| The Lone Ruler of the Void...

By Jake123415535

87.2K 982 571

Read more to find out ;) Also I do not own the Characters, Pictures or the show. They belong to their respect... More

Start of a new E R A
C L A S S. . .
V Y (I) T A L

C L A S S . . .(Part II)

3.4K 71 32
By Jake123415535

Enjoy your life...


It wasn't often that a good fight would be present in Professor Goddwitches class. Mostly the usual overconfident student and the helpless. The latter that most dislike, even F/N. Looking down at people infuriated her, in given time they would be stronger than you. Closing her eyes, while her ears were filled with the sounds of grunts and clashing. 

She didn't want to witness this, yet her ears are as clear as day. Jaune would lose either way. He wasn't prepared at all. Even the most basic questions about Aura were unknown to him. As if it was his first time hearing anything about it, his own was apparent yet it was weak. 

"Come on Jauney boy. Don't tell me you can't get up after a simple beating?" 

Jaune held his lower half in pain, his breathing ragged, his mind in a daze. He wasn't focused at all. He was nervous. Scared. Clearly Cardin is more experienced than him in almost every manner. The latter being studies. 

Jaune clenches his sword, deciding this would be the best time to surprise attack him and was met with a hard kick to his face. Gasps run through the crowd. Cardin's smirk was as wide as ever, the professor, Glynda, sought to end it.

"Enough. There's no need for more escalation. As you can see how Mr. Arc was defeated easily while not paying attention to his Aura levels. A fatal mistake to anyone fighting a rouge Hunter or Grimm." 

Glynda glared at both of them with disapproving eyes, clearly with multiple flaws. She deeply sighs under her breath, shaking her head in disappointment. Her voice rang through the class, commanding as ever, lecturing them on their mistakes. Honestly she couldn't stand teenagers who were too overconfident or too weak for their own good. It made her rethink her life choices sometimes.

"Remember class, always keep a steady eye on your Aura levels. One fatal mistake could mean your life. Seeing as how the majorities performance are, more than half of you wouldn't make it as far in life as a Hunter. I expect you to improve, not the other way around." 

Whispers spread throughout the crowd, their professor was a lot meaner than they had expected today, not a surprise to some. 

Jaune was escorted to the infirmary, after being a subject of a beating by the school's bully. F/N's eyes showed pity towards the young blonde, even if he faked his entry into Beacon, he should at least try to prove himself.

░▒▓█►─═ ⅍ ═─◄█▓▒░

Ruby skipped through the hallway, she couldn't wait to taste the new batch of cookies she'd been waiting for half the day! Truly this was a happy moment for her, before her ears caught sound of Cardin and his gang, with the usual bullying the Faunus. She herself couldn't help but hold disgust towards his actions.

She hoped karma will reach him sooner or later in life, maybe then he'll get a taste of his own medicine. Taking an alternative route from him, she came across her big sister. She could never miss the snow white hair she'd come to adore her whole life. 

Tapping her shoulder, she covered her sister's eyes with a wide smile.

"Guess who it is!" 

"Hm... Let's see... A cookie monster? Or perhaps a cookie thief? Or is it my cute and precious little sister!" 

Grabbing her sister by her lower half and tickling it, fully aware that was her weak spot, laughter rang through her mouth. Begging her sister to stop tickling her in front of everybody. It was wholesome, something the first years would find very cute.

"S-Stop! It's too ticklish!" 

"You forced my hand! Now you shall pay the price!" 

Ruby knew to never try to surprise her big sister again, or suffer the same fate. 

░▒▓█►─═ ⅍ ═─◄█▓▒░

Ooblecks class was straightforward and fast. He was known for his hyperactive behavior with a brilliant mind to back it up, a true historian of history if Ozpin had to put it in his words. A one of a kind teacher. To students, the reality was very different from their perspective. 

Zipping around the class, teaching the students about the Faunus war, which the majority weren't interested in. This however took the attention of F/N, maybe this way she could learn how their counterparts behaved in war times. Her eyes tried to keep up with her Professors speed in moving to different areas at such a fast pace. Ultimately leading her to rubbing her neck in pain.

Her eyes traveled to a certain sleeping blonde, with his head being constantly hit by paper balls from behind which was Cardin of course. Truly a scum is what she thought. She couldn't do anything about it without interrupting her Professors lecture. It wasn't the first time she'd see Oobleck assigning additional work to those who disturb his class.

This garners the attention of Oobleck, he was struggling with these two students in front of him and had enough. His only thought was that this must be stopped. He stops in front of Jaune, his snoring ringed into Ooblecks ears causing him to sigh. This might call for additional work it seemed.

"Mr. Arc! Would you tell me the reason behind the following  failure in the Human side, for example?" 

The sudden question caused Jaune to jolt up in surprise, looking to his rights and lefts before staring straight, rubbing his eyes after the small nap. He pointed at himself causing the Professor to nod. Nervous, he stutters in between his words.

"I-uh. Can you repeat that again?" (Jaune)

"I'm afraid no, Mr. Arc. You should understand that not paying attention in class, would result in this very moment. Which to both of us, do not want. So please answer my question." (Oobleck)

Fidgeting in place, Cardin laughed at him, causing Oobleck to target him next. He was all too familiar with this child. Always cocky and overconfident. The type he'd love to question all about. 

"And how about you? Mr. Winchester? Will you answer in his stead for you're fellow classmate?" (Oobleck)

Cardin shook his head profusely, deciding to avoid the question for now and get back at Jaune soon.

"It seems not. Well, alright. I want 5 pages as to why the failure of conquering Fort Myth resulted by tomorrow morning on my desk. I expect it soon. Anyway, class!"

Cardin's scowl was fully reminiscent on his face, while Jaune looked down in shame. There were varying looks of pity, though not as much as the one a Champion was giving him.

░▒▓█►─═ ⅍ ═─◄█▓▒░

By the end of class, Pyrrha dragged Jaune up to the roof, she saw potential. Or was it the opposite?

F/N, curious, decided to follow them, her footsteps were quiet, the door was slightly opened. Leaving room for her to peek and hear into their conversation. Though at a bad time, Jaune had revealed his faked transcripts to Pyrrha, and by extension, herself.

Pyrrha's expression to say the least was... mostly full of shock and distrust. The Herrscher contemplated on various reasons before finally landing on one conclusion, hope.

The champion's expression was full of disbelief, she was adamant on helping him despite that, though what she was met instead was a resounding rejection by the blonde himself. And with that came Pyrrha's rushed exit down into the building, F/N quickly hid next to the door to avoid being hit,

However, another voice quickly came into play, one she recognized with a scowl. 


Yet again this boy would ruin people's lives just for fun. A role more fitting of a Villain than a Hero. It truly disgusted her how someone of his stature had made it into this school. One thought came up to her mind, 

She knew the bastard would blackmail the poor boy for this. 

One day he'll pay. The price of the Devil.

An eye for an eye.

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(another heavily edited chapter i just finished)

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