Pinky Swear

By author_sky_angel

2.6M 99.4K 42.2K

"So you're saying, that if I kissed you right now, you wouldn't feel anything?" He asked, taking steps closer... More

Chapter 1: Broken Promise
Chapter 2: Back Home
Chapter 3: New Girl
Chapter 4: Surprise!
Chapter 5: Dinner At The Adams
Chapter 6: Best Friends
Chapter 7: No One Like You
Chapter 8: Let's Party
Chapter 9: Hung-over
Chapter 10: You Might End Up Drunk
Chapter 11: A Drunken Fight
Chapter 12: Green Eyes
Chapter 13: I Miss You
Chapter 14: Depressed Alex
Chapter 15: New Look
Chapter 16: Double Date!(or Trouble)
Chapter 17: One Kiss Is All It Takes
Chapter 18: Ditch Day
Chapter 19: Failed Disguise
Chapter 20: Classroom Secret
Chapter 21: Being Popular
Chapter 22: They Tweet Your Whereabouts
Chapter 23: Crazy Move
Chapter 24: Melting Sundae
Chapter 25: Confused And In Love
Chapter 26: An Unusual Breakup
Chapter 27: Jealous Sam
Chapter 29: Confessions
Chapter 30:A Clichè Proposal
Chapter 31: Crazy Ex
Chapter 32: The Jealousy Game
Chapter 33: Stay Away From My Boyfriend!
Chapter 34: Brownies
Chapter 35: Shattered
Chapter 36: Afar
Chapter 37: Addiction
Chapter 38: Girl Time
Chapter 39: A Picnic To Remember
Chapter 40: A Happy Ending

Chapter 28: Jenny is a Bitch

55.5K 2.1K 501
By author_sky_angel

My legs were still feeling like jelly when I walked into the cafeteria. I noticed Alex and Jane already at our usual table with some other students.

I walked up to them while scanning the cafeteria with my eyes for any sign of Ryan, but I didn't see him anywhere. His friends and teammates were at their usual table, and even Jenny was there with her posse, but no sign of Ryan.

Jenny gave me the usual death glare, but I ignored her like always.

"What's up?" Alex nodded at me while Jane flashed a quick smile my way. But what took my surprise was Josh sitting close to Alex with his arm around her neck. He never sits here. He always sits with Ryan and his teammates, so why was he here?

Raising an eyebrow at him, I sit across him before putting down my lunch on the table.

"Hey, blue eye." He waved at me, sending a smile my way.

"Hey...why are you here?"

"I'm trying to get gorgeous here to go on a date with me." He indicated to Alex, who was busy devouring a sandwich.

"And I was nicely telling you to go to hell." She swatted his arm from her shoulder before focusing back on her sandwich.

"We'll go to any restaurant you want and order whatever you want." He tried again.

"Pick me up by seven." She quickly said, suddenly showing interest in him. His eyes lit up with a confident smirk on his face before leaving our table. "Oh, you know I can't resist such a good offer," Alex said when she noticed the look I was giving her.

"And what about quiet Brad?" Jane asked before I could.

"Well, he isn't ready to take me to dinner now, is he?." She scoffed, making me roll her eyes at her. So all it took was food to buy her out.

"I was thinking, let's have a sleepover at my place on Friday night. My parents still won't be at home this weekend." She shrugged.

We agreed and decided we would meet at her place, or she would come to pick us up.

When done with lunch, we stood to leave. But immediately I spun to the door, I felt something cold and wet, spill on the front of my top, sipping through to my skin.

I gasped, moving back a little in shock and pinching my top to stop it from sticking to my chest.

"My smoothie!" I heard a familiar voice gasp in fake concern for her dear smoothie. There stood Jenny with a half-filled cup oof smoothie, the other half on my pretty pink top. "Look what you've done. I was going to drink that." She whined like a spoiled brat.

"Me?! What're you even doing behind my chair, anyway?" I was beginning to think it wasn't a mistake. Thank God my top was pink, making it just look like it was water that spilled on me.

"You bitch!" Alex came to stand beside me, glowering at her.

"It's not my fault you're blind." Jenny ignores Alex, sending a bitchy smirk at me. Alex was going to attack her, I think, but I quickly stopped her.

Lately, it seems I love to draw attention to myself. Students were already watching us with excitement evident in their eyes, probably thinking we would have a girl fight. But I wasn't giving anyone anymore shows. And I wasn't going to allow Jenny to get to me.

"Let's just go." I dragged Alex away with Jane following behind.

"What the hell was that. You're just going to let her go, just like that?" Alex keeps yelling at me as we walked into the hallway.

"Just leave it, Alex." I sighed, tired of all the drama.

"I'm with Alex on this, Sam. You're letting her walk over you." Jane suddenly bits in, siding Alex.

"It was just a mistake...I think." I added when I saw them raise their eyebrows at me.

"I always take with me an extra shirt to class." Alex sighs in defeat before leading me to the girl's bathroom. "Come on. Let's get you changed." Of course, she has an extra shirt. She never goes anywhere without being fashionably prepared.

Through the remainder of the day, I hardly saw Ryan. The only time I saw him was in one of the classes we had together, but apart from that, he made himself scarce. I decided that when I get home, I was going to phone Mrs. Adams and ask if she really did invite me to dinner. Just to be sure Ryan wasn't lying to me as a way of getting me alone.

"Please let me drive. Oh, please, please!" Jane kept pleading with Alex as we stood beside her car.

"No!" I quickly objected. The last time Alex let her drive, she almost got us killed. She was a horrible driver and quickly got scared of little things. I am not taking any chances with her.

"No offense Jane, but you're a terrible driver." Alex simply said, making her pout.

As she pulled out of the parking lot with me in the back seat, I noticed someone from the corner of my eye staring at me. I turned and found Jenny staring at me, with so much disgust and hatred evident in her eyes, it sent shivers down my spine.

I averted my gaze away but met Jane's. She was slightly turned in her seat, looking at me.

"If you let anyone intimidate you, they're just going to keep on doing it." She smiled a little before turning to look out the window. I knew she was talking about Jenny.

The first thing I did after I got home was to phone Lauren, Mrs. Adams, and ask about the dinner. But it was true. And, she sounded so excited about it, I had to say yes. So I looked for a pretty dress to wear...not to impress Ryan, but just to look good. Yeah, that's all.

"Wait, a minute, she didn't invite me?" My mum wasn't taking the news lightly that Lauren invited only me for dinner. "But why?!"

"Maybe she just wanted to see only me. You both see each other every weekend." They often go out together almost every weekend.

"But still." She kept pouting as she sat on my bed.

"What of dad? He isn't back from work yet." I hardly saw him these days. I guess it wasn't easy managing a hospital.

"He might be a little bit late today." She didn't look too happy about that either. I knew then that she misses him.

True to his word, Ryan was here by six. I had on a knee-length dress that had blue and white stripes on it. Mum said it made me look cute.

Downstairs, Ryan had on a grey hoodie with dark sweatpants on. His hair in that messy hairstyle that fits him so much. Suddenly, I feel over-dressed. Maybe I should've just gone with some jeans and a top.

"Bring her back before ten, Ryan." My mum sternly said as she led us both to the door.

"I will Mrs. Kendall." He swung his arm casually around my shoulder. I had to resist the urge to swat his arm away.

"You certainly look pretty in that dress." He whispered in my ear, sending goosebumps up my arm.

"Thanks," I replied nonchalantly, trying to free myself from his tight grip but had no luck.

He opened the passenger's door for me and made a mock bow, earning a chuckle from me.

He smoothly slides into the driver's side before pulling out of our driveway. His hand reached for mine, entwining our fingers. But that was the least of my problems.

I remembered the last time he drove me, and he almost got me killed.

"Relax." he chuckled, probably sensing my fear, "I won't get you killed." He really wasn't fast or reckless like before, but I still remained on guard.

His palm against mine was doing a lot of things to my mind. I wanted to savor the moment, but how could I? When I keep seeing him and Jenny leaning in for a kiss. It hurts a lot, just thinking about it.

"What's on your mind, cupcake." He startled me out of my thoughts, but he was still looking at the road. Did he feel how tense I was?

"What do you want from me, Ryan?" I asked out of nowhere as I couldn't stop making assumptions.

"What do you mean?" He furrowed his eyebrows a little, but not taking his eyes off the road.

"I mean, why do you say you like me, even though you have a girlfriend?"

"I already told you, Jenny and I broke..."

"You say that, but you know I saw you two in the parking lot, almost kissing." I spat out the last word as it had a foul taste in my mouth.

"But did we kiss?" He asked, seemingly cool. But I could feel the tension rolling off from him.

"No...but..." I was saying, but he interrupted me.

"But you don't trust me. I already told you. I want you. Only you." He looked to me then, and I could see the sincerity in his eyes. He stared back to the road, not seeing the big smile that broke out on my face.

"Jenny still doesn't want to let go, and I can't blame her. We were together for two years, that's a lot." I hate that he's defending her, but in a way, he's right.

I didn't know they had been together for so long. But if I was in a relationship for that long, I wouldn't let go easily.

"Plus, I just wanted to see you jealous." He added with a wink, before grinning like a Chesire cat.

"Ass," I muttered a cuss at him, but he heard, and that only made him laugh harder.

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