Unalome [Junsol]


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In which way Junhui's dark life is enlightened by the appearance of Hansol. ••• "The unalome symbol is for t... More

Chapter 1: "Stop spouting craps Jeonghan hyung"
Chapter 2: "Ayy, someone is getting defensive."
Chapter 4: "I'm his brother, Lee Jihoon."
Chapter 5: "Nobody will love me as much as mummy and daddy do."
Chapter 6: "That's one hella rich friend."

Chapter 3: "Call Doctor Jeon, now!"

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Junhui calmly seated himself at the mahogany desk. He eyes the mountains of files and documents before his eyes set on a file written with a now-familiar name.

헌솔 Vernon

He reaches for the file. Chan must have set it on his desk as requested. It was as if Hansol's whole life has to turn into a book. Junhui skimmed through the whole file, stopping in parts that seem to interest him.

Jeonghan and Seungcheol share a look with each other when they saw Junhui was giving all of his focus on a file in his hand that he did not even hear them knocking.

"I've never seen him like this," Seungcheol commented.


"Like, so invested in reading a file. He barely reads through a contract." The older between the two huffed.

"Oh my darling Cheollie, you don't know anything do you?" Jeonghan slyly ruffles Seungcheol's hair before marching to Junhui's desk, knocking it to draw Junhui's attention.

"Boss, we're here." He says, catching the leader off guard as the younger focused on them like a deer caught in a headlight.

"Oh, you're here. Sorry." The younger responded, hurriedly shoving the file into the drawer. He ignores Jeonghan teasing smile and Seungcheol's curious gaze.

"Anything you're reporting, Cheol hyung?" Under a record time, Junhui manages to pull himself together and back to the serious and grim Hades.

"I have. It seems like you're right. There are a lot of corrupted officers in this part of the city. I also notice some government officials have been making a lot of visits to my higher-ups. I think they're up to something."

"Your higher-ups, you said?" Jeonghan sassed.

"Don't start it Yoon Jeonghan." Seungcheol deadpanned, already feeling exhausted by being there. Handling one Yoon Jeonghan is harder than handling an armed police force. At least those people followed orders.

"I haven't even started anything yet, what do you mean?" Jeonghan deadpanned.

"That's why I said, don't start."

"Hyungs, please take your lovely bickers outside of my office." Junhui deadpanned, stopping the two from bickering.

"Also, I received info this morning, there's illegal human trafficking going on under our nose. How did this happen?" Junhui demanded. He reaches for an envelope set on his desk before spreading the pictures on the desk showing kidnapped children and women in an isolated warehouse.

"What the— Who the fuck did this?!" Jeonghan seethes. Seeing the children's scared innocent faces boils his heart.

"We have a traitor inside then. How long this trade has been going on?" Seungcheol inquires.

"According to my sources, two months. He just found out about it last night when one of the people involved accidentally blurted this out, drunk."

"Action and people involved?"

"Tartarus, bring Charon with you, I'm sending you to Daegu to end them. I want the traitors in the interrogation room tomorrow. Can you?"

"Noted. We'll get them. How dare they do this when we're going legal..." Seungcheol mumbled, clearly disappointed.

"Next, Lucifer, I need you to work with Hypnus and get to the bottom of the things and trades that's been going on between the said corrupted people. I need a report on that too." Junhui ordered.

"Alright." Jeonghan nodded as he jots down everything Junhui said on his iPad.

"By the way, any update on the renovation progress?"

"You can move back to your penthouse in a week. I know it's hard to sleep here so hang in there boss. We would love to go back to our home too." Jeonghan responded.

It has been a few weeks since the renovation of Junhui's penthouse therefore the Divine's leader stays at the main headquarter. Not wanting to let their leader be lonely at night, except for Seungcheol and Minghao, all of the elites insisted on staying at the main headquarter making it a temporary home for all of them.

"That's good to hear. By the way, search for a new place for Jihoon. His old house has been discovered by his enemies. Even though he is Charon, I'm still worried about his safety."

"Noted. I'll help him with that. Anything else?"

"None for now. I'm sure Cheol hyung needs to leave?" Junhui question when he saw Seungcheol looking at his wristwatches for the ninth time.

"I apologise but I just remembered that I have a meeting in 30 minutes but the drive from here to the station is about 45 minutes. Can I go?"

With Junhui's approval, Seungcheol then excuses himself to leave as he needs to go back to the police station. The eldest left hurriedly, almost bumping to the innocent Minghao who was about to knock on Junhui's office door.

"Yes, Minghao?" Junhui asks when he saw Minghao in newly-changed clothing. He looks way more comfortable and free now rather than his normal black attires.

"Boss, I'm going out, for now, I'll leave for the next mission tonight," Minghao announced as soon as he stepped into the room. He waited until Junhui nodded in acknowledgement before excusing himself.

"Is he still seeing that singer, Dokyeom?" Junhui observes once Minghao is out of his sight.

"Yes. From the way he's acting, I think they're quite serious with each other." Jeonghan replies with a tight-lipped smile.

"That's good for him. Dokyeom is a good guy." Junhui asserted calmly. He then reaches for the first files on top of his desk.

Jeonghan observed Junhui's reaction as the younger certainly look relieves and no longer hungover Minghao like he did in the past. He had been by Junhui's side for as long as he remembered therefore he knows the former's feelings towards Minghao.

"By the way, you have an appointment with Doctor Jeon in fifteen minutes," Jeonghan added.

"Jeon Wonwoo?"



Hansol walks out of his apartment ten minutes after sending Junhui and his so-called subordinate away. Although the older male insisted on sending him to work, Hansol declined as he was still very much embarrassed.

His face turns crimson at the thought that he had hit someone with roses. In his defences, he was shocked to see a person sitting in his living room so early in the morning and the first thing he can reach for as a protection for both him and the injured Junhui is the fresh thorny roses.

It took Minghao almost ten minutes to explain himself and the male went back to with scratches on his face and arms. He remembered Junhui's waves of laughter when the older saw Minghao sitting at the small dining table with a bloodied face. Hansol wanted to patch him up yet the former said no.

"Hansol-ah!" A familiar voice called from his back making the blond male turns around. He saw one of his friends rushing towards him wearing comfortable gym clothes.

"Soonyoung hyung, good morning!" The younger greeted with a small smile.

"Morning! Going to work?" Soonyoung breathlessly asks, trying to catch his breath.

"Yes. I'm thinking of grabbing some hot choc from Seungkwan's cafe."

"Good, let's go together. I want to grab some breakfast."

"Hyung it's like ten in the morning, why haven't you had your breakfast?" Hansol curiously questions. He saw dark circles around Soonyoung's eyes, making the older male look exhausted.

"I know. I woke up late to settle some important documents for my studio. When I realised the time it's already around four in the morning. That's why I look very tired right now. Don't worry, I just need some coffee." The older male assured.

Pushing the door to Seungkwan's cafe, the aromatic coffee scent and freshly baked goods hit them.

Glancing around, Hansol noticed that there are only a few people in the cafe including them. Seungkwan himself was standing with his back facing the door while finishing his customer's orders.

"Morning Seungkwan-ah!" Soonyoung greeted Seungkwan enthusiastically. The younger male who notices his new customers which also his good friends grins.

"Good morning hyung, hey Hansol," The male responded.

Hansol responded by waving his hand to the other. The two waited in the queue for their turns.

"Both of you looks dead," Seungkwan commented when he faced them.

"I stayed up for the studio's documents but I don't know what happened to our precious Hansollie."

"I'm fine. Something happened last night so I didn't get enough sleep," Hansol assures them. "Don't worry, it's settled."

"Well then. So what can I get you both?"

"Big breakfast for me please, I know it's not on your menu but do your favourite hyung a favour," Soonyoung responded, sounding like begging.

"I— you're not my favourite hyung but fine. Hansol?"

"Two hot mochas."

"For Shua hyung?" Seungkwan asks as he wrote Hansol's name on the paper cup for the drinks.

"Yes. Thanks, Kwan-ah," The younger male said when he pays for his mochas. The blond male then waves goodbye to both of his friends after getting his mochas.

Hansol pulled up the mask to cover his nose before going into his beloved Table&Tulip.

"Morning Shua hyung. This is your mocha." He greeted his co-owner.

"Hey, Vern, oh— you look so tired are you okay?" Joshua asks as the younger approaches him.

"I didn't get enough sleep, don't worry." The younger assures. They spoke for a while before Hansol went into his workroom which is separated from the rest of the shop.

"Good morning my love." He singsong as he got in the flowers in his room.

It was a known fact by his close friends that Hansol is allergic to pollen. However, he had loves flowers ever since he was younger and decided to be a florist. Meeting Joshua who shares the same interest as him in college, the two agreed to open a shop and work together.

While Hansol works with hypoallergenic flowers such as roses, tulips, daffodils, carnations and orchids. He also loves making bouquets from peonies, hydrangeas and irises. Joshua works outside of Hansol's room and handles other flowers especially the one with pollens along with attending to their customers as Hansol is a very shy and private person too. He normally limited himself to interact with people he is comfortable with.

Hansol feels very lucky for having a great friend and brother like Joshua. He was forever grateful for the older male for being super nice and understanding.

"Let's get to work. Hwaiting!" He cheered himself for the day.


"Welcome, Doctor Jeon," Jeonghan begin once he is steps away from the sofa where Wonwoo was seated.

"Hello, Jeonghan-ssi." Wonwoo nodded in acknowledgement. He then follows Jeonghan to the elites infirmary where Junhui was already seated wearing a sleeveless shirt and shorts.

Wonwoo raises his brows when he saw Junhui's face with scratches from the fall. The Chinese male was still oblivious to the entrance of his personal assistant and the doctor as he keeps reading the documents in his hand.

"So how did Hades gets injuries this time?" Wonwoo sneered, stepping closer to Junhui.

Jeonghan tactically left the room to give some space for the two old friends to talk and of course, he was respecting Junhui's privacy to receive the treatments he needed.

"I'm also a human, jumping from the third floor will cause me injuries. On top of that, I've been poisoned." Junhui replies, not caring about Wonwoo's sassy tone.

"Please, people die or at least broke their bones from this kind of jump. You got away with scratches. Did you have a group fight last night?" Wonwoo gestures the other male to sit properly for his check-up.

"Obviously, Wonu-ah,"

"I don't really want to know since I've warned you a couple of times that it's dangerous for you." Wonwoo snorts, rolling his eyes.

"Do I need to write a report on this?" The male added when he notices a file addressed to him in beautiful cursive handwriting.

"Yeah, Erebos needs that since he's making an antidote for my special condition."

"Why don't you have him checking you up?"

"One, he's a scientist, two, he's a very busy person and lastly, the guy can't even take care of himself with his clumsiness. I'd rather not have myself getting stabbed or poisoned by accident." Junhui explained truthfully to Wonwoo.

Just like the Divine elites, Wonwoo is one of the person Junhui trusts and confide the most. Wonwoo is his best friend since school years and the male stayed as Junhui's friend despite knowing Junhui's other identity.

"Jun-ah, that's dangerous," Wonwoo interjected with a worried expression.

"Don't worry. He's a very good person. A big puppy even." Junhui chuckles. He was reminded by Mingyu's puppy-like attitude when Jihoon or anyone refuses him.

"How about you, how is it going with your life?" Junhui inquires. He watches Wonwoo cut the bandages on his arm.

"This wound is pretty deep, though the treatment and bandaging were done properly. Did the scientist you have here did it for you?" Wonwoo inquires as he touches the wound carefully.

"No, it's someone I just met and he helped me," Junhui replies, ignoring Wonwoo's questioning eyes.

"Well, he must have a good basic in dressing up wounds and all. You don't need stitches though. But make sure to be careful of this wound. Other than this one, others were pretty much scratches you got from the jump... You didn't dislocate any bones right?"

"Mine? Nope. Others, I can't promise." Junhui's playful answer gets him a knock on his head from Wonwoo.

It took Wonwoo another fifteen minutes to finish the check-up and treatments while handling Junhui's questions regarding his life.

"I'll just need to add a few more in here. Are you in a hurry?"

"Boss has a meeting actually and he's five minutes late now," Jeonghan answered when Junhui turns to look at him. It was unknown to both males when did Jeonghan came back and stand by the door.

"Well then, how should I pass this report to?"

"Just send it to the door that writes Erebos's lab." Junhui nonchalantly responded as he fixes his clothing.

Wonwoo who saw the horrified look on Jeonghan's face tilted his head in confusion. "Jeonghan-ssi?" He called softly.

"Oh—em, nothing. The lab is on the third floor. You can go straight from the elevator..." Jeonghan stops before continuing, "I would highly advise you not to go in the lab though. It's good enough if you put it on the floor in front of the door."

"Uh, okay?"

"Don't worry. The worst scene would probably us finding you dead of poison." Junhui smiles as he said that which Wonwoo returns with a scowl.

"See you around, Jeonghan-ssi. Jun-ah, I hope you trip on your way to hell." Wonwoo slightly bowed his head to Jeonghan before seeing them walking out of the room.

"Did I tease him too much?" Junhui asks which Jeonghan rolls his eyes to the younger.


From the elevator, Wonwoo calmly walks in the hallway until he finds a door with keep out signs everywhere and the familiar cursive handwriting saying 'Erebos's lab' on the door.

"So this is the place." He mumbles.

Wonwoo sets the paper on the floor before turning away and bumped hard to a taller figure causing the other to fall flat on his butt.

He blinks in confusion when the other whines. Wonwoo watches as the male looks up to him and recognised the latter right away.

"Don't you want to help me, Doctor Jeon?" The latter pouted.


It was awkward after both stands up and faces each other. Mingyu smiles sheepishly at the thought that Wonwoo would probably realise his other identity.

"What are you doing here?" He inquires quietly.

"I'm sending Junhui's report to Erebos since Junhui and Jeonghan is running late for a meeting. So—you're Erebos, right?" Wonwoo questions.

"It's that obvious eh?"

"Well, I wouldn't know my most frequent patient would be the mad scientist Junhui always talks about." Wonwoo shrugged. He then excused himself by bowing slightly to Mingyu.

"Wait— emm, are you free now?" Mingyu quickly stopped the older by holding his arm.

"Not really. I need to go back to the clinic. I come here solely for Junhui's check-up."

"Well, I thought we should talk about this properly. I don't want you to misunderstand me." Mingyu replied, sounding like a sad puppy. Wonwoo can see his imaginative dog ears falling flat on his fluffy hair.

"Sure. I'll see you around Kim Mingyu or I should call you Erebos now?" Wonwoo smiles softly. He reaches up to mess with Mingyu's hair.

The taller's eyes lit up like a happy puppy. He nodded vigorously. "But please call me Mingyu. Erebos is kinda unsuitable."

"Sure. See you,"


It was a week after Junhui's meeting with Hansol. It is also past midnight when Junhui arrives at Hansol's apartment. He did not even realise that he drove to Hansol's apartment instead of his penthouse.

The Chinese male contemplating knocking on Hansol's door or leaves. Truth is, he was getting frustrated and pressured as he has not gotten any sleep for the whole week. The pills were not helping.

He did ask for a stronger dose of sleeping pills but both Wonwoo and Mingyu refused to let him as it can be dangerous to his body. He tried drinking milk as Hansol did but his efforts were wasted. It barely tastes good let alone match Hansol's milk.

And here he is, standing by his car by the road, looking at Hansol's dark apartment. The younger was probably asleep since it was around two in the morning.

Junhui had an internal debate before entering his car and drove back to the headquarters. At least he can get some work done.

It was 7:50 am when Jeonghan pushed the door to Junhui's office to clean the room before Junhui arrives. He was surprised when he saw Junhui still sat in the same position when Jeonghan left him last night.

The older's eyes enlarge before he rushed toward Junhui furiously. He feels like exploding when Junhui did not even notice his presence because the younger was engrossed in reading the files.

"Wen Junhui what on earth are you doing?" He seethes.

"Hyung... You're here." The younger calmly greets, ignoring Jeonghan's furious gaze. "I'm working of course," He added.

"It's been a whole week Junhui. You're wearing the clothes from yesterday so I'm sure you didn't get any sleep this week!" Jeonghan scolded.

He obviously notices Junhui's eye bag, his pale face and the dead eyes. Jeonghan continues to nags, attracting the attention of the people on the same floor.

One of them took the initiative to call Seungcheol as he was probably the only person that can handle the furious Jeonghan.

It did not take long before all of the elites gathers in Junhui's office. Mingyu being the last person to come in closed the door behind him with concerns in his eyes as he hurriedly went to Junhui's side to check his pulse.

"Hyung, you're being a poison to yourself by being this way. Your body is special, you can't continue being like this..." He sighed, taking the irregular heartbeats.

"I'm practically half-dead anyway," Junhui chuckles. He watches the concerned faces of his beloved Divine elites. These people really care about him a lot more than he expects them to.

"Seriously Jun, this is not the dead end. We can find another solution to help you be better. But you need to get some shut eyes." Jihoon grimly said which was supported by Chan's vigorous nods.

"I know but I asked for more dose in my sleeping pills. Mingyu and Wonwoo refused my request."

"More dose and you probably be good as a zombie. It's unhealthy hyung." Minghao deadpanned.

"I'm okay really. I can walk around, I went for a drive last night. I won't collapse. I'm not that weak—" Junhui assures them. He stands up and walk to the refrigerator before losing his footing and passed out.

All of the elites panicked when the leader collapses. Fortunately, Minghao managed to catch him in time before he falls straight on the hard wooden floor.

"Call Doctor Jeon, now," Seungcheol ordered to Jeonghan before helping Minghao to carry Junhui to his bedroom behind the wall in the office.

"We need to do something hyung," Chan said in a low tone to Jihoon who was standing next to him while all of them watches Wonwoo checking Junhui's condition with Mingyu waiting nearby.

"Do what?"

"I have an idea." The younger said then proceed to whispers his idea to Jihoon.

The older contemplate for a moment. "Won't Jeonghan hyung and Cheol hyung kill us for this?" He asks.

"Not if this mission is successful." With confidence in their eyes, both of them nodded to continue their mission impossible.

That night, Junhui was staring blankly at the window as everyone forbids him from leaving the bed despite him being unable to sleep. He remembered waking up half an hour later after passing out cold while talking to his subordinates.

"I'm sorry I made everyone worried." He stated after assessing the situation. He must have passed out seeing the presence of Wonwoo in the room with the rest of the elites.

That night, Chan and Jihoon volunteered to stay by Junhui's side to make sure the leader did not get out of his bed nor do any work-related activities. Though others were around in the headquarter doing other works.

Seungcheol took a few days off from the police force to handle all of Junhui's business and works while Mingyu and Wonwoo work together to find a way to help Junhui's sleeping problems with the help of a psychologist who is also Wonwoo's colleague.

"Can't you guys give me my phone so I can at least do something?" Junhui asks in boredom.

"Nope. But we have a plan to help you sleep."



Hansol opens the door to his apartment cautiously after the rapid knocks on the door. He was surprised when he saw Junhui accompanied by two other males by the door.

He has not heard of Junhui for a whole week and now the older actually knocks on his door with two strangers. The said male was not standing straight and was leaning on one of the males with a pale smile on his face.

"Junhui-ssi? Oh my lord, you look unwell." He gasped. The younger quickly opens the door so his uninvited guests can enter. He watches the strangers helping Junhui into his apartment and set him on the single sofa.

"What happened?" He asks, eyeing both Jihoon and Chan who looked down sharply.

"I'm okay, don't worry much Hansol-ssi. This is my friend, Jihoon and Chan." Junhui answers him weakly.

"Can we talk to you in private, Hansol ssi? I mean, let me do the talking since Jihoon hyung sucks explaining," Chan inquires in which Hansol nodded though feeling weird seeing Junhui looking so weary.

"What are you guys doing? Lee Chan!" Junhui tried to stop them when Hansol lead Chan away while Jihoon stayed to push him back on the sofa.

"Stay here Junnie. There's no use to fight me, you're much weaker right now." He says, pushing Junhui back with one push. If Junhui was in his normal condition, he is much stronger than Jihoon that even a forceful push cannot budge him.

He barely gets any sleep, the poison in him is acting up due to lack of antibodies to surpass it, his body rejecting any kind of fluids and antibiotics, he barely eats and he is very sensitive to everything. One basic movement feels like thousands of needles penetrating his muscles. Basically, Junhui is at his weakest state so it is not a question that Jihoon can easily surpass him.

In the kitchen, Hansol faced Chan with curiosity. The two stares at each other as Chan assessed the blond male.

Hansol looks like any normal ordinary guy with exception of his gorgeous face. He was normal sized for a male, there were small scars on his hand and arms, probably from the flowers that he worked with, his eyes were clear and he has a confused and curious face as he faced Chan.

"So... Why do you want to talk to me?"

"Oh, sorry. We need your help." Chan struggles to arrange his words as talking to strangers was never his forte though he is better than Jihoon in this area.

"My help on?"

"I'm actually Jun hyung's subordinate, both me and Jihoon, we need your help on making him falls asleep. He had little to no sleep at all for the whole week and the last time he slept well was when he's at your place. He barely ate or drink anything, we don't even know how he managed to stay alive at this point. This morning, he collapsed in a meeting and we're dead worried about him. Please, help him." Chan explained.

"Why can't he sleep?" Hansol was shocked, even terrified by the fact that Junhui has not slept for a week. It makes much more sense why he looks so pale and tired. He also looks thinner than the last time Hansol saw him.

"Let just say it's PTSD from his childhood. Please, can you help us? You're our last hope." Chan was literally begging Hansol by the way he was acting.

"But why me? I mean, we've met once and I helped him and that's all, we never contact each other afterwards."

"I don't understand this too, but you're the first person he felt safe enough to actually let his guard down and falls asleep. I know this sound absurd but he really does feel safe with you."

Hansol contemplates. He notices that Junhui is not a normal businessman or even a normal citizen when he met Minghao the other day. The aura around Minghao just screamed dangerous not to mention the former was casually tossing a knife in the air and caught it swiftly. He also noticed that Minghao looks extremely cautious when he lead Junhui out of the apartment.

"What are you guys, really?" He muttered under his breath.


"Nothing," Hansol stutters. "I'll help Junhui." He added after a moment before walking out of the kitchen leaving Chan grinning widely.

"Jihoon hyung, let's go." Chan cheerily skipped to the living room.

Jihoon who was listening to Jun and Hansol conversing softly turns to the youngest with a questioning face. He then nodded and stood up after understanding Chan's meaningful gaze.

"Well then, we see you later boss. Don't worry, we'll tell everyone that you're okay." Jihoon winked to Junhui's direction.

"We'll take care of others so get enough rest boss," Chan assures Junhui. He then turns to Hansol with a small smile and nods.

"Wait, Woozi-ah, Dino-ah," Junhui called for both with their nicknames. "Cheol hyung might kill both of you for real. At least give me my phone so I can contact them."

"Nope. Rest for you, I've asked Chan to take off your in-ears so take a good rest. Thank you for agreeing to take care of our Junnie, Hansol-ssi. Bye-bye." With that, Jihoon pulled Chan away and closed the door behind them.

Junhui clears his throat awkwardly as his eyes met Hansol's hazel eyes. He rubs his nape nervously while thinking of the right word to say.

"Thanks... I'm sorry that they kinda forced me to you." He said sheepishly which Hansol returned with cute giggles.

"It's okay. Now I'm going to make the sleeping milk and then you're going to sleep okay?"

"But it's still early? It's like nine..." Junhui unconsciously pouted.

"Nu-uh. It's almost eleven and you're going to bed. Do you need help to get to my room?" The younger asks.

"I can move just fine. A bit weak but I'm fine." Junhui responded before dragging himself to Hansol's door.

"I'll be quick, just stay there and be a good boy," Hansol said before leaving to the kitchen.

Junhui scrunches his face. Hansol was treating him like a little kid feels odd to him. It feels like the younger was being a bit playful since Junhui was a bit weak today.

It did not take long before Hansol walked into the room with a mug for Junhui. The younger smiles brightly, momentarily blinded Junhui who was staring at him.

"Finish this and sleep on the bed." The younger instructed as he hands Junhui the red mug.

"What about you?"

"I'm fine here. I just have to make sure you sleep comfortably here. Hurry up, drink it all." Hansol insists.

Having left with no choice, the older male finishes the warm milk for under five minutes before laying flat on Hansol's bed. The smell of baked cookies filled his smelling sense.



"Why does your bed smell like cookies?" He asks curiously. Hansol chuckles at his cute expression as Junhui really resembles a cat he used to take care of when he was younger.

"I'm not sure. Probably from the humidifier. Now, sleep." The younger said strictly.

"But it's lonely to sleep alone. Hmm," Junhui whines. He was being super childish when he took Hansol's teddy bear into his arms while glaring childishly at Hansol.

"I'm right here," Hansol assures him, getting under the comforter with the older. He laughed when Junhui giggled cutely and move closer to him.

"Sing me a lullaby..."

"What lullaby?" Hansol studied the elder's expression. Junhui was acting weird but his eyes look like he was about to fall asleep anytime and that he was finding a comfortable position to sleep. He really does resemble a cat.

"I don't know, up to you." Junhui urges the younger by blinking cutely while he sneakily snakes his arms around Hansol's waist as the younger was still in a sitting position.

"I'm not a good singer so brace your ears," Hansol commented before humming to you are my sunshine.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away
I'll always love you and make you happy
If you will only say the same
But if you leave me and love another
You'll regret it all someday," 

Hansol sings softly. He watches as Junhui's eyes fluttering as the older tries hard not to falls asleep. Not long after, the older lose as he snuggles close to Hansol's side.

"Are you this weird when you didn't get enough sleep?" Hansol asks as he cannot comprehend Junhui's weird antics although the older was long gone to travel into the dreamland. He continues to hums softly while his fingers play in Junhui's soft hair.


Back in the main headquarter, Jihoon and Chan both had their heads down as Jeonghan continues to berate them for taking Junhui away without telling them.

The rest of the elites was also present and was watching the scene unfolding with much interest. Although they are worried about Junhui's well-being, they also know that the leader can protect himself very well despite being weaker.

"But Jeonghan hyung, Jun hyung already fell asleep long ago," Chan whines loudly. The youngest hugs himself in a sulky way.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Obviously because I hear and see him." Chan huffed. The youngest then took out his tablet which he gives it Seungcheol.

On the screen was Junhui sleeping peacefully hugging the blond guy they have come to know as Hansol. Their boss looks so comfortable snuggling to Hansol side while the younger was reading a book. They were amused because none of them had ever seen the serene and peaceful expression on his face.

"When did you install a camera in that brat's room?" Minghao questions.

"Jihoon hyung did when I talked to Hansol hyung in the kitchen. Well then, satisfied?"

"So he's Hansol hyung now?" Jihoon snickers yet he was ignored by Chan.

"That's good. He can have a great rest there." Mingyu chided, nodding in approval as they watch Hansol carefully places Junhui's head on his own pillow before reaching out for his night lamp.

"If anything happens to the boss, both of you will be held accountable. Got it?" Seungcheol hinted making both Jihoon and Chan shiver.

"Yes hyung,"

Word count: 5360 words

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