Logophile [Yoonmin]

By Ilove1D1237

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"You look so dead." "Well you did find me on Tumblr." More

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4K 437 344
By Ilove1D1237

"Then you want a...boy...?"

"A boyfriend." He responded finishing his sentence.

"Oh. Alright. You're...you're gay?" He whispered as if someone was listening. It was just them two at the house.

"I never said that."

"But you just said you wanted a boyfriend." He quietly mumbled confused.

"Does that make me gay? I just want a boyfriend. If I want a girlfriend later on then I'll get a girlfriend. It's not that complicated."

Jimin kept staring at him puzzled. He knew it was possible to like both genders. He just hadn't expected this.

"Yeah. I guess." He whispered a bit taken back. Both of his friends were attracted to both genders. That didn't weird him out in any way. However, Yoongi was a different story.

He didn't dress like a typical boy. His outfits were always different. He did have a slight feminine side to him. Jimin never did think he'd like boys though.

He didn't really think bisexuality or pan sexuality  was such a common thing. Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows slightly alerted.

"Is there a problem with that? Are you homophobic or some shit?"

"No. Not at all. I have friends who like both genders. I'm not judging. I'm just surprised. I didn't think you'd like boys that's all." He mumbled fidgeting with his hands.

"I really am full of surprises huh?" He asked leaning closer.

He looked tired, his hair was very messy and nearly poking his eyes. Jimin always had a hard time reading his emotions when he seemed so emotionless.

He just looked like a mess.

A perfectly structured mess if that made any sense.

"Mhmm. Uhh...so is there a specific boy you want to get? I should probably know who before helping you out and stuff."

"Glad you asked," he said flipping the notebook page. Jimin scanned through it noticing a list. A fucking list.

"Number one on my list is Kim mother fucking Seokjin. Second one is big dick energy Jung Hoseok. My third is-"

"Woah. Woah. You have a list? What the shit?"

"Of course I have a list silly. I have to have my options. One of them has to want me."

Jimin raised both eyebrows nodding. Nice logic. He thought to himself. "Gotcha. So you want me to help you flirt with all of them or what?"

"I just need you to give me your honest opinion if they're attainable or not. Like if they're way out of my league let me know, okay? Don't lead a brother on. Promise you will tell me the truth?"

"Yeah. I promise dude."

"Pinky swear." He said extending his pale finger.

Jimin looked down at it. "I thought only five year olds did this."

Yoongi grabbed his shirt pulling him closer. He gasped shocked. "Pinky swears are sacred. Do you know what happens if you break one?"

"Your pinky falls off." He whispered.

Yoongi nodding letting go. "Exactly. So now pinky swear you will tell me the truth?"

Jimin looked down at his now wrinkled shirt. He had been so harsh he even unbuttoned one button on his shirt.

"Fine." He finally replied handing him his pinky.

Yoongi smirked once their pinkies wrapped around each other. Jimin's finger was so tiny. To the point it was basically getting lost in Yoongi's.

"Can I continue with the list?" He asked abruptly pulling away. Prolonged human contact bothered Yoongi.

Which was ironic since he was looking for love.

Maybe when he found the right one he wouldn't mind being all touchy.

"Uh huh. Proceed." He replied interested.

"Third is my fucking daddy Kim Taehyung who is your friend so that might give me extra points. Four is my other daddy Byun Baekhyun because if Taehyung don't want me I have someone that kind of looks like him,"

"Five is sexy ass Kim Namjoon. Uhh...do you have questions or concerns?" He asked once he saw Jimin staring mighty hard.

"Mmm. Yeah. I have quite a few concerns. How can I say this?" He thought to himself.

"What concerns? Just say it. You pinky swore! Your tiny finger will fall off!"

"Fine. I will tell you. I...I don't think none of them would really be interested."

Yoongi huffed offended. "What the fuck? I'm basically the ideal package." Once he caught a glance of his reflection in the mirror behind the door he frowned.

Who was he was kidding?

"You said be honest!" He quickly added thinning he was frowning at him.

"Well, why not? Tell me why?" Shut up Yoongi. Don't humiliate yourself even more. "I'm smart and boys like smart guys, right? I can even do their homework for them or some shit. I'm tiny enough I won't require lots of food. I'm not clingy." Dammit. You had to keep blabbing.

"They just don't seem the type to be into smart guys. I don't know. I could be wrong." He said awkwardly scratching his head.

"Alright. Are you going to tell me why you think none of these will ever like me? I asked for your honest opinion therefore I'm waiting for it." He said crossing his arms over his chest.

Oh. He was a big masochist.

At this point this conversation had become torturous instead of fun. This was not going as planned at all.

Jimin took a deep breath. He hated being mean, but if he didn't speak up wouldn't it just be a dick move? It'll be like setting him up for failure.

"Seokjin is too pretty to be gay. Hoseok just scares me too much and I think he already has a boyfriend. Taehyung is...he's mean as hell I'm saving you from a heartbreak. Baekhyun is—"

"Okay. Okay. Never mind. I got it. They're all too pretty for me. None of them will like me. Cool." He sighed taking a big gulp of banana milk.

"Don't get discouraged. Uhh...how about Kun? He seems nice. Or Yugyeom. He's sweet too."

"Kun? Will Kun want me? Will Yugyeom want me?" He whispered setting the container down.

His eyes were big and full of joy. He had a milk mustache and Jimin couldn't help to smile. Yoongi just looked so innocent.

"I'm sure either of them will."

"What if they don't even like guys?"

"There's only one way to find out, right?" He said reaching over to wipe the milk.

Yoongi froze holding his breath. Jimin's hands were soft and his touch very gentle. "There. You had a milk mustache."


"Maybe if you styled your hair like so." He suggested traveling up to style it. Yoongi remained still not knowing what to do.

He had never been so close to him before. Finally, he noted his chest was exposed and he couldn't help to stare. It was inevitable. 

His scent was so manly. It wasn't too overpowering to the point it made him nauseous. It was the right smell.

As Yoongi kept staring he became more mesmerized. Angelic. Jimin looked Angelic. He always did believe angels existed, but he had never seen one up close.

Jimin looked back at him and shook his head. "Your hair is too long. I actually like your hair better the way you style it either way."

"You do?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah. It's pretty cool. I don't think I could pull it off."

Yoongi felt his heart racing. He started panicking and pushed him away. Jimin grunt losing his balance and falling back on the bed. Good thing they were still on the bed.

"What the hell? Why was that for?" He asked offended.

"Why're you being so nice to me? Are you recording? Where's the phone? Where's the-?" He stood up holding the gallon of milk.

"I'm not recording you. I can't be nice to you?"

Yoongi realized how crazy he sounded and looked. He slowly took a seat back down. "I have a hard time trusting people."

"I see that." He snapped annoyed at his aggression.

"I can't believe that a popular guy like you is here at my house having an actual conversation with me. I know you're doing this for Sana but either way it's a surreal thing."

Jimin softened up at his words. "I know this all started because of Sana, but you're actually nice to talk to."

"Really?" He whispered.

"Mhmm. I pinky swear. It's the most sacred way to promise something." Jimin told once again extending his hand.

He smiled wrapping his pinky around his. They held it together for a couple of seconds neither of them speaking.

Deep down, Yoongi knew he meant nothing to Jimin. But, oh, how he made him feel special.

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