
By PinkestSea

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[BOOK 1] {Fem! Reader} յɑѵíҽɾ × ɾҽɑժҽɾ Aeonian: lasting for an immeasurably or indefinitely long period of ti... More

💮Chapter 1: Promises💮
💮Chapter 2: Fleeting💮
💮Chapter 3: Cimmerian💮
💮Chapter 4: Latibule💮
💮Chapter 5: Resfeber💮
💮Chapter 6: Laotong💮
💮Chapter 7: Kairosclerosis💮
💮Chapter 8: Saudade💮
💮Chapter 9: Nepenthe💮
💮Chapter 10: Hiraeth💮
💮Chapter 11: Metanoia💮
💮Chapter 12: Naufragous💮
💮Chapter 15: Vorfreude💮
💮Chapter 13: Coddiwopple💮
💮Chapter 14: Tacenda💮
💮Chapter 16: Minutiae💮
💮Chapter 17: Operose💮
💮Chapter 18: Indisposition💮
💮Chapter 19: Enciente💮
💮Chapter 20: Euphoric💮
💮Chapter 21: Vexation💮
💮Chapter 22: Yen💮
💮Chapter 23: Bairn💮
💮Chapter 24: Serene💮
💮Chapter 25: Dinero💮
💮Chapter 26: Notionate💮
💮Chapter 27: Maravilla💮
💮Chapter 28: Cerca💮
💮Chapter 29: Muérgano💮
💮Chapter 30: Naissance💮
💮Chapter 31: Halcyon💮
💮Chapter 32: Lacuna💮
💮Chapter 33: Quiescent💮
💮Chapter 34: Minacious💮
💮Chapter 35: Alcazar💮
💮Chapter 36: Natsukashii💮
💮Chapter 37: Huir💮
💮Chapter 38: Vicissitudes💮
💮Chapter 39: Lo Siento💮
💮Chapter 40: Besa💮
💮Chapter 41: Insouciant💮
💮Chapter 42: Dejando💮
💮Chapter 43: Petrichor💮
💮Chapter 44: Whelve💮
💮Chapter 45: Ayuda💮
💮Chapter 46: Probity💮
💮Chapter 47: Juicio💮
💮Chapter 48: Nakama💮
💮Chapter 49: Kefi💮
💮Chapter 50: Mellifluous💮
💮Chapter 51: Mizpah💮
💮Chapter 52: Batalla💮
💮Chapter 53: Pérdida💮
💮Chapter 54: Curación💮
💮Chapter 56: Adiós💮
💮Chapter 57: Eudaimonia💮
💮Chapter 58: Familia💮

💮Chapter 55: Virago💮

97 5 0
By PinkestSea

I awoke to the sound of voices. 

"Y/N, Y/N are you here?!"


I picked Angel and Raul up and wiggled threw the small space, I fast-walked out of the cave and looked around. 

Tilly, Sadie, Arthur, and Javier were all yelling my name and looking around. "Y/N!" Sadie yelled sadly.

"I'm right here, guys." I replied relieved. "The Pinkertons stormed in. I thought I was a goner." I slowly walked over to the group. I looked around and noticed someone missing. "Where's Abigail?"

Tilly frowned. "The Pinkertons captured her, they're going to put her on a boat and try her for murder."

My eyes widened. "She was caught? We have to go save her."

Javier shook his head. "You aren't going. If the Pinkertons have her we have no chance of getting her. It'll bring more harm than good for us."

I pointed my finger at him. "You don't get to say that. You said it yourself, 'this gang is like family'. I'm not turning my back on family. Arthur, Sadie, and I are going to get Abigail back. 

"Y/N... John's dead." Javier revealed. 

I gasped. "He's... dead?"

"We lost him during the robbery, Dutch said so."

"That's even a bigger reason to go and get Abigail. Jack already lost a father, I'm not going to let him lose a mother."

I walked over to Tilly. "I really need you to do me a favor."

She nodded at me with a determined gaze. "Anything, Y/N."

"I need you to get these two to Valentine. Go to the bar and tell the bartender, that 'these are Y/N's kids and she needs you to watch them.' I passed her Angel and Raul. I watched as she, mis hijos, and Jack got on a horse.

Javier and Sadie were left to their own devices as Arthur and I talked to Tilly and Jack.

"Miss Tilly, here." Arthur grabbed a sack from his horse and placed it on Tilly's. "You take half of that and give the other half to the bartender to hold for Y/N. And take this." He handed her money from his pocket.

I shook my head. "You don't need to-"

"No, no. I'm giving it to you, Y/N. I can't use it, not where I'm going."

"Don't talk like that."

He looked back at Tilly. "Go to Valentine first, drop off Y/N's babies and then take Jack with you to Copper-" He covered his cough. "Copperhead landing. Wait for Abigail and Sadie there."

She nodded. "Okay, Arthur."

"You're a good girl... you live a good life now you hear?"

"Alright, Arthur. I'll...I'll miss-"

"Me too, sweetheart, me too."

I wiped the tears from my eyes. "I'll miss you too Tilly. You need anything, anything at all you come down to Valentine."

I could see the small shine in her eyes. "I'm holding you to that."

I gave her a small smile. "I know."

Arthur looked at Jack. "Jack, come here... be brave son. I'm gonna go get your momma."

With that, he swiftly walked away, and over to his horse. "Mrs. Adler... ride with me!"

"I'm coming with you, Arthur!" I walked over to my horse and hopped on. I checked my trusted shotgun and pocket for bullets. "Even though I know don't show it much, I care a lot about Abigail."

She was like a sister I never had, even though we bumped heads occasionally.

"I don't want you to get hurt. You're a mother now, Y/N." Arthur tried to reason.

"He's right, Y/N." Javier spoke up. "It's going to be dangerous."

"I've done a lot of dangerous things as a mother. I'm not going to stop because the stakes are high." I looked over to Javier. "After we get Abigail back. I'm coming back here to get my stuff." I sighed. "Today was too close of a call."

"Let's ride!"

The three of us started riding to the docks.

I hope that this is the last thing I have to do. 


On the ride there, we talked about a lot of things. We talked about Dutch and how he was endangering all of our lives. It wasn't a secret that Dutch was making bad decisions and what Arthur and Sadie were saying only confirmed it. We all talked about our futures too, and the futures we wished to give to those around us. When we finally got there, we ditched our horses and started to come up with a plan. 

"I think you should cover us, Arthur. Me and Y/N, should go and get her." Sadie immediately suggested. 

I nodded. "Yeah, we'll get Abigail." I gestured to him. "And you're the better shot. A real sharp shooter."

"That ain't what y'all mean." He said breathlessly. "I can still fight!" He pressed. 

Sadie came to stand next to me and pushed the rifle into his hands. "We know, Arthur. It's just... Do it my way, honey, its for the best." She pleaded.

"We just want to make sure that everyone goes home today." I placed my hands over the rifle and looked him in his tired eyes. "Just go somewhere high and watchout for us okay? We need you, Arthur."

"Please Arthur. Just go to the light house and cover us. Please."

He slowly nodded. "Okay."

He started running for the lighthouse. I went over to my horse and grabbed my shotgun before shooing Fuego. Sadie did the same and we started heading to the town. Sadie and I made quick work of most of the Pinkertons with Arthur's help. I wasn't lying when I said he was a sharp shooter. 

Arthur had cleared the perfect path for us, Sadie kicked the door in and I follow after her. 

Unfortunately, we were met with Pinkertons who were prepared for us. One of them immediately tried to wrestle the shot gun away from Sadie. I shot him in the arm before Sadie shot him in the leg. I huffed as I pointed my shot gun at another Pinkerton. 

"Give us the girl!" I demanded. "You can leave with your life if you just, give her to us."

The guy's eyes moved to behind me for a second, but I saw it. Before I could turn around I was met with a devastating blow to the head. My world went black.


I opened my eyes only to be faced with a dusty floor. I grimaced at the throbbing pain on the back of my head and tried to rub my head. 

I huffed in annoyance. 

I was tied up with a disgusting cloth in my mouth. 

I looked to the left of me and saw Sadie wriggling around in her bonds. 

"I find it amusing how ladies who cause so much trouble, can be taken care of so easily." I heard a voice say.

"Boss, do you think the rest of them are really coming for her?" 

"Yeah, we're trying to get the big fish. Not some of his underlings."

"Can you both shut the-"

Gunshots rang out in the air, before the sound of a familiar voice.

"Okay, ladies let's get out of here." I heard Arthur say before hearing the cutting of rope. 

I heard a click of a gun.

 I groaned internally, I wished that I could see what was going on. 

"Calm down, Mr. Morgan." I heard a voice say, probably one of the Pinkertons. Arthur started to cough. "That's quite a cough."

"Sure, Tuberculosis." Arthur said with another cough. His condition was getting worse.  "I'll be dead soon and you with me, Mr. Milton."

"You'll be dead, sure." Milton laughed. "But, I will be just fine." He declared confidently. 

"We offered you a deal, Mr. Morgan. You should have taken it."

I tried to reach for the knife in my back pocket. I could tell that Sadie and Abigail were struggling to get out themselves. 

Arthur sighed. "I'm a fool, Mr. Milton."

I felt the tip of my knife.

"Not all of you boys have been a pain. That old Micah Bell..." He trailed off.

Micah? What does Micah have to do with anything, besides being the devil on Dutch's shoulder? 

I grabbed my knife. 

"Micah?" Arthur gasped. "Don't you mean Molly?"

I gripped my knife and started cutting my ropes. 

"Molly O'Shea?" Milton repeated. "We sweated her a couple of times, she never talked a word. We had to let her go."

That sentence almost made me drop my knife. 

Molly died for no reason? 

Yes, she could be a drama queen but that didn't mean that she deserved to die. 

I cut away the rope on my feet.

"But Micah Bell. We had picked him up when you boys had come back from the Caribbean and he's been a good boy ever since."

I freed my hands and started working on Sadie's binds.

"Okay...okay." Arthur started to cough and wheeze. Then I heard a few footsteps. I could hear the struggle going on between Milton and Arthur. 

"You've lost your strength, Morgan."

I cut off the last bit of rope and Sadie went to go grab her weapon.

 "You're still yapping like a dog, Mr. Milton."

A gunshot rang out and I was scared to look for a second. I slowly turned around and saw Abigail holding a gun. I sighed in relief. 

"Horrible man." She spat before walking over to Sadie and me. "Are you guys okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah, but I'll be even better when we get out of here. If Micah is working with them they know where the camp is." I walked over to where they put our weapons and grabbed my shotgun. "We need to go. I have a very stupid man to get."

Abigail helped Arthur stand and we all ran out of the building. Abigail immediately started firing questions, which I didn't blame her for. She was kidnapped. 

Arthur, Sadie and I, quickly answered her questions as we ran over to the horses. Sadie and Arthur shared a horse, and me and Abigail shared Fuego. I sat behind her so I could shoot.

As expected, dozens upon dozens of Pinkertons followed us. Arthur and I quickly shot them down, unfortunately, they kept coming.  

After eventually getting rid of them, Abigail told us what happened. Her, Tilly, and Jack were walking outside of camp when they were picked up the Pinkertons. After a few minutes of riding, Arthur had asked us stop. He got off his horse and walked over to me and Abigail. He reached his arms up to helped her down. 

She stared at him before asking the question that we all dreaded hearing. "Where's John?" I instinctively looked away from her. How could we tell her he died?

"I don't.. I think." He reached up for her again. This time she accepted his help.

Sadie and I got off our horses and looked at the scene in front of us. "He..."

"What?" Her voice quivered. 

"He- He got killed or captured."

Abigail stared to break down, tears flowing from her eyes.

Sadie and I were immediately on her side to consoled her.

"I'm really sorry, Abigail."

For a second I thought that maybe Dutch was lying, but he surely couldn't lie about someone dying.


"Look at me, look at me. John... I want you to know this. He loved you." Arthur said. "He wasn't perfect, but he did love you. I wasn't on the train I didn't' see-"

"No." She cried. Sobs rocked her body.

"Listen..." He breathed. "We got Jack, he's safe."

I bit my lip as I looked at her expression, it lightened a little.

"Mrs. Adler will take you to him." He moved Sadie over to the horse. "Go on you gotta go."

Abigal looked at him tearfully. "Arthur, what are you doing?"

He coughed. "I got to have a little chat before I get much sicker."

I frowned as at looked at him. His skin looked pale and I could see it in his eyes. He had accepted his pending death.

"Oh Arthur..." She sadly looked away from him.

"Don't 'oh Arthur' me, neither of you three, not now." He lifted Abigal onto the horse. 

I held back my tears.   

He looked around at all of us. "The three of y'all are good women. Good people. The best." He looked at Abigail. "You go get that boy, there'll be time for sorrow later."

"If you both are heading back there..." She pulled a key out of her shirt. "Take this. I don't need this anymore."

I looked at the key. "What is that?"

"There's a chest in those caves. In the back to the left. Hidden under a wagon." She explained and handed the key to me."It has all the money we earned in it. I know John told you I knew where it was."

He looked at her in shock. "Abigail Roberts..."

She gave him a small smile and shook his hand. "I was always a good thief."

"That you was."

I smiled at the moment in front of me. It was nice and sweet.

This may be the last time I see all of them. 

"Go on get out of here." He let go of her hand. 

I slowly walked over to my horse. I paused before I looked at the two women I trusted my life with. "I'm going to be in Valentine for a few days after this. I hope you guys visit."

They gave me a smile. "You can count on it." Sadie said before her horse started to slowly trot away.

I watch tearfully before getting on my horse. I looked down at my hands. 

Will I really see them again?

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up and saw Arthur giving me a reassuring smile. "It's gonna be okay." 

I nodded and started moving.

"Are you sure you want to go back to camp?"

I looked at him in confusion. "Yes, I need to get my stuff and Javier."

He breathed. "I have a bad feeling. I can tell Javier anything you want to tell him."

I knew exactly what he was talking about. I could feel the same exact feeling too. It was feeling that gnawed at the back of my mind and created a pit in my stomach. I know something is going to happen. 

Still I have to go. Javier won't listen to reason from anyone. I was the best bet to get him to leave the gang. 

"I need to go." I said confidently. "He is rarely listening to me nowadays. It's going to take a lot for him to leave."









Heyyyy, its me back with another chapter.  Also, if you search up the title of this chapter I'm talking about the original noble definition. As you guys might be able to tell our story is slowly coming to a close. Writing this has been an amazing journey. I've been writing this for 2 years so... I'm a little excited.
~xoxo PinkestSea

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