The Boy I Married [hold]

By writtenbykara

38.3K 1.3K 408

The Boy Next Door sequel. After two years of being married and more than one thousand miles away, Brooklynn f... More

01 | Heart Configurations
02| Don't Cry
03| Balzac's
04⎮I Am Not Whipped
05 ⎟Pestilent Voice
06 ⎮ You Remember Me?
07⎜A Million Elephants
08⎹ Long Haul
09 | Vicious Cycle of Self Loathing
10 | Ambiance of Creativity
11 | Never Faltered
12 | Recklessness
13 | Idiotic Tendencies
15 |
16| Moral Support
17 | Lingering Silence
18 | Pristine Condition
19| At My Expense
20 | Weight of the World
21| Promise of Abstinence
22| Bed & Breakfast
23 | How Clichè
24 | I'll Be Damned

14 | Rose Petals

295 11 10
By writtenbykara

His body smelled of fresh Calvin Klein and amber. The very depths of my being craved every available inch of him that he could give. He rested his hand firmly on my thigh and placed me on top of the island in front of us. Our celebratory sparkling cider being pushed to the side for lack of interest. Justin's grip was a feeling that your body never knew it needed until the very moments you had it. There was no getting used to a touch like that. A touch that could make your inside churn–feening for more. My body tingled every time his fingers teased their way up closer to my inner thigh. Spending time away from your husband had its benefits. The sexual cravings were at an all time high. 

"I must've forgotten how good you make me feel," he whispered into the crook of my neck. "Just the thought of you is making me twitch. I can't believe I've gone this long without touching you," he paused, planting a wet kiss on my neck. "Kissing you. Fucking you."

Justin's eyes locked on mine for a slight second before he attacked my lips with so much lust and desire. It made me feel good knowing I turned him on that way. He lifted my body off of the island and walked me over to the master bedroom which was absolutely stunning, though scenery was the last thing on my mind. Justin lightly dropped me on the bed and fell to his knees, gently spreading my legs apart before pulling my panties down from under my dress.

"I just need to refresh my memory. I've forgotten how you taste when you haven't been satisfied in a while."


"It's time. I mean if I keep on saying it's time but never falling through with it, I'll never have a break. I talked to Scooter about it and he agreed to give me two years. Two years of freedom if I agree to studio time twice a month. Touring is what makes me happy but I couldn't help but feel extremely lonely this time around without you there with me. I don't think I can do that again anytime soon."

The night faded before us and we found ourselves trapped in the bed with each other longer than either of us could've guessed. I missed being able to talk to him face to face despite the elephant lingering in the room. It was without a doubt, my doing. The entire situation with Jacob continuously plauging my mind and the ignorance of Justin's unknowing only made guilt fester. I had to tell him the truth. I had to.

"As long as you're doing it for you, babe. Your happiness means the world to me and I know how much you value your career. If taking a break from touring to be more involved with our marriage will make you happy and keep you from resenting me, I say it's an amazing idea."

Justin's brows furrowed before he gripped my hand in his palm, "Resenting you? I could never resent you? Where'd you even come up with that theory?"

"I just know how disappointed you were with me when I said I wanted to sit this tour out to grieve and work on successfully being a married woman. I let you down and I know you were upset with me about it because I could feel how odd the both of us were."

"Brooke, I never resented you for not wanting to come on tour with me. You lost a baby you were growing inside you for months in some freak accident on tour with me. There was absolutely no time to resent you. If anything I thought you resented me. It was my show you fell at. Had you've been watching from backstage or in the crowd, the baby would be here. You needed to heal and mend the parts of you that broke because of that. No matter what it costs. No matter if you never wanted to tour with me again because of it. You deserved that time you needed." He ended, gripping his fingers in between mines.

"I'm glad we are able to talk about this. Feels like a weight was lifted off my shoulders."


"Just don't look down!" Justin laughs, grabbing onto his protective gear. "There's nothing like the rush you feel."

His face was beet red and his hair stuck to his face with sweat. It was my turn to take the line all the way down. My heart was beating at a hundred miles per second. Somehow Justin convinced me into zip lining. I'd never done something so spontaneous as this, and had it not been for my husband, i would've never.

The instructor read me all the valuable safety precautious and gave me the rundown on me being liable in the event that my death happens because of the fall. A smart person would've ran for the hills, but I choked down my fear and stepped the ledge. 

"On the count of three, you let yourself drop," the instructor said before taking steps in my direction. He counted to three, and I let myself go. The fall was exhilarating. It was a rush like nothing I had ever felt before and before it was over, I swore to myself that I would be more spontaneous.

The rest of the day with Justin was spent walking around the resort for hours and trying ever single food stand there was. By the time night has come, the both of us were on the verge of exploding because of how much food we had eaten but it had also been the best time we had with each other in a long time. Nothing could ruin this moment. 

After a while, the resort started shutting down the entry and anyone not staying in the resorts hotel had to leave. Justin drive the speed boat back the island and carried me up the sand and into the house. I could get used to this. To the feeling of actually meaning something to him. He was good at showing me love. Justin was one of the most loving people I had ever met, but somehow down the line of marriage, the love her so freely gave out before started to diminish but the time we spent here brought it all back.

"How about you go get changed into something light and sexy and then meet me out in front in fifteen minutes?" He smiled at me before standing from the sofa he buried himself into and walked out of the patio door.

It didnt take me long to follow him up on his request and when I walked outside, the sand had been lined with white and red rose petals and fake flickering candles leading down to a blanket and two champagne glasses.

"I figured we needed to bring a little bit of the romance back. I don't think you know but being away from you while I was touring put me in a place I never expected to be. It made me realize that I don't want to lose you, Brooke. I make stupid decisions and sometimes I screw up bad enough to the point where even Scooter can't fix it, but marrying you was thee best decision I have ever made. I thank God for you everyday. Him bringing you back to me after us wasting so much time and going our separate ways for college was a blessing that I can never be thankful enough for. I love you and I always will," he pauses, holding his champagne glass up.

The tears gathering in my eyes didnt go unnoticed by Justin. He reached over to me and wiped the tear away with his thumb before pressing a soft kiss to my lips. 

Imagining life without Justin in it was dangerous and almost crippling. Had he and I never reconnected, I would probably still be in the relationship I was in before him with Dylan. Being abused everyday and accused of doing absolutely everything under the sun. I would probably be dead right now hadn't Justin and I got married. He didn't realize how much he meant to me. 

Maybe my guilt was beginning to get the best of me because the tears forming in my eyes wouldn't stop. Justin didn't mind though. He was always the best comforter. He made me feel safe beyond explanation. 

"I love you."


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Just wait y'all. Someone is returning and..... let's just say... it's not going to be pretty.

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