Our cruel Bond|sequel Book Fo...

By Ellarybts

25.7K 1.1K 478

"H-hyung, what is it? " "Jung... Jungkook" "What is it hyung? " "..... " "Hyung please! " "It's.. *sighs* it'... More

SQ:1: |Our date|
SQ:2:|Don't talk to me|
SQ:3:|Stormy days|
SQ:Picnic Date and Playing with Moon
SQ;Blood and Tears(2)
SQ:Just Tears
SQ: Are So Far Away
SQ: lets be happy
SQ: tears
Bonus Chapter:Jen-hope
SQ: the Vampire Council
SQ:Stay with me
SQ:The gab between us
SQ: Burning desire
SQ:Secret Girl's day out
SQ:Strange encounter
SQ:Attack and fear
SQ:Rage and regret.
SQ:haunting feels
SQ END 2:The Panic,The Torture
SQ END 3:Blood bath
SQ End finale: STAY
Emergency writer and readers meeting!!
Author's final decision

SQ:Blood and tears(1)

832 41 4
By Ellarybts

kkumeun samagui pureun singiru

(I unpublished it and published it again, so if the chapter is short and abnormal, pls try to download it again)

"Stay back flower, don't move from there "

Jungkook warns as he stared at the five attackers warily and carefully. After I gave control to Moon, I don't know what happened but it was Jungkook who woke me up later, telling me to shift back so we can get back home. I did as he said, we walked for a while, carrying the picnic basket and making him talk about his time with my wolf when we heard a twig snap.

His senses being sharper than mine, he held my hand, it wasn't long until I picked up five unfamiliar scents, there were two werewolf rogues and three vampires, surrounding us.

I instinctively dropped the picnic basket and stood in an alert stance, I wish Jungkook would allow me to kick some asses but he definitely made it clear when he just told me to stay back.

My wolf whimpered, worried for my mate but I had to listen to him. All five vampires attacked simultaneously, those that tried to aim for me , Jungkook did his best to block them. He was fast, like really faster than them, dodging them easily. They didn't seem so experienced but I realized one vampire was really good at combat, he only knew how to attack, his defending skills were hella poor.

Jungkook on the other hand whipped around them in a flash, you will see him standing in front of you but 0.5 seconds later, he will be behind you.

Ok three down, two to go , I didn't like the sight of blood but Jungkook was one hella of a brutal fighter.

His method of killing them was so merciless, I cringe, trying not to look at them. I could feel all the food rising up my throat.

The one who seemed to be good was attacking whiles the other werewolf was, I think Jungkook found him distracting so he grabbed him by the hair, earning a scream from him as he threw him to the far end, his body slamming into a far tree.

I don't know why Jungkook was focused on squeezing the guy's neck for that long but it seemed the guy had pissed him off so he wanted to give him a painful death.

I watched as the guy's face turned red, the life in him being squeezed by my mate. I turned my gaze away from them as I heard his neck snap.

Distracted, he failed to notice the other one back on his feet and rushing to him with a blade in his hand.

It all happened fast and then, I saw him stab the blade into my mate's arm.Jungook grunted, catching my attention. My eyes went wide as he stumbled backwards, eyes on the blade stabbed in his arm, blood gushing out. The mark on my wrist began to burn, the one on my neck throbbing painfully. My wolf growled, hearing and feeling his cry in pain. Everything happened slow and next thing I knew, I had shifted, sprinting to them, tackling him down at killing him brutally.


I heard Jungkook call

"Luna noo! "

I wasn't going to listen to him, I was too desperate

I grabbed the guy's throat with my teeth and tore it out of his neck,his screams of agony echoing through the woods and blood sputtering on my Wolf's face. I cringed in disgust, continuing to tear him apart even when I knew he was dead.I made sure to tear that fucker limb by limb.

He dared lay a hand on my mate.

I was pulled out of my killing spree when I heard another pained grunt behind me.

I shifted back and grabbed the shirt I removed before I shifted to kill the guy.

Throwing it over my naked body, I rushed to Jungkook who was leaning against the tree.

My heart was beating fast


My wolf whimpered in pain. I finally released a sob, my body shaking as I tried to find something to do.

"J-Jungkook.... "

He looked up at me, eyes drowsy

"Are you ok? Oh my, I'm sorry, you shouldn't have gotten... No I should have watched, I'm so sorry, please don't close your eyes like last time and... "

"Hey , shhh, look at me Luna, I'm ... I'm ok baby "

He grabbed my arm, his hand blood stained.

"There, just calm down, I.. I'm fine "

I was a crying mess, having a panic attack. But I listened to him and looked into his eyes

"W-what should I do? "

I sobbed

"I'm s-so scared "

"Shh, it's ok, it's just a blade, it doesn't even hurt, just come here "

He stretched the uninjured arm , a small smile on his lips. With my loud cries, I hugged him, curling myself against him.

"Shhh, now calm down"
I nodded against his chest, trying to calm my harsh breathing. My face instinctively went into his neck, breathing in his scent which I knew would help me to calm down. He gave me access to his neck whiles rubbing my bare thigh which was really pleasurable. I could feel all the goosebumps that had appeared on my skin.

After a while of whispering sweet words into my ears, I had calmed down, my cries had turned into hiccups

"Are you ok now? "
I sniffled and nodded against his neck,

"Good, can you pull out the dagger? "

I pulled away to wipe my face and stare at the blade stuck in his arm as if it was the scariest thing on earth.

"I... What if... I end up, hurting... "

"You won't hurt me,you just have to pull it out for me. Don't worry, I can endure it, it'll heal if you get it out "

I look at the blood trailing down his arm, he was losing too much, I needed to do it.

Please Luna

I nodded and gulped, closing my eyes to calm myself down by taking in a big inhale.

My shaky hand moved up to grab the blade.

"Do it baby, you can do it "

He encouraged, I squeezed my eyes shut before pulling it out with little strength, the thing was in my hand, letting it fall from my hands and onto the ground.

I opened my eyes to look at him, he was staring at me with an amused smile

"You did well "

I glared at him playfully

"Not funny Kookie"

I pouted , pressing my hand on his bleeding arm.

"You need to drink from me, it'll heal faster "

He froze

"No, no, I'm not drinking from you Luna, I might end up losing control, especially with no one around "

He refused, shrugging off my hands.

"You need to do it, you won't loose control"

"No I can't .. "

"How sure are you that I won't lose control? "

He mumbled, voice getting low

"Because I trust you, I know you won't hurt me "

I press, grabbing his hand in mine

"Luna... "

"Please Jungkook, for me? "

I pleaded, giving him my best puppy eyes that I know he can never refuse. He stared at me , his eyes showing the inner battle he was having with himself.
I batted my eyes at him, trying to make him fall for it.

"Ok "

He sighed in defeat, I did a mental victory dance, a large smile spreading on my lips.

I don't know why I loved to make him drink from me.

Maybe I loved how intimate it was to have him drink from me.

"But if I loose control, you need to hit me or something,just do anything to make me pull away"

I nodded excitedly and moved my hair, exposing my neck to him.

Slowly, he leaned down, shivering in pleasure when I felt his breath hit my skin, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me onto his laps.

Biting my lip to hold back a wince as I felt his fangs dug into my neck.
There, I wanted him to drink from me often, it felt good to know I can feed him.

The relationship between them wasn't any better. Taehyung was still ignoring her , gladly, he wasn't trying to hurt her like at first. He wasn't raging whenever he set eyes on her.
She had changed, she had tried to change but it didn't seem to be enough for him.

Coming face to face with the male had become a daily routine. He would walk past her, not sparing her a glance. Pia always feels it, the ache, but she reminds herself how much she deserves everything

Even though Luna and Jen had offered to do something about it, Pia still refused. She knew Taehyung and she didn't want to upset him anymore or make her situation worst.

Here she was, coming face to face with him at the hallway.

Moving to stand before him, she looked up at his face which had contorted into anger, giving him a pleading look.

"What do you want? "

He snapped, nose flaring

"Your forgiveness Tae"

"Get out of my way "he grits out

"No, what should I do for you to forgive me? Should I die? "
She thinks she was too quick to ask that.

He stared at her hatefully, his glare not faltering. She was afraid of the reply she might get and when the words left his mouth, she could feel herself getting dizzy, stumbling back on her steps

"Yes , die, in fact, die for me . It is the only way you can show me how you've really changed . I want your sorry ass dead, in front of me"

He spat spitefully, her eyes rounded in size, she bit her button lip as he shoved past her, walking away, just like that .

And that very day, it happened. Taehyung's confession, became his possession.


I let the water run down my body, standing under the shower. I would hope it wouldn't just wash all the tears that kept running down my face but also, all the pain I felt inside.

I had said, I wouldn't give up on Taehyung, but, approaching him seems to worsen my case, what if I just stop? What if I would just leave, go far away and try to forget about it?

For a moment, I considered it until a voice nudged me, my inner self making me know how much of a selfish person I was right now.

We were just young, fifteen years when we felt the bond, but then, I was stupid, because I convinced myself I would be mated to Jungkook, my stupidity was the only thing that resided in me. It was all an infatuation.
All those years, I lived, ignoring Taehyung as if he didn't exist.

It must've hurt, now that I think about it. I hurt him, I deserved everything but if only he would just give me a chance, I wouldn't ruin that.

I knew, even if he hated me, he was still hurting, we were mates, we're supposed to be together.

Even if Taehyung wouldn't forgive me for me, he should just think about himself too, I didn't care if I was hurting but he was too, I was sure of it.

I had no excuse for my actions, I wouldn't dare have any.

After hours of standing under the shower, I finally felt the need to get out of it, crying wouldn't solve anything but it still hurts. He wants me dead, only then will he forgive me.

I was too deep in thought, while putting on a bathrobe, that I didn't notice the slight change in the atmosphere.

Were they back already?

Everyone had left the house, I was sure it was only I and Taehyung. Apparently, I don't now where they all went but I know Luna and Jungkook are out on a date as well as Jen and Hobi.

I couldn't help but to smile at how nice it must feel to have your mate take you on a date.

I was pulled out of my thought when I heard something crash, did someone knock something down?
I could hear numerous footsteps, almost unnoticeable.

I decided to go out of the bathroom and go and check.

The door made a creaking sound as I came out, warily, I prepared my mind for whatever was out there.
My heart was thumping loudly as I stepped out of the door.

Strange scents hit my nose

I scrunched my face
"What is--""

I was about to mumble the words when I felt a had clasp onto the mouth, another one circling my waist. It pulled me against the person, my squeak got muffled by the hand. I would've thought it was Taehyung if not for the fact that, I felt no tingles nor was the scent as intoxicating as his, woods and spice scent.
I grabbed the hand and tried to pry it off my mouth, struggling with whoever it was ,but the person wouldn't budge.

"Shhh, don't make a single sound or else it wouldn't be pretty "

The deep sinister voice whispered. I stopped struggling eventually, fear creeping in. He sounded so sadistic and intimidating.

He was obviously stronger than me.

"We got one? "

The door to my room opened and four muscular guys in all back, black masks and everything entered.
My eyes widened.


They looked so intimidating, they were vampires, since their eyes were red.

"Did you get any? "

Another guy asked, voice deep.

"No, it seems no one is home "

Another one answered

I shivered

"Where the fuck are those mongrels? "

One of them bellowed angrily, foot slamming into the side of my bed, I let out a low squeal.

"Calm down you fucker, we caught one "

The one who held onto me snapped, clearly annoyed.

My eyes continued to widen, I could feel every cell in me vibrating with fear.

They weren't going to kill me, were they?

"Is that her? "

One of them asked, eyeing me suspiciously.

"I don't know, but we should get rid of her, she might be the one "

I started to struggle, shaking my head as a sob ripped through.

"Stay still! "

The one holding me snapped, he clearly had a bad temper, but my determined self wouldn't listen, I was quick to step on his boot covered foot, he groaned in pain and released me. I turned around swiftly and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine ,causing him to fall back.

My luck run out too soon and then, a hand grabbed me. Soon I felt a certain stinging pain on the side of my neck, I let out a scream and fell to the floor onto my butt as a certain burn crept down my body, into my chest.

I looked back amidst my agony, one of the guys stood there smirking, holding a syringe in his hand.

"Silver is the best in disciplining bitches, don't you agree?"

I cried in pain and held the spot as the burn intensified. Falling to my side, I was getting paralyzed.

"Idiot, we were supposed to give her a slow and painful death! "

One of the guys calls out angrily

"Chill man, she won't die, it'll weaken her "

I whimpered, my nails scratching against the floor as the guy who held onto me appeared in my vision and grabbed my hair harshly.

"Bish, you fucking attacked me, you will regret it "
I felt a stinging pain at my left cheek, followed by another one, my head slammed onto the hard floor, leaving my vision blurring as sharp pain shot through my skull.

"Stop it, don't kill her already "

One guy grabbed his arm and yanked him backwards

"Before we kill you ... "

The same guy came foward, eyes glinting with mischieve as an insane smirk creeped on his lips.
I tried to crawl away but my body wouldnt move.

"Why don't we have a little fun with you? "

He laughed, the rest joining him. Grabbing my chin, I felt sick to the stomach as he began to trace his finger down  my neck.

I used all the strength in me to smack his sick hand away but it only earned me a hit in the stomach.

I coughed and held it, my breathing ragged.

"You stupid whore, how dare you?! "

He smiled .

"Anyway, you are quite a pretty one, I would have all the fun"

He was crazy, one moment he was smiling and the other moment, he was snapping.

"No.... "

I shook my head as I cried silently crawling away but it only made me feel dizzy.

I couldn't move, I was alone, was I going to die in the hands of these maniacs who I know won't take any pity on me?

Before I knew, they hand their dirty hands one me, holding my hands and legs down.


I began to struggle, thrashing around and screaming for help. Adrenaline kicking in.


I should've mindlinked someone when I had the chance, now that he injected me with silver, there was no strength to mind link. My vampire side wouldn't be out because he weakened it with silver.

I screamed and screamed as he got on top of me, even though he kept hitting me in the stomach, painfully when I wasn't allowing him.

There wasn't much I could do as their laughter got louder, mixing with my screams.

Moments, which felt like eternity, and then, he was now untying the robe.

My throat hurt , I was beginning to feel light headed until we heard a deep growl which made everything stop. They all removed their hands from me and I quickly clutched onto the robe, covering my chest which was almost exposed.

"Get your fucking hands off her if you want to live "

I felt relief crawl in my barely awake body as I heard Taehyung's voice.

They all seem to stand in a fighting stance at his appearance.

"Oh, what do we have here? Are you her saviour"

The mongrel who had now stood off me mocked and Taehyung growled at them.

I turned and met his gaze, blinking the tears from my eyes. His eyes seem to soften, for the first time, I saw an emotion in his eyes, I couldn't decipher but it was soft, it was warm, I liked it.

"Get away from her "

He snarled, averting his gaze to focus on the guys. I could see his fangs elongation, claws out and his eyes turning bloodshot red. Even though I knew he could handle them, I felt worried for him , these men were armed with guns and silver, what if they hurt him.

"Fight us "

They told him


I whispered weakly

"Or else, she'll be all ours "

That seem to snap and in a swift move, he grabbed the collar of the one who spoke and threw him to the far wall. The rest charged , it was then my vision began to blur, screams of pain, the sounds of crushing was mostly heard but when I opened my eyes, I saw one of them inject a similar syringe into his shoulder.

My heart stopped for a while as I watched him throw one of throw one of them after snapping their heads. He groaned and grabbed his shoulder, tears gathered in my eyes, I wanted to get up, I was trying but it was so I difficult.

Taehyung turned to look at the culprit who was smirking.

He growled, arched his back whiles stumbling to the wall and shaking his head as if trying to clear his vision.

"Taehyung "

I sobbed out, the guy who was the only one left brought out a gun from he back, pointing it at him.

My eyes widened and I gasped

"Any last words to say to him before I blow his heart and, head off with these silver bullets? "

He turned to me, and began to laugh manically.

I started sobbing, shaking my head

"No, no don't "

But of course, my pleadings went over the roof. It was as if everything began to slow, my gazes shifted to Taehyung who was glaring at the man and back to the man, I closed my eyes and gulped, trying to calm my breathing.

I'll have to save him, please, give me strength, I can't loose him, I have to make it up to him.

I opened my eyes and the idiot was slowly pulling the trigger.

"BANG! "

I didn't know how, or what happened next but before I knew, a loud bang echoed through the house, I was standing in front him, another bang came and then another.

We all froze, then the man was staring wide eyed, it went silent, I felt it, it was pain, something trailed down the robe I was wearing, causing my gaze to move down to myself,one bullet was straight in my chest, then two in my stomach.

I let out a gasp, not being able to breathe


Taehyung for a moment, sounded like he had gone mad, when he grabbed the man and separated his head from his body, blood spluttered all over his body as he threw the remainings aside aimlessly.

My legs began to wobble, it was shaking under me.
He turned to me,his body shaking,blood dripping down his face as his eyes changed to normal.

He stared at my frozen body wide eyed.

I couldn't say anything, my breath had hitched


I couldn't complete his name and the metallic taste of blood was felt in my mouth, it felt like water rushing out of my throat and before I knew, I was vomiting out a whole amount of blood.

I was falling, I closed my eyes, expecting to feel the hard impact but all I felt was a muscular arm wrap around my bloodied body.

He went along with me on the floor, I felt tingles all over my body, it was so new, it has been so long.
I began to breath heavily as he pulled me closer to him, his body craddling me to his chest..
I felt it, he was shaking, his breathing was loud as he hugged me to his chest.

Was that what it took to have him to touch me?

Hot tears slid from my eyes as I laid in his warm arms.

It felt so right, until now, I didn't know how much I was craving for this, it felt so good, he was finally paying attention to me, he was holding me, it felt so right and as I felt so sleepy right then, I was glad I was going to fall asleep in his arms, I was so glad.


Hey, y'all badasses, how was it? Did u guys like it? Will Pia die?

Mm.... I plan on making this ff as tragic as possible 😂

Sowwy for the cliffhanger, I felt so lazy to write this but its nice be done. I should just

make her die, then Luna too will die, then the ff will end 🙃.

Yh that's me, I'm evil 😈

Lol, anyway, sorry, I know I'm late for an update, I'm sorry, it's jux..... I dun know, maybe I'm uninspired, maybe I feel down but dun worry, I'll get back, I promise. I know I'm a cringy writer😂. I'm getting better ☺

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