The Shadows

By AshleyMiniard

2.3M 52.9K 11.7K

Annabella has had a rough life. From surviving brutal beatings from her so called 'parents' to becoming a wel... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Sequel Information+Other Things

Chapter Twenty-One

41.6K 1.1K 315
By AshleyMiniard

When they had gotten back to the spot where they had first met, Annabella looked over to Isa. She really didn't want to go back into that house now that she knew they were the Italian Mafia. They had been trying to kill her for a few years now. How could she trust them not to kill her in her sleep if they found out who she truly was?

Yes, she was their sister, but she has seen families do worse to each other than some strangers have done to people. Who is to say once they find out who she really was, they wouldn't want her anymore? Annabella truly would not blame them as she had done some pretty messed up things in her life, but it would still hurt. Isa snapping her fingers in front of Annabella had her coming out of her thoughts.

"Hey, are you okay? You seem to be really out of it tonight," Isabella asked her. Annabella just looked over to Isabella with her eyes filling up with tears. She was not usually that emotional, but finding out that your family is the top contender demanding for your death really takes it out of you. She was currently emotionally drained from the past few weeks and it is just now catching up with her.

"I don't know Isa. I am just thinking about everything and it is really overwhelming. Like they are the people trying to kill me right now and I live in their house!" Annabella said while tears silently rolled down her face. She did not let her emotions show as they were a distraction and weakness in her world. The only person who ever saw them was Isabella.

Isabella looked at her with sympathy. She hated when Annabella would bottle everything up, but would be there every time she broke down. Whether it be in person or on the phone, Annabella knew that she had her back. After her little breakdown, Annabella wiped her tears and got her stuff together. Annabella smiled at her best friend and said goodnight to her. Getting out of the car, she walked towards the side wall.

She knew it was going to be rough getting back into her room without getting caught. Quickly, Annabella scaled the wall and looked over to make sure there were no guards near her. She ended up being lucky and there was no one near her at all. It was a little suspicious but she paid no mind to it all. Annabella made quick work off jumping the rest of the way down and running towards her window.

When she reached the window, she hurriedly climbed up and slipped inside. As it was really dark, she did not notice someone else was in the room with her until the air shifted and the lights were turned on. There sat all of her brothers and her father. Her only thought right now is 'thank everything holy I decided to change out of my Shadow outfit in the car ride over'.

Annabella looked at them and awkwardly waved at them, "Hey guys, nice weather tonight huh?"


It was around 1 that Adriano had decided to go check on his baby sister. He was so happy to have her back even if she did not always show it. She was the light in their lives. He walked up to her room and was expecting her to be sound asleep. Instead, Adriano found an empty bed. Now from prior incidents when the kidnapping happened, his mind went straight to her getting kidnapped again. Never did he once think in his moment of panic as he was calling for his family, did he think his precious sister who just got cleared from her broken leg would have snuck out.

Once his father and brothers that were not out racing and watching the new fighter, came into the room, they pointed out some important facts. Like her shoes and phone were missing. They all let out a breath of relief and then quickly got angry. Their baby sister had snuck out! She would not sneak out to hang with a boy would she?

Oh, Adriano hoped not. He could not handle her seeing anyone. She was way too young to be interested in dating or anything of the sorts. While in his inner monologue, their dad had taken charge and moved the guards around so when she snuck back in she would think that they were changing shifts or rotations. Around four in the morning, she came through the window, not noticing their presence.

She was about to head to her closet and get clothes to change, when they turned on the lights giving her quite the fright. She looked over at them in what could be considered shock and she seemed to be in her own head for a minute, forgetting about them. When she finished her thoughts, she awkwardly waved at them.

"Hey guys, nice weather tonight huh?" Annabella said. Adriano couldn't help it. His lips twitched upwards and he had to hold back a chuckle. Only Annabella would ask about the weather when she gets caught sneaking back into her window from who knows where. Someone scoffed at her question while he heard two of the boys chuckle.

Finally, Adriano asked the long awaited question. "Where have you been? Do you know how worried we were? We thought you had been kidnapped again. Why did you sneak out and where did you go?" He looked at her expectantly.

She started to tear up and said, "I am sorry but I needed to see Isa. It all has been too much on me lately. I just found out I was kidnapped when I was a baby and I have brothers. A twin one at that and a father. I needed to see her. I am not good at handling my emotions so I am sorry that I have worried you."

Adriano studied her for a minute and nodded. He could tell that she was hiding something else but he would let it slide for now as he can tell she was telling the truth about this all being overwhelming. He sighed and went to hug her. He pulled her close and whispered to her, "I am sorry this is so overwhelming for you princess."

The rest of their brothers joined in on the hug and whispered their own soothing words to their princess. Adriano heard a camera shutter and looked to see their dad with his phone out and teary eyes. Adriano opened his arms for him to come join in. Now their family has its missing piece back. The only thing missing was their mama. Oh how he wished she was there to guide Annabella.

Adriano looked down and smiled at her. "Don't think you are getting out of trouble. I understand your reasons but you could've called her or asked us. We will always be there for you. Now get changed and go to bed. I love you princess," He said to her after the group hug ended.

She looked up and smiled at him. "I love you too buddy. Can you guys stay here tonight though? It is fine if you don't want to, I just want to snuggle tonight," she asks shyly. Adriano had to resist the coo that wanted to come out at how cute his baby sister is. How did they get so lucky? He looked over and saw that his brothers were looking at her in awe also. He nodded and kissed her forehead and went to change his clothes.

When he got back into Annabella's room, everyone was in there and had piled onto her bed somehow. Adriano smiled and shook his head. Walking over, he said goodnight and piled onto the bed also. He was glad that they had found her.

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