer's block. On top of that, work and daily struggles have been draining almost all my energy. On the bright side, I finally finished my associate's degree so that means NO MORE HOMEWORK...for now at least. I might go back for my bachelor's later.

Btw, guess who's birthday was today?! ...I'm jk, it was actually yesterday lol. It's so hard to believe that I'm 23 years old now. Jeez...I'm starting to get old.

Anyways, enjoy!

"This is where Marinette lives?" Purrsia asked curiously as she stared up at the building. "Yep, she did say something about living in a bakery. Kinda weird if you ask me." You replied. "It sounds amazing to me! Imagine waking up to the smell of fresh pastries in the morning! It would be even better if it was fresh jerky!" The spotted kwami said dreamily, causing you to chuckle. "I gotta admit, that doesn't sound half bad."

Upon walking into the bakery, the scent of fresh pastries filled your nostrils, making your mouth water. "Hello there, how may I help you?" The blue-haired woman behind the counter asked with a welcoming smile on her face. "Um, I'm looking for Marinette." You said."Oh! You must be her new classmate from (hometown) she talked about. Here, have some free macaroons. Just a way of saying welcome to Paris." She said, handing you a bag filled with a couple of different colored macaroons. "Cool! Thanks!"

"Marinette is just upstairs. Go right ahead." Nodding your head, you made your way upstairs. On the way, you snacked on a macaroon. "These are amazing! Wanna try one, Purrsia?" The spotted kwami nodded her head vigorously. After passing her one, she began munching on it happily.

You walked up to the first door you approached and knocked on the door. A few seconds passed before the door opened, revealing the blue-haired girl.
"Sup, Marinette."

"Hi, (name). What are you-? Mannon! Put that down!" Marinette scolded at a little girl with brown pigtails before sighing and turning back to you. "Anyway, what are you doing here?" She asked. "I just came by to see if you wanted to hang out or something."

"Sorry, I'm stuck babysitting sitting today. Maybe another day?" She declined sadly. "Alright, no problem." You shrugged as you got ready to leave. "Since you're here, can you please do me a teensy favor?" You raised an eyebrow at her. "That depends on what that favor is."

"I have to take care of something important really quick. Can you please watch Mannon for a few minutes?"


"Great! Thank you so much!" She said before grabbing your hand and dragging you over to the little girl. "Mannon, this is my friend (name). She's going to play with you for a little bit. I'll be right back." Without wasting another second, the blue-haired girl ran out the door. You glared at the door. 'I feel like I just got played...'

You looked down at the little girl, unsure of what to do with her. Normally, you tried to avoid kids. It's not that you hated them, you just didn't care for them. There's a difference.

Seeing something shiny glint in your jacket pocket, Mannon reached in and grabbed it. "Ooh, what's this thing? It's shiny!" She examined curiously. Your (eye color) eyes widened seeing what was in her hands. "That's nothing! Gimme that!" You exclaimed, snatching your lock pick away from the little girl's hands and stuffing it back in your pocket.

'Good thing she didn't look in any of my other pockets...'

"I'm bored! I wanna play!" Mannon whined to you.

'What did I do to deserve being stuck with this little rugrat?' That's when an idea popped into your head.

"Hey, how about we play hide and go seek?"

"Yay! I love that game!"

"Okay, you go hide and I'll count."

"Okay!" You covered your eyes and began counting while Mannon ran off to hide. "Ready or not, here I come!" Scanning the room, you didn't see any sign of Mannon...perfect! You took the opportunity to plop down on the couch on the couch.

'Ha! This babysitting thing is easy.'

You then picked up a magazine from the coffee table and were about to start reading until you noticed a familiar face on the cover. 'Adrien? Hmm, that pretty boy really knows how to get around.' Propping your feet up on the coffee table, you began looking through the magazine until a knock on the door interrupt you. "Ugh! Can't a lazy girl do nothing in peace?" You grumbled to yourself as got up and opened the door. 

"Sup, Alya."

"(Name)? What are you doing here? Where's Marinette?" Alya asked, obviously not expecting to see you. "I came here to ask Marinette if she wanted to hang out but I ended up babysitting Mannon while she ran off to do who knows what." You explained. "Classic Marinette. So where is Mannon anyway?"

"Umm...she's somewhere around here...I think..."  You mumbled uncertainly glancing around. "Hmmm.. Oh well, I guess I'll just leave since Mannon doesn't seem to be here." Alya purposely said out loud. "Alya!" As if on queue, said little girl ran out of her hiding spot to hug Alya. "Hey there, Mannon. How's my favorite little monkey?"

"Great! I was playing hide and go seek with (name)! But... I don't think she's very good at it." Mannon replied with a giggle. Alya raised an eyebrow at you as if asking 'You weren't really looking, were you?' You shrugged sheepishly.

"Have you seen Kim's Instagram?

"I can't believe that after the race, Cheetu actually showed up to race him! I thought he was lying at first, but I talked to Max and he said it's true! Ugh, I can't believe I missed her! I wanted to get an interview with her!" Alya ranted.

"Cheetu is so awesome! I wanna run fast like her! Gotta go fast!" Mannon cheered as she began running around the room, making you sweatdrop.

'That's not what I say at all but she's got the right idea..sorta...'

"Phew, I'm back! Oh, hey Alya." Marinette greeted as she walked back in. "Marinette, can Alya stay with us today?" Mannon asked, hopefully. "Sure, if she doesn't mind." Marinette replied, looking towards her brown-haired friend. "Of course not." She responded willingly. "Yay!"

Seeing this as an opportunity to leave, you decided to make your move. "Alright, I guess I'll catch you guys later." You said, rushing towards the door. "Wait, (name)! Why don't you stay with us?" Marinette suggested. "Well, I just realized I have somewhere to be that's not here. So, see ya!" You replied with a random excuse. Just as you were about to leave, Mannon grabbed your hand tightly. "Please stay, (name). Pretty please?" Mannon stared up at you with big brown baby doll eyes boring into your (eye color) ones. You stared back intensely challenging her cuteness. The longer you stared, the harder it was to resist. Eventually, a defeated sigh escaped your lips.


~Time Skip~

"Yay! That was fun!" Mannon cheered gleefully. "So...much...singing..." You complained, beating your head into a pillow during every word. "Well, that's what you call a musical." Marinette pointed out, laughing. "I thought we were watching a movie. If I wanted a musical, I would have gone to Broadway in New York." You complained even more. "Come on, Frozen isn't that bad." She argued. "Are you kidding? That 'Do you wanna build a snowman?' song is gonna be stuck in my head for the first rest of my life."

"For me, it's going to be 'Let it go'. Alya added. "I actually kinda like the songs. Especially 'Into the unknown' and 'Show yourself.' They were pretty catchy." Marinette admitted. "So does that mean you like Frozen 2 best, Marinette?" Alya asked.

"Yeah, just a little bit. Do you think so, too?"

"No way, the first Frozen is way better than the sequel."

"Which one do you like best, (name)? Frozen 1 or Frozen 2?" Marinette asked you. "Frozen 3." You answered, causing them all exchange confused glances. "...but...Frozen 3 doesn't exist." Marinette said. "That's why it's my favorite." You clarified, making them all laugh.

"I like Frozen 2 more because that big meanie Hans isn't in it!" Mannon added, giving her opinion. "Pfft! Yeah, that guy Hans is a total d-" You cut yourself off, almost forgetting that Mannon was there listening. "...dummy head." You acted as if you intended to say that before, making the little girl giggle.

(Author: Sorry guys. I was watching Frozen 2 with my little cousin while I was writing this part.😅)

Hearing a knock at the door, Marinette got up and opened it. "Oh! Hi, Mrs. Chamack." She greeted, letting the woman in. "Mommy!" Mannon exclaimed happily as she ran up to hug the woman.

'Wait...Mannon's mom is the news reporter from tv?!'

"I hope she didn't give you too much trouble. How much do I owe you, Marinette?" The woman asked, picking up her daughter. "Oh no, you don't have to pay me. Babysitting Mannon is never a problem." The blue-haired girl dismissed generously. "Yep, she was a perfect angel." Alya agreed, making you roll your eyes.

'Pfft! Perfect angel my butt..'

"Thank you so much, girls." Mrs. Chamack said, thankfully before noticing your unfamiliar face. "Oh? I'm sorry. I don't believe we've met. My name is Nadja Chamack." She introduced while extending her hand. "(Name) (last name). I just moved here from (hometown)." You introduced back, shaking her hand.

"She funny, Mommy! And she has cool and shiny stuff in her pockets!"

"What?! No, I don't! You can't prove anything!" You panicked, causing Mannon to giggle. "See! I told you she's funny!" Mrs. Chamack chuckled.

"I see. Well, thank you again, girls. Have a good evening."


With that being said, the two of them went home.

"Now that's over, how about we have that sleepover we talked about the other day, Marinette?" Alya suggested to he best friend. "That's a great idea! Do you wanna sleepover, (name)?" Marinette asked you. "Huh? Seriously?" You asked, slightly surprised by the invitation. "Of course. It'll be fun." After taking a moment to think about it, you figured 'why not?' "Alright then. I'll sleep over." Just then, Marinette's mom walked in. "Hello, girls." She greeted. "Mom, is it okay if (name) stays over, too?" Marinette asked her mom. "Of course. I assume you don't have a criminal record, right?" She asked, causing you to chuckle nervously.

"...right...let's go with that."

~Time Skip~

It was now early in the night. You had run home and packed up an overnight bag before returning to Marinette's place. During the process, you had informed your mom of the sleepover, which she didn't have a problem with. After getting dressed in your pajamas, the three of you were sitting in Marinette's room telling each other random stories.

"Here you go, girls." Marinette's dad said as he brought in a plate of freshly baked (favorite flavor) cookies.  "Thanks!" You all said in unison before he left the room. Grabbing a cookie, you bit into it. "Mmm, Marinette. If coming to your house means getting free pastries all the time, I might never go home." You complimented, making said girl giggle.

"Come on, finish the story. What happened next?" Alya begged as she grabbed a cookie and started eating. "Oh, right! Where was I?"

"You showed your graffiti art to your art teacher." Marinette reminded you. "Right! So I showed it to him and he said 'That's not real art! My cat is a better artist than you!"

(Author: I had an art teacher like this irl😅)

"No way! What did you do?" Alya questioned. "I snuck into the school that night and filled all the emergency fire sprinklers with paint. The next day at school, I set off the fire alarm and let's just say that the whole school looked like a beautiful work of art. Probably my best work if I do say so myself." You explained, causing the two girls to die of laughter. "And that's how I got kicked out of my fourth school." You concluded before eating another cookie. "Did that really happen?!" Alya asked, wiping a tear away from her eye. "Yup! It's all true! My mom nearly killed me that day." You justified with a chuckle.

After you all calmed down, Marinette realized something. "Where is your dad, (name)? I've never heard you talk about him." Your mouth tried to form words but nothing came out. Seeing your uneasiness, Marinette instantly regretted her words. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."

"Yeah, we understand if you don't want to talk about it." Alya added, also feeling guilty. "It's guys didn't know. I-I just...rather not talk about it." You brushed off uneasily. "Alright. So, what should we talk about next?" Alya asked, attempting to change the subject. "Adrien!" Marinette replied. Alya facepalmed as she shook her head. "Seriously, girl! He's all you ever talk about."

"And obsess about." You added. "I know! I know! It's just that he's just so perfect! I can't help but love him!"

"Yeah, well, I love Nino too but you don't hear me fangirling about him." Alya said, playfully smacking her friend with a pillow. You couldn't help but chuckle at the two besties. "It's cute that you both have a boyfriend and crush to freak out about."

"Aww, what are you talking about? You'll find someone sooner or later."

"Alya's right. This is the city of love after all." Marinette encouraged you.

"Right." You couldn't help but think back to the feline vigilante who paid you a visit a few nights ago. "Wait... I know that look. You have a crush on someone, don't you?" Alya smirked at you. "Pfft! No, I don't!" You denied.

"Come on, tell us! Who is it?"

"We promise to keep it a secret."

Feeling pressured, you sighed in defeat. "Okay, fine! I'll admit it! I have a crush on...(favorite celebrity/character)." The two girls burst into laughter.


"Yup, I want that (boy/girl) for Christmas." You continued to joke.

You actually considered telling them about your crush on Chat Noir but you figured it would probably be best to keep it a secret.

"Don't worry, girl! If the opportunity comes, we'll personally wrap (him/her) up with a bow and give (him/her) to you for Christmas." Alya joked. "I'd appreciate that." You replied. "What are friends for?" You smiled as you watched the two girls continue to laugh and joke around.

You never thought you would find yourself hanging with a couple goodies goodies like these two. Back in (hometown), people like them wouldn't bother being associated with you, but not these two.

Noticing how quiet you were, Marinette shot you a curious look. "Is something wrong, (name)?"

"Eh, it's nothing."

~Time Skip~

It was now late at night. By this time, the three of you had finally fallen asleep. It was all so quiet until the sound of light shuffling disturbed the peace. Hearing this, Tikki stirred awake. Sleepily, she rubbed her eyes and scanned the dark room. She didn't see anything except you, Marinette, and Alya sleeping peacefully. She then noticed the shuffling noise was coming from your leather jacket on the floor. Curiously but cautiously, she made her way over and moved it.



Gleefully, Purrsia tackled Tikki in a hug. The two squealed happily before quieting down, not wanting to wake anyone.

"I missed you so much! What are you doing here? Wait, does that mean...?" Tikki whispered to her fellow kwami. "Yes. My owner is-" Suddenly, she coughed up bubbles, preventing her from saying your name. "The spell remember? We can't tell anyone your owner's name." Tikki reminded. "Right...I forgot about that..." Cheetu mumbled sheepishly.

"Wow...I never would have guessed that she was Cheetu. How is she? I hope she treating you well."

"She is a bit scary at times. And she can be a little hot-headed sometimes but..." Purrsia glanced over at your sleeping form.

"I'm glad to have her as my owner."

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