Wanted By His Diana

By sweetchoclate9

1.3M 62.8K 8.6K

It was almost over between them. Nothing was remaining. Everything was broken into pieces. At least that is w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter- 7
Chapter 10
Author's Note
The Possessive Duke


36.6K 1.8K 289
By sweetchoclate9

Chapter- 21

-Leaving Home

Martin Vincento's POV

"Mommy, are we going to the park today?" The little boy playing in the back seat asks. His mother looks back at him with a smile. His mommy is the most beautiful woman in the world.

"We are sweetie. Are you excited?" She asks. His father is in the driving seat. He looks at the boy from the mirror.

"I am." The little boy giggles and looks out the window to see if they have reached yet.

"He is growing up so fast." The mother says to his father.

"He is." His father's hand is on his mother's. He doesn't understand why his father eats his mother's face sometimes. That's gross.

"Daddy." The little boy calls.

"Yes Buddy."

"Why do you eat Mommy's face?" Both his parent's burst out laughing. Did he say something funny? They share a look and his mother blushes.

"Because, I love your mother." He brings her hand to his lips to kiss. "She is the most beautiful woman." His father says.

"I love Mommy too."

"Aww... Mommy loves you too, Sweetie." His mother reaches out and tickles him. The little boy giggles. "You are Mommy's favourite boy."

"What about me?" The father asks.

"No, Daddy. I am Mommy's favourite!" The Little Boy claps in excitement. His Mommy loves him the more. His mother laughs. Did he make his mother laugh? He is proud that his mother loves him and he made his mother laugh. He giggles again letting out the sound his parents love to hear. He wants to play with his mother and father all day today.

Placing the white flowers on her grave, I stare at her headstone. Evangeline Vincento, Beloved wife and Loving mother. The words engraved on the stone stare back at me. It is always like a punch in the gut. It's something I can get used to. I don't remember how many times I wished she was alive, I still do, just like I wish my father was alive. But it's something beyond my control. Something I can't change.

I have come to terms with it a long time ago. The memory of the time my father informed of her death comes back to me. I just came from school, a very bad day already, he takes me to hospital without another word and she was in the hospital bed with tubes attached to her. Just like Diana was when she met with the accident. I was scared for the first time in my life, to see my mother like that.

"Mom." I rush to her to hold her hand. She is sleeping. I link my fingers with hers and she opens her eyes. A small smile graces her lips. My father comes to her side in seconds.

"Baby, I will call the doctor, stay awake." He presses a button beside the bed and pushes open the door quickly to call a doctor.

"I love you, My Sweet Boy." Her voice is barely a whisper.

"I love you, Mom." I want to hug her. But there are so many wires attached to her. She smiles back at me.

The doctors come rushing into the room. A nurse escorts me out and asks me to wait there. I see my mother holding my father's hand as they share a few words.

"Sir, please. You have to wait outside." The doctor tells my father. I watch them literally pushing him out to operate on mother. The door closes and we both wait outside. My father holds me trying not to break down. He loves mom very much. Tears slide down both of my cheeks. I don't like seeing mom like this. It was scary.

By that night, the Doctor tells us the news of mom passing away and my father broke down. So much changed that day.

I don't want to see Diana like that. I don't want to lose Diana like that. She has to live. She has to live her full life, even if it's not with me.

"Martin." Her soft voice calls me and I look at her in surprise. I came here without her. She was sleeping when I came out. It's still very early in the morning. She walks to me with open arms and I don't waste a minute to rush into them. We came here together last year. She held me just like today. "Why didn't you wake me up?" She asks pulling away.

"Diana." I pull her to my side and hold her close. My mother would be so happy to see us together. Diana places the flowers she brought on the grave and leans her head against me. She knows everything about me. From the time my mother dies to how I lived through the years till I met her. When mother passed away, everything changed. Everything.

My father and I have become distant. He immersed himself in work. Shortly I entered my teenage and without anyone's support, it was hard. I had gotten into fights almost every other day. Father has to come meet the Principal at least once a month. He got so immersed in work that we started spending less time together. He was there for me and I was there for him, but not like before.

Once I completed school, I had no interest in running the company. I just wanted to leave everything and runaway and that's what I did. I left the house and town that reminded me too much of my mother. Not knowing on how to deal with the loss of mother at such a young age surely had an impact on me for a long time. I wanted to get away from the pain and I did. I chose to go into army.

The rigorous training nearly showed me a way to deal with my feelings. It strangely helped me calm down. It is a way of letting out. I stayed in touch with Dad, he did come and visit me a few times, but it's not the same. For nearly ten years I was away from him. Suddenly one day, I get a call that he is unwell.

Coming home to find my father with only number of days to live is not something I was looking forward to. He was diagnosed with Cancer. It ate him out. He gave everything to me, but I just wanted him to stay alive. We sure grew apart, but after his death, nothing seemed to touch me. Nothing. I felt nothing. Life is just... passing. I had lost interest in everything.

Shortly after father's death, my grandmother passed away. Everyone I come close to, seems to meet a tragic end. That's when I realized what a curse I was. It is all my fault maybe. I had no interest in having friends or getting close to anyone. I just wanted to run my father's company. There was no other motive or no other plan... till I met her.

She brought everything back with her. Love, family... Hope. Life seemed to be the best with her. Her smile brightens my day. Waking up to her is the only thing I wanted in life. I would do anything to keep her close.

I look at her and think of what I planned to do tonight. Placing a kiss on the crown of her head I look down into her eyes.

"Spend the whole day with me." She smiles as I say that.

"I would love to."

I am eager to spend the whole day with her. "I will inform William about us. He will take care of my schedule and you don't need to worry about your work today."


"Let's go." I say and we both leave hand in hand. I take one last look at my parent's graves. "Goodbye, Mother, Father."

"Cara." She looks up from her plate. We are having breakfast in the place we went on a first date.

"Hmm." She smiles. Oh, how I would love to kiss her right now!

"Why did you hide yourself with the menu card that day?" I wanted to know for a long time, but more than that I just want to see her blush. And blush she does. Her whole face turns red.

"You told me not to show my face to you, remember?" Now that I think about it, I did. "You were so grumpy!" She scowls at me.

"I am sorry, Cara." I hold her hand and kiss the back of it.

"It's okay, Baby." She gives me her lovely smile. "You were also Sweet, Charming-"

"Sexy, Hot and oh-Handsome like you say." I say and she blushes at my words. "Will you come to the Zoo with me?" I used to go to the Zoo with my parents, Diana knows it too. We went there as our second date.

"Of course." She leans down and kisses my cheek. "Anywhere with you." Her lips fall on mine and I don't hold back. Our kiss is brief as a waiter comes to serve our food. She blushes and goes back to eating. She is going to be the death of me. I just stare at her as I think of what I planned on doing tonight.

We finished our breakfast and go to zoo. I don't leave her hand and she doesn't look like she minds it. We waltz through the zoo. I think of all the memories this place holds. My parents and me, Diana... I remember giving her a hickey that day when we planned to come here. I remember how red she turned that day. A smile comes on to my lisp as I think about it.

"Why are you smiling?" She asks, she herself smiling. I shake my head. "Tell me." We stop to sit on a bench nearby.

"I was just remembering the first time we came here and the whole day. I remember how you woke up in my arms that day, just like today. I remember how I gave you a hickey that day." She slaps my chest lightly while blushing. "I remember how red you turned just like now."

"Martin!" She hides her face in my chest. I kiss the crown of her neck. My girl! Cara Mia! My arms are around her.

After the spending the whole day together, we reach home and she goes into the bathroom to freshen up. My heart clenches as I think about what I have to do in a few hours. She looks so happy today, for spending the whole day together.

She has been trying so hard to get me to stay since the past two days. She flirted with William and some guy from the financial department yesterday to get me to react. I don't want to see her flirt with others it's making me jealous and the longer I stay with her, the more I don't want to leave. I want to just stay and tie her to me. But I don't want to be that curse to her.

I don't want my curse to eat her out.

I only kill the people that get close to me. They all end up buried six feet under the ground. I don't want that for her. I can't bear the thought of that happening to her. No! Not to Diana! I don't want to lose another person that I love. I can't bear that and I can't live with it if it's Diana.

Picking my phone, I call William's number. He picks up after two rings.

"Did you get everything ready as I said?"

"Yes, Martin. The plane will be waiting for you midnight. I informed the LA office about your arrival. They will set everything ready for tomorrow."

"Okay." I cut the call.

I have to do this. I have to leave before I give in to Diana. I want to stay close to her. I want to! But I should not. So, I have to leave tonight when she is sleeping.

I look at a picture of my mother, father and me placed beside the bedside table. What should I do mother?! She comes out of the bathroom wearing my shirt. Her hair is let down and she looks every bit home. My home. How am I supposed to live without home?! She smiles as she comes to me. Should I take her with me? What's the point in leaving then?!

"Hey." She slips into bed. My shirt is drowning her like always. I want to hold her. I just have to. I pull her close to me and lay my head in her lap. Her hands are in my hair. My hands are around her waist. "Martin." She whispers and my resolve breaks.

Tears start forming in my eyes. Fuck! This is the end. At least she will live.

"Baby." She lifts my head up. "Are you crying?" She holds my face in her hands delicately. "No. I am right here. Everything will be alright. Okay?" She wipes them away.

Oh Diana! "Why am I such a curse?"

"Stop saying that! You are not!" She nearly shouts angrily.

"They are died. My mother, father and grandmother."

"It's not your fault, Baby. You still have us. You have me and-and your grandfather."

"Yeah and I will cause you all to die if I stick around."

"Stop it! Please. You don't. You are the reason we are holding up to live. Who would your grandfather have if you leave?! I can't live without you!"

"Diana." I hug her again.

I hug her tightly, very tightly, but she didn't complain. She fell asleep somewhere in the middle of the night.

"I don't want to leave." She is deeply in sleep as I whisper those words to myself. But I have to. "I can't live without you." But you have to live. This is for the best. I lean down and kiss her forehead, cheeks and lips. I just stare at her taking my time to admire her. I might not get this chance again. Looking at her is only making it all the more difficult to leave.

My phone vibrates. It's a message from William. It's time. I have to go.

A heavy pain settles in my heart. I don't want to leave. "I love you, Cara Mia." Leaning down I place a kiss on her forehead. She smiles in her sleep and moves still asleep. Placing the letter I wrote for her beside her, I get up slowly, trying not to wake her up. Her immediate feeling of not being in her arms makes me feel empty.

I take the bag I packed and look at her as I leave the room.

I have to do this. For you. I am sorry, Cara Mia.

With that I leave the room. If I stay any longer, I might change my mind and stay here. This is so painful. How can I live without her?!

I board my private plane once I reach the airport. This is it! I have to so this! I tell myself. I look out the window as. My vision blurs from tears. I am bound to live this life alone. Without Diana. The thought painfully fills me. My heart is heavy. Everything changes from today. Everything. Without her, life is not going to make sense. But she should live, she should live happily and she would if I am not in her life.

I am sorry, Diana. I am so sorry, Cara Mia.


Hey my cute dumplings!

Okay, I know you all hate this, but you have to understand Martin as well. There is more to come. Tell me what you think

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