Forever Wild. (Hiccup X Reade...

Door Red-Ramen

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Another time, another story... After the events of Drago and his Dragon Army, Hiccup stepped up to his new re... Meer

Chapter 1. The Fogged Ship.
Chapter 2. Dragon-Viking Utropia.
Chapter 4. The Light Fury.
Chapter 5. "New Berk?"
Chapter 6. Love Crazed
Chapter 7. The Waterfall.
Chapter 8. The Hidden World.
Chapter 9. Down Hill
Chapter 10. Safe and Sound

Chapter 3. The Night Fury Killer.

3.8K 106 44
Door Red-Ramen

~No one's P.O.V~

At an island far from Berk, the clouds blocked out the sun for the island.

A man gazed down below him, hands on the railing of his airship as he looked at the ships below him at the bay. Metal covered most parts of them, giving each of them the extra protections that they would need to capture the wild beasts called dragons.

The men at the bay had their mouths open in fear as they saw two dragons, Deathgrippers, landing on their land. The two dragons cackled, readying their deadly tails as an airship was carried through the air, landing behind them.

"Archers!" One of the guards shouted for them to get ready despite shaking in his boots. These men knew the danger of even holding a weapon against the male.

Four Deathgrippers landed on each of their pedestals, chains around their necks to keep them in place if they even dared - if they found themselves - to be able to disobey.

The man clad in black stepped down from his airship, not saying a word. The dim light made it hard for the archers to even see his face.

The two Deathgrippers on the ground growled dangerously, eyes shooting to every moving object as they trailed beside their master, who took slow, taunting steps towards the locked gate.

Shifting his eyes up, one of the thousands of guards lifted his hand, signalling for the men to open.

Slowly, the gate was lifted from the ground, men shouting and encouraging one another as they pulled the heavy weight of the metal door.

The man got through the short tunnel with his dragons right behind him, their guards up. The light coming from the roof barely reached the man standing in the shadows, revealing his light blue eyes.

Walking into the arena, the man ignored the dragons around him without much effort.

He did, however, notice how badly their control happened to be. The dragons around him kept breaking out of their cages, almost getting out of the arena before being shot down with bolases and rope.

He scoffed once her saw to men being tossed around like dolls by a Rumblehorn.


"The Dragon Riders attacked us here..." Ivar the Witless reported to his leaders, three War Lords, placing a wooden boat on the detailed map over the nearby lands, "Off the eastern strait." He deepened, making sure everyone understood exactly where.

Ragnar the Rock, one of the more muscular of the three War Lords, randomly picked up one of the ships out of boredom, beginning to play with it, pretending that it sailed over the map.

He made it 'crash' into Ivar's ship, making an explosion sound with his mouth while his hands flared up like it was fire from the crashed ships.

"Ragnar!" Chaghatai Khan, the second War Lord scolded the man in blue, hitting his bare arm with the back of his hand with a frown, making the man silently apologise.

"My dear War Lords!" The voice of the newly arrived sounded behind them, making the three turn around without a second thought.

They were greeted with the sight of the man before them pulling down his tight hood, lightly ruffling through his flattened, grey hair, "How goes your plans to conquer the world?" The man questioned the three before him, his lips pulling into a tight line, the closest to a smile they had yet to see.

Ragnar laughed wholeheartedly at the man, starting to approach him, "Grimmel, my old friend." He opened his arms with a smile, "Thank you for comin-" The War Lord's words were cut short by a roar of one of the man's Deathgrippers.

Once he got to close for the dragon's comfort, Ragnar found himself pinned beneath the dragon within a second, the speed of the dragon itself frightening him just as much as the pint of its tail lifted just above his head, filled to the brim with poison, just waiting to be released.

"A year since Drago's defeat, and no further along with your dragon army, I see." Grimmel criticised as he took the two steps up the stair to the platform, glancing behind him at the disobeying dragons with a taunting grin.

Griselda the Grevious, the third of the War Lords, stepped towards the man, her arms crossed, "You can thank the young chief of Berk for that." She snarled at the simple thought of the young chief.

But she'd rather kill herself before even thinking of Y/n.

"Stoick's boy?" Grimmel asked, picking up one of the wooden ships from the table, examining it.

"Y-Yup!" Ragnar got out from under the weight of the Deathgrippers that had him pinned, "He and his peace-loving Dragon Riders continue to raid our ships and steal our dragons." He answered, his words slightly muffled by his arm, which kept any of the Deathgrippers' saliva from dripping down into it.

"Mmm." Grimmel turned back away from the table, "That does sound like a nuisance." He agreed, giving the three somewhat of a nod before throwing the ship back onto the table, his lips pulling into a line once again, "But I'm in the business of killing dragons," He snapped his fingers, making the growling Deathgripper that pinned Ragnar get off and follow him, "Not retrieving them."

As Grimmel turned, and started to walk away, Griselda moved to pull her sword, only to find Chaghatai had grabbed her wrist. Her eyes went up to his. His eyes held a serious look while he shook his head no.

Meanwhile, Ragnar hurried up to his feet, wiping his face from any saliva that had dropped onto it as he ran after the male, "Uh, but Grimmel..." He started, trying to reason with the man, which he had none of.

"That idiot boy has done all of the work for you, gathering the dragons in one place," the man said, walking by the Rumblehorn that had been throwing men around, now kept still by Grimmel's Deathgrippers, "Why bother me?" He asked, annoyed of being called only for him to walk away with nothing.

"Because the flock is protected by not just one, but two Night Furies." Chaghatai spoke, trailing behind the Night Fury Killer with a grin.

Grimmel came to a halt at that. A frown on his face, his slender figure standing completely still for a few seconds. It couldn't be... It just couldn't.

"Not possible." The man responded as shortly as he could, the shock still evident in his light eyes.

Chaghatai threw his head back with a scoff, "It seems one slipped through your fingers." He taunted. The tone in his voice made Grimmel turn around to face the man.

However, before anything happened, Dagnar stepped between them, holding one hand out to each of them, a silent beg for them to stay, "There's one more thing," He said, looking at Grimmel, "There's a girl."

"A girl?" Grimmel frowned, but allowed the man to continue anyway.

"The DragonBorn." The words made Grimmel narrow his eyes, looking at the other two of the War Lords, they each gave him a slow nod, confirming Grimmel's thoughts.

"She's protecting Berk as well, and she's already reached the Alpha state." Griselda said, holding Grimmel's cold eyes. His hand clenched by his side.

"Look, Berk's dragons will follow their Alphas, so we will pay you to capture them, and bring the flock to us." Ragnar explained, his previous childish behaviour long gone, replaced by interest and adrenaline.

"Do they all have to be alive?" Grimmel questioned, crossing his arms.

"Only one is necessary to transport the flock here if the others are dead, you're free to kill two of them as you please." Chaghatai told the older man, a grin smeared across his features.

"We even have your favourite bait." Ragnar added in a singing-like voice, gesturing to the cage further away in the arena. The man slowly turned to it, upon noticing the white scales, he walked over to the cage.

"The only dragon they left us from last night's raid." Chaghatai said, his lips pulling a little upon holding back a snarl at the mentioning of the Dragon Riders' last attack.

"A female?" Grimmel's words came out, asking for confirmation once he noticed the softer edges of the female along with smaller body. The dragon attempted to hide itself with its wings, its mouth muzzled and blue eyes rid of any hope.

"So, do we have a deal," Ragnar asked the middle aged man, holding his arms open wide, waiting for his response, "Old friend?"

A loud thud caught their attention, cutting the conversation off. A chain broke as the Rumblehorn began tossing around once again, feeling threatened by the Deathgrippers in front of it.

The other chain broke, freeing the Rumblehorn. Without a second thought, the Rumblehorn charged at the War Lords, dry dust rising behind it as it sped up.

"Watch out!" Chaghatai's eyes widened as the War Lords ran and rolled out of the way of the agitated Rumblehorn.

Grimmel's ear twitched once it got close. The man turned on his heel to face the charging dragon. In a quick motion, he had pulled his crossbow from his back, shooting a projectile from it, which hit the Rumblehorn. Said dragon collapsed as soon as it was hit, sliding across the ground, dirt rose around the dragon that came to a stop right in front of Grimmel.

Silence had fallen in the arena. Even the dragons stayed silent in fear.

The man before them.

He was terrifying.

"When all is said and done, this young chief will bring me the Night Furies," Grimmel took a short break, his voice sounding a lot louder thanks to the silent room, "Along with the DragonBorn." His voice seemed to deepen at the mention of said protecter of the dragons.

The man pulled his leather boot out from under the Rumblehorn's head, turning away from it.

He started walking over to the War Lords, "They don't have a leader," He told, confidence in his voice, "Just a boy."

~No one's P.O.V~

Giggles and chuckles filled the silence of the early night. Hiccup and Y/n had talked for a long time by now. The sun was slowly disappearing, and the other riders were asleep behind them, the campfire dying out, "No, no, but in all seriousness... Why didn't you ever just... Find a home before you came to Berk?" Hiccup asked the girl sitting beside him with her legs crossed.

The girl thought the question through, playing with the sand in her hand, "I... Guess it just didn't feel right." Y/n answered, looking up at the setting sun, "Hiccup, there's so much more out there, a-and somewhere out there, beyond the sunset, lies the home of the dragons." Y/n spoke her eyes reflecting in the orange glow of the sky.

"Really?" Hiccup asked the girl, placing his hand on top of hers, witch rested in the sand.

She gave a nod, glancing at him before looking out at the sunset once again, "Legends tell of ships that sailed too close to it, only to drop off the edge of the world, never to be seen again." Y/n told the boy, she moved closer to him, unconditionally finding her fingers intertwining with his, "But those sailors who turned back told tales of a great waterfall and dragons guarding the entrance to a Hidden World."

"Wow..." The brunette trailed off, not knowing what to say as the girl opened up to him about it. She leaned her head on his shoulders, "I want to find it, Hiccup." She told him, making his green orbs widen slightly in interest, "One day I will find the Hidden World..." She sleepily trailed off, closing her eyes, "And seal it up... So that people and dragons will fight no more."

The wind blew through Hiccup's brown wildly, so deep into his memories that he barely heard the steps behind him.

He wouldn't have taken his eyes off of Berk if it wasn't for the nudge on his arm. Toothless grunted at the man as he turned to him with a light frown before smiling at the dragon, his forest green eyes showing that he knew what he wanted, "What?" Hiccup asked the dragon with a grin, shaking his head as he asked.

Toothless cooed up at his rider, his green eyes looking at him pleadingly before he glanced down and back up at him.

The young Chief of Berk had yet to build up any resistance against Toothless' cuteness, and gave into the green eyed dragon, "Oh, all right."

The man shook his head. With a click, he pulled his prosthetic leg off, making Toothless growl in excitement and joy, "You do know it's not a chew toy, don't you?" Hiccup asked the dragon, who smiled a toothless smile.

"Is this what you want?" Hiccup asked the dragon with a gasp, making the dragon jump, "Oh, do you want this leg?" He turned his head to the sight of Berk, "Do you want my leg?" He asked the dragon with an excited voice, only riling him up more, "Go get it!" He threw the leg over the edge, jumping on one foot to keep his balance as Toothless ran by him and dived down to fetch the leg.

Hiccup smiled at the energetic dragon before sitting down. Pulling out his book from the pocket of his leather clothing, Hiccup opened it and began folding the map out. However, the constant wind kept blowing the paper from the ground, so he held it down while looking around.

He hummed once he picked up a middle sized rock and placed it on the map, keeping it in place while her used his knees to keep the lower part from blowing away.

The sound of metal hitting the ground made Hiccup's green eyes shoot to the side, finding his metal leg had been dropped from above him, he turned his head to see Toothless gliding above him, purring happily as the wind held him up, "Getting pretty good at gliding on your own, bud." He praised the dragon before turning back to his map.

Toothless landed shortly after, panting lightly while walking up to Hiccup. He shoved the metal leg a little towards him, giving him a grunt as if to ask him to throw it again. When he didn't get a reaction, he gave it a hard nudge, shoving it onto Hiccup's map.

However, the concentrated Hiccup didn't move to throw the leg, instead, he allowed his fingers to trail lightly over the map, from the drawing of Berk and further to the left until his fingers got to the end of the map and touched the ground instead. He sighed, thinking about it, he hadn't gotten that far with his map.

"Oh!" A feminine voice echoed slightly above Hiccup and Toothless, making the both of them look up.

They both could do nothing but smile brightly at the females above them, their eyes soft as they stared at the girl gliding above them, "So this is where you come to get away from Gobber." Y/n concluded once Shadow landed beside him, "And I thought my place was good." She smiled, getting off of Shadow's back.

Hiccup shrugged lightly, turning his body to hers, "I have no idea what you're talking about." Toothless smiled, picking up Hiccup's leg, he threw it up before grabbing it again, getting a better grip on it.

He showed it to Y/n as soon as he stood in front of her, cooing at her.

"Aaaaaaw, is Hiccup being a meanie?" Y/n asked the dragon in a baby voice, pointing lightly. Toothless nodded sadly, playing along with Y/n to get what he wanted.

Hiccup couldn't help but to shake his head at the two dramatics, yet, he couldn't stop smiling either.

"Don't he want to play with you?" She asked, taking ahold of Hiccup's leg. Toothless let go, lightly jumping with excitement, "Well... Go fetch!" Y/n threw the leg, making Shadow and Toothless jump over the edge to get it.

Y/n flickered the light salvia that the dragon had left on her hand off, turning to Hiccup, who mumbled something about being 'playful'.

"He's right, y'know? Gobber, I mean." Y/n clarified, making her way over to her boyfriend. She walked past him at the same time as his green eyes widened in shock, joy, and excitement, "R-Really?" His eyes were focused on Y/n, who took daring steps at the edge of the cliff, "You think you and I should...?" He gestured between the two of them even though Y/n wasn't even looking.

"Oh, no, no. Not that." Y/n shook her head, frowning at the idea, "We're nowhere near ready for that." She responded, and at that moment, Hiccup was very relieved that she wasn't facing him to see his eyes sadden. They lowered to the ground and his lips pulled into a thin line as his hands ran over his thighs, "No, that's... That's crazy."

"I mean, he's right about all this. The dragons. The Vikings. I... Think it's too much." Y/n told him, gesturing to the view of Berk.

Hiccup let out a silent 'oh', of course. That's what she was thinking about.


Hiccup sighed, lightly nodding, "It does seem like the whole world knows about us now." He agreed, his hands resting in his lap.

"Yep." Y/n sat down beside him, crossing her legs over each other before leaning back on her hands, "And the more dragons we bring back here, the bigger of a target we become." Y/n told the man just before his leg landed in her lap. Picking it up, she carelessly threw it again, and the Night Furies hurriedly dived down to get it.

"I just wish we could make them leave us alone." She sighed, looking over at Hiccup.

"There might be." He nodded, earning the girl's full attention. She tilted her head to the side, a way Hiccup had learnt meant that she wanted him to continue.

"Do you remember when you told me about the myth? Of a secret land at the edge of the world, where dragons live totally out of reach?" He asked the girl. She smiled, recalling the memory easily, nodding her head.

"Yeah. That would be amazing, wouldn't it?" She looked down into her lap, her eyes sad, but at the same time, they held hope, that she would find it someday.

She felt a slightly bigger hand take ahold of hers, Hiccup's fingers were always a little rough considering that he always were doing something with them. Building, melting, holding a little too tightly on his reins. But they were the closest thing Y/n could find to describe 'home'.

"What if it's real?" Hiccup's low voice pulled her out of her thoughts. She felt another hand cup her cheek, making her turn her head to him, "What if it's out there?"

"Well," She started, pulling her legs closer to her self, "That could be the answer to all of our problems." She told the brunette, making him smile brightly, "But how well do you think that'll go?" She frowned. She had spent five years on the isle of Berk, and she knew how close the people were with their homes, "This is your home of... What, seven generations? The home you're supposed to protect?"

She turned to face Berk, "I'm fine, even happy, with the idea. But do you think they'll be?" She asked, gesturing to the village.

"Well," The man lowered his head, "Uh..." Growls caused the both of them to snap their heads to behind them.

Small smiles broke onto their lips once they saw Shadow with Hiccup's leg in her mouth, happily chewing on it. Her adorably face turned fierce when Toothless tried to take it from her. She blocked him slightly with her wing, growling at him. He coped and backed away, allowing the female to continue with her playful chewing.

Hiccup shook her head at their behaviour before turning his head back to Y/n's, "Well, we could just take Gobber's advice and tie the knot." He proposed playfully. Moving from his kneeling position to one where he sat down with his legs slightly crossed before him, "That should fix everything." He added, leaning one of his arms on his knee.

He lifted his hand in a quick motion, "But, hey, if you're having doubts about yours truly," The man shortly gestured to himself with both of his hands before allowing them to snake around his leg and hold onto each other at the end, "I'm pretty sure Snotlout's available." Hiccup suggested, his voice teasing as he spoke.

"Come on. Even I can he has eyes for your mom." She chuckled lightly, trying to hold herself from breaking out into a laugh at Hiccup's face.

He recoiled with a gasp, his mouth wide open as he groaned as if she had hurt him, his hands winding to his sides. He moved slightly forward, leaning over, he gave Y/n's shoulder a light push, "Playing dirty now, huh?" He tested, nodding a little as he already knew the answer.

"You asked for it." Y/n replied to the man, leaning a little closer to him. She giggled as she began to turn her head away from him, "You sure there haven't been a secret wedding already?" She asked teasingly, just about to move out of Hiccup's reach when he grabbed ahold of her waist, "Oh, how dare you?" He questioned the girl with a laugh, pulling her to him.

His chest made contact with her back once she got close enough to him. He held one arm securely around her waist while the other went on an all-out tickling attack, "That is a low blow." Hiccup stated as a writhing Y/n tried, and almost succeeded in escaping his hold, only to be pulled back by her upper arms, "No, no, your are NOT getting away."

Y/n was a laughing mess by then, almost completely out of breath just before she got ahold of Hiccup's sleeve and pulled his arm over her head, twisting it lightly as she pulled it down.

Hiccup groaned, clapping the ground, he admitted defeat, "Okay, okay, you win, you win!" Y/n let go of his hand with a smile.

"You always win." Hiccup smiled, holding his hand in small pain before leaning on it, getting closer to Y/n's side. She smiled, pecking Hiccup's cheek, "You knew what you were getting into." She told him, in which he nodded, "Uh-huh. Right." He agreed quickly, leaning in to place his lips on Y/n's.

She smiled into the soft kiss, placing her hand on Hiccup's cheek. However, the sound of metal hitting the ground right before them caused Y/n to pull away, leaving Hiccup to whine.

"What is it?" Hiccup muttered, not even taking his time to turn his head away from Y/n.

"Um," Y/n began, frowning a little as she saw Toothless jump down over the edge of the hill, "You can have your leg back." She started as Shadow looked back at her with big, bright, blue eyes before she jumped over the side as well, "But our dragons just left us behind." She said, causing Hiccup to finally open his eyes wide.


"How are we going to get down?"

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