Trust Over Time

By ameliacarper

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Tyra is a 19 year old with a lot on her plate. Whilst dealing with the stress of both her parents unexpected... More

post 2 : Early November Morning
post 3 : The First Night
post 4 : The Day Off
part 5 : Staring at me
part 6 : Singing in the cafe
Post 7 : Let's Go Then
Post 8 : The First Trust
post 9 : the night after
post 10 : hand in hand
post 11 : Meet Alfie
Post 12: The Call
Post 13 : I want to
Post 14 : Treated like a princess
Post 15 : Airport
Post 16: Loopty Loop
Post 18 : Arrival Antics
Post 19 : Wakey Wakey Sleepyhead
Post 20: Sorry my lovelies
Chapter 21 : It's Officialish
Chapter 22 : Winter Morning Catwalks
Chapter 23 : Dinner Date
Chapter 24 : Shop Shop Shop
Chapter 25 : Showtime
Chapter 26 : After Party
Chapter 27: Kiss Chase
Chapter 28 : I love you's
Chapter 29 : The First Time
Chapter 30 : the morning after
Chapter 31 : Christmas Eve
Chapter 32 : Christmas Morning
Chapter 33: Moving In
Chapter 34: The Engagement
Chapter 35 : Golden
Chapter 37 :
Chapter 38 : Lyrics
Chapter 39 : Meet Again
Chapter 40 : Take me to the studio
Chapter 41 : TRAILER ⚠️⚠️
Chapter 42 : Lets go
Chapter 43 : It's Beautiful
chapter 44 : ⚠️
Chapter 45 : Hot + Bothered
Chapter 46 : Deals
Chapter 47 : Rooftop Romance
Chapter 48 : Tattoos Together
Chapter 49 : Picture Almost Perfect
Chapter 50 : No Longer
Chapter 51 : Heading Home
Chapter 52 : Midnight Diner Fun
Chapter 53 : New Home
Chapter 54 : The Plan
Chapter 55 : Our Letters
Chapter 56 : He's back
Chapter 57 : Contract Conflict
Chapter 58 : Just a little bit of your heart
Chapter 59 :
Chapter 60 : The Break Post
Chapter 61 : Clubs and Coke
chapter 62 : take me to the moon
chapter 63 : Lust yet Loneliness
Chapter 64 : Just a little bit of your heart
chapter 65 : Only Angel
chapter 66 : Character Questions

Chapter 36 : Fosted Fights

49 5 3
By ameliacarper

Harry's POV:

It was January 7th and I woke up alone in bed. My eyes flickers open and Tyra wasn't sound asleep beside me. Instead her duvet was pulled flat and her pillow half slept on. I rolled over to check the time on my phone, 7:20 am. I sat up and stretched before standing up and getting myself ready for the morning.

I went into the kitchen to the sweet smell of pancakes and fruits, Alfie was sat up the breakfast stool watching a TV show on the iPad whilst eating his food. Tyra was sat beside him however her plate was still full and hadn't been touched, she was staring over her phone scrolling through something.

"Good morning my little golden girl" I broke the silence in the air with my words and pressing a soft kiss onto her head. "Whatcha looking at princes?"

"Oh it's nothing" she mumbled before clicking her phone off and placing it down on the table, she picked up her fork and twiddled around a strawberry on her plate.

"Please tell me" I begged pulling her closer into my chest feeling her loosen slightly under my bare chest.

"Just some articles of us came out and I don't like what they've said about me that's all. I'm probably over reacting." She said before standing up and helping Alf off from the chair and beginning to walk him over to his bedroom.

I pulled my phone from my pocket and searched up my name. A long string of articles came flowing through my google search bar.

"Golden Gold Digger" , "Living the direction dream" and "Harry's Hoe"

That last one hurt a lot. They all did. As I sat scrolling through the articles, the images they'd sneakily taken of us while we were away. They were saying that Ty was using me to live the millionaire life. They'd somehow found out about the difference in our wealth and concluded that she was only interested in me because of my lifestyle. I could feel my blood starting to boil anger all through my body.

I got up and ran into Alfie's room, he was sat on his bed pulling his socks on. I quickly helped him pull them up and let him carry on playing with his toys before school.

I went into our room and my heart dropped when I saw Ty sat on the edge of our bed, she had ruffled hair and mascara rubbed around her eyes. The droplets of tears were streaming down her face. She began to calm her tears and steady her breathing.

"They all hate me don't they?" She quietly mumbled out against my touch.

"No they don't baby, they don't" I said, I have no idea why everyone has to be so horrible. I just carried on sitting with her trying to keep her calm.

We were sat for a while before she stood up and wiped the tears from under her eyes. She took a deep breath and finger combed her hair flat. She grabbed an oversized t shirt of mine, wrapped a belt around her waist and laced up some thigh high boots before grabbing her phone and leaving the bedroom.

I followed Tyra out of the bedroom to see her gathering up Alfie's book bag and rushing to get things ready.

Tyra's POV:

I looked back to see Harry standing against the wall "want me to come with you?" Harry questioned watching me to stress about getting Alfie's school bag together.

I shook my head and grabbed my car keys, still trying to get used to the Range Rover key chain that was in my hands. I got Alfie's shoes all tied up and gave Harry a half hearted kiss. "I'll be going out after drop off so don't expect me back until later" I said. Alfie and I walked out of the apartment block, I still had the occasional tear that would wash down my cheek.

I was now stood in the garage and I put Alfie in his car seat in the back of the Rover. I tightened the straps and walked around so that I could get behind the wheel. The car turned on and blasting out was the soundtrack of frozen which made Alfie starting singing along to Let it Go.

I pulled out of our space and began to head out of the garage still having my head filled with Frozen at the super loud volume. As the garage fence slid to the side standing outside was a bunch of paparazzi all holding onto their cameras proudly. As soon as they saw my face and the number plate on the car their flashes started to fill the car up. "Cover your face Alf" I said passing him his book bag to shield himself from the press. I carried on driving trying to remain focused on the road ahead. The tears then flowed even more than before, I was still so hurt by this mornings articles and then the press intruding was just the cherry on the top.

I pulled up into Alfie's car parking spot, we decided not to change his school so the drive was still quite far. Driving back into the neighbourhood I used to live in upset me. I drove past a few people I recognised, they were still dressed in the head to toe old clothing that they usually would. I waved as I passed my old neighbour Brian, he was a older man who was now alone after his wife Freida's death.

"You excited little man?" I asked Alfie as I got him out of the car and handed him his bag and water bottle. He had a huge grin over his face and his school clothes were slightly oversized to give him room to grow. He nodded before dragging me by my arm into the school gates his eagerness gave me a boost of energy to carry on my day.


I pulled up outside the coffee shop, I stayed seated in my car on the opposite side of the road looking over to the front door. The memories came flooding back into my head reminding me of the times when Harry came walking through for the first time, his wide cheshy smile on his face. I remember how naive I was, I shouldn't have opened up to him, I should have known that getting closer to a celebrity would be a horrible problem.

I got out of the car after grabbing my car keys and locking the door behind me. I headed over to the front door and opened it seeing my old co worker behind the till. "Maddieeeeeeee" I screamed after checking the cafe was empty. I ran over to her and gave her the most loving hug ever almost squeezing the life out of each other.


Harry's POV:

I spent the day writing down some lyrics and trying to work out some song themes to propose for the new album. However despite trying my hardest to fit in with the bands new album image I couldn't help but write all about Tyra. This morning was the first time I'd ever felt a type of coldness from her, I always knew this was going to be hard they always are. I guess I should have thought about the impacts of being in a public relationship. I never learn.

I checked my phone for the one hundred thousandth time today still checking to see if Ty had messaged me yet. I looked at her face lighting up the screen. A flicker of butterflies warmed my tummy seeing her smile. I decided to call her, I needed to hear her voice again it's been too long.

She sent me to voicemail, when I heard the answer machine a pit grew in my stomach.

Hey Golden Girl, I miss you. You never told me where you were going today I hope you're not leading some second secret life. Haha that wasn't funny. I need to be serious. Fuck. I'm not a serious person. Anyway I am going to stop rambling on and just say that I miss your voice, I don't think you've gone far for the day but I just hate how we left things you were so upset and I hate seeing you like that and to know it was me that made you feel that way hurts me. Anyway please just let me know you're safe. Hazza


Tyra's POV:

I sat in the cafe while Maddie was in the bathroom. I pressed play on the voicemail and heard Harry's voice echo into my ears. His words made me feel safe again. I couldn't bare to hear the pain in his voice in an actual conversation. I didn't mean to make him think I was hurt, I was just upset about the media that's a normal thing to happen though. I just sent him a simple message saying "I'm safe we'll talk later" no kisses just the words.

Harry's POV:

I felt kind of sad seeing no kisses. It was very bland and boring. The clock struck 4 and I heard the elevator door ping open. Alfie's giggle filled up the lounge as he burst in.

"I'm going to get in the shower, Alfie why don't you tell Harry all about your first day back" Tyra said mid way while walking to the bathroom, she didn't even make any eye contact with me she just walked straight into the bedroom.

I sat with Alfie all evening, Tyra stayed in the kitchen almost trying to avoid me but saying that it was to cook Alfie's dinner. Tonight was take out Tuesday for us but Tyra decided to keep Alfie's diet on track.

We all sat up the table there was a slight tension in the air, Alfie was tucking into his chicken nuggets and vegetables. I looked over to Tyra who was staring into space, I caught her attention and gave her a warm smile. She smiled back to me and carried on looking at Alfie and engaging in conversation with him.

After dinner it was bedtime for Alfie. Tyra walked into his bedroom as it was her turn to do the routine. I seated myself down onto the sofa in the lounge waiting for Tyra to come back out, I wanted to speak to her about today and what's happened already.

My attention was caught when she came wondering back into the lounge a look of hopelessness written across her face. "Come take a seat" I said patting the bit of the sofa beside me instead she sat down on the armchair to the side of the sofa. "What's going on baby?" I asked hoping to finally get her thoughts out of her head.

She shrugged and turned on her phone to look through her feed. I wanted to see if I could figure out what's going on. I wanted to see her be her normal happy self again.

"Please put your phone down Tyra we need to talk?" I said to Tyra catching her attention. She placed her phone down onto the coffee table in front of us and looked up at me.

"What are you going on about then?" She said engaging in the first eye contact with each other since this morning.

The words that then came out of her mouth hurt me making me realise how upset the actually was " I can't keep doing this Harry, every time I go out with you I'll get these articles and it hurts, you may have become blinded to the headlines but I can't."

I gulped a swallow down, "what... what do you mean?" I stuttered unable to adjust to her words.

She then stood up to carry on "you've never had to worry about money, you grew up comfortable and now are living the high life. I have grown up living in a drug apartment block. I had to worry about putting food on our plates. I have no support from anyone Harry. And now you're just expecting me to blend into your life and be accepted by everyone" she said sounding even more angrier.

Suddenly anger boomed over me, it was never anger at Tyra. More anger towards the media, the public. Angry at myself, for not being able to keep her protected from the world. "I'm sorry Tyra but you weren't exactly blinded by my celebrity status, you knew what you were getting yourself into. You can't have actually thought every single person would love you do you?"

Tyra's POV:

Harry's thought  came fumbling out of his mouth shocking me with every single word he said. I felt my eyes well up with tears full of emotion. Did he really just say that? "I... I.. i never wanted anything from you Harry I just wanted someone who loved me for me. Not someone that was trying to change me into their rich side girl" I spoke back feeling betrayed.

"I never once tried to change you into anything Tyra, I just gave you the things that you could never afford I'm sorry if getting spoilt is so tough on you!" Harry said now almost shouting. I could feel my hands now begin to shake, both of us were full of anger and stress.

"I didn't ask for anything Harry! For gods sake when will you realise that I don't value a relationship on the material things you can give me. I was happy in my small apartment with just me and Alfie. I don't want to live some expensive lifestyle with cameras being shoved down my neck every day" I shouted back, at this point i as so angry that I didn't even think about whether it would wake Alfie up or not.

"Then maybe this lifestyle isn't the best thing for you, maybe you should just go back to that life that you're so god damn comfortable with. I just wanted to make you feel included" he shouted back, a vein on his neck was popping out, his face was red and heated.

"Then maybe I just will" I stormed into our bedroom and began stuffing a suitcase we had under the window with clothes. I grabbed some of Alfie's stuff and threw them into a bag too. I undid the bedside table draw and took out the apartment keys I had for the old apartment. The secret was that I never ended up selling it, I always wanted it. I just never told Harry, I didn't want him to know I wasn't 100% invested, I guess it always is hard to trust a millionaire.

I pulled my bags off the bed and walked into Alfie's room, I scooped him still half asleep into my arms all wrapped up into his blankey. "Come on little man we're going home." He slowly flickered his eyes up to me as I put him on my hip and started to pull the bags in my other hand out into the corridor.

I walked further down and down to the front elevator door and I turned back to see Harry who was stood at the bar area, he had a glass of alcohol in his hand. I looked back to see him standing there, the pain was on his face, the look of realisation across his face. He turned his head so both of our bloodshot eyes were connected again.

Without any other words spoken I turned to open the front door. As it shut behind me the silence was filled as the sound of glass smashing filled the air from the other side of the wall. Alfie winced slightly when he felt my panic and he squeezed my hand giving me a tired smile. "It's time buddy, we're going home"

We walked into the elevator as the tears streamed even harder down my face. The emotion and heartache still a large deal of my current state. I wasn't prepared for the drive home or even the first night alone in my bed. I clipped myself and Alfie into the car and turned on the ignition.

I took a deep breath and sighed letting all the stress out. I rested my head against the wheel of my Range Rover, even the car reminded me of him. Of us. What even are we anymore?

"Let's go home Ty ty" Alfie said giving me slight hope that I still had him left in my life.

"Let's go little man, lets go home" I repeated.

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