An Echo in the Mafia (Echo Re...

By losautenticos

16.3M 613K 142K

Echo wasn't like her sisters. She knew that when people talked about the famous and fabulous Reid sisters, th... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
First Times
The Next time


104K 3.6K 187
By losautenticos

Echo could just hit him. She wanted to but, the truth was, she always wanted to hit him. 

Loving a man like Luke was the most complicated thing about her, which was saying a lot. Echo knew she was a complicated person. Not to say he wasn't. Luke was a lot more complex and complicated than she was. It hadn't taken her long to figure it out. She'd looked for every possible flaw in him from the moment she met him and despite losing count, despite knowing there were countless reasons to stay away from him, she couldn't. 

He'd insisted and she'd been unable to turn away. At first glance, it might seem kind of creepy. He'd made it a point to be where she was, to make himself unavoidable but the truth was, he didn't have to work as hard as he did. She'd known from the moment she'd heard that gun click at the back of her head that this was not something she was going to ever be able to run away from. Wasn't that weird? That the click of a gun from a stranger, from a man that frightened her with his devilish good looks, set a wheel spinning in her head that had never spun before and that would never stop spinning. What was it about the handsome stranger? 

She'd stood there, drenched, looking terrified, feeling terrified and knowing somehow that she shouldn't be afraid.  Talk about fate. Echo had never believed in fate before Luke either. She wasn't even sure she did now but she did believe in the power of a moment, that one word or one choice could change your entire life. 

Luke represented so much beauty that she admired. He was smooth, elegant, well tailored, and beautiful. His clothes were impeccable, the way he walked and talked and stood was impeccable. He was the very definitely of effortless grace. Watching him was like watching a symphony, so many different parts, so many different sounds came together to form one melodic movement. Even that night in the pool house, she'd felt a sting of regret that she could not be like him. After meeting Luke, she couldn't even look at her own sister without wishing she could do it too. Echo had lived in the shadows for so long, silently admiring things she thought she couldn't have until he said she should have them. 

While to others it sounded like he was telling her what to wear, she knew that in his own way, he was telling her that she could  wear it. He might tell her she should wear her hair down more often, and it was frustrating, feeling like she was being told what to do. But the more she got to know Luke, she more she understood. He was telling her she could wear her hair down. The idea of dressing up or letting her hair hang loose was so foreign to her, so unknown. In her mind, it had always been the type of thing she couldn't do. Of course for someone with as much anxiety as her, it was overwhelming. He was moving to fast, insisting on too much and pushing her out the door before she was ready for the world, but that wasn't his fault. 

How was he supposed to know what she didn't tell him? Echo was such a pushover, her whole life she'd preferred to let people have their way rather than to go through the discomfort of an argument. With Luke, she felt like for the first time it was important to push back and argue. She knew that she needed him to see her, she would not let herself fade into the obscurity she inevitably occupied when she just glumly went along with others.  Being along, hiding away was just not an option because despite her protests, despite saying otherwise, there was no way she was ready to let Luke go. So she let him push her, she let him nudge her in the direction she'd been too afraid to try, and when she felt she had hit her limit, she not so gently nudged back. 

She was surprised at her own bravado. When it came to Luke, she could do and say exactly what she thought, she could tell him he was wrong, she could say no, she could accept what she wouldn't before and she could demand more if she wanted it. He made the wheels in her head click and spin, provoked her in good and bad ways. It was no wonder that despite knowing his life was dangerous, despite knowing he was a criminal, she could not let him go. She could say no but she was the one changing, she was the one letting her hair down, and she was the one showing up when he told her to. 

She could have ignored him, sent the flowers back, rehomed the puppy, and never let him kiss her. Deep down, she wanted everything he told her she should have, she wanted it all with him because he made her feel like he could.  

Then he surprised her. She watched him bend, watched him compromise, watched display patience with her that she didn't think he had. Sure, he was selfish and demanding but what could she expect from a criminal? He pursued her in a relentless and almost criminal manner, but he was... a criminal. She knew there would caveats to this, she accepted it. She wasn't some dumb child, she knew what she was getting into. The more time she spent around him, the more she was able to use her logic as she wanted to, to be reasonable and cool minded. She was becoming a version of herself she enjoyed. 

Maybe she only loved him at first because of what he brought out in her but it was all the secret parts of him that made it so she would love him forever. For one, he was secretly more kind and forgiving than he let others believe, he was tender and gentle, he was smart. He was every bit as human as she was, and he was every bit as flawed. He hid behind a facade of control, a modicum of security, when really he was afraid. He was afraid that he would lose again, like he'd lost before. 

Although right now, as he lay lazily against the head board, holding out a small pouch of blue berries to her with a child like grin, he looked nothing like the vulnerable man she knew him to be. 

"Thanks." She said, taking a couple of berries and popping one into her mouth. Leave it to Luke to always have a healthy snack to offer her after... vigorous... activities. 

"So." He said, leaning forward and scooping up the blue silk that was pooled on the side of the bed. "not that I'm complaining but care to explain?"

"Ah... that." She said, turning bright red. Damn it. She was hoping he wouldn't bring it up. She had sworn over and over again that she would never wear something like that. She may have upped her everyday fashion sense, but she was never going to be brave enough to wear something like that. 

"If you have any more of these you're not sharing with me..." He began to say but she shook her head. 

"No, just the one." She said, reaching over to grab it but he snatched it above her reach. 

"And tell me, what made tonight special enough for you to wear it?" He asked, amused by the way she was blushing furiously. 

"You weren't supposed to see it." She said and he raised his brow. 

"I'm sorry. Were you expecting someone else?" He teased. 

"I meant you weren't supposed to see it tonight." She said, leaning forward and falling into his lap as she missed the slip. She sighed, shuffling around to move away but he caught her firmly with his arm and nestled her closer to him. 

"So when was  I supposed to see it?" He asked, using a hand to gently massage her scalp as she settled comfortably against him. 

"Saturday." She said. He looked down at her and his grin widened, revealing a long line of pearly whites. 

"Our anniversary?" He asked. "I don't know why but I didn't peg you for the type to think about those things."

"Anniversaries? I've heard they're important." She said with a shrug. 

"They are. Drinks, dinner, dancing..." He said, running his fingertips along her arm, "Slow, sensuous love making, this would have been very appropriately romantic. But you, my little Echo, are the farthest thing from romantic."

She frowned. 

"Yeah, I know. I'm trying." She muttered. 

"So why were you wearing this tonight?" He asked. 

"I put it on to try to convince myself not to be a coward." She said. "I was starting to chicken out about wearing it on Saturday." 

"Which is why you ran to hide under the covers when I got home." He said, "But I told you I was coming."

"I know." She said, "I just figured I'd have more time to change... then I couldn't find my sweats... I ended up diving under the covers when I heard you coming down the hall."

"And here I thought you had planned this seduction." He said with a pout.

"When have I ever planned a seduction?" She said with a sigh.

"Wasn't that your plan for Saturday?" He asked and watched as she blushed yet again. "You know, Echo, one look at you and I'm yours to do anything you like."

She sat up, looking into his eyes. 

"You could ask me for anything any time but..." He said, placing a hand behind her neck, "but when you wear something like that... it's almost unfair. I don't stand a chance against you."

He pecked her lightly before bringing her back against him. 

"I guess the surprise is ruined." She said a few moments later. 

"Trust me, I was surprised." He said. 

"But I wanted to surprise you on Saturday. Luke, I mean it, I'm trying to be more romantic, I just don't know how." She said.

"It doesn't come naturally to you, I know that, It's fine." He said and she shook her head.

"It's not." She protested, pulling away to face him again. "Like tonight, I thought it was sweet that you called me even if you were already coming home. I wanted to tell you that I missed you, I wanted to tell you to hurry. I wanted to call you hours ago to see how you were, and I wanted to go see you but I just couldn't bring myself to say any of it without sounding awkward."

"I wanted to hear it." He said with a nodding, running his hands along her arms reassuringly, "But that's not you, Echo. I'm okay with that."

"I'm not." She said, "You always make me feel so cherished and loved, you constantly tell me and show me that you miss me, how you feel about me. I feel like such an oaf around you."

He laughed. 

"An oaf?" He said, watching as she grew frustrated with him and moved away but he reached out, pulling her right back. "Listen, my adorable little oaf, listen to me good."

Echo face him, a big pout on her face, her arms crossed. 

"You may not be the most demonstrative woman outwardly, but you are far from unromantic. You're trusting, you giving- you don't make demands I can't fulfill, you don't ask me for things I can't give, you don't ask for anything. You are always waiting for me, you are always on my time, on my clock, you adjust your life to fit mine. If that's not romantic, if that's not a gesture that proves love, I don't know what is. You make sure everything here runs smoothly, you never complain." He said, tucking the loose strands of hair behind her ears, "and when we're together... like this..."

Echo slipped a hand onto his shoulder, tracing the scar gently with her finger tips. 

"You're every kiss and touch and glance tells me everything you don't know how to put into words." 

She smiled at him gently, leaning in to kiss the scars tenderly before slowly moving her lips back up towards his ear. 

"I'll be happy to show you again." She whispered, instantly stirring up the passion that was always gently brewing between them. 

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