Can't Buy My Love

CandaceNycole tarafından

159K 2.7K 266

Brynn's father sells her to his bosses son who's the highest bidder. will she fall in love with him? or end u... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 10

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CandaceNycole tarafından

Brynn’s POV:

“We need to get back to the house. You missed dinner and I had to lie to my family. Get up and lets go.” Payton said grabbing my arm.

“Hey, let her go!” Landon said getting in between us.

“Get out of my way.”

I twisted my arm out of Payton’s grasp, hurting myself in the process but I ignored the pain and glared at him. He thought he could just waltz in here and act all macho? He thought wrong.

“Excuse me? What you don’t want to look bad in front of your boys? You can’t handle your annoying bitch of a fiancée?” Payton’s face paled, “Didn’t think I heard did you? I have feelings you know. And now I have only one feeling for you…hate. So get out of my way. I’m taking Landon back to the house and you better pray that I don’t lose it and just leave.”

Payton glared at me, “You leave and I make one phone call and your little ‘relationship’ goes public. I’ll tell everyone you’re engaged and that you’ve been cheating on me with Ronan because he’s an easy fuck. Do you want that to happen? Do you not care about him as much as you say you do?”

He was going to blackmail me? I just wanted to hit him, and that’s what I did. I threw my arm back and hit him right in his nose. Sure, I hurt my hand in the process but his yelp made me feel all better.

“I’m going home. I don’t need to be blackmailed by you asshole.” I pushed past him and headed back to the house.  Payton caught up to me and grabbed my arm.

“You’re not going anywhere. I will make good on my threat. Everyone will think you’re a slut.” He tightened the grip on my arm and I turned to hit him again, this time he caught my fist.

“LET ME GO!” I shouted, struggling against his strong grasp. I was about to scream again when Payton was tackled from behind causing us both to fall down. I flinched as I landed on a sharp rock.  Blood was dripping down my arm from where the cut was but I ignored it as I watched Payton and Landon fight. Landon had the upper hand and hit Payton in his nose. Payton fought back throwing back his fist and upper cutting Landon with enough force as possible causing Landon to fall back.

This was getting out of control. I tried to get in between them but they both pushed me away. “Hey! Stop!” I screamed over and over. They both ignored me. I decided the only way to stop them was to scare them. I let out a breathy sigh before grabbing my head and pretending to faint.

They stopped fighting as soon as my body made a thud noise on the ground. It hurt but it was effective.

“Brynn? Brynn, sweetie? Wake up. Wake up, NOW!” Landon shouted pushing the hair out of my face and checking my pulse.

I smiled up at him, “Finally, you stopped fighting! Now, come with me and help me pack. Then we can get your stuff around.” I got up and ignored a glaring Payton. On the way back to the house Landon and I talked about how long he’s wanted to see his dad, and from what I found out Jonathan hasn’t visited him since the day he dropped Landon off here 4 years ago.

It made me sad that someone would just force a kid out of their lives like they didn’t exist. At least his dad let him know that he would be ignoring him for the rest of his life. I never got the heads up.  We got to the house and it was dark and quiet inside. Landon and I went to the guest room and started to pack my clothes after we were finished we packed his stuff.

 When my stomach growled Landon smiled, “I’ll go get you something to eat. Follow me.”

Landon made us sandwiches and we ate in total silence. Finishing quickly Landon followed me up to the guest room and helped me pack. Payton sat there with a glare set on his face and we ignored him. When we finished in there we went to his room to pack all of his things.

“Thanks for doing this for me.” Landon said as we packed the last of his things.

I smiled, “No problem. I love helping people out…and pissing people off.” Landon laughed and hugged me. Taking me completely off guard. We said our good nights and parted and I headed back to the room.

Payton was still sulking when I came into the room. I sat on the bed and turned on the television to watch Degrassi and Payton just stared at me. “Look, I’m sorry. For talking like that with the guys and for threatening you. I just need you here…okay?” Payton said softly.

I frowned at him, “Not okay. I’ve made up my mind. Tomorrow morning I’m leaving. You can stay and hang out with your family but I don’t want to stay in a place where someone is forced to work in stables because he’s ‘not good enough’ for a family. So please don’t try to change my mind.”

“I will tell him, Brynn. I swear to God I will tell him everything.” Payton said so quietly he sounded almost evil. He wouldn’t do it right?

“Bite me.” I muttered, flipping off the TV and going to sleep. Landon and I had an early flight tomorrow.

Payton’s POV:

Brynn was making this ten times harder than it had to be. All she fucking had to do was just stay here the rest of the weekend and go home…without that prick Landon. I didn’t want to tell Ronan, but she left me no choice. She belongs with me. And only me. I heard her light snores and I looked down at her.

Ronan wouldn’t believe me if I just told him, I needed evidence. I grabbed my phone and snapped a picture of me kissing Brynn. Thankfully she didn’t wake up so I quickly snapped another picture of the engagement ring. I didn’t feel good about doing this but she left me no choice.


“They taped over your mouth, scribbled out the truth with their lies. Your little spies. They taped over your mouth, scribbled out the truth with their lies. Your little spies.” Brynn’s alarm was going off.

I groaned and saw Brynn get up to get in the shower. When the door was closed I grabbed her phone and copied Ronan’s number. I wanted her to stay, yet she wouldn’t listen. I didn’t want to get married either but she didn’t make anything easy.

I was angry that she wouldn’t even take a chance on me.  Brynn came out of the bathroom fully dressed and stared at me, “I’m leaving now. I’ll see you Sunday?” She asked.

I couldn’t help but frown; she was doing this to herself. “Fine.” I said, curtly.

And with that she left, with Landon. Back to her house in LA…little did she know I was going to have a little surprise there for her. I quickly sent both pictures to Ronan.

“ I don’t know you. But Brynn’s my fiancée. Stay away from her. She’s only sleeping with you because she said you were and easy lay.”

Thank God, I wasn’t going to be home when this went down.

Brynn’s POV:

The plane ride back home was quick and quite. Payton was pissed when Landon and I left, especially since I left him to explain to his family why I took off. When we landed I remembered that Payton had the keys to his car so we took a cab home. I couldn’t wait to just go home and shower. I was tired and miserable. I looked out the window and broke out into a sweat as we rounded the corner to my house.

I saw Ronan’s car before we even pulled into my driveway. He did it. Payton really called Ronan. I had to explain. I had to explain this was one big mess. The cab parked and I got out and nearly sprinted to him. Ronan turned around and glared at me. I stopped a few steps in front of him.

“Are you cheating on me?” He demanded softly. I could see the hurt in his eyes and I knew that he wasn’t going to believe anything that I was about to say.

“Ronan, I- you- I just-” I stuttered.


I flinched, “Not technically.”

“Not technically?” He mocked my tone and glared at me. “So who is Payton and why did he send me a picture of you and him in bed kissing? Huh? Is that why you went away? To hang out with your other boyfriend? You’re just like Melissa, you bitch about how no one likes or respects you and it’s because you’re a slut. A mean, ugly slut. I never, ever want to see you again. I hate you. I was delusional to think that I might actually love you.”

I stood there in shock. My whole life was crumbling around me. Ronan hated me. He said I was like Melissa. I didn’t say anything as he stormed off to his car.

“Oh, and nice engagement ring.” He said snidely before getting in the car.

Bentley came out a few seconds later, “What the hell was all that commotion?” He looked at me and didn’t even ask, before pulling me into his arms. That’s all it took and eleven years of tears flew out of me. I cried for the fact that my mother hated me, that my dad sold me off, that I was getting married to someone I despised, that I lost the love of my life. Everything.

I didn’t, I couldn’t listen to anything anyone was saying and I soon found myself in Bentley’s bed, wrapped in blankets. I hated Payton; he ruined everything good in my life. I couldn’t even stand to see his face, if he ever decided to show up. Carter was right; I was being greedy by not telling Ronan and leading him on like that. I was so careless; I didn’t care about anyone else. I was only thinking of my gain. Now I would have to suffer a miserable marriage…if Payton lives to see the day.

Carter’s POV:

The front door slammed loudly causing mom’s favorite picture to fall of the wall. Fantastic, she is going to scream about it when she sees what the asshole did now. Ronan stormed past me and knocked everything off the desk, minus the computer.

“What the hell is your problem?” I shouted, Ronan’s fists clenched, he was looking for a fight.

“She’s a lying slut.” He said angrily.


Ronan clenched his fists tight, “Brynn is a dirty, lying slut. She’s engaged. She was dating me while she was engaged with someone else…who cares if we dated a few days but we were kinda dating way before that. Now I can’t even look at that lying, scummy, slut.”

Even though blood is thicker than water I snapped and knocked him clear off his feet.  Ronan just stared at me as he laid there holding his jaw. I could see that the total ass didn’t let her explain before hurting her feelings. How did he even know that she was engaged to Payton? Brynn wasn’t planning on telling Ronan anytime soon.

“Don’t talk about her like that. You have no idea what she is going through!”

Ronan rolled his eyes, “Oh and you do?”

“She was sold into marriage. Her dad has a gambling problem and he sold Brynn to Payton. But you didn’t let her explain did you? You probably said something stupid and ruined every chance of her ever loving you the way she did. If she had had a choice, she would have chose you before she heard who the other guy was. But you being the jerk you are ruined it.”

I ran out of the house and jumped in my car, it took me a few minutes to get to her house and I ran inside. Brynn was probably devastated. She loved Ronan. “Where is she?”

Bentley looked at me and pointed upstairs, “She’s in my room. She probably won’t let you in. She’s been crying.” He said, his hand clenching tighter.

She never cried, it’s been eleven years since she’s cried. I hated Ronan for what he did to her. I took the stairs two at a time and ran into Bentley’s room. I heard her sniffles and my heart clenched. I couldn’t handle it; I kicked off my shoes and moved her over. She fought me first, hitting my chest in pure anger. I let her get all her anger out and when she gave up I pulled her into my arms.

“Who told him?” I asked after a while.

Brynn sniffled again and try to take a deep breath, “P-Pay-” that’s all she said before breaking down into more tears.

“Payton? It was Payton?” I asked, more to myself. Brynn nodded in my chest and I swore. I was going to kill the douche for hurting Brynn. For ruining the only good thing in her life. Brynn finally cried herself to sleep and I pried myself out of her grasp and went to find Bentley. Instead I found some guy standing outside the door.

“Who are you?” I asked looking him over.

He held out his hand, “I’m Landon Emerson; I’m the legitimate son of Jonathan. Tessa’s my step-mother.”

I stared at his hand until he dropped it. He didn’t remind me of Payton, but I just didn’t really like him.

“So, you’re that guys brother right?” He asked staring at me.

“Yeah, unfortunately. I’m Carter. So where did they even find you?”

“More like, I found Brynn. She was miserable and she was petting a horse in a stable that I used to take care of and I scared her out of her wits, purely on accident, and we talked. We talked about everything. It felt good.” He smiled warmly.

I raised my eyebrow, “So, what did you talk about?”

“My family, her family. Your brother and how much she loved him. She loves him a lot. And then Payton walked in, ruining Brynn’s mood and he grabbed her and tried to make her move. She yelled at him and said she was going home, and taking me, and he said if she left he would tell your brother all about how she’s a, these are his words not mine, ‘slut’. We didn’t believe he’d stoop that low but he did.”

I rubbed my forehead, I couldn’t believe, no that was a lie, that asshole totally would do something like that.

“I’m going to kill him.” I muttered, walking downstairs.

“Get in line. Bentley called dibs.” Landon said from behind me.


It felt like hours as Bentley, Landon and I sat in the living room and waited for Payton to show up. Brynn’s parents and the Emerson’s went out to have a business dinner, and everyone else was out. Payton had a whole lot of punishment he needed to receive. We sat in silence and in complete darkness as we continued to wait; taking turns checking on Brynn. I was about to get up to check on Brynn when I heard the key slip in the lock. We got up and walked to the entrance of the living room. We watched as Payton grabbed his bags and brought them inside, dropping them to close the door.

Bentley couldn’t wait and he walked into the hallway, “It’s about time.”  We closed in on him and I bet he didn’t feel so tough now.


Rachel found some tense errors but because I needed to put this up I didn't change it. The chapters are going to start coming slower because I start my next semester Monday. don't forget to comment and vote.

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