Blind Fate

By mariewhowrites

2.2K 78 4

Ian Mitchell seemed to be average. He seemed to have himself and his life put together. Until him and his gir... More



89 3 0
By mariewhowrites

*1 year and 4 months later*

My name is Amanda Evans. And I got into a really bad accident when I was 17. It turned my life around completely and I always felt out of place after that night. But now, I feel as though things are finally falling into place. Things just make sense now.

Which says a lot when you have amnesia.


"Amanda, wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

I groan in my sleep, my eyes slowly peaking open. I stretch a bit and look at Max, jumping up and down in the bed. "Max, be careful. And be quiet, you're going to wake Braden."

"Mom, it's 10 o'clock. Braden is with Dad."

I sit up quick, looking over at the empty crib. Then my eyes fall on the alarm clock beside the bed. I groan again and plop back down into the bed.

"Well, where did your dad take Braden?" I ask in an impatient tone. Give me a break, I get angry easily when I'm tired.

"Well, you would find out if you get up," Max answers, mimicking my tone. Then she stalks off and to the door.

I sit up and raise an eyebrow. "Max, stop being so cryptic. Where are they?"

"Just get up, lazy bones." I reach back and launch a pillow at her, which she dodges by closing the door. With a sigh, I get up and go to the bathroom.

As I reach for my toothbrush, I spot a note taped to it.

I rip it off and unfold it to read it. I recognize Ian's handwriting immediately.

Good morning, my love. I thought you deserved to sleep in and also gave me time to set up my surprise. Made breakfast for you. You might want to hurry before Max eats it all.

X Ian

I sigh happily with a wide smile and put the note on the counter. After brushing my teeth, I head out into the kitchen. Sure enough, there's waffles, scrambled eggs, bacon, and hash browns laid out on the table. And Max is at the counter pouring two glasses of orange juice.

Suddenly, my face falls and I go into panic mode. "Shoot, Max, did I forget an anniversary or something?"

She laughs. "Well, it isn't one yet."

"What? What is that supposed to mean? What's going on?"

"Just read the note, Mom. Dad left it for you." My eyes shoot to the table and sure enough, there's another folded note sitting on my empty plate. I take into my hands and unfold it to read it.

Fill up. This is going to be a long day for you. Look pretty for me, as you always do. A car will pick you up at 11. See you soon.

X Ian

The note just makes me more confused. But I do as it says nonetheless. I eat up until I physically can't anymore. Then, I jump in the shower and put on a light sundress. I do my makeup just as the clock reads 10:58.

When I get outside, a beautiful limo sits in the driveway. I gasp at the site. Behind it, my mom's car is parked. My eyebrows crinkle in confusion.

"Oh honey, you look beautiful." My mom's voice comes from behind me and I turn in surprise.

"Mom? What are you doing in Cali?" I question and hug her.

"Ian asked us to come out here for the day to come see you guys. Plus, we missed our beautiful grandkids." She smiles at Max who stands behind her with a proud smile on her face.

"Wow. The notes, the breakfast, the limo. What next? A bouquet of red roses?"

"Precisely." This time it's my dad's voice behind me. When I turn around, he's holding out the bouquet. I laugh slightly to myself.

"I never pegged Ian for the corny type."

"Well, hun, you bring out a different side of him." My dad laughs and I take the roses. Then I reach out to hug him.

"Well, anyway, you best be going." My mom says and I become even more confused.

"Wait, you guys aren't the surprise?"

My dad shakes his head. "On no, hun. We just came to pick up Max. Your ride is there." He points to the limo.

"But wait, I won't get to spend time with you guys? Ian invited you here to babysit?"

"We'll see you later. Now go, before Ian calls us to complain that we held you up." I hug my parents once more and then hug Max, who weirdly wishes me luck. I smile at them before opening the door to the limo. Though I know it's not likely, I expect Ian to just be sitting inside with that dorky smile of his on his face.

Unfortunately, the cab is empty.

I climb into the car and then we're off. As we get on the road, the window rolls down to reveal the driver in the front. "Good morning, Ms. Evans. My name is Peter and Mr. Mitchell asked me to take you to a few locations today. There's champagne in the cooler there and I've been instructed to give you certain things at each location. We're about 5 minutes from our first stop so I just ask that you sit back and relax because I've been informed that it's going to be a great day for you."

I smile at him with a nod. "Thank you, Peter." I reach into the cooler and sure enough, a bottle of champagne sits on ice. I pour myself a glass and do as I'm instructed, sit back and relax.

When we come to a stop, the driver window rolls down again. "We've arrived to our first location, Ms. Evans. Please remain in your seat for a few moments." He rolls the window back up and I hear his door open and then close. Then, the door beside me opens.

Though I wish it was Ian, Peter stands there holding the door open for me. He offers me his gloved hand and I accept it. Seeing him for the first time, I note his appearance.

He's a lot older, with a black and white tux on. His gloves are white and silk-like. He's wearing fancy dress shoes and suddenly I feel underdressed. As I look around us, I recognize immediately where we are at.

In front of me is our old high school, the football stadium specifically. On the bleacher closest to us, a rose sits on the bottom bench with another note. I smile at the sight.

"Well, ma'am looks like you already know where to go. Be my guest." He gestures toward the flower and I walk towards it.

I take a seat at the bench and unfold the note carefully.

I once told you that I couldn't afford roses to give to you at prom. Why don't we get a retry?

X Ian

This man really wants to remake the prom I never went to. Did he rent out the school's gym?

I look out at the field. I used to not really remember it. But now as I look at it, it all seems familiar.

"Ma'am, we best be going so we aren't late." Peter is closer now, about halfway between the car and myself.

I stand, shoving the note into my pocket and grabbing the rose. Peter takes my hand and leads me back into the backseat. I sit down and put the rose to my nose, taking in the beautiful scent. I hear Peter get in the driver's seat before he rolls the window down.

"The next location isn't that far, ma'am," he informs me.

I nod with a crooked smile. "Thank you, Peter." He gives me a curt nod before rolling the window back up. I sip on my champagne but I'm surprised when we come to a stop two minutes later. I know he said it wasn't far but this is extremely close.

Just like before, he gets out and walks over to the door, opening it for me. He guides me out and it takes me by surprise that we are still on school campus. But what surprises me more is what's on the wall.

In big balloons, the word 'prom' is spelled out. I laugh to myself as I look at it in awe.

"I'm supposed to hand you this now, ma'am." In Peter's left hand is a single rose, a folded note in his right. With a smile, I take them and unfold the note.

We never got to attend prom before because life got in the way. So what do you say? Second try?

X Ian

I bite my lip, not being able to stop myself from smiling. I look up at Peter who flashes me a small smile.

"So shall we continue, ma'am?" When I just nod in reply, he takes my hand once again and guides me back into the car. After I thank him, I take out my phone from my pocket.

I pull up my messages with Ian and send him a text.

You're crazy. But I love you.

He messages back quickly.

I love you, too. Now hurry up because I miss you.

I smile to myself and shove my phone back into my pocket. I sip on my champagne as Peter drives us about 15 minutes away from the school. When he stops again, he rolls down the window.

"We aren't getting out at this location, ma'am. But Mr. Mitchell asked me to give this to you at this location if you want to just look out the window." Peter holds out a note and rose through the window and I take them from him. I unfold the note to read it.

This is where I fell in love with you. A place I could never call home, but you made it bearable.

X Ian

My breathing hitches and I force myself to look out the window. Sure enough, standing tall but abandoned, is Ian's old house. Even though it's overgrown and rotting, it still looks the same. It gives off the same feeling even when Ian hasn't been forced to be in charge of it's upkeep. Just as I look at it, I'm taken back, years back, to when our love was fresh.

I plop down onto my bed as the phone dials and rings. On the fifth ring, he picks up.

"Hello?" When his voice registers over the phone, I can tell that he's upset. Sounds like a mix of sadness but also anger.

"Hey. I was just calling to see if you could come over today." I hear him sigh over the phone and sniffle a bit.

"Uh, I don't know, Mandy. I have a lot of yard work I have to do today."

I fiddle with my fingers and look around my room. "Well, what about if I come help you?"

Just as he's about to answer, I hear yelling from somewhere further from the phone. It sounds like his dad. "Would you get off that fucking phone and actually be useful for once?!" The vulgarity makes me hold my breath as I had never heard a father speak to his son that way.

"I don't think that's such a good idea, Mandy. Anyway, I got to go." And with that, he hangs up the phone.

I find myself holding my finger to the glass. That time in our lives seems like it was centuries ago. It seems like a memory that's so far away, I can barely grasp it. But in another way, it's so clear. More clear than they've been since the accident. I turn my attention to Peter, who is sitting and waiting patiently for me. I bite my lip.

"We should go to our next location." With a nod, he slowly pulls away from that place that reeks of betrayal and torture. I hadn't even realized I had started crying but I surely wipe the tears away as quick as they came.

As we drive, I recall on past times. The ones that I have been able to recover, anyway. The amount of love I feel in my heart right now is unmatchable. I just want to kiss Ian. And hug him. And slap him for taking me to that wretched place.

But I get it now. He's taking me down memory lane.

After about 10 more minutes of driving, we stop once again. I sit and wait to be told what to do. The door opens and Peters offers me his hand which I gladly take. I'm hoping this next stop is happy because seeing that house surely put me in a mood.

I then realize that we are parked in front of a boutique in town. I look at Peter in confusion and he just opens the front door for me in response. I step inside and immediately, one of the employees ushers over to me.

"Amanda Evans?" I just nod, speechless looking around at all the beautiful dresses hanging all around the store. "We've been waiting for your arrival, thanks to Mr. Mitchell. My name is Sandy. Will you come with me, please?" I nod once again and she walks with me to the back, to the dressing rooms. She opens a door for me and gestures for me to go inside.

I peak inside and smile once more at the sight before me. A dress hangs up to the right, by the mirror, and on the seat is a note and another rose. I slowly step inside and she closes the door after me.

I look at the dress, running my fingers over the fabric. Then I grab the note and unfold it.

This has been a long process in the making. I had to steal one of your dresses to get your measurements. You once told me what your perfect prom dress was. I hope I did a good job. Can't wait to see you in it.

X Ian

I sigh happily and put the note down. I look over at the dress and start to remember.

"Look at this, Ian. It's beautiful," I say to him and lay down on my stomach on the bed beside him. He turns his attention to me and looks at the picture I'm showing him.

"Is that your prom dress?" I scoff. How could he be so ignorant. A girl never shows her prom dress before prom.

"Definitely not. My prom dress is way more simple, I can't afford this. This is just my dream dress." I look at the dress in admiration. The dress itself is a champagne color, it's silky and flows but also hugs the model's figure. Intricate lace extends over the entirety of the dress, falling into a beautiful train. The dress is gorgeous. Especially on the model.

"You're going to look great in anything you wear, Mandy."

As I look at the dress now, I realize that it's very similar, if not the same, to the dress I showed him that night. This man continues to amaze me.

Teenage me takes over and begins to get excited as I look at the dress. I take it off of the hanger and slip into it after removing my own clothes. It amazes me how perfectly it fits.

It hugs my body in all the right places, accenting my curves. When I step out of the dressing room, the same employee from before is waiting for me. She smiles kindly at me with her lips painted bright red.

"You look beautiful. Here's a bag for your clothes." I look down at the dress.

"Wait, this is mine?" I look up at her and her smile only widens.

"Yes, ma'am. Paid in full by Mr. Mitchell." The shock on my face is evident, I'm sure. I remember this dress being ridiculously expensive. That's why I didn't have it for prom.

Nonetheless, I put my clothes in the bag. "You also get to pick out whatever heels you want, also paid my Mr. Mitchell." My shock only grows as she leads me to the shoes. I look down at my dress and then back up at the shoes. My eyes fall on a pair of high heeled shoes covered in rhinestones. They shine even under a duller light, I can't even imagine what they look like under a bright light. Sandy follows my line of vision and picks up the pair of shoes. "Try them on."

I do as she says, slipping them on. I gasp at the sparkle in them. "They're gorgeous."

"They're yours," she answers and smiles at me. She ushers me to put them on and put my other shoes in the bag with my clothes. Then she's ushering me out of the store. "Mr Mitchell is a keeper. I would keep him if I were you."

I smile to myself and without hesitation, I speak the same words that he did that day that we lost Ash. "I plan on it." And with that, Peter leads me back into the limo. I sit down, feeling blissful. I put the bag down at my feet and put the rose with the others. I sip on my champagne some more and even end up pouring more.

Why not sip some champagne? I've been told it's my day.

We drive for about 10 more minutes before he stops. I look out the window and just see trees. Confusion sets in once again and sure enough, Peter opens my door for me. I let him help me climb out and look around. We're parked on the side of the road in a forest. My eyes fall on a boulder across the street. On top of it, is a single rose and a folded note.

I make sure no cars are coming before I head across the street and to the boulder. I pick up the note and rose and read it on my back to the car.

This is the place where our story took a pause. Where I lost you. And I'm so glad to have found you again. Now hurry up because I'm dying to dance with you.

X Ian

I smile to myself and look around. This is where the accident took place. Suddenly, I'm taken back to 6 years ago on this rode.

As I regain consciousness, I look around me frantically. My head pounds as my eyes fall on him. He's unconscious and bleeding from all sorts of places.

"Oh my gosh, Ian! Ian, wake up! No, baby, don't leave me." I begin crying and suddenly, I couldn't care less about my own health. I just need to know that Ian is okay. He has to be okay.

And that's when we're hit again, my head smacking into the window and rendering me unconscious once again.

I smile slightly at the memory. It seems like it was so long ago. I bend down, placing my hand on the pavement below me. It's hot and familiar. Peter watches me while also watching for cars. We wouldn't want to remake that.

I stand back up and walk back over the the limo. "I'm ready to go. Will I get to see him soon?" I'm ready. The anticipation of not seeing him is killing me.

"Soon, Ms. Evans." Satisfied with that answer, I climb back into the car. We drive for a little while longer before stopping once again. To my right is a clearing and a path. To where it leads, I don't know.

The door opens and Peter puts out his hand. I take it and he leads me out of the car. In his hand, another note and rose. I smile as he hands it to me.

"Last one," he informs me which just makes my heart flutter. I quickly unfold the note.

This is where I was going to take you that night. You made it to the end. To prom. In the clearing beside you, there's a path. I'm waiting at the end of it. Can't wait to see you.

X Ian

My smile only grows as I realize that I get to see him finally. I look at Peter who nods at me, gesturing for me to go. Giddily, I walk away from him and down the path. The path isn't long but I can't see the end from the start either.

The trees arch over the pathway beautifully and as I walk, I can hear the hum of birds and other creatures moving around in the mass of trees. It's absolutely perfect.

When I get to the end, the path opens up over this gorgeous lake. There's a dock to my right. It's covered in little tea light and standing in the center, is him. My perfect man. His smile is breathtaking as he takes me in. It's almost like he's taking in every one of my features, drinking me in. He's wearing the most perfect tux that fits his body so perfectly.

I start my walk to him as he watches my every move. It feels like a lifetime before I finally reach him. In his hand, he holds a corsage. But I don't go for the corsage. I automatically wrap my arms around him, hugging him as tight as possible. "I'm assuming this means you enjoyed your day?" He chuckles.

I nod against his cheek. "I did. Thank you."

"Well don't thank me yet. Your day has only just begun." He pulls back, taking my wrist in his hand. He puts the corsage on my wrist, smiling like a love sick goof the entire time, my expression probably the same.

"What now? We don't have to go anywhere else, right? This is beautiful, I want to stay."

"No, of course we're staying. Every place I have taken you to today has lead you here. Lead us here. So now, all I ask is that you dance with me." As he says this, he presses play on his phone and 'Flightless Bird, American Mouth' begins to play from a speaker sitting on the dock. My smile grows as he takes my hand in his, placing his other on my hip.

"This is amazing, Ian. But why? What is all of this for?" He chuckles and raises an eyebrow as we begin to sway back and forth.

"What? I can't dramatically express my love for you every once in a while?"

"I'm not saying that. This is just a lot for one date."

"Well, you deserve it, Mandy." We sway for a few more moments in silence, just listening to the music. "You look breathtaking by the way. You truly are a sight for sore eyes."

Blush grows hot on my cheeks and I hide my face in his chest. "This dress is amazing. I can't believe you remembered."

"I remember everything. You're the one who forgot," he teases, both of us laughing as we continue to sway.

"That's not fair. Plus, I remember now." We go silent for a few moments again. "I do. I do remember. I remember waking up in the accident and being so scared you were gone. Then we got hit the second time and I just-" My voice cracks as I choke up on tears.

"Hey," he says in a soft voice, grabbing me by my face to direct my face up to his. "I'm right here. We're fine. We are more than fine. We are living the most perfectly perfect life. Because we have each other. And Max and Braden, and possibly even more in the future. Hopefully one that's actually both of ours," he jokes with a laugh.

I get up on my tippy toes to press a kiss to his lips. He kisses back immediately, pulling me closer than I thought was possible. When we pull away, we go back to swaying to the music as I lay my head on his chest.

I don't know how many songs and how long we were there just dancing and laughing, but it was absolutely perfect. As the sun sets over the lake, we stop to take in the sight. Not once do we let go of each other.

"What a perfect way to end the night," I say with a happy sigh. Ian turns to me.

"Who said the night is over?" Ian reaches into his pocket, pulling out his phone and switching the song to 'I Get to Love You'. I smile as the beautiful song starts.

Ian turns me to him, a happy but nervous smile on his face. He reaches into his pocket once more, pulling out a velvet box. When I realize what's happening, I hold my breath. Is it really true? Is he proposing?

"Amanda Evans, you are the one true thing in my life. We have the purest form of love that it gets and we are so lucky to have it. I know this has taken me long but I had to make sure every detail was perfect. I told you when we were 17 that my proposal to you would be grand. I'm living up to that promise today. Mandy, I love you. I know I say it a lot but it's the only words that make sense. I love you. So damn much. Me without you is impossible, I can't even compare it to anything. Ian Mitchell is nothing without Amanda Evans. Ash told me to marry you. And I fully intend to fulfill her wish. I brought you on this scavenger hunt today because I wanted to revisit all the milestones we crossed when our love was new and juvenile. I wanted to remind you that together, we can overcome anything. Mandy, it broke me when you left. And I never exactly fixed myself up until this moment. I guess it's a full circle kind of thing. I was broken when I found you again. Then suddenly, all the pieces started to fit back together. I know we've been through a lot together and that just proves how strong our love is, and how strong you are. You, baby, are the strongest person I know. It's almost impossible to put into words how much I admire you. You've been through some shit but you've come out the strongest on the other end. I can only hope that our future daughter is as inspiring as you and I know she will be because she'll be raised by you. You've shown me how to be an individual, away from my past and for that, I thank you. No one has shown me the love and courtesy that you've shown me these past three or so years. I had us take this vacation to take us back to our roots. And I know I'm a little late. But this was the intricate planning that I've ever done which makes me eternally grateful that the maid of honor mostly takes the role of wedding planner. But, baby, I want to do this with you. This life thing. The growing old thing. The living thing. The parents thing. I want to do it with you. And only you. You're the love of my life, without a doubt and I know I was destined to meet you. And to fall in love with you. And once I did, it was game over. I was stuck. There was nowhere else I could go besides with you. So, with that being said."

He takes a breath and gets down on one knee, still holding my left hand in his. I cry some more. Happy tears, of course.

"Amanda Evans, I love you. With every inch of my being. Would you make me the most blessed man alive, and marry me?"

I don't even waste a second.

With a violent nod yes, I jump into his arms. He hugs me tight, twirling me around in the air. Once my feet are back on the ground, he pulls back. He holds my hand out, sliding the ring onto my finger. I smile down at the gorgeous ring. It shines beautifully in the night and I admire it for a few seconds. And then my attention goes back to him.

My perfect man.

My fiancé.

He takes his thumb, wiping away the fallen tear on my cheek. Then he pulls me in to kiss me. A long, everlasting, and perfectly blissful kiss.

And it's only when I hear a camera shutter, that I realize that our entire family is now standing at the end of the dock, smiling and taking pictures.

"Oh my gosh. Everyone's here!" I say happily and Ian smiles down at me.

"Well, we didn't have a babysitter and I knew they'd want to be here for this moment." I give Ian a peck on the cheek before running over to say hi to my family. Ian follows behind me as we hug everyone who came. When I get to my mom, I see that she's holding Braden, my sweet boy. I hug her first, before taking my baby into my arms.

"Hi, my sweet darling," I say in that silly baby voice. I feel an arm wrap around my waist and know right away that it's Ian. With his other arm, he's holding up Max, who's smiling giddily at us.

"Thank you again, Ian. This is perfect." Ian smiles down at me before leaning down for a kiss.

"Ew! Haven't we seen enough of that for tonight?" Max questions and I laugh.

"Oh, Max, one day you'll understand. One day you'll have a boyfriend who you love just as much as I love your dad."

Ian's eyes widen before he looks at Max. "Yeah but, like way, way in the future. Don't give me grey hairs already."

"Oh, Daddy, you're the only man in my heart right now." Max smiles sweetly and kisses him on the cheek. I laugh because I know she's saying what she knows he wants to hear.

"Good, and it will stay like that," he answers. I smile to myself as I look out on the water. The reds and oranges of the sunset reflect off the water. I twirl the engagement ring on my finger. Then I look up at him.

He promised he would marry me.

Little did he know, I made that same promise long ago.

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