In Your Shadow

By dawnEclipse_

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Right after the event of Sasuke killing his brother, Itachi, Danzou take the chance to finally exterminate th... More

Chapter 1: Faded Light
Chapter 2: In His Shadow
Chapter 3: Naruto's Despair
Chapter 4: Changes and Jealousy
Chapter 5: Love in Genjutsu
Chapter 6: Warmth Under The Moonlight
Chapter 7: The Abduction
Chapter 8: The Truth
Chapter 9: Failed Acceptance
Chapter 10: Plan to Love Part I
Chapter 11: Plan to Love Part II

Chapter 12: Your Light

1.3K 61 44
By dawnEclipse_

"Sasuke is going to leave the village again."

Naruto can feel his blood boils after hearing what Tsunade said. 

"That asshole..."

Without bidding goodbye to the hokage, Naruto left the office and made his way to the only exit the village have. 

Meanwhile, the raven was sure taking his time walking to the gate, feeling every step as if it will be the last time he'll be there alive. The next one will be his corpse. 

"SASUKE!" A voice from the blonde, stopping Sasuke from his track. He look back and welcomed by Naruto's fist, making contact with his face. He stumble back as he feel the sting on his cheek.

"What was that for?!" The raven asked angrily.

"This dobe, rejecting me earlier and now he will punch me? What the fuck?" Sasuke thought to himself but cannot bring himself to punch back. 

He just can't. End of discussion.

Naruto glared at him, so bad that his eyes become teary. Sasuke softens by the sight in front of him.

"How could you..." Naruto muttered in disbelief. "Where are you going now?!" He yelled at the raven.


"You piece of shit! How many times are we going to play the chase and run game you love so much?!" Naruto cutted him off.

Sasuke looks away. "You don't need to come after me anymore."

"And who are you to decide for that? I am not chasing after you because you said so. I chased you because I want to bring you back!"

Naruto restraint himself from crying. This isn't the time to show his weakness.

"For what..?" Sasuke asked more to himself. "It's not like Konoha is still my home. I don't belong here."

"Home is not always a place." Naruto countered. "Sometimes it's a person. Someone who keeps thinking about you is your home."

Sasuke stares at him after hearing what he said. "What are you---"

"I'm your home, Sasuke." The raven's eyes widen as he feel his heart melts inside. "You never left my mind since the day you left. Everyone told me to stop chasing after you and it's not wise to sacrifice my life just to save you." Naruto smiles sadly as he look down.

"But I said..." He raise his head and stares at Sasuke's eyes. "I will be a complete idiot for the rest of my life if it means to save you."

The raven bit his lower lip, feeling his knees weakening with every words that Naruto said. 

"But why..." The raven questioned, unable to see the main reason of Naruto to go that far. It is beyond his comprehension.

"I didn't give you or do anything to treasure for you to care this much for me."

"Actually you did..." Naruto steps closer to Sasuke. "You gave me the bond I am wishing for since I was a child. You gave me the assurance of not being alone again.. you became my inspiration, my motivation to keep going. I am not what I am now if it's not because of you."

"You're making it sounds like I am a good person." Sasuke sigh.

"But you are. Deep down, inside your heart."

"Stop it, Naruto.. this is going nowhere " The raven turn his back at the blonde. "There's no more reason for me to stay ." He said and starts walking away.

"Then what am I?" The question made the raven stop. "What am I to you, Sasuke?!"

Sasuke faces him again. "I don't need to answer---" he wasn't able to continue talking when he saw how crystal clear tears escape from Naruto's eyes.

"Sasuke, I'm tired chasing after you..." The blonde said, painfully. "The closer I get on having you back, the tougher it gets. I am not giving up but it doesn't mean I don't get tired. Am I nothing to you?"

The raven stood there, frozen. He knows the truth, deep inside his heart. He knows how much he loves Naruto. He knows how much he mean to him. He knows how much it hurts not having him by his side but it will only kill him inside when he stays in the village without a reciprocation of feelings from the blonde.

"You don't know how I feel..." about you...' Sasuke didn't let the last two words escape from his mouth.

Sasuke shakes his head. "You don't need to worry... I am not going to do anything wrong that will affect the village."

"I might just jump off from a cliff somewhere far from here... What a suicidal freak am I..." Sasuke thought.

"Then? What about me?" The blonde asked.

"What.. about you?"

"WHAT ABOUT MY FEELINGS, ASSHOLE?!" Naruto angrily questioned, hands balled into fists.

Sasuke blinks twice, not understanding what the blonde meant. "What...?"

"Are you stupid..?" Naruto asked in disbelief.

"I'm not stupid, dobe! I just don't understand what you mean!"

"I'm talking about my feelings!"

"I don't know what you feel!"

With so much annoyance, Naruto punches Sasuke again, harder this time.

"Fvcking asshole, I'm trying to say that I love you!"

"There... I fvcking said it."  Naruto thought, face heating up.

And for countless times, Sasuke can't move from his spot again.

"You said you don't..."

"Ah, fvck it!" Naruto clenches his hair and forcefully pulls it in any direction. "You're far stupid than I am! Nevermind! Leave if you want!"

With that, Naruto turn and walk away, annoyed by the stupidity of Sasuke.

"Damn it, I thought he trained under Orochimaru but it seems like the only thing he gain is unrivaled stupidity."

"Che..." Naruto kicks the rock on the floor.

"Oi...” he raises his head, seeing the raven was already standing infront of him. He glares at him.

"What?! I'm tired of your stupid remarks, Sasuke!" Naruto exclaimed.

"You're the only stupid being here." Sasuke said, reaching Naruto's forehead and flicks it just like how Itachi do it back then.

"What did you say?!" The blonde keeps on yelling in response, showing how annoyed he is.

"I said I love you too, dobe."

"Teme---!?" Naruto's eyes widen. "W-What..?"

"I said I love you too, do--" Sasuke repeated but Naruto covers his mouth. His face was all red.

"Don't repeat it all over again!" The blushing blonde ordered earning a smirk from the raven.

"Why? Don't you like it?" He teased.

"Ah, damn it! I'm going to stitch your mouth right now!" The raven can't help but to laugh with the flustered blonde in front of him.

Naruto covers his face and looks down, desperately hiding his whole being from Sasuke.

"Naruto..." The raven called but Naruto didn't respond. "I wanna hear it again..."

The blonde uncovers his face but looks sideways. "The what?" He asked.

"Those three words."

"You. Are. Stupid." Naruto answered.

"Not that, damn it."

Naruto laughs with how easily the raven got annoyed. He looks at Sasuke and smiles.

"I love you."

With that, Sasuke move swiftly, pulling the blonde by his waist and capturing his lips. Naruto wrap his arms around the raven's neck and kisses back.

Blush creeps into their cheeks, heart's beating rapidly.

"Let's go." A voice from the distance ordered and the 11 young shinobis left from watching the scene of the lovers.

They pulled back, catching their breaths. They stare into each other's eyes making them both smile warmly.

"You are a sun, Naruto." Sasuke said, staring at him. "You shine so bright that it's blinding."

"Then? You don't want to stare at me?" The blonde asked curiously.

"No.. it's so bright that it's also captivating. But I'm scared that you might not notice me in your shadows." Sasuke placed their foreheads together.

"What do you mean, Sasuke?"

"The brighter you become, the darker the shadow you create. That's why I'll be your moon."

The raven touches his cheeks. Naruto stares at him and smiles. Sasuke leans down before connecting their lips again.

"I'll be your light during your darkest times."

Dedicated to stormfire_12 for the greatest appreciation. ❤️

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