-The Home for the Murders- (S...

By -Shy-Moon-

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Toxin. She was friend with almost all of them. The crazy and the lost ones. The broken and the silent ones. S... More

Chapter 0
Chapter 1: Introductions
Chapter 2: Seeing them again and Coffee with the Nurses
Chapter 3: Broken door
Chapter 4: Files for Home
Chapter 5: Break them out
Chapter 6: Home
Chapter 7: Temporary Stay
Chapter 8: Calm Killings
Chapter 10: Carrie's Cherry Pie
Chapter 11: Visiting the Clown
Chapter 12: The Dolls
Chapter 13: Demogorgons and Demodogs
Chapter 14: Hazardous Night
Chapter 15: Anxious News
Chapter 16: The rotten Camp
Chapter 17: Dreams of the past
Chapter 18: The Tapes of forgotten memories
Chapter 19: See for yourself
Chapter 20: Undeniable Proof

Chapter 9: Reunited

537 8 0
By -Shy-Moon-


3rd PoV

After the appearance of the officers, the day had been uneventful.

It was at the evening that the next event takes place. Toxin was in the kitchen making Hot Dogs, Michael and Jason were who knows where and Freddy was on the couch watching TV.

The news about the GhostFace kill and the Asylum Outbreak were still broadcasted as the house phone began to ring.

Toxin snapped her head to the phone and Freddy bolted up the the telephone. „Hey!" she shouted as he answered the phone.

Hello there, am I calling the right house?" the caller asked. Toxin halted next to Freddy.

Depends." Freddy growled into the phone. Toxin tried to get it from him.

Meanwhile Michael peeked in the room from the hallway and Jason had slithered in through the backdoor. He had been outside checking on the traps.

I wonder..." The caller began. Freddy slapped Toxin's hand away.

What is your favorite scary movie..?" the caller asked and the burnt Killer raised his none-existent eyebrows.

„A Cabin in the woods, why?" he answered without thinking. Now Toxin raised her eyebrows.

Why would he just mention his favorite- oh. OH!

Toxin facepalmed. „Hey, GhostFace! Come on out we're having Hot Dogs." she called out and walked back into the kitchen, ignoring the confused stares from the other killers.

The door to her room popped open and GhostFace walked out, going after Toxin. 

„Aw, Sweetheart how'd you know it was me?" he asked looking over her shoulder.

„A Cabin in the Woods, Danny." she answered not looking up. He was standing right behind her, she was afraid she would blush if she'd turn around.

„Who the hell is that and how the fuck did he get inside?!?" Krueger asked.

Toxin didn't answer other than pointing over her shoulder to the TV. The GhostFace kills were being broadcasted.

GhostFace pulled his mask up to sit atop of his head under his hood. (A/N: Think of dbd GhostFace.)

He flashed the female killer a smile and leaned closer. Toxin saw Michael move from the corner of her eye and felt her hand twitch. Danny caught up on that.

He turned around propping his elbows on the table next to him and eyed the other killers. Jason just walked back out to finish checking his traps.

This wasn't his problem. The small new guy was not really a match for him. Michael knew that Danny probably wasn't a threat to him, but he was getting between him and his prey. No one got between him and his prey.

Freddy Tch-d and turned back to the TV. Danny continued to play with the little leather bands from his coat while standing behind Toxin like a protective barrier.

He knew that his sweetheart didn't need the protection, she could fight very well on her own, but he just felt better knowing that she was in his safety zone.

„You gonna stay over Danny?" the redhead asked.

The male turned his head, yellow eyes focused on the girl. „Of course Sweetheart. I have no reason to go."

Toxin smiled. „You're just here to brag over your new ‚famous' kill Danny." she spoke, but her words held no bite to it.

„You know me too well~" he chuckled.

Just kiss already. Freddy's thoughts hissed, but he kept his trap shut.

The rest of the evening was rather... uneventful. The female killer finished the Hot Dogs and most of the guys retreated into their rooms to eat, leaving Danny and Toxin alone.

They ate in silence until he decided to speak up. „How are they?"

She looked up, his eyes widened at the sight of sadness and pain in her leaf green orbs. „They're... alright... I guess." she trailed off staring at nothing.

„And how are you?" he asked, setting his food down.

Her gaze was faraway. „I'm worried..." she settled. Toxin looked stressed and afraid in his eyes.

She pressed her lips into a thin line and swallowed the urge to cry.

Toxin looked back down and bit into the last piece of her Hot Dog. Danny tilted his head in worry. „Sweetheart-"

„Please, just drop it."

Her voice was merely above a whisper. He looked down. „Alright."

After that they fell silent and finished off their dinner, placing it in the sink. Krueger followed them soon after, any traces of the moment Danny and Toxin shared were gone.

Toxin sat on the couch, scrolling through her phone. Danny set next to her scribbling something into the ‚human-hunting' journal. The burnt dream demon took a seat on the other side of the red-headed killer. Yellow eyes darted to him for a second, not even.

Freddy found himself staring at the nasty scar on Toxin's neck. It looked old, at least a year.

Toxin's eyes snapped to him breaking him out of his trance. „What's it?" she muttered going back the device in her hand.

„What the hell did you do to get that thing?" Krueger asked, pointing to her neck.

Toxin looked up. A flash of pain appeared in her eyes. Danny looked over. He knew where she got the scar from, he was there when it happened.

He had wanted to kill the forest man for it, but she had held him back. Her healing had been a miracle for that wound, but the scar remained. „First Meetings." she muttered.

Danny narrowed his eyes. She wasn't exactly wrong.

„And that one?" the burnt man asked, this time pointing to her right arm.

Another nasty scar was there, but what Freddy couldn't see were the other small gashes on the back side of her arm.

For this scar was caused by him and this time the flash of pain in her leaf green eyes did not go unnoticed by the killer. He decided to say nothing about it.

„Angered the wrong guy. He was an asshole, deserved it." she muttered again.

Danny chuckled, knowing damn well that Krueger couldn't remember that incident.

„What about those damn bandages of yours?" she froze. „What'd you do to get those?"

Don't tell, don't tell- don't cry-

Ring !

Her head snapped up and she bolted to the phone.

The callers ID read ‚Carrie&PYH'.

„Ah, our neighbors."

Danny nodded and went back to the journal. Freddy still looked at the female as she answered the phone.

You have reached the house of unrecognized talent, my friend. How can I help you?" Toxin spoke sweetly.

The yellow-eyed boy felt his heart flutter at that voice. If only she would speak to me like that...

Laughter came from the other line. „Very funny Tox, how are you doing?" Carrie asked, after overcoming her laughing fit.

„Little ol' me is doing just fine, tell me how are things over there in Silent Hill?" Toxin asked her blonde friend on the other line.

Things are doing just fine Tox. PyramidHead is doing his ‚work' and the sky is looking as foggy as always. I've started baking again, do you want to come over here and take one?"

Toxin felt her mouth water. Carrie's pies were heavenly and even the monster with the huge blade recognized that.

The shape on her team loved the pie too, sometimes the pies in their household would just disappear and appear back again several minutes later with nothing remaining on the plate.

Freddy and Danny always melted away eating Carrie's pies, but she couldn't blame them she knew they were good.

„You got one for tomorrow, Carrie?" Toxin asked. Feeling Danny's unspoken begging for another one of her heavenly pies. She could see his puppy eyes right before her and he wasn't even looking at her.

How could she ever resist those beautiful eyes of his?

Bet'cha Tox." Carrie calmed from her line.

„Also on a completely unrelated topic; have you seen the Twins?" Toxin took her chance to ask. She could feel Carrie frown at her words.

Toxin, you know how I feel about those cannibalistic brothers..." Carrie signed.

„I'll take that as a ‚no' then." Toxin hung her head.

She had gotten her hope up for about 60 seconds.

„Maybe I should ask Amanda..." she said to no one in particular.

You think they went all the way to her?" Carrie asked and Toxin swore she was raising her eyebrows.

„You're probably right."

Oh, I gotta hang up. PyramidHead just came home. Goodbye Toxin!" Carrie whispered into the phone.

„Yeah, bye Carrie." Toxin said and ended the call.

„Expect cake tomorrow." she smiled at the ghostly killer, watching him lit up like a child on Christmas.

He can be so chaotically adorable...

The girl stretched and muttered a good night before disappearing into the hallway to her room. She had mixed sleeping pills into their Hot Dogs again, except for Danny's, and needed more sleep for herself.

Without the notebook to communicate, she could hurt them and god did she not want that...

„Good Night Sweetheart!"
„Sweet Dreams Kitten!"

They called after her and if she didn't know any better there was a hidden message behind Freddy's words.

He couldn't be able to haunt her dreams after he took those pills. She was safe... probably.

Toxin closed the door behind her sinking onto the ground, leaning against the wooden door.

Ping !

She looked up at the device in her hand.

Going to bed so early?

Toxic Angel
I lost the notebook
I don't want to hurt them...

Is that the reason for the sleeping pills?

She raised her eyebrows. She didn't know that he noticed.

Toxic Angel
There were none in yours don't worry

Toxic Angel
I know you're smart enough to stay in your room at night.

Oh my
Such flattery~

Toxic Angel
You fckin flirt

why thank you~

She felt herself smile she his text.

Toxic Angel
Is he sleeping yet?


Also Jason just toppled in
I think he's passed out

Toxic Angel
Then I guess Michael's out of it too-

How 'bout we carry them to their rooms now?

Toxic Angel
No. I was gonna let them sleep on the floor Danny

Is that sarcasm sweetheart?

Toxic Angel
not at alllllllllllll Danny

Hardy har Sweetheart.

~Timeskip brought to you by our Sweetheart~

Toxin PoV

Toxin's eyes fluttered open.

But not because of the time, because of the noise.

A dog was barking meaning either police or Cujo.

Cujo meant the twins were back and police meant killing. Either way she had to get up.

On her way through the halls, she swiftly unlocked the other's doors. In case the sound woke them up.

In fact one person did wake up. Danny's door was at the end of the hallway. He popped out of his room knife ready in hand.

Toxin was the first at the door and even after Danny's whisper-shout of protest, she slammed the door open.

She yelped as he dog rammed into her sending her to the ground with him above her aggressively... licking her face.

„C-Cujo Stop!" Toxin laughed, immediately recognizing the bloodied dark fur.

A whine came from the doorframe or more particular the person standing in the doorframe. 

Cujo jumped off her body to greet the GhostFace masked killer behind her. Toxin leaped up and hugged the chubby male.

„Bubba! Thank god, you're okay."

Her smile faded as she saw him wielding two chainsaws instead of just one. Her fear was eminent on her face.

„Where is..." she began, searching the males eyes. „Your brother..?"

Bubba averted his eyes and whimpered, confirming her fears. Toxin felt a stinging pain in her chest.

„Come in Bubba. No need to stay outside." she spoke.

The chubby male walked inside carrying his and his brothers bloody chainsaws. Danny Johnson had already spotted the weapons on the Sawyer man and connected the dots.

Either dead or caught.

Everyone knew it. Toxin grabbed a medkit and bandaged Bubba's bleeding arm. He was covered in sweat and his stomach growled uncomfortably loud.

„Could you put it away? I'll get him some food." Toxin mentioned to the medkit and stalked to the basement stairs.

The stairs were dark and the small lightbulb lightening up the place was dirty. Thomas and Bubba liked it that way. It reminded them of their home.

Toxin stepped into the twins room, not even bothered by the smell of dead body's and blood coming from the connected ‚meat-room'. She opened the small fridge next to Bubba's workbench and grabbed a price of flesh.

Looked like it was once from a leg or the stomach. Toxin went back to the kitchen and placed the meat on a plate, throwing it into the microwave.

Bubba basically inhaled the fresh heated meat and Toxin gave Cujo a real bone she found in a bucket next to the fridge downstairs.

Cujo licked on the blood that sticked to the bone. Danny stood by the window the whole time, he didn't like seeing the twins eat... it was not good for his stomach.


He shivered at the munching sounds the chubby male made while eating. Toxin didn't bother. In hard situations she'd eat flesh herself, like when they were running out of food and were chased like dogs.

Bubba placed the plate into the sink and grabbed the chainsaws going downstairs into the basement.

Danny looked at Toxin and saw the hurt in her eyes as she watched him leave.

„You gonna go cheer him up sweetheart?" he asked worryingly.

„I'll try." she answered not even looking away.

What happened to Thomas?

Toxin slowly descended the stairs into the darkness of the basement. Three doors greeted her.

The junk room, the twins room and a room used for torture if needed. Though the latter was hardly needed, but if Toxin found the guys that took her family from her... oh Boy. You don't wanna know.

The redhead heard whines and wails coming from the LeatherFace Twins room.

She creaked the door open and caught a peek at the crying man sitting on his bed. Chainsaws on the workbench and mask on the table in the middle of the room.

Toxin creeped closer to him and began rubbing his back as she sat down. Bubba flinched, saw her and began crying into her side.

His wails sounded like she was calling his name. Toxin felt tears prickle into her eyes.

„Bubba. Bubba look at me." her voice was gently and soft, comforting the crying man-child next to her.

He raised his head for a moment, giving Toxin a look at the old scar across his face, before burying his face in her shoulder again.

He was far taller and bigger than her, but she was still the biggest comfort he could get.

„Bubba." she gently called his name again. A tear threatening to roll down her cheek.

„Is he dead..?" she asked the dreaded question and felt a burden smacked from her shoulder when he violently shook his head while crying further into her scarlet hair.

Her leaf green eyes closed as she patted his back, rubbing in circles and whispering reassuring words.

Not dead... just caught then. Still bad but better then dead. I have to cheer him up and find Thomas as soon as possible. They need each other.

Bubba ever so slowly calmed down, but his quiet sobs and whines still persisted.

„It's okay..." she whispered again, practically holding his whole weight on her right shoulder.

He hugged her closer like a life-sized doll. Toxin smiled.

„How about I'll bring you new prey for food? I saw that you're running out of meat." she offered the texan.

Bubba nodded stiffly.

Good. I need to take his mind off his brother.

She gave him one last pat and wiggled our of his loving hug. She went up the stairs and sent Danny a look.

He was in the living room mask on, his eyes were trained on the other pale white mask in the room. Cujo was lying in front of the TV, licking his bone.

„Morning Michael." Toxin muttered.

She downed the tea Danny made her and passed the shape.

She went to her room, changed into her other clothes, grabbed her axe and went back into the kitchen.

Michael now had his eyes trained on Cujo, napping in front of the TV. Danny was munching on a sandwich and Freddy stood in front of the couch staring at the bone between Cujo's paws.

When the fuck did this dog show up?

„Morning guys." Toxin spoke loud enough, even Jason could hear it, even though he just exited his room.

The hooded redhead went to the door and took the Pick-Up keys from their place on the hook next to the front door.

„Don't harm Cujo and stay away from Bubba he's had a hard start in the day. I'll take the Pick-Up. See you guys later." she called out and went outside, slamming the door shut behind her.

Toxin speeded into the garage and opened the drivers door from the Pick-Up greeting Christine before doing so.

„If Freddy tries to leave you're free to take a drive with him." her voice echoed.

Toxin started the car and pulled out of the underground garage.

Thank you for reading this Chapter.
Check out ‚Shys book of books' for Informations, Updates and possible sequels.
See ya!
{Word Count: 2914}

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