Trust Over Time

By ameliacarper

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Tyra is a 19 year old with a lot on her plate. Whilst dealing with the stress of both her parents unexpected... More

post 2 : Early November Morning
post 3 : The First Night
post 4 : The Day Off
part 5 : Staring at me
part 6 : Singing in the cafe
Post 7 : Let's Go Then
Post 8 : The First Trust
post 9 : the night after
post 10 : hand in hand
post 11 : Meet Alfie
Post 12: The Call
Post 13 : I want to
Post 14 : Treated like a princess
Post 15 : Airport
Post 16: Loopty Loop
Post 18 : Arrival Antics
Post 19 : Wakey Wakey Sleepyhead
Post 20: Sorry my lovelies
Chapter 21 : It's Officialish
Chapter 22 : Winter Morning Catwalks
Chapter 23 : Dinner Date
Chapter 24 : Shop Shop Shop
Chapter 25 : Showtime
Chapter 26 : After Party
Chapter 27: Kiss Chase
Chapter 28 : I love you's
Chapter 29 : The First Time
Chapter 30 : the morning after
Chapter 31 : Christmas Eve
Chapter 32 : Christmas Morning
Chapter 33: Moving In
Chapter 34: The Engagement
Chapter 36 : Fosted Fights
Chapter 37 :
Chapter 38 : Lyrics
Chapter 39 : Meet Again
Chapter 40 : Take me to the studio
Chapter 41 : TRAILER ⚠️⚠️
Chapter 42 : Lets go
Chapter 43 : It's Beautiful
chapter 44 : ⚠️
Chapter 45 : Hot + Bothered
Chapter 46 : Deals
Chapter 47 : Rooftop Romance
Chapter 48 : Tattoos Together
Chapter 49 : Picture Almost Perfect
Chapter 50 : No Longer
Chapter 51 : Heading Home
Chapter 52 : Midnight Diner Fun
Chapter 53 : New Home
Chapter 54 : The Plan
Chapter 55 : Our Letters
Chapter 56 : He's back
Chapter 57 : Contract Conflict
Chapter 58 : Just a little bit of your heart
Chapter 59 :
Chapter 60 : The Break Post
Chapter 61 : Clubs and Coke
chapter 62 : take me to the moon
chapter 63 : Lust yet Loneliness
Chapter 64 : Just a little bit of your heart
chapter 65 : Only Angel
chapter 66 : Character Questions

Chapter 35 : Golden

43 5 7
By ameliacarper

Tyra's POV :

"Wake up tyra, wake up princess" I was awoken by the calming voice of my Fiancé. Yes Fiancé I have to remind myself that I'm actually going to marry this god of a man. I rolled over to be met by the same emerald green eyes as I have for the time I've known him.

I rolled even closer so that I was now wrapped into his arms and he squeezed into his grasp. "Baby we've got to get up you've got the surprise today"

I sat up in bed pushing myself against the header of our bed. It's been 3 days since we moved in here and we're already leaving apparently. Harry told me last night that we were going away on a trip, us and the boys and their girlfriends. H being the amazing man that he is had already spoke to Anne his mother and asked if she'd mind taking care of Alf while we were away. Alfie was super excited and looking forward to his only little mini holiday.

I told Harry that I needed to be back by the 7th of January as I wanted to make sure I was ready to take Alf to his first day of year 2. I rolled up and out of bed still not used to the cold vibrations that were sent through my body as my bare feet were placed onto the floor. I pulled myself over to the bathroom and began my morning routine, meanwhile as I was washing my face I heard the familiar mix giggle that combined of both Alf and Haz. The way the 2 of them got on always continued to warm my heart, I don't think I could have ever met anyone else that was such an amazing older step brother so to speak.

They were in Alf's room throwing stuff into his mini ride along suitcase. Niall and Amelia brought him a Tiger Trunkie for Christmas and Alfie thought it was the most incredible thing in the world, when he opened it on Boxing Day he wanted the boys to run around the apartment pulling him along on it.

I had packed everything for me and Harry and left our suitcases at the end of the bed with our travel bags open on top waiting for the remaining items that needed to be packed, stuff that included toothbrushes and other essentials.

I stood in the kitchen cooking some food for the 3 of us while we all sat waiting for the other boys to arrive. Harry and Alfie were sat cuddled up on the sofa watching Paw Patrol, my 2 boys were sat laughing and singing along to the theme tune as it pounded throughout the apartment.

I stacked up the pancakes onto a plate each for us, drizzled on some syrup and accompanied it with some mixed berries. The boys then dragged themselves up from the couch and plopped up to the breakfast bar stool. Alfie was telling us all about how he has a dream last night that we were all riding dinosaurs, I swear dinosaurs are all that little boy thinks of.

A short while later the penthouse bell rung around the building. Alfie went running over to the small screen and began tapping on the buttons. "Hewoo" Alfie mumbled into the camera waving at the boys who were stood outside in the cold.

"Coming down now" Harry said into the screen before the 3 of us began our walk down to the lobby, we made sure we locked the door behind us then started to head down to meet the others.

Standing in the lobby was Anne and Robin zipped up to their chins in winter coats and scarfs, it was obvious they were staying in England with this freezing cold weather. Then to the other side stood the rest of the boys and the girls dressed in summer outfits. The boys all had hoola necklaces hung around their necks along side Hawaiian shirts and shorts. I burst out laughing now realising the sort of destination we were heading to, luckily I packed for the weather Harry told me it would be hot.

We all said our goodbyes to Alfie before bundling into the 3 mini vans we were sharing along with our cases and bags. Once we were all sat and belted up we begun our drive to the airport. I was in a taxi with Harry, Niall, Amelia, Zayn and Gigi. In the other was Liam, Maya, Louis and Eleanor. Then in the other van had a few other people who were coming, we had Lou who is the boys hair stylist and then we had their assistant Maddie and then Gigi brought along her assistant Becca.

I could already tell that this New Years trip with the 13 of us was going to be incredible.


We landed down in Barbados a few hours ago and the large group of us split apart and each headed to our mini apartments. The boys had booked us a section of a resort in which the rooms were floating cabins over the sea.

Our room was amazing, we arrived at sunset time and we were able to watch the golden sun set along the horizon. Our bathroom floor was made of glass leaving us room to look down at the exotic fish swimming beneath us. The bath was giant and looked as though it was big enough to sit 2 people in, I'm sure me and Harry would test it out and see if it worked later tonight.

I walked back into the living room area of our room and Harry was sat on the hammock outside. He was talking to someone on his phone, as I got closer to the balcony door I realised that he was on FaceTime with Alfie through Anne's phone. He was showing him the ocean and the fish and sting rays, Alf was so excited when he saw a fish with bright scales. I then carefully lowered myself so I was snuggled up with Harry on the hammock.

"Hello little dude" I said waving to him through Haz's phone. We sat for a good 40 minutes chatting with Alfie about all the fun things he'd already done today. He was getting ready for bed and already had his pyjamas on.

Alfie missed the normal routine that he'd gotten into, the routine that included Harry singing him a song before bead. Harry had written a song whilst being in the band but had never been released, it was one that both me and Alf could listen to for hours after hours. Harry had called it "if I could fly" he told Alfie that it was about some very special people in his life.

"If I could fly... I'd be coming right back home to you"

Harry sung down the phone as Alfie rested his tired head on his pillow. His eyes were shut and his face calmed as Harry's soothing words filled the room.

"I think I might give up everything just ask me to"

"Pay attention I hope that you're listening cuz I let my guard down"

"Right now I'm completely defenceless"

As those final words slipped from his mouth I felt him flinch next to me and wrap his arms tighter around me, he had told me that the song was a mixture of both mine and his thoughts and our points of views of our relationship. I gave up everything for him, I know it wasn't a lot, a small cramped apartment and a job at a bakery but it was everything I had. I have it up to the man I love.

By the end of the song Alfie's calming snores were filling the quiet sound around us. I snuggled back into Harry's chest and rested on his bare chest. My fingers lacing over his inked skin, the anchor always ended last. H rested his chin on the top of my head as we rested in the hammock watching the sun set. The orange glow bled through the sky and beamed down onto our skin.

"Golden" Harry mumbled as his lips were pressed against my head. "So golden"

I looked up to Harry with a questioning look on my face, he chuckled slightly. "What are you going on about now cheshy?" I looked up at him and spun my body around so I was resting on my stomach in between his legs and rested on his tummy.

"You're so golden, you're my ray of sunshine, the way the sunset is glowing down on you." He smiled and rested his hands on my back. "Gonna write so many songs about you princess"

His words made me smile realising how content we were at this point. We laid gazing into the sunset for a good while and then ended up getting up and beginning to get ready for the evening plans we had.

I got in the shower and washed my hair and blew dry it quickly. Hanging on the wardrobe door was my evening outfit, I chose a pair of loose baggy ripped jeans and paired it with a white Gucci top that Harry had brought me for Christmas. I then threw on some golden jewellery and styled my hair, put on some light makeup and went back into the lounge.

"Here take this golden girl you'll be chilly" Harry said standing up and grabbing me something from his wardrobe. I looked down to the item that was in his hand and he smiled as he draped it over my shoulder and up my arms. I was now wearing an oversized Mens leather jacket. Harry's sleeves hung over both of my hands and hung off my body like branches on a tree.

The both of us stood in the mirror taking mirror pics, Harry was wearing some black jeans and a yellow designer t shirt.

"One more princess you look stunning in this doing you wonders" Harry scrunched his nose up whilst pulling a cute face. I posed on the balcony as the sun bounced off my skin. Haz took the photo with one click of the button and as he stood back to check the previous image a wide smile appeared across his face.

"What's wrong baby? Was I pulling a weird face?" I said moving closer to him. I looked down to the phone in his hand and saw that the image didn't have anything wrong with it. "What's up?"

"Nothing, it's just you look so incredibly beautiful, you're flawless" he said kissing me on my forehead and making small little kisses down my face until they connected with my lips. "Shall we go meet the others?"

I nodded and we locked our door and headed down to the main area of the resort.


The group of us decided to play some indoor glow in the dark mini golf. All of us stood waiting for our time to approach, we had our clubs and our balls already but needed to wait until our session time. We stood posing and taking photos of each other. The girls had one together and then we took some of the boys making sure that fans would go crazy after they get some more one direction content. They'd had some time off over winter but now it was about to be the new year they had more stuff planned, a new album coming out.

I was sat at the golf bar later on that night and sat scrolling through my images. I found a few that I absolutely loved, some cute ones of me and the girls and some that I loved of me and Harry. There were a few that the boys had sent me that they'd taken throughout the night too, some of me and the boys all laughing together.

There was one that stood out to me, it was off me and Haz, we were sat waiting for our turn and he had pulled my legs over his thighs. He had me cuddled into him and we were both in the middle of laughing about something I can't remember what. I sat smiling at this photo before pressing the button to set it as my home and lock screen.

I got down from the bar stool to join the others who were in the amusement part of the place. Niall and Liam were racing each other on the mario carts, Liam was racing way ahead of Niall causing the little Irish man to get a heated head of his. Zayn, Gigi, Eleanor and Louis were playing air hockey. Everyone else were playing on the grabber machines. Me and Harry decided to go over to the photo booth. We slid into the booth and put in the correct amount of tokens, sat back and began posing for the images. After our little photoshoot we printed the strip off twice so that we had one copy each. The four photos contained one of us kissing each other deeply, the other of us laughing together, another of us posing properly and finally another one of us having our funny faces on sticking out tongues out and going cross eyed.

"Perfect" Harry muttered as he held the photo strip in his hand. Harry leaned down into my ear and pulled away my hair tucking my hair behind my ear. He pointed down to the picture of us mid make out "Wanna finish this off behind closed doors?"

His words caused butterflies to appear in the pit of my stomach, my breathing adjusting slightly. I let out a small sigh and nodded before Harry held onto my waist pulling me even closer to his body "use your words princess"

"I want to" I quickly blurted out before turning myself and leaning up to re connect our lips, reigniting the passion between us.


We said our goodbyes to the others ever so quickly before exiting the golf place and carrying on our make out session down the road almost stumbling over each other as we walked back to the hotel water cabin. As we fumbled around with each other in the street I heard a few shots of a paparazzi camera however we were in the heat of the moment so we didn't care about who was watching.

Harry reached into the pocket of his jeans and pulled out the key card before slotting it into the door lock and allowing the door to swing wide open. Our heated bodies stumbled into the apartment and he pushed me against the corridor wall straight away as the front door slammed against the frame locking behind us.

Harry's heated body was pressed strongly against my chest causing my breathing to be short and heavy. We stumbled around and headed towards the bedroom at the end of the corridor. My hand reached behind me and fumbled for the door handle before pushing it down and allowing us to head inside and fall onto the bed.

Harry's presence was leant over me as he pressed his passionate deep kiss cover me up and down my neck and all across my chest. I moaned into the kiss he placed onto my lips, he deepened it and pushed his wait onto mine. His ringed fingers roamed all over my body and soon found their way to the buttons of my jeans. His fingers undid the golden buttons and hooked into his jeans and pulled them down and threw them across the room. He then pulled my top and threw that also elsewhere leaving me almost fully bare laying on our bed. I pulled him down and kissed him again as I missed the connection that had been removed while we undressed.


Harry slumped down beside me in our bed as we laid looking out to see in our bed of unmade sheets. My sweaty sex ruffled hair sprawled out onto the satin pillow. Our breathing was now in unison as we came down from our high that we brought each other in to.

"Going into the new year with a bang" Harry jokingly said as he pulled me in so our bodies were wrapped together.

I couldn't bare to stay so serious as I burst out into a fit of laughter, after a while of rolling around belly laughing I straddled Harry's body and leant in giving him special soft pecks up his chest until they were placed onto his lips "very special indeed" I gave him a peck before leaning back onto the pillow and cuddling him.

"Goodnight my golden girl" Harry whispered into my ear before kissing it goodnight and running his hands down my back keeping me calm and soothing me into my deep sleep.

"Goodnight Golden Boy" I grinned.

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