An Echo in the Mafia (Echo Re...

By losautenticos

16.3M 613K 142K

Echo wasn't like her sisters. She knew that when people talked about the famous and fabulous Reid sisters, th... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
The Next time

First Times

121K 4.3K 281
By losautenticos

Echo stood holding the towel out to him, trying to ignore the faint smirk that began to spread over Luke's face. She wasn't trembling, she hadn't trembled since the first time and she wasn't the least bit afraid of all the things Luke made her feel when he made love to her.  She faced him straight on, that same unwavering gaze, looking absolutely fearless as she held the towel out to him despite the deep red that now swept across her cheeks and chest. 

She was blushing. She was determined to be bold and brave, but even as she jutted her chin up and faced him, trying her best to look undaunted, she could not stop it.  The very sight of Luke's eyes slowly, languidly, making their way over her was... disarming. He made no effort to reach for the towel, no movement except for the subtle tensing of his muscles as he took a breath.  How she admired every last bit of him. Tall, lean, sinewy, graceful... oh yes, Luke was so graceful. His body was a thing of beauty, even those scars that stood out along his shoulder and back.  She could watch him for hours. No, she could watch him endlessly, she would watch him endlessly.  Especially now, as his eyes continued to scan her slowly, the water dripping off his lashes and down his cheeks. She watched the droplets pool onto his cupid's bow before sliding down across those lips that now smiled brightly at her...

He'd seen it, the way her eyes were now glazed over as she ran them over his lips.  But it wasn't the eyes that had him practically frozen in place, that made it impossible for him to reach out for the towel she still held in her slender hands. No, what had his full attention was the satin and lace that thinly veiled the gentle curves and pretty skin he loved.  She'd never worn anything like that before, in fact, any time he so much as teased her about it she'd swear up and down that she'd never wear anything like it. 

Not that he really minded. There was something infinitely alluring about Echo in her typical sweatpants and tee ensemble, a favorite of hers for sleeping. Although, the reality was that, more often than not, Echo didn't sleep in much but Luke's arms. He never pressured her over it either, never expected her to wear anything like this but now that he saw it- the lace just barely covering a rose tipped breast, the freckle he paid tribute to daily just peeking out at him- it was hard to look away. 

Then, when he would have reached out, he was almost surprised to see that she did. Echo took a step towards him, then another, closing the gap and gently patting his neck with the towel. He was still, watching her in silent contentment as she began to wipe away the water at his temples.  Echo tried to suppress the shiver that traveled down her spine as she felt Luke's breath on her neck. He leaned in close, inhaling deeply, enjoying her scent. 

She looked up, their eyes meeting briefly before hers once again dropped to his lips. Without a word, she placed her free hand on his shoulder and pulled herself up, flicking her tongue across his lips. His little Echo was much more bold than most people thought, especially when it came to him. 

He reached out, placing his hands at the nape of her neck to hold her in place, both thumbs now stroking her jaw line. It was Echo who smirked now, Echo who knew exactly what she'd started and Echo who watched him knowing what it was he wanted now... exactly what she wanted.  

"I like this..." He said softly, loosening his grip and sliding one hand along her shoulder. He slipped a finger beneath the lace strap, playing with it carelessly for several seconds before letting it slide off her shoulder, his gaze following his hand as he did so. 

"I like you." She managed to say breathlessly and he snapped his gaze right back to her face. The smirk was back on his lips and before she could fully recover from the sight of it, he'd crashed his lips down on hers. 

The towel dropped, slipping out of her hand as she tangled her fingers in his hair, afraid to release him. Not that he'd let her, he'd already wrapped one arm so tight around her, the heat from it seared straight through the satin and onto her skin.  His hands were so hot, she could swear that he'd leave a mark. So many time she'd touched her own skin, over and over, wondering how he could make her feel like she was on literal fire and not leave any marks? 

But just now, just now as he seemed to be sucking the very soul from her, she couldn't think of anything, not even him. All she could do was follow the same instinct that always took over, the one that made her feel the need to be as close to him as possible. She couldn't think, she couldn't breathe. There was a desperation in her any time he touched her, something only he could start and something only he could end. 

Luke was glad to do it, glad to do anything as long as he could keep touching her and once her arms were fully wrapped around his neck, he did the only thing that felt natural. Echo pulled away in surprise as she suddenly felt her feet come off the ground, her arms tightening around him as his hands slid her legs around his waist. 

The cry of surprise made him chuckle but it didn't last long. He moved quickly, carrying her out of the restroom and towards the bed.  He reached one hand behind his neck, taking hers and placing a kiss on it, as he guided her down onto the bed spread.  He lay her down carefully, raising himself up to admire the satin once again, the dark blue of it a stark contrast against her flushed skin. Echo sucked in a deep breath as Luke reached out, placing the palm of his hand on her neck and slowly sliding it down to her belly.  He picked at her waist for a moment, fascinated by the heady breaths escaping her parted lips, and then he slid along her side, catching the hem with his fingertips. 

She gasped as they slid beneath the slip, his hand dragging up towards her belly momentarily as he lowered himself down to kiss her. It was a soft kiss, one meant to entice, meant to tantalize and seduce, her favorite kind.  He nibbled gently, suckling the bottom lip as his hand slipped lower once again... and she moaned.

It was a deep, throaty sound that he caught between his lips as short gasps of air began to escape her lips.  He watched her, his face only inches from hers, noting how she tossed her head back, biting that pretty bottom lip as his hand worked gently at the velvet between her legs. She was certainly something to behold, writhing against the sheets, panting gently, erotically as she arched her back into him. The first time he'd done this, that first night, she hadn't known what to do with herself. She'd clutched at the sheets, at his hand, begging him to stop one moment and then begging him not to abandon her the next. 

Now? Now Echo ran her hand along his arm, stopping when hers landed just over his as he touched her and enjoying the way he worked, allowing herself to enjoy the way he moved. He loved it, loved the way she felt in his hands, loved how sensitive she was to his touch, loved how wanton she was when it came to him... his little Echo. She cried out, tugging at his hair as she so, feeling relief sweep over her as she shuddered. It was beautiful... but it was far from over.  She opened her eyes, dazed, bemused but in ultimate anticipation as she watched him now, his hand gently stroking the lace against her breast. She pulled that hand to her, that hand that had gently and artistically loved her only moments before. He brushed the pads of those fingertips against her lips...

It was wicked, she thought. Wicked as she could smell her own scent on those fingertips, wicked that she opened her lips, gently sucking on them and tasting that musk. There was something captivating, irresistible about the taste of her on his skin, as beguiling as it was wicked. Luke was fascinated by it. 

Fascinated as she sat up suddenly and raised her arms, prompting him to finally pull the pretty silk over her head. Echo leaned back on her arms, completely exposed to him, freckles spread across her skin, sometimes in small clusters, other times lonely and glaring back at him, begging for company. And so he leaned in, gently placing kissing on them, one at a time, until he reached his favorite, his idol.

As he kissed and plumped and squeezed, plucked and nibbled, she lay back as he naturally leaned over her, every bit of her body seeming to roll open... her body accommodating him of it's own volition. It was nature. Her body now worked on it's own, making room for him, molding itself to him. Here it was. Nothing between them, skin to skin, burning up. She wrapped her legs around his waist, waiting for the moment, wanting and needing to have him closer, needing to touch him with every last inch of her body. 

Everything was one endless blur. They moved in unison, they caught each other's frantic breaths, the clung to each other desperately. She made him feel like he'd never felt before, he was vulnerable, he was overcome. Home. Being this close to Echo, feeling her surrounding him, accepting him, feeling the way she pulsed and vibrated against him, this was home. He was at his most vulnerable when he was inside her and somehow, this small, beautiful woman made him feel completely indestructible.

Now, as they lay side to side, their legs still tangled, him clutching her hand to his chest, he wondered how he ever made it through life without her. It was a few minutes before either one could properly move or talk. They usually lay their, letting the haze of the heat they'd share slowly fade, feeling like primitive creatures incapable of coherent thoughts. 

When his heart rate was finally something like normal, he turned to her, noting how she smiled faintly. He leaned to his side, resting his head his his hand and playing with her splayed palm gently. 

"I knew it." He finally said, prompting her to wrinkle her nose in confusion. 

"knew what?" She asked without bothering to turn to him. She was much to sated, much to pleased with herself... with him to even think about moving. 

"That you weren't asleep." He said with some humor. She smiled again. 

"What gave me away?" She said, remembering how she'd hid under the covers when she heard him coming. 

"You weren't snoring." He said with a chuckle, making her eyes open and turn to him with a frown. 

"I don't always snore." She muttered after a few seconds. 

"Of course you do." He said, laying on his back again. "My Echo doesn't sleep so peacefully."

She let out the most unladylike snort. 

"Your Echo sleeps peacefully." She muttered, "Just not prettily."

He laughed, turning to face her again.

"There's nothing about my Echo that isn't pretty."

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