Lovely Manager (Y/N)


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Imagine being THE9's manager. Must be an easy job right? Nope. What happens when Xu Jiaqi starts to become in... More

Chapter 1: New Beginnings
Chapter 2: First Official Day
Chapter 3: Moving In?
Chapter 4: Drunken Night
Not a chapter update! Just curious...
Chapter 5: Misunderstanding
Chapter 6: Jealousy
Chapter 7: Confession?
Chapter 8: The Dressing Room
Chapter 9: Just Sisters?
Chapter 10: MOCHI
Chapter 12: Housewarming Party
Chapter 13: Fever

Chapter 11: Hate Comments

844 45 20

The Next Day


Mr. Li picked me up from my apartment. I came walking down with the present for Kiki. "What's with the giant teddy bear?" He asked.

     "Oh, it's for Kiki," I said.

"Mhmm, just for her huh?" He teased.

     "It's only because she complains she doesn't have anyone to cuddle with at night," I defended.

"Mhmm, sure," he said and drove to the house. Once we reached the house, I struggled to carry the teddy bear out of the car. "You got it? That thing is the same size as you." Mr. Li laughed. I nodded trying not to struggle. I made it to the door and used my elbow to ring the doorbell. 'Come on, open the door. This thing is heavy,' I thought. I finally heard the door open.

     "Hi!" I peeked my head from behind the bear.

"Y/N! Come in," Xiaotang let me in. "What's with the giant teddy bear?" she asked.

     "Oh, it's for Kiki," I said.

"Wow, just for Kiki~," she rolled her eyes.

     "Sorry, it's only here to replace me," I laughed. "Is she upstairs?" I asked. She nodded. I drug the teddy bear towards the stairs.

"Need help," she laughed.

     "No, I got it," I huffed. I finally made it to Kiki's door. I set the teddy bear in front of her door and knocked on it. I hid behind the wall.

"Come in," she said. I knocked on the door and hid behind the wall again.

"I said you—" she opened the door. "What's this?" She looked around. I covered my mouth to hold in my laughter. She brought the teddy bear inside and closed the door. I decided to knock on the door again. "Who is knocking on my—" she opened the door.

     "Surprise!" I smiled.

"Y/N!!!" she engulfed me in a tight hug.

     "I...can't...breathe," I tapped her back.

"Sorry sorry," she let go. I grabbed her hand and dragged her into the room. I pushed her down; her back on the bed; our faces inches apart. I don't know what got into me but I liked it huhuhu. "W—what are you doing?" her face all red.

     "Awww, is the legendary Xu Jiaqi flustered?" I smirked.

"W—what? No—" I cut her off by pressing my lips against hers. I deepened the kiss. "Mmmm," she moaned against my lips. That just turned me on even more. My hands made their way inside her shirt. My fingers grazed her flat stomach. My lips trailed down her neck leaving butterfly kisses. I unbuttoned her shirt exposing her —o.o

*knock *knock

We both turned our heads towards the door. "Kiki are you ready—" Yu Yan creaked the door open. I hurriedly ran towards the door.

     "Hey~ Yu Yan~" I blocked her view.

"Oh, Y/N when did you get here?" She asked.

     "Oh not too long ago," I said trying to distract her.

"Oh ok, is Kiki ready yet?" She asked.

     "Yeah, she's just getting her things," I said.

"Oh ok, see you downstairs then," she said and walked away. I quickly closed the door and turned around. Kiki was buttoning up her shirt.

     "I think everyone is waiting for us," I said running my fingers through her hair. She looked up at me and smirked. She grabbed my face and sealed her lips on mine. I smirked within the kiss. She parted her lips and I took the chance to slip my tongue exploring every inch of her. My hands made their way down her waist. She parted her lips from mine.

"Okay, no more. Let's go," she pecked my nose. She grabbed her stuff and went out of the room. I was left standing there. Wow, she did not just— "Are you coming or not?" She peeked her head from the door and smirked.

     "Coming~" I whined like a 5-year-old and trudged down the stairs.

We arrived at the dance studio. Today the girls were learning the choreography for their new song "Sphinx". While the girls were practicing, I decided to pick up lunch. I wonder what we should eat today. Maybe nothing too heavy. I picked up some salads and sandwiches. I passed the boba shop. Should I get some boba too?

I walked into the practice room arms full of salads, sandwiches, and boba. Yes, I gave in and bought boba. Yu Yan saw me struggling and hurriedly helped me with the bags. "Yan, I got it, go continue practice," I chuckled.

"Such a small person carrying so many bags," she said and patted my head. She went back to practice. I was watching the girls practice. I couldn't take my eyes off Kiki. Just the way her body moved had me 0.0 and Yu Yan had the lower part of her tattoo exposed I just 0.0

After a while, the girls were on their break. They gathered around the table. Kiki sat next to me sweat dripping from her face. I grabbed a clean towel and gently dabbed the sweat. "Sorry, if I stink," she giggled.

"Look at the two love birds over there," Keran teased. Everyone looked at us. I glared at her.

"Wow~ this is a lot of food," Esther said trying to change the subject.

     "Yeah, I kind of didn't know what you guys wanted so I got everything," I shrugged my shoulders.

"You even got boba?!" Shaking exclaimed.

     "Yeah~ a little dessert for you guys" I smiled. "I couldn't help it," I pouted. She draped her arm around my neck.

"This is why you're my favorite," she pinched my cheek.

     "I better be," I jokingly glared at her. We both laughed. Everyone grabbed a boba while one person didn't, Yu Yan. "Do you not want any boba?" I asked her.

"Oh, I don't really drink milk tea," she said.

     "What do you usually have for sweets then?" I asked her.

"Fruits, corn, red bean ice cream and other things" she trailed off. I hurriedly got up."Where are you going?" she held onto my arm.

     "I'll be back. It'll be quick," I ran out the building to the nearest mini-mart. I came back with a bar of red bean ice cream. " cream," I tried to catch my breath.

"You didn't have to get me anything," She laughed.

     "I know but all the girls have boba and you don't like boba so I figured you wanted a little dessert, too," I gave her a shy smile. She pulled my cheeks.

"Awww, my little Mochi is so cute," she teased.

     "Stop~ don't call me that," I shyly pouted and looked around.

"Why? Are you embarrassed about the nickname I gave you?" she raised one brow.

"Look what we have here," Anqi said. "Mochi? Even Kiki doesn't have a nickname for Y/N," Xin Liu said. "Dang, Y/N are you playing Kiki and Yu Yan?" Xuuer joked.

     "NOOOO!" I defended myself. I turned to look at Kiki and she looked away like she didn't care. I know deep down inside she's upset. After the break, the girl's continued practice. By the time they were done, it was 2 A.M. We left and finally reached the house. Kiki and I made it to her room.

"Do you like Yu Yan?" She suddenly asked.

     "No, not like that. I mean as a sister,"
I defended myself.

"Good, cuz you're mine," she pulled me onto her lap and kissed my cheek.

     "Ahhh, Ki stop~," I blushed.

"Why do you not like my kisses? You were liking it earlier," she rolled her eyes.

I locked my arms around her neck. "No, I love them," I smiled and laid cheek on her head. "I missed you," I mumbled.

"Me too," she said. We sat there in each other's presence. "I should probably go shower," she said and tapped my arm. I got up and let her get her things.

While Kiki was taking a shower, I thought I should go downstairs to see if there's anything to snack on. I was walking past Yu Yan's door when I heard light sniffles. Is she crying? She was okay earlier. I quietly knocked on her door. "Yu Yan, are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah," I heard her muffled voice.

     "Can I come in?" I asked but before she could respond I opened her door. I walked up to her and saw tear marks on her face. "Yan, why are you crying?" I wiped her tear stains. "Why is a pretty girl like you crying? Who did it?" I pouted. She looked at me on the verge of tears. Next thing you know tears start falling down her face. I've never seen Yu Yan cry before. This breaks my heart.

I pulled her into a hug. "I'm sorry, please stop crying," I caressed her back.  Tears filled the brim of my eyes. Seeing Yu Yan cry makes me want to cry too. I could feel her tears wetting my shirt; her quiet sobs on my chest. I looked down and saw her phone unlocked. On the screen was a bunch of hate comments telling her how she wasn't meant to be in the group and things regarding her past. I held back my tears. I should stay strong for her.

     "Don't listen to them. They don't know anything about you and who you truly are," I said and hugged her tighter. I laid my chin on top of her head. "They're just jealous that they're not a goddess like you are," I said caressing her hair. I heard her giggle a little. She lifted her head.

"You're stupid," she gently hit my stomach.

     "Ugh," I jokingly fell back.

"That did not hurt," she laughed.

     "Do you feel better now?" I asked sitting next to her. I took a tissue and cleaned the tear stains.

"No, you don't have to," she said grabbing my hand.

     "No, let me," I kept patting her cheeks with the tissue. She gave in and sat there. I was too focused on cleaning up her tears that I didn't realize she was staring at me the whole time. I looked up and met her eyes. "Take a picture, it last longer," I winked. 

"Shut up," she laughed. All of a sudden, I tackled her onto her bed and wrapped my arms around her neck. "Argh, Y/N what are you doing?" she chuckled. 

     "Let's take a picture," I pulled out my phone. I pressed my cheek against hers. "Smile! 1, 2, 3," I snapped a picture. We took another one. This time she poked my cheek.

"So fluffy," she teased. We laid there trying to decide on which ones were accpetable. "You should probably go. Kiki might be waiting for you," she said. 

     "True. Okay, bye YanYan," I waved and walked to the door. 

"Bye, Mochi," she said. I closed her door and walked back into Kiki's. 


Hey~ I have been busy with school and work lately. Sorry for not updating guys. I was kinda in a rush for this chapter. The next update might take a lil long too, sorry :(

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